[Verified by Gossamer] Lance Windhelm

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Lance Windhelm

Postby Lance Windhelm on October 22nd, 2023, 12:00 pm

Lance Windhelm


Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Birthday: 20, Winter, 492.
Birthplace: Zeltiva
Gnosis Mark: (1st) Rhaus

Lance has long brown hair, it would fall to his shoulders if it wasn’t usually tied up in a pony tail. His skin has been kissed by the sun, brown and weathered. Lance has the body frame of a soldier, wide shoulders and rough hands. His eyes are green. He has a scar on his left arm that stretches from his palm to his elbow. An unfortunate accident while chopping wood. He likes to wear a wide brimmed hat, also dark in color. He stands 5’ 8”. Boots the same dark leather as his coat, they go up to the middle of his shin. He is fit, though not the best-looking man around, nor does he wish to be.

Character Concept

Emotions, some are so fleeting it would take only the keenest of people to examine them before they pass by, others are so deep and scaring that they shape who the person is, or who they will become. Lance considers himself a Student of the Masses. He likes to dig and learn, and he likes to implant said emotions into people, to see their reactions. Tears, laughter, and even anger, they reveal a lot about people.

He wants to make people happy and at the end of the day he wants to make the world a better place. Though, deep down, Lance is in search for what would make him truly happy, a family, not one that is biological, but friendships that expand across time and space. Sometimes the a deep longing to be known, to have a legacy, over-reaches it’s position in his subconscious. This shows itself in his writings and confident facade. He moves about the world in search of things that would make him known, but tells himself it is simply to make people happy.

Since he was a young man he has enjoyed telling stories, and it has only been recently that it has provided coin. He comes up with them on his own and if he can will take and tell them from the histories. People want to hear the lofty stories, kings a queens, about warriors on the battle field, and good vs evil. Stories that give them something lofty to point for. If you ask Lance, they are just the same story told different ways. He likes to spin a little humanity into them, maybe that is why he thinks he’s so popular.

Character History

Winter 492
Lance was born into his family in Zeltiva. He has one brother and two sisters, all older than him. Their names are Richard, Sofia, and Sephoria. All born to be merchants like their father, or sailors like their mother. But Lance had different plans.

Summer 507
A fifteen year old Lance runs about the docks and plays with his friends. They all keep to their family groups, of course, and when all alone, Lance looks off into the distance, off into the ocean, and thinks about his future. Idle hands are the devils work place, when alone, Lance would get himself into trouble. He would steal things from the small shops, nothing of too big importance, an apple here, a copper coin there. Seeing the poor people around moved Lance, he started to collect their stories, to tell their tales. He came to see how some of the most heroic people, came from the dirtiest cloth, that of the poor. A man that gave his last coin to feed a fellow worker. In the heat of the day, a women giving her last sip of water to a needy child. He decided to tell their stories.

Summer 510
Lance draws a crowed at a tavern for the first time. He told the story of one of his favorite childhood heroes, a tale of a Svefra sailor who sacrificed himself to a group of pirates to protect others. He drove his ship into the on coming attack, destroying it in the process, he almost drowned, but then was swept up from the water by a young lady. He often gave the character the name, Lady My'Aah. The sailor falls in love with her. Though, she was already promised to another. The sailor stayed at her side till his death. Always loyal, always loving, always protecting.

Spring 512
Lance has an accident. He is twenty years old now, he is helping his father cut wood for the kitchen. While taking a step over a small pile of brush he trips, the blade of the axe lands upright, his palm catches it. The momentum of his body pushes the blade up his arms, the bones in his elbow catch it before it can cut into his biracial artery. His father didn't see it happen, but when he find him laying in a pool of his blood he wraps his arm and takes him to a healer. The scar is thick and dark. It healed without too many complications, but the healers did all they could about how it turned out looking. Lance thought it was funny, his father never invited him to cut wood again.

Winter 518
People become his favorite pastime. He watches the captains of the vessels, how they move and order people about. How every word was, "right". It didn't matter if the command would bring the ship to ruin, the ship was at his will, the captain was God, the sailors his subject, if something bad happened, it is simply the will of, "god". Lance practiced this, he would pretend to be the most stern of captains.

