A Home for Herbs (Moritz)

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A Home for Herbs (Moritz)

Postby Maya Frostfawn on November 7th, 2023, 4:29 am

Timestamp: Fall 21, 523 AV

Maya hadn't been working for the good doctor at the Clinic long, but she had the sense that it would be best to forge her own path within the city, a rival Clinic, perhaps, as soon as she had the supplies and was otherwise able. As soon as she had learned what she could from him to better herself and the service she could provide to anyone who walked through her door. To that end, she decided that she would start growing herbs to build up her supply, and to maintain a steady supply of medicines and things to use on her customers, even though she lacked gardening experience. She couldn't imagine maintaining a garden was difficult, especially when she had all the time in the world to focus on it. Being, however, that she hadn't been in the city particularly long and wanted the extra protection in a city that was boiling over with danger, she decided she would go to Mortiz for assistance. For, not only could he protect her from danger as he had done previously, but he could probably help her from getting cheated by greedy merchants. With her mind set, she began her preparations to venture into the outside world with any degree of safety. She would conceal the nature of her sickly skin to the best of her ability, conceal her body in the shadows and folds of her dark attire, and then set out into the world.

She began by setting her mirror down on the table at an angle where she could easily study herself, before setting her disguise kit beside it and taking a seat in front of everything. Another moment and she had opened the kit and begun surveying its numerous contents. She quickly pulled out a few makeup brushes, some foundation, blush, eyeshadow, kohl. Rouge, and set them down in front of the kit where they would be within reach. As soon as she had finished, she opened her foundation, picked out a makeup brush, dabbed it in the foundation, and then brushed the foundation over her cheeks, chin, and forehead. When she was done applying it, she brushed the foundation over her face until she had covered every inch, with the exception of her eyes themselves. Then, she repeated the process with her hands and wrists, which would also be exposed to unwanted attention and prying eyes. As soon as she was done with the foundation and given it a moment to dry, Maya opened her container of blush, reached for a clean makeup brush, and rubbed that into the blush. It was a pale pink that should add life to her cheeks, she felt as she brushed it onto her flesh, making it appear far more natural than it had been moments before. Next, she applied some eyeshadow to the back of her eyes; it was a pale pink that reminded her of a tulip's early blooms. Then, she carefully lined her eyes with kohl, extending the line a little past her lids in the cat's eye fashion. Finally, she reached for her rouge. She opened the container, stuck her finger inside until it was blood-soaked, and ran her finger around the line of her lips until they were a deep shade of crimson. When she was done, she dabbed the excess on the inside of her dress, stretched the foundation over her newly-exposed skin with her makeup brush, and then set everything down and took a moment to survey herself.

Maya realized that she looked far more lively than before, but was still struggling to apply makeup well. It was as though she were a teenager first learning to apply makeup and not someone of her advanced years. She turned her face from left to right, studying each angle to make sure there was no exposed skin. She didn't notice any if there was any, and content that her work would pass, that she would appear human enough, she decided to take a few more moments to adjust her attire before finally heading out into the mean streets of Sunberth to make her way to Moritz's abode. He had mentioned its location during their previous encounter, and although she was still hazy on some of the details, she supposed she would be able to find it given enough time, and she had all the time in the world, so no worries there. Another moment, and she had pulled her hood high over her head, casting her face in shadow. Another, and she had pulled her sleeves down as far as they would go, obscuring part of each of her hands from view. Another moment to study herself in the mirror and confirm she was good to go before she rose from her table, grabbed her things, and made her way outside. She was greeted by the sun's light, which cast long shadows across the earth and warmed her exposed skin. A cool breeze that rustled her clothes as she locked the door behind her and began heading in the direction she was pretty sure Moritz's home lay.

