Reinhardt Hargrave
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Birthday: Season of Summer, Day 02, 497 A.V.
Birthplace: Shinyama, Lhavit
Appearance: What do you look like? Try to avoid things like "this character is beautiful" because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Stick to the basics and let the reader decide if they are attractive or appealing on their own. A bad description is "John Doe is a handsome fellow." Why? Everyone has their own definition of 'handsome' and you are thereby forcing your view on a reader as a writer. A good description is "John Doe is a tall fellow with a lanky build. He has short brown hair that is usually messy. His eyes are hazel and tend to twinkle with good humor which is also mirrored in the laugh lines on his face." You get the idea. (HELPFUL HINT, Please Remove)
✨Character Concept✨
What is the core abstract of your character? What can you briefly sum them up as? (HELPFUL HINT, Please Remove - Remember that Syka is a very new and very small settlement. Make sure you are able to answer the following questions if you wish your character to start here:
- Does my character have the skills to survive here?
Does my character have the equipment to survive here?
How is my character getting here? Be realistically creative.
What can my character's presence contribute to the setting?
What is my motivation for my character being here?
What does my character want out of his/her Syka experience?)
✨Character History✨
Here's your chance to go crazy. Write as little or as much as you want. Remember a lot of players opt to fill in character history after they've got a few threads under their belt and a better feel for the PC. (HELPFUL HINT, Please Remove)
Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Isur
Poor Language: Shiber