Lets get to Stabbing - Moritz

Moritz trains Eva with a Dagger

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Lets get to Stabbing - Moritz

Postby Evalynn Frostfawn on November 18th, 2023, 8:06 pm

Fall 27th, 523AV

Eva was finally healed up from her throng of bruises she received from a week or so ago. The person who had sparred with her awhile back had been quite the heavy hitter and left some nasty bruises when he got a hit on her. Lucky for her was that her attempt at flipping a person over her resulted in her nearly throwing him off the cliff behind the house. It was a terrifying moment, as she didnt consider them training outside and on the side of the house dangerous. However, their scuffling resulted in the two eventually shuffling too close to the edge, and her not being aware of her surroundings before taking the action to flip. After that scare, Eva and the man decided to call it quits and move on. She then just sat at home and recovered, not wanting to aggravate the injuries further unless she had to move about.

While healing, Eva started to become unsatisfied with that result and wanted to train more, but after that incident, she didn’t think going outside and training by herself was a smart idea. She got the thought to have Moritz train her again and knew he had the skill for it. She liked that thought and smiled to herself on it, that was until it faded when she looked at the mess she was making in front of her. She wanted to treat Mortiz to a nice breakfast and basically fought him off to let her try to cook. He knew her skills were non existent, but Eva insisted it wasnt going to be that hard. Well, she was wrong, and every time she tried to make a sunny side u egg it turned into a mess.

Her first attempt, she had the heat too high and no oil on the pan. That egg immediately started smoking and burning when it hit the hot pan that Eva started freaking out when it wouldn't come off. She had to reassure Moritz that she was fine and urged him to leave after he insisted on cooking. The only thing she listened to was to turn down the heat and add a drizzle of oil, whatever that meant. Eva thanked him for his concern and went back to cooking her horror meal. After several failed attempts at trying to get a sunny side up egg, she gave up as now they had a pile of half burnt and mutilated fried eggs. So to pair with the eggs, she carefully sliced some bread and brought it over to the table.

Soon, she served a plate filled with the burnt eggs and small bits of broken up pieces of bread for her daughter before setting down Moritz’s plate. She then walked to the training room and peeked in with a smile, watching him for a bit before waving when she got caught.

“Breakfast is ready, I have your plate ready. I hope it is to your liking, cause it was indeed very difficult.”

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Lets get to Stabbing - Moritz

Postby Moritz Craven on November 25th, 2023, 2:11 pm

27 Fall 523

If there was one thing relatively decided in Moritz and Evalynn's relationship, it was that Moritz did the cooking. As far as he recalled there had not been any fight over it. No argument. Just a logical statement, that he knew how to cook and she did not and so he would cook for her and the group if cooking needed doing. It just made sense, seeing as he had worked as a cook before and knew how to make decent food.

Of course, if she asked him to give her a lesson he would have agreed, not one to turn down Evalynn over such a thing. But as far as he could recall she had never asked him to do so... Until one morning when she announced she was going to cook and did not want his help... Which left the Kelvic both confused and conflicted. On the one hand, it seemed Evalynn was adamant about cooking. On the other hand, if she made something horrible she would feel bad... And he would likely end up feeling bad physically and emotionally... But she was not accepting defeat in his reasoning, and forced her way into the job of cook for their morning meal. He supposed that she could not go too wrong with his fare, after all she surely knew he was vegan after all their time together. How wrong could she go cooking plants?

Once he did see her cooking eggs he assumed she was making one meal for herself and another for him. Trickier than just making one meal both could eat, but not impossible... And it was often something he did, both at home and as a cook, since various people would want various dishes or refuse to eat certain ones.

In the end Evalynn nearly started several fires, and had to ask for advice on a few things, but did in the end make something resembling food. He did keep a close eye on what she was doing though, as he was not going to allow her to poison herself by accident and so made sure she did not do anything that might make herself sick. She was the mother of his child, that was non negotiable no matter how hard she railed against his aid.

Finally she did come to the table with some food, some partially burned fried eggs, along with some bread that had been sliced up and which he believed had been made before - possibly by him - and which she had just sliced. He paused for a few moments as he made his way to the table, realizing as she sat down that she was done cooking, and letting out an involuntary sigh as he picked up a piece of bread.

"Uhm... Thank you for the bread. And it seems like you really worked hard to make some food. But uh... Evalynn... You do know I am vegan yes? So... I do not partake of animals or animal products... Which includes eggs..."

Looking down at the plate of eggs, he could not help once more being satisfied with his life choice of not eating such things. He was careful not to let it show on his face, but he knew if he was not averse to eating the thing he would certainly have forced himself to eat it. And while trying to be as nice about it as possible, he did not eat eggs... Though in truth he was puzzled how Evalynn did not know that. He knew her own preferences... Having a taste for rice and fish, the latter something he made quite often and which was at least possible to buy in Sunberth.... But then he realized he did most of the food shopping, particularly in Sunberth with it being so dangerous to go out to buy things. And also doing most if not all of the cooking, apparently Evalynn had not payed that much attention to the food Moritz was making and eating himself.