She walked through the city in silence, fighting the urge to keep her head down, as she listened to the sound her footsteps made as they shuffled across the earth, leaving thin clouds of dust in their wake. She could hear a mixture of screams, fighting, and laughter in the distance, which was not distant enough for her liking, and did her best to ignore it and move on. After a few hours of walking, she came to the edge of town and what she assumed to be Moritz's house, for there wasn't another in the immediate vicinity she could have confused it for. "Moritz," she called to him as her eyes danced over the sight of his house, unsure what to make of it, although certain it was far nicer than the flat she had left behind. "I have a favor to ask of you," she continued as she came to the door and knocked, awaiting a reply. She would continue speaking only if he appeared. And if he didn't; she would wait for him to arrive.

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A Home for Herbs (Moritz)

Postby Moritz Craven on November 11th, 2023, 10:08 pm

21 Fall 523

Moritz was busy training when he heard someone calling his name. Before this occurred he was once more in the training room and working on another one of his skills. At the moment this was his bow usage, something he had not worked on in awhile and knew he needed to keep up with. And so he pulled out his bow from where it was stored - magically in a charm but that was not something he let others in Sunberth see - and was quick to pull out his quiver of arrows to sit beside him. These were stored more normally, kept in a spot in his room, and brought in along with the Kelvic. At the moment he was shoeless, just wearing the one piece button up suit that he almost always wore and which said his name on the front when worn properly.

Once the bow was in hand the Kelvic pulled up an arrow, and notched it in place. Before he shot at the covered hay target before him he spent his time correcting his aim. He was not too far away from it, but neither was he too close. Holding the pulled string up next to his head, bow in front of him, he sighted down the weapon to the target he planned to hit. At this close range he was not too worried about it being dragged down, and so just aimed straight.

Just before firing Moritz held his breath, took his final aim, and then... Released with the bow targeted at his intended strike area. For a moment it soared through the air, and then came to hit the target with a dull thunk. Eyeing it closely Moritz saw he had hit the target, and it had sank in decently well, but it had only just barely hit the edges of what would be called "on" the target. Heading over to pull out the arrow and inspect his hit, he was about to prepare for a second try when he heard his name called and paused.

Being a bit away from the front door, he almost thought he had imagined it at first, before he heard knocking in the distance. Putting up the bow and setting aside the quiver of arrows so it was out of the way Moritz headed towards the door that led to the front common area. Opening that and shutting it behind him he headed across that room, the common area, towards the front door.

By the time he arrived at the door the voice had grown quiet, but he had not quite recognized who was speaking through two doors. Opening the door he found... Someone obscured. Frowning the Kelvic tried to figure out who it was, smelling something on the air that was a bit off putting but that he could not nail down. Being a bit farther from the center of Sunberth and on the edges of what would be considered in the area of Sunberth, more truly in its outskirts of periphery, it did not always have the foul cloud of smoke and burning floating over it unless a wind blew just wrong out to sea.

Looking a bit more closely and trying to see under their hood Moritz puzzled a bit longer, before the features they had finally connected to a meeting the season prior.

"Oh, you are that uh... Medical lady person. Whats her name... Uh... Oh right, I did say you could come by. Did you want something? I am not overly busy at the moment, was just training a bit. What brings you here?"

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A Home for Herbs (Moritz)

Postby Maya Frostfawn on November 17th, 2023, 1:04 am

Maya had not been kept waiting long, but she had been kept waiting. Had she still been alive, more in touch with her emotions, she might have found it irritating. But the time spent waiting was but a drop in the bucket to her now, inconsequential. She smiled when the door finally opened, her eyes dancing over the Kelvic's skin. Judging from its color, he had been exerting himself somehow. It was unclear just how so, however, until he explained. "You did seem the sort," she commented absently before taking a step closer to the Kelvic. "I've come because I was hoping to ask a favor of you." A pause. "I'd like to build up the supplies I use in my field and thought it might behoove me to start a small garden. While I have no experience in the area, I can't imagine it's particularly difficult." Another pause. "I also am unsure as to where to go to acquire the seeds and supplies I'd need to start the garden. Being that you've been in the city far longer than I, I thought you might now, and might be able to watch my back as I gather the things I'll need to get started." Another pause. "If you'd like, we can grab a few extra things for your house too. It might be nice to grow some of your own food and herbs, don't you think?" she inquired. "As long as both the soil and climate of the area can support it..."