Summer 522
Lance decides to leave home. His family is loving, but being a merchant didn't seem to be for him. He would go and travel the world. Study the people. Tell their tales. He will leave his mark on humanity, a mark of kindness, one that brings joy to all, and one that will hopefully line his pockets. His sisters try their best to talk him out of it. They say how much fun he can have on the ships, how many ladies he might have at port. His brothers shares an ale with him for the last time, no words were spoken, only a stern look, a pat on the back, and a toast, "Live long, be happy, and remember." His father was also one of few words in his older age, he gave him a nice, manly hug, and sat his thick dark leather, wide rimed hat on his head, "be good." After he leaves, Lance picks up the flute for the first time. He quickly falls in love with it. He notices that most of his time is spent playing it, many things fall to the wayside. It isn't till then that he realizes that he has to make money somehow that he combines his skills into a type of performance.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Fratava
Poor Language: Char


Please list skills in alphabetical order by competency

Skill EXP Total Proficiency Original Distribution
Anthropology 5 5 Novice 5 SP
Larceny 5 5 Novice 5 SP
Observation 5 5 Novice 5 SP
Performance 20 20 Novice 20 RS/SP
Play Musical Instrument: Flute 25 25 Novice 25 SP
Storytelling 5 5 Novice 5 SP


Storytelling: How to draw the crowd
Leadership: Using commanding speach


1 Set of Clothing
1 Set of Leather Armor
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat
-Boots, high
-weapon harness
1 Waterskin
-key, good
1 Backpack which contains:
-2 wooden daggers
--Comb (Wood)
--Brush (Wood)
--Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
--1 eating knife
--Flint & Steel
1 Chest, Large which contains:
--Book, blank
--Musical Book
--Flute, Metal (in good case)
--ink (black)
--3 Quill
--3 Candle
-Lock, good (on chest)

Heirloom: Large rimmed hat, dark leather


Location: Sunberth

House: RENTING AT The Drunken Fish, Single room apartment with a bed, table, a couple chairs, wardrobe, and complimentary chamber pot.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +600 GM 600 GM
Boots, High -5 SM 598 GM 15 SM
Book, Blank -3 GM 595 GM 15 SM
Ink (Black) -1 GM 594 GM 15 SM
Quill x3 -15 CM 594 GM 5 SM 85 CM
Candle x3 -3 CM 595 GM 5 SM 82 CM
Chest, Large -2 GM 553 GM 5 SM 82 CM
Good Lock and Key -120 GM 433 GM 5 SM 82 CM
Flute, Metal -15 GM 418 GM 5 SM 82 CM
Instrument case, Good -8 GM 410 GM 5 SM 82 CM
Musical Book -4 GM 406 GM 5 SM 82 CM
The Training Ground expenses -7 GM 5 SM 399 GM 82 CM
Longsword -15 GM 384 GM 82 CM
Dagger -2 GM 382 GM 82 CM
Weapon Harness -5 GM 377 GM 82 CM
1 Longsword Scabbard -4 GM 373 GM 82 CM
1 Dagger Scabbard -2 GM 371 GM 82 CM
x2 Wooden Practice Daggers -1 GM 370 GM 82 CM
1 set of Leather Armor -10 GM 360 GM 82 CM
Short Bow -30 GM 330 GM 82 CM
Short Bow Arrows (20) -1 GM 329 GM 82 CM
Quiver -20 GM 309 GM 82 CM

Gnosis Mark: Rhaus (One Mark)
"First level bards, The Marked, automatically receive the gifts of Listening, Relative and Absolute Pitch, and Resonance. In terms of listening, bards can ‘hear’ within 50 feet of their location. And they can resonate with things they can ‘hear’ or see. While marked bards at a singular mark do not have access to Ultrasound and Acoustic Projection, they do have a limited capacity with Infrasound. Their infrasound can travel upwards of a mile and gives them a taste of what higher marked bards can do. Bards at this level can perform mimicry and cancel sound. Marked musicians tend to play beautifully and pick up new forms of music quickly due to their understanding of Relative and Absolute Pitch, Ultrasound and Infrasound."
Last edited by Lance Windhelm on November 11th, 2023, 6:01 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Lance Windhelm
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Joined roleplay: October 21st, 2023, 7:51 pm
Race: Human
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Lance Windhelm

Postby Lance Windhelm on October 25th, 2023, 2:35 pm

Character Name

Thread List

10th of fall, 523: Through a mean place



Flash back: 21st of spring 523: A Knife in The Side
Last edited by Lance Windhelm on November 11th, 2023, 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lance Windhelm
Posts: 61
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Joined roleplay: October 21st, 2023, 7:51 pm
Race: Human
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Lance Windhelm

Postby Lance Windhelm on October 28th, 2023, 11:16 am

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Lance Windhelm
Posts: 61
Words: 74164
Joined roleplay: October 21st, 2023, 7:51 pm
Race: Human
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