Closed A Shift of Fall[Evalynn]

Moritz and Evalynn pass time moving between cities...

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

A Shift of Fall[Evalynn]

Postby Moritz Craven on November 4th, 2023, 3:30 pm

Letting out a sigh Moritz shook his head, trying to think back on what he had said and what Evalynn had done. He was unsure if it been his mistake, or his students. At the moment he had no clue, and so only more information would clear things up. Still, the Kelvic was left to ponder how things could have gone so wrong from what he had said.

Squeezing her hand in return Moritz tried to calm the Vantha down, but she was certainly worked up over whatever had happened. Once she did further explain it seemed pretty clear what had gone wrong, leaving him to shake his head again.

"Evalynn... I said a nice calming thing. Something neutral would maybe work, but if possible good and calming. How was what you imagined, a seeming traumatic memory or place, calming? No wonder if went so badly. Next time you try it needs to be CALMING... Not upsetting or something you feel strongly about. Just think of an empty room, or a basic room at an inn you have stayed at before, something like that. Nothing you feel strongly one way or the other, just a nice calming image in your mind."

Still confused how Evalynn had gotten to where she had from what he had said Moritz tried to ponder further, but in the end was forced to moved on from it as it did not in the least seem clear.

"Breathing is fine. And if you don't want to see anything, then just see nothing. Focus on emptiness, or a blank void in your mind. Breath evenly, close your eyes, and focus on that. That seems a simple enough thing. Just focus on nothing, and empty your mind. If specific images, landscapes, or places does not work for you, just focus on nothing next time, alright?"

Once that topic was resolved and they moved on to other things Evalynn brought up earlier topics they had discussed, which left Moritz to ponder things again. He had told her a bit about what they were doing there, but the Kelvic realized she clearly still had questions. Pausing to think over how he should respond Moritz took a bit to think before saying anything.

"I think I may have explained it before, but I am not sure how in depth we went. For starters, as with any place, we will just be trying to find a safe place to hold up. A safe inn, some place to work and make money, that sort of thing. Once we do that we can try and learn more about the place, and dig in more. Eventually, once we know where is safe or not, and we have the funds, we could look into finding a making a home. But probably not right away, since we would have no idea how to get a place built, who to go to, where it should be, or those types of things. As for making a family... It does not matter where we are, I will do everything I can to keep you safe. And the same holds true for any children we have. "

Pulling Evalynn in close Moritz moved around her till he was facing her and moved to give her a light kiss before meeting her eyes in a deep gaze and pressing for a more firm kiss.

"For making a family though, that is not exactly something were we can just have the kid when we are ready. I mean, it takes time, and might not work for awhile. So nothing wrong with starting to try now. And nothing wrong with both of us enjoying the process... I want you to be happy and enjoy it as much as I do, whatever I need to do to make sure you are full of bliss. I think I could manage two, three times a day. I am not really sure how often you want or need to be fulfilled. But I am sure we can work it out."

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A Shift of Fall[Evalynn]

Postby Evalynn Frostfawn on November 11th, 2023, 3:33 pm

The instructions for breathing were easier to execute than the meditation process. She didn't have to let down any walls to find a peaceful place, just had to breathe. She could do that, in fact, as she stood with Moritz, she focused on her breathing. Taking in the cool air and letting it out slowly. Focusing on her rapidly breathing heart and listening to it slow down as she did so. This seemed much easier now that she thought about it and wondered why she couldn't do a deeper meditation. She was in her head a bit before Moritz talked about their plans in Sunberth and how finding a place to stay and a job would be crucial. She couldn't agree more, and nodded to his response, a faint blush rising on her cheeks from him mentioning protecting her.

“I agree. We should be able to live comfortably in an inn and save up pretty fast if we live on a frugal budget. I don't know what line of work I will be able to take, since my last job was being a potter.” Eva chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck, feeling that it was warm to the touch. “You won't have any issue with finding a job quickly. You're exceptionally talented.” She wanted to shower him with compliments, and was about to add on to it when he pulled her in.