The nuit smiled somewhat sheepishly. Truly, she had no idea what would grow well in this area, or this time of year. If there was anything that could survive even if it was hidden inside for the winter, which would arrive before too long. Before anyone could truly see it coming. "We'll probably have to ask the proprietor what they think is best, or we'll wind up wasting a lot of supplies." Something she truly couldn't afford right now, given her limited funds. "What do you think? Are you willing to tag along?" A pause. "I can give you a few minutes if you need to get ready. After all, I did arrive unexpectedly," she finished, as the sun continued to climb higher in the sky.

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A Home for Herbs (Moritz)

Postby Moritz Craven on November 18th, 2023, 10:01 pm

Standing there barefoot Moritz nodded along, though in truth a fair bit of what the woman said did not really make sense. He got bits of it, but not really understanding what plants had to do with stopping people bleeding, he simply shrugged this away and assumed the woman knew something he did not. Which, he had to admit, was likely, seeing as he acknowledge his own total lack of any knowledge on the topic.

"You know if you come back again, feel free to come into the common area yourself, and into the training area. The living areas and stuff are more private, particularly the area I keep residence, but I do not mind you coming into the common area or training area. Its a decent sized house, so if you just knock quietly at the front door there is a good chance no one further into the house is gonna notice. I was in the training room and I heard something, but I likely would have missed things entirely if I had been in my room. Its not like the house is gonna let me know we have a visitor."

At the last remark Moritz made a bit of a frown, look up at the building around him as he stood in the doorway and caressing the lintel for a moment. He knew the place was alive, and slowly growing, could even feel a faint connection if he focused... But so far the place had not said a peep, and was not sentient enough to let anyone know what was going on like his old home. Once it awoken properly it would be a different story, but for now it was a slow process of helping it grow which he was not entirely sure on how to do.

Focusing back on her earlier words Moritz scratched at his head for a bit, thinking on how to respond. He was unsure if any plants were needed again the house, but did not suppose they would hurt. But he did not know much about growing plants, other than how to find and gather them. That however was not much help in growing them... But if they could have better food, plants food, he felt that was a good idea. Yet again they struck upon the problem though of finding a good place to do it.

"I did not really get all of that... I mean... Sure, I do not mind helping you out, and keeping you from getting your head caved in and what not. But honestly, I have no idea where such a place would be. Maybe someone around the Drunken Fish would know, we could ask there... Or elsewhere if you know of anyone you trust to give decent directions who might know... But uh, I have no idea where such a place would be. I have never really gone looking for such a place. I have been to the market before, but such a place does not stir up my memory as being there. But uh, I was not looking for such a place, so I may have just missed it. Or there might not be any there. Or there could be one, but elsewhere in the city. I really have no idea. And I do not know the first thing about growing or keeping plants. I am decent at finding them, but I have never grown any before."

Pausing and looking around, Moritz peered for a moment behind him, thinking of what lay beyond the house. Ending shortly after the building with a cliff, that did not seem the best place to work on it... So likely off the front of the house, in the large open spot after his property began but before the house extended forward...

"I would not mind growing things here either. I doubt Evalynn would mind. But I do not really know what would grow here. Being near a rocky cliff as well this is not the deepest or best soil, its more rock than dirt really. So I suppose if anything grows in such a place we could try it, but I do not know what that would be. I mean, I am sure it would be better than trying to grow anything in the city proper, that soil and air and sun and stuff is gonna be horrible all the time I would think what with the constant smoke burning and stuff... So maybe a bit easier here, but only by comparison."

Having accepted her offer along with explaining his own thoughts on things Moritz nodded, before rushing back inside. He assumed Maya would understand he needed to get properly dressed and armed, what with seeing he was just wearing his suit and nothing else not even shoes.