"You know, if you wanted to, I could give you a lesson on cooking... I mean when I started I was under instruction, and I was still awful. It took me awhile and quite a few lessons till I could even make a decent meal..."

Unsure how to proceed Moritz took a bite of the bread, while trying to keep eye contact with Evalynn. He adored her, but at times she did get rather hard headed and felt she needed to do something without his help. He was quick to accept this when it was not too risky, but at times he did wish she would accept more aid and ask for help or instruction when trying something for the first time.

"I mean, everything I do well now, I started out poorly at. Quite horrible, in my first lesson with my first combat instructor... I was battered across the room the whole time. But in the end I kept at it, took her tutelage well, and learned and got better. As with anything."

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Lets get to Stabbing - Moritz

Postby Evalynn Frostfawn on November 25th, 2023, 4:07 pm

Her mix of confidence and pride quickly vanished into fear and fretting as Moritz only said thank you for the bread. Was it really that bad looking? Did it smell inedible? She was flustered by what it could be, until it was all dispelled by him reminding her that he was vegan and that vegans don't participate in eating anything animal based. Her face turned a soft shade of pink under her dark skin and she covered her cheeks with her cool hands in hopes to stop the heat. She knew he had some unique eating tastes, and she had seen him eating mostly greens and such, but maybe her memory tricked her. She furrowed her brow and looked down at the eggs, thinking deeply on if she had truly seen him eat anything other than plants or if what she was basing it off of was her assumption. In the end, she lowered her head and let out a heavy sigh.

“I’m sorry Moritz, I got so excited to surprise you with a meal that I focused on what would be easy to cook and ignored the restrictions of your diet.” She looked up at him, feeling very regretful. “I can certainly try again and this time, I won't say no to your instructions.”

She smiled warmly and felt comforted by his words. She knew he meant well, and though she felt embarrassed by the flub, she wasn't going to let it get in her way of improving. Though it did concern her a bit on how she was able to forget such an important factor about the person she deeply cares for. They were together for a very long time and she had seen him eat many interesting dishes, was she really that clueless? She was puzzled, feeling a bit guilty for the lack of attention she put into her observation skills. However, she quickly shook away the thought and clapped her hands together to change the topic, attempting to purge the negative thoughts from her mind.

“Actually! I originally wanted to ask if you could train me with the dagger first. Would you be able to do that for me too?”

She awaited his answer with eager anticipation, and when she heard the answer she would respond before attempting to go back to the kitchen to make Moritz his one meal. That is, if Moritz let her go back to the kitchen after this instance. Once the family finished their meal, Eva began to clean up by gathering the dishes up and putting them in the kitchen then going to clean up the small mess left by their daughter. She then followed Moritz to wherever he wanted to train Eva at and smiled happily to be able to train like this again. Maybe she could ask for a more realistic training where she felt like she would be seriously injured if she wasnt careful. She definitely needed it so she could get stronger faster and felt that taking off the training gloves would give her that push she needed.

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Lets get to Stabbing - Moritz

Postby Moritz Craven on November 25th, 2023, 5:04 pm

Moritz, worried about how Evalynn would respond to his words, was satisfied when she seemed to accept his words and certainly did not burst into tears. Which, he had to admit, had been a fear of his that such would be the outcome. He had tried to be as nice as he could, but when delivering such a response there could only be so much niceness without outright lying back to her. And that he felt would lead to problems in the long run, even if it made her happy now.

The Kelvic cared for Evalynn, just as he cared for Elise, and was quick to protect them. But he also knew they needed to learn and grow... Particularly Elise, who like him was a Kelvic and fast growing.

He hoped if nothing else Evalynn was not offended, but still at his heart he was confused how she did not know about his own eating habits. He felt partly to blame, not having outright told her, but mostly felt it was on her for not paying attention at all to what he ate... Not that he was going to say that out loud.

Elise for her part seemed to happily peck away at her food, but her Kelvic nature was much more free wheeling in its diet than an Okomo was. In fact, he had seen her turn down almost no food, which yet again made sense with her animal side. Compared to himself he did feel like she was growing a bit more slowly, but on the other hand it was clear she was growing much more quickly than a human would. He worried how Evalynn might feel about this, not used to such things likely having grown up among her own kind and not Kelvics, but they both clearly and openly cared for their child.

