[Unverified] Marik Sitai

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Marik Sitai

Postby Marik Sitai on April 15th, 2024, 1:49 am

Marik Sitai



Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Birthday: 30th of Fall, 495.
Birthplace: Kenash


Marik stands at six feet two inches tall. His light brown hair can seem a golden sandy color in just the right light. He keeps his hair cut in the fashion of a crew cut, though will often shave the sides to allow the top to grow out as he desires. His eyes are a striking light amber brown. His skin is naturally dark although it runs on the smooth medium end of that melanin scale.
Last edited by Marik Sitai on April 26th, 2024, 2:25 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Marik Sitai
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Marik Sitai

Postby Marik Sitai on April 15th, 2024, 1:52 am

Character Concept

Marik is a perfumer by trade. His intelligence was honed towards that singular goal by his family which is why he has become a fragrance enthusiast.

His hands may have been guided towards perfumery, however it does not change the fact that Marik enjoys the process of the artform. Perfumery is his trade, but philtering is his passion. He finds comfort in the boiling of vapors and the sights of condensation on glass. If he was handed a glass of wine the first thing on his mind would be to extract its fragrance if it smelt wonderful.

The philter holds a decadently disciplined outlook on life.

He is a joyously passionate man who partakes in all the intoxicating vices his family is known for. He is not a shy individual and would happily smoke and partake in sensual activities during times of celebration. But it is rare for him to be drunkenly inebriated beyond reason since ale or wine are not his poison of choice. It is far more common to see him with a woman in arm and a cigar between his lips.

When it comes to people, Marik will party with the best of them. However, he is a disbeliever in the goodwill of people. He was born into a Dynasty of Kenash which means he is a man who will put his family first. He'll be anyone else's best friend when it is convenient, but the moment he learns that someone is acting against his loved ones then Marik would turn on them in a heartbeat; and his revenge is the patient type. The social graces of Kenash has made him mannerly in that regard. It is civility and grace which can hide the best of betrayals.

When it comes to slavery:
Marik is a Dynasty member who was born and raised in Kenash. He holds no racial prejudice and views nothing wrong with owning any race of slave. Mairk is natural unless otherwise provoked in his treatment of slaves and does not abuse them since they are peoples property.

Character History