It did not take him long to get ready, simply getting dressed in the way he usually did for work. Donning boots, putting on his weapon harness, strapping on a pair of daggers, and otherwise making himself ready. This included extending out the gauntlet over one of his hands that was embedded in the star on it. In truth this did not take long to do, only moments, but when he did it in private it appeared he was donning some armor and not calling out some sort of odd magical substance magically stored in a gem stuck on and into his body, which was a better idea to go about in Sunberth.

Once that was done a few chimes later he rushed back out to meet Maya, and to follow along wherever she thought was best. Not having a good idea himself, if Maya had no idea where to go he would lead them to the Drunken Fish to ask around there with the other workers he got along with. Otherwise he would follow wherever Maya decided and let her take the lead.

"There, that should look a bit more intimidating to anyone hoping to cause trouble. Anyone who still does after seeing me is either dumb, really skilled, or really intent on causing trouble. Anyways, where do you want to go? The Drunken Fish, or somewhere else you have in mind?"

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A Home for Herbs (Moritz)

Postby Maya Frostfawn on November 21st, 2023, 3:10 pm

"Very well," Maya commented in response to his invitation. "As long as you're comfortable with that." Had she still been alive and more in touch with her emotions, she might have been frustrated by his words. Although they were a fairly open invitation, they also flaunted the size of his house. And by extraction, his wealth. No one had nice things, especially not in Sunberth, unless they had a great deal of money. Which was pretty uncommon in Sunberth, from what the nuit could tell. Most people seemed rather poor and like they scrounged around for each of their meals and money, often taking what they could not acquire through cleaner, more natural means. Maya frowned at his next series words. "Then it would appear we are in the same boat then. Neither of us knows where to go to acquire the things we need. Or if there is even such a place within the city." A pause. "Other than Eva and the good doctor, I don't really know anyone. And I can't imagine the good doctor would be someone worth asking for directions, and Eva probably knows as much as you, I'd imagine." A pause as she took a moment to wonder why the pair weren't living together, especially now that the baby had been born. After all, Moritz was the father. At least... she didn't think they lived together. She hadn't really bothered to ask. "We'll have to ask around in a place you think would be best, the people you might know who know." She shrugged. "And if they don't know we'll have to widen our net, and hopefully, you'll be enough to keep us safe from any threats." A pause. "If not, I can only hope that I'll have the strength and knowledge to patch everything up."

Maya nodded. "I suppose you're right, this place is not ideal for the growth of herbs and plants, but that does not mean it can't be manipulated. Churned to a point where it becomes what we need." A pause. "I do not know how such a feat would be accomplished, so we'll have to ask whenever we find someone far more knowledgable than us in this area." A pause. "Alternatively, I believe soil can be purchased, as can pots and things to grow plants in when the ground would prove uncooperative, or the weather. The amount of light that hits them." She frowned deep in thought. "From what I recall of my travels, plants can grow in numerous different climates. Terrains. With limited to no light. Being able to move them around might prove beneficial, but since everything will be on a case by case basis, we will simply have to ask in order to be sure." She smiled, having finished saying all of the things she needed to, providing an opening in which the Kelvic could prepare himself for the journey ahead. She would give him all the time he needed, after all, he would be serving not only as her protector, but as her guide, for the bits of the city she hadn't gotten around to traveling yet, and may never have on her own, given their dangerous nature and the frailty of her body, devoid of combat capabilities.

When he reemerged from his house some time later, the Kelvic seemed all ready to go, for anything that may prove to be an obstacle in their future. Her smile widened. "I suppose the Drunken Fish is as good a place to start as any." She responded. "We'll need to ask for a place to go to buy everything, and it's often said that drink loosens one's inhibitions, as well as one's tongue." Her smile widened even further, which she didn't suppose should have been possible, although it was. "Why don't you lead the way and I'll follow in your shadow?" she said, as she stepped into line behind him. It took a chunk out of the hour, but they managed to arrive at the tavern without incident, to find it filled with a fair smattering of people. Most of them men. Most of them drinking, some brooding over their cups. Others laughing. Some talking amongst themselves, others appearing as though they were about to fall out of their seats. "Where do you think we should begin?" she asked the Kelvic. "I'd assume it'd be safest to ask the jollier-looking ones, although they may be so far into their cups, the information they'd provide could be questionable at best." A pause. "Assuming they still have the capacity to form a remotely coherent sentence and remember anything they might want to say.