"It is fine Evalynn. And I mean, I do usually do most of the cooking, so I tend to take care of our differing tastes when preparing meals. Bread is fine for now, I can wait for more till later. But if you want to cook again, perhaps we can start a bit more simply. And with a lesson, rather than you just doing something on your own without a recipe... I am fine with you cooking once you learn, but I would like you to promise that until you have learned to a decent degree you will only cook while I am giving you a lesson. Alright? Until then, I will continue to cook for us. It is just... With cooking, there are dangers until you know what you are doing. And I would not want anyone to get sick because you did something without knowing it could cause issues."

Once the topic of food was over with however Evalynn turned to another topic instead, wanting to learn how to fight again. Thinking back he recalled one of his first times meeting and interacting with her had been training, and had been both of them learning to use a dagger. He himself had to remind her at the time they should use training weapons, as she had wanted to use live blades to learn to wield them... And probably took a blow to the head from her own weapon which could have gone quite poorly if a real blade had been involved.

"Sure, we can do a bit more dagger training. Though I would also recommend doing some more basic unarmed combat training. I am better at that than with a dagger, so could probably teach you better than I can for that. Did we do any basic unarmed combat training before? I cannot recall... But it is important to have a backup in case you do not have time to draw a blade, cannot carry it with you, or end up disarmed. Otherwise, I would not mind training."

Elise, for her part, heard the two of them talking and excitedly babbled back at them. While it seemed like she was getting close to speaking other than a few rough words she was mostly still just making sounds. Still for a human she would barely even be moving about, but as a Kelvic with their faster growth speed she could already stand and walk and move and try to talk in single words.

While Evalynn cleaned up after their meal and cooking Moritz headed into the more softly floored room of the training hall. Inside it was relatively safe, seeing as they kept the live weapons up and away from where she could get at them. At most she could knock over a rack of training weapons, or take one out and hit something with it. Setting Elise aside on the ground Moritz fetched a few training daggers, before returning to the girl. Already back on her feet she excitedly threw her arms up, looking around the familiar room. With a grin Moritz sat down beside her, and spent some time trying to teach her how to do a roll such as he did in combat. It was a simple maneuver, but one even a child could do to a degree. At her coordination level though it was more of a roll along the ground more than a roll forward or backward.

For his own part Moritz smiled and helped the girl, while demonstrating himself. Standing up he would crouch and then do a quick roll forward. Elise tried to copy him, but once more ended up rolling along the floor on her side. Once she seemed to lose interest Moritz simply began to play with her, showing off a bit by diving forward and landing on his hands, only to do a handstand which made the girl laugh again.

Suddenly the girl shifted, leaving behind her clothing, and flew off to land in her animal form atop one of the racks of training weapons and making some noise as she perched.

"So we could do some dagger training if you like, there are a few I pulled out over there. I think Elise will be fine for a bit... Ah... Or we could do some basic combatives for unarmed combat... What all with unarmed fighting have you learned? I am not really sure where you are. Stance? How to throw a punch? A kick? Dodging? Blocking? Any of that stuff before?"

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Lets get to Stabbing - Moritz

Postby Evalynn Frostfawn on November 26th, 2023, 9:39 pm

After finishing up with washing and drying the dishes, wiping down the table, and putting everything away, Eva made her way into the training room shortly after. The moment she came in, she watched Moritz suddenly do a handstand and play with an excited Elise. Eva grinned as she listened to her baby girl laugh at her father and it warmed her heart. The thought that she was part of this family further warmed her heart and she giggled softly when her daughter shifted and fluttered away to a weapons rack.

Eva always found her daughter's shifts fascinating and the increased growing speed made her feel like raising her was a breeze, however she also felt a bit of sadness with the milestones flying by quickly. She simply blinked and Elise was accomplishing something different every time. It felt like only yesterday that Eva was teaching her to walk and try to say ‘mama’ or ‘dada’, now Moritz was showing her how to roll and she was picking it up quickly. Her smile dampened a bit as she thought of what a big help Moritz was with raising Elise and how much she was able to learn from him. She was still deep in thought when Moritz brought her back to reality with a question. That attention shifted to what Moritz was saying and she gave it some thought.

“I have no experience with any unarmed combat. My experience comes from imagining the situation and over analyzing it in my mind as if I was there for it.” Eva shuffled a bit as she talked about this. She didn't really talk much about her hyperactive thoughts as she thought that people would think she was odd or cursed. So talking with Moritz about them made her feel shy but relaxed at the same time. “We can definitely start with some hand to hand combat. I need that more than a dagger, maybe I’ll have a better chance against being robbed.”

Eva walked over, glancing at Elise as she explored the weapon rack she was on, before looking back at Moritz. She tried to recall the brief encounter she had with the stranger named Lance a few days ago and wondered if she learned any unarmed combat from him. After a bit, the only thing she was able to attempt was trying to flip him over her body and onto his back. It was a sloppy success and both of them seemed to get injured, but it was a small and tiny win for her learning curve.