He gave her a light kiss and she looked up at him before also leaning into his much firmer kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled afterwards, blushing from happiness. She may have been ignorant to a lot of things in the world, but one thing she wanted to remember was the feeling she got from being around Moritz. Getting to talk to him and be in his presence gave her a comfort she had never experienced before. Being allowed to be herself and not feel like she was on eggshells about her identity was also a nice perk. However, she felt like that was more because Moritz also didn’t know about the bounty of the Vanthas and just went with the flow. It wasn't a bad thing to be around though, and hoped that if she was to ever be hunted, that we would help her out as much as she would him.

“O-oh, uh, I am not sure how many times I can go. I have never really tried anything until I met you.” Her blush got more prominent on her cheeks and she felt sheepish thinking about him. She smiled at that thought and wondered how many times it would happen. “Though, I was very happy experiencing these things. And want to also fill you with as much bliss and happiness that you give me. So, if we started now I wouldn't have any complaints.” Was she rambling? It felt like she was! She touched his cheek and her expression softened. “You deserve every ounce and every second of it all.”

Eva leaned up to give him a kiss and fluffed up his hair playfully. There was so much she was ready to experience with him that she couldn't fit it all within her body. But for now, she should live in the moment.

“When we do have a child, what would you like to name it? I am very curious about your thoughts on these future plans.”

WC: 568

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Evalynn Frostfawn
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A Shift of Fall[Evalynn]

Postby Moritz Craven on November 12th, 2023, 3:12 am

Moritz waited patiently as Evalynn tried again, working to calm her breathing as he had said. While it was not the meditation he had originally mentioned which she had gone off topic on in her mind, it was still her trying to calm and center herself a bit by measured breathing. If nothing else she was focusing on her breathing and not other distracting or alarming things, which seemed to be working to calm her a bit... At least he started to tease at her a bit with his lips.

Tracing her lips with one of his fingertips he smiled at Evalynn, before kissing her neck softly with several quick motions in an attempt to fluster her. Sitting there with her he himself was growing heated as topics turned to more personal things and he tried to elicit a reaction from her.

"As long as we are together, I think things will work out. I will make sure they do. I have some savings anyways, so even if we cannot find a place to work right away we should be fine. Though I will try and find a job either way to make sure we have money coming in. And honestly, I am not that talented. I am decent at a few things, like getting into fights and such, and avoiding getting hit, but other than that I am not really that skilled at anything. No where near any of my former teachers or masters. I do not really have any trade or such... Well other than being decent at cooking. Though perhaps being good at fighting itself might be useful for a job..."

Moritz was happy to see that Evalynn had leaned into his kiss in response, seemingly hungry for his embrace and kiss, and he in turn was just as hungry for her. Pulling her in close yet again he let one of his hands roam up and down her side till it finally rested on her hip, as he pushed in with his lips once more in a more drawn out contact.

Once they parted Moritz caught his breath while giving Evalynn a chance to do so as well, grinning at her as he replied to her comment.

"I have never tried anything with anyone before you either. Not even a real proper kiss. But when I see you... I do not really need to think, and my actions just seem... Right... Or... Instinctive... I am not sure on time or numbers, but I am willing to try to find out if you are. And I will do my best to make sure you finish for every time I do. I love nothing more than to see that look on your face of bliss when you are in that moment and reach that place... "

When Evalynn suddenly changed topics back to an earlier one, from one of ardor to children, Moritz paused for a bit, uncertain on how to respond.

"I am not really sure. I have not really thought much on names before. As long as it is our child, I think I am fine with whatever name that is decided on. But I think you might be a bit out of order... Before we name the baby, I think we need to fill your belly with one."

Grabbing with his one hand on her hip Moritz pulled Evalynn up against him, pressing in tight as he placed his lips lovingly on hers once more today and clearly hungry for more.

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