OOC: I figured we could get into trouble either at the bar, or on our way to the shop, depending on what you're comfortable with.

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A Home for Herbs (Moritz)

Postby Moritz Craven on November 22nd, 2023, 2:54 am

Nodding along, Moritz considered the woman's words, seeing the logic behind what she said even if not knowing it for sure himself. While she might not know everything, the Kelvic found she often had a calm and rational look at things. Perhaps a bit overly too the point, though Moritz surmised most people were compared to himself who liked to be verbose, she did make things clear and followed a steady logic when coming to a conclusion.

"Sure. If we manage to find a place that sells such things, it is a good point that they would also likely have the know how to grow and care for them. Hopefully we will manage to find such a place. Even better if its in Sunberth, since it would further reason that a local would have a better idea of local growing conditions than some far off expert living elsewhere. Not impossible I suppose, but more likely."

Once he was done changing the two headed off, towards the docks where The Drunken Fish resided. On the way there Moritz chatted, responding to some of the things the woman had said while keeping aware of his surroundings and for any danger.

"I mean, you can ask the patrons if you want, but I figured I would just ask my coworkers there. I do work at The Drunken Fish after all. The barkeep, the servers, cooks, and guards along with myself, surely one or more of them would have some idea of where to go for what we need for plants and their care and purchase. We could always split up inside, and you ask the patrons while I ask the workers. It is not entirely safe, but there are guards and Father Manowar runs a tight ship so to speak. So the danger is pretty low there. Just yell for me or another guard if anyone tries to start stuff inside, and you should be fine. Anyone who starts trouble knows they are gonna quickly be tossed out or knocked in the head for their trouble if they act up."

A bit surprisingly for Sunberth they did not run into any trouble on the way there, though compared to some areas of the city going from Moritz home on the outskirts to the docks was not a overly dangerous path. There were places in the city though where the Kelvic knew much more danger laid, and being accosted was not only likely but also nearly assured.

Heading inside the bar Moritz eyed one of the guards standing a bit away and nodded towards him.

"Well like I was saying earlier, I could ask the workers, while you question the patrons. Or we could stick together. But it might be easier for me to ask coworker to coworker than with another person around... Up to you, but I plan to ask the workers first."

Whether Maya followed along or split off by herself Moritz would head off and begin asking questions, smiling and sidling up to one of the guards to begin things but making sure to keep out of his sight line and to avoid interfering in their work as the guard smiled at him. "Ah Moritz, how goes it."

"Fine enough Ben. Hey I wanted to ask, do you know any place in Sunberth that sells plants and the like? You know, and things to care for them, grow them, all that sort of stuff? If possible someone who knows their stuff about the topic, not just sells it but also cares for them. Any idea?"

As Moritz spoke with a smile on his face the guard named Ben seemed deep in thought, though still kept his eyes shifting about and doing his job with the Kelvic standing beside him rather than standing face to face.

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A Home for Herbs (Moritz)

Postby Maya Frostfawn on November 23rd, 2023, 1:16 am

Maya nodded. "Perhaps you're right. I'll take a seat at one of the tables for the time being and have a look around, see if it appears as though anyone is worth asking or if they're all bound to be a waste of my time," she said as she moved away from Moritz. She walked steadily toward an open seat she had spotted earlier, trying to move with a mixture of both confidence and grace she was not entirely sure she managed to capture on her way to the open chair. Once she had made herself comfortable and set her belongings down on the table in front of her, Maya began to study the other individuals who were gathered in the Drunken Fish. As she had noted earlier during the course of her time at the Drunken Fish, most of its current inhabitants were men. Most of them were drinking, some brooding over their cups. Others laughing. Some talking amongst themselves, while others appeared as though they were about to fall out of their seats. Maya quickly allowed her eyes to pass over those who fell into the last category, she doubt they would be of any use to her. She also let her eyes pass over anyone who appeared to be brooding, for she doubt they would be in many mood to offer their assistance. If anything, they would try to draw her into their sorrow, their troubles, wasting time she had no intention of spending on them. She let her eyes drink over those who seemed to be in higher spirits, but not drunk yet. There weren't many of these to speak of.