“The only thing I recall trying to do was flip a stranger who offered to train with me. It hurt a lot, and I don't think I executed it correctly, but I was able to flip him. Definitely hurt my back when I dropped down.”

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Lets get to Stabbing - Moritz

Postby Moritz Craven on December 3rd, 2023, 8:47 pm

Waiting for her response, Moritz quietly waited to hear what Evalynn had to say about their combat training. Ideally he would want to cover unarmed fighting if she had not learned any, but he was not entirely clear on what all she knew and had learned before. He knew she had learned a bit about daggers, having practiced with them with her before, but other than that he knew nothing about her training. Well nothing but that she had very little skill in combat, if nothing else based on prior encounters and her current lacking combat presence.

While Moritz did not mind protecting Evalynn, he also knew he could not constantly be around her. And so he knew it was better she learn some basics at least in regards to training and combat so she would be able to deal with some situations when he was not around. He also knew he was often guilty of doting on her, but at times that seemed to result in her being even more boisterous in her attempts to do things on her own. Moritz was fine with that, so long as it did not get her permanently hurt. Though reflecting back on his own lessons in combat, he was not so sure he would want her to go through all the things he had...

In the end when she responded it was that she knew nothing about fighting weaponless, only know the bit about dagger usage which was itself rather limited. Hearing that it seemed to Moritz that her learning to fight without a weapon was more important at this time than learning to fight better with a dagger.

Thinking deeply Moritz wondered what would be the best place to start, but decided similarly to other lessons on the basics of unarmed fighting he had given he would start with just that, the basics.

"Thinking things out, imagining how they will go, is fine, but you need to be able to back those thoughts up with action. And without practice and real practical knowledge, you will not be able to properly predict how things will go. I think to start with, there are really three most important basics you must learn. There are other things you will want to know later, but to form a good foundation to grow your knowledge and practice upon, those three things are key. And even just knowing those three things, you will be better able to deal with a fight than some guy off the street with no training at all... So probably best to focus on those three things, and wait to move on to other things till you really have those down."

Pausing again Moritz considered things, before taking on a fighting stance. Legs spread apart, not too far or too close. Feet turned, one out in front and one towards Maya. His body was turned to the side, such that his left side was facing towards her, which was also the foot facing outward and thus pointing towards her. His arms were loose but spread out, rather than locked or fully extended. One arm, his right, was down low and protecting his guts and torso. The other arm was up near his face, just in front of his chin and with both hands in a fist.

"I am not sure I would call that actual unarmed combat. Sounds more like grappling, or wrestling maybe... For Unarmed combat... First thing first, you need to know how to stand. A good basic multipurpose stance will take you far. After that you need to know how to throw a proper punch. And lastly, you need to know what to do if you get hit, or how to get hit. First things first, the stance. Try and copy what I am doing, facing towards where I am now. I will make any adjustments if you need them. And I may have you unstance and try again to see if you can take it on from memory. You need to train this stance over and over until you can do it perfectly without thinking. There are other stances besides this, and many uses for different ones, but this is a good basic one you can use in a lot of cases. So learn this one well."

If Evalynn agreed Moritz would wait and watch her take on a mirror of his stance. Once she tried it he would head over and help her adjust her stance physically. Using his hands he would bend a leg, move an arm, or other such physical manipulations to try and get her standing right. Periodically he would also tell her to release the stance, and to take it on again to see if she could get it right before moving her again.

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Lets get to Stabbing - Moritz

Postby Evalynn Frostfawn on January 25th, 2024, 5:17 pm

She listened, finding that knowledge of the three basics of unarmed combat very useful. She had a hunch that a fighting stance was going to be part of the basics since it was something he taught her when using the dagger. The other two, how to throw and take a punch, seemed to be something that would be a long learning experience. As she watched Moritz enter into a fighting stance, she took a brief moment to study it as he continued to talk. It wasn't difficult, and she figured she would need minor adjustments, but that was all.

So into the stance she went, looking at Moritz then copying it into her own stance. She felt awkward and strange, furrowing her brow to focus as she stood there. Then again, it was her first time doing it properly, not just her copying it or even thinking about it in her head. She felt his hands brush over her arms and legs as he corrected her stance, all the while she mentally took notes. She he was satisfied, he told her to stand straight then take on the pose again without his example. Eva did just that, and with each time, Moritz seemed like he was readjusting her less and less. Eva felt a smile growing on her face the less times Moritz had to adjust her stance and she felt confidence growing in her skills.

“So, would this stance also flow into me being able to throw a punch?” Eva looked at Moritz curiously as she went into a stance, held it for a bit, then stood back up. “Mentally, it feels strange to use a stance like this just to punch something.” Eva spoke as she did and awkward slow punch while standing in the stance she was practicing. She tilted her head and looked over at Moritz for a bit of insight.

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