The first individual who fit this bill was a man who was seated with his friends. He looked as though he might be in his late thirties or early forties, Maya couldn't quite tell with the shadows cast over his face by the room's illumination. He had pale skin, marred by a mixture of dirt and grime, as though he spent a great deal of time working outside, performing hard labor, or had just come back from the mines. His eyes were a dark brown, that had a strange dusty quality, which reminded Maya of dirt, and his nose looked as though someone had tried to flatten it into a stone good for skipping on still waters. His mouth was a narrow line, and his clothes were the simple fare of a common man. Although he seemed like he would be in a good enough mood to help, and not drunk enough to forget everything his mind possessed, Maya didn't wish to interrupt him since he was busy talking with his friends, and appeared to be having a good time, for it may make his mood foul and decrease his willingness to help her. The next individual Maya noticed was another male, older than the first. She guessed he was caught somewhere in his fifties. He had salt and pepper hair, which was short and cropped fairly close to his head. His beard was a darker tone, almost entirely black, and it crept around his chin up to his ears. His skin was sandier, appeared scarred and leathery. His eyes a deep and striking blue, his nose small and cute as a button. It did not seem to fit his face. His clothes were that of the common man, but like his skin, was not as dirty as that of the first man she had noticed. He was also currently waving one of his friends off as he nursed the cup he held in his hands.

Maya trailed his friend with her eyes as he made his way out the door, leaving the older man on his own to drink. He should do, Maya thought as she gathered her things and approached the man, casting a shadow over his visage. "Excuse me, Sir," she began, causing the man to blink languidly a few times as his eyes danced over her, studying her and considering what on earth she might want. "I'm sorry to bother you. I promise it won't be but a moment." A pause as she offered the man a delicate smile. "Would you happen to know where one might purchase seeds and other gardening supplies in this city? I'm afraid I'm still fairly new here and don't know of such a place." The man shook his head, spoke in a deep, voice that reminded her of water running over stone, for some strange reason. "I'm afraid I can't help you miss. I don't know of such a place neither." Maya forced her smile to widen, if only a little. "Please don't worry about it, and thank you for your time. I hope you enjoy your drink," she said, earning a grunt from the man as she turned and made her way back to her previous seat, from where she could continue to study the tavern's other patrons, to see if anyone else might be worth speaking to, since Mortiz had yet to return to her side, which she assumed meant that he hadn't found what they had come looking for yet either.

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A Home for Herbs (Moritz)

Postby Moritz Craven on November 25th, 2023, 3:25 pm

While Moritz spoke to a coworker Maya seemed to be doing her own thing, leaving the Kelvic to focus on his own discussions. He did keep a spare glance occasionally focused on the woman, just to make sure nothing happened, but felt relatively confident nothing would happen to her inside the building if she did not start anything... Which, the Kelvic admitted, seemed unlikely with her being her and not really knowing how to fight.

After a bit Ben seemed to have finished thinking it over, and finally responded. "Ah, I do not know of a place for that, but maybe someone else does... Oh, there is Jacky, ask her! She has been around here for years, if anyone would know she would."

Looking at who the man was pointing at, Moritz saw a somewhat older but not elderly woman. She seemed to be one of the slaves who worked at the bar, and was currently carrying a tray of empty tankards back to be "cleaned". At least, as much as anything in Sunberth was ever cleaned... Heading over since she did not seem to be talking to anyone, Moritz raised a hand to get her attention. He vaguely recalled seeing her before, and was half certain he had punched a person or two who was trying to start trouble with her... Well her and most all of the workers, but that was part of being a guard.

"Jacky! Hey, was talking to Ben, and he said you might now since you have worked here awhile. Do you know any places in Sunberth that sells plants and the like? Preferably that would have some know how about the topic, not just sell them? No one else seems to know so far."

Still moving the woman motioned for Moritz to follow, and the two went into the back. Once she had dropped off her tray of empties she let out a sigh as she paused and rested, turning back to the Kelvic. Moritz was uncertain if the woman was annoyed, or simply happy at the excuse to pause in her work and rest. She knew Moritz though from work, and seemed at least willing to answer. "Uh, yeah, I know of a place. Though I would not recommend it to most people. And even you, well keep yer wits about you. Not in the nicest part of town. If memory serves... its in Daggerhand territory. Which is bad at the best of places there."

Thinking it over Moritz wondered what he would need to know to get there, and wondering if it was worth going there. He was a guard though, and felt relatively confident he could go to most decent places in the city... Though spending most of his time at the docks he did not often go to those worse places like this seemed to be.

"Could you give me some directions then. And do you know what the place is called? Something that would help me find it? Me and an acquaintance were looking to find it."

Seeming to pause in thought again Jacky nodded, before slowly thinking it over. Eventually she did respond, after a good chimes wait. "Ah, you go on the runs to the market right? So that is in the castle commons... The Rotten Reaches is north of that. And that is Daggerhand territory. They are the more openly brutish of the big gangs in Sunberth... Anyways... The west part of that, it ends when you goes into the river... I think that place is not too far from the river, so look along the edge of it and I think you should find it... Uh, what was the name of the place... Hanhi's Herbologie. Yeah that is the place. You can get plants, herbs, the like, there. And I think the owner knows those things likewise... Just watch out, if she is in business there she is in business with the Daggerhands, so anything you say to her or ask for is likely getting back to them. You'll probably smell it before you see it, you know cause of all the plants and what not."

As the woman seemed to peter off with her explanation Moritz smiled and moved to thank her.

"Ah, thanks Jacky, that is great. I think that is enough info to find the place. Its a great help!"

With a waving motion the woman began to move off, clearly heading back to work. "Ah, no mind it. Just keep protecting us and keeping us safe, and we'll call it even. And don't go getting got by some Daggerhand flunky or the like. Or those other smaller gangs that pop up not too far from there. If you get knifed, that will be one less proper hand to protect us."

With a nod and a smile Moritz agreed, quickly heading back out to find Maya while Jacky got back to work. Once he got out from the back area and into the public areas he would look around for Maya, heading towards her and speaking once she seemed to be free or not busy talking to anyone else.

"I got some basic details about the place, its name, and where to find it. Should be enough to go on if you are ready. Though, from what she said, it does not sound like it is in the nicest part of town. Some place I have not been before the uh... Rotten Reaches. Which apparently is in Daggerhand territory. Heard of it?"

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A Home for Herbs (Moritz)

Postby Maya Frostfawn on November 26th, 2023, 2:09 pm

Maya's eyes danced over the patrons that filled the Drunken Fish, looking for individuals it may be worth asking for directions. After a moment, her eyes settled upon a patron who looked as though he was even older than she was. His skin was tanned by time spent outside, both weathered and worn. His hands gnarled and bent, more like the talons of a bird now, than the hands of an aged man. His skin was dry and crackled, dotted in freckles that indicated his age. Maya forgot what people called them, those special old people freckles. The ones that were a mixture of brown, black, and red dots. But they were there, on his skin. His body was long and lean; it looked as though age were eating away at him, and slowly hollowing out his frame. His nose was a bulbous mess in the center of his face, his lips a thin, pale pink line that were nearly imperceptible unless you were really looking at him. His eyes were a pale blue, made lighter by a sort of white cloud that hung over them. Even more ominous than the darkest of clouds floating through the sky that signaled an oncoming storm. Maya guessed he was in his seventies if not his eighties, wondered not only how me managed to survive so long, but so long in a city such as this. But he seemed calm, at peace, nursing a pint of ale, even though some of the amber fluid dribbled down his chin and onto his torn white tunic.

As she continued to study him, she realized that he seemed to still possess his senses. It did not appear as though he'd had enough to drink to lose control of his faculties, and become sloppy. He was sitting upright in his seat, even if his back was a tad hunched with age, his hand was firmly gripping his drink, guiding it carefully from his lips to his table, holding it against his lips. His eyes, although marked by age, seemed capable of focusing on his surroundings. He seemed alert, with it. And even though he was alone, he seemed like he could manage himself to her, even if all she had was his appearance to go on. And most importantly, he seemed as though he was in full possession of his memory and could provide her with an answer to her question, and directions. Maya was just beginning to gather her things so she could go ask the stranger if he knew a good place to pick up some gardening supplies in the city, when Moritz reappeared. She blinked, looked up at her companion as he spoke to her, informing her of what he had discovered during the course of his line of questioning. "Is any part of this town, nice?" she inquired, her tone calm and level. Maya's brow furrowed as she thought. "I'm not sure I've learned what most areas of this city are called, but I've learned how to navigate its streets over time. The Daggerhands are a group I have a passing familiarity with, if only by name."

Maya finished gathering her things and rose from her seat, looked directly into the Kelvic's eyes as she tightened her grip on the strap of her bag. "We should be alright as long as we are careful and don't do anything stupid." She paused. "Or make it obvious that we're lost if we get lost." A pause. "People have always liked to prey upon the weak." She smiled as she lightened her grip on the strap and returned her hand to her side. "We should be going; it may take a bit for us to get there." A pause as she took a step toward the door. "Why don't you lead the way since you have more of an idea as to where we're going? I'll follow in your wake."

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A Home for Herbs (Moritz)

Postby Moritz Craven on December 3rd, 2023, 5:08 pm

Smiling at Maya's question, Moritz shook his head at the woman he was traveling with.

"I mean no, no part of Sunberth is particularly nice. But the fact that she felt the need to point out it was one of the worse parts of town probably says something. That its in a part of town even worse than the normal for this city. So... Yeah extra vigilant if we are going there. I do not know much about them, but none of the gangs really seem overly good..."

Thinking it over Moritz paused, considering whether or not the trip was really worth it. But then he recalled he had committed to it earlier, and that with just the two of them it would surely be safe... Probably. Maybe. At least compared to any other trip in Sunberth. Letting out a sigh the Kelvic continued, responding further to his traveling partner with no discernible ability to fight and who would be a complete liability in combat.

"I mean in theory yes, but... Still, lets be extra careful. As for getting lost... From the directions I got, it did not seem overly complicated. We just head over to where the castle commons are... Then head to the section of Sunberth north of that area... Then go west till we hit the river, and follow it till we find the place. So lots of landmarks to steer by. Its apparently close to the river, which should make it easier to find. Just make sure to be careful, and if I fight starts make sure to keep out of the way. I will do my best to keep us safe, but honestly your more of a target or a hindrance if a fight starts than any help."

Taking her offer of the lead Moritz led the woman out the front, and began heading towards the castle commons area. This was an area he knew well enough, and a trip he had made quite a few times. Most of this trip went well enough, but around the time they started to turn north to head to the other section of Sunberth above the castle commons Moritz noticed something. Or more to the point several somethings. Two people were following along behind them, and slowly getting closer on the street they were on.

Slowing down a bit Moritz walked next to Maya, and as he passed whispered quietly to her "following us". He assumed she would get his intent from that alone, and gestured at a upcoming alleyway. Rather than taking the lead again however he slowed down a bit so as to let Maya enter first. Looking from where they were the alley seemed empty of people, and the main threat seemed to be the two people behind them. With that in mind putting himself between Maya and them, and steering them into a narrow alley or side street where the two could not move about and encircle them as easily, seemed a simple enough tactical response to the threat. He was not sure what exactly was planned, but he did his best to set them up to react well to it if or when the others acted that were following them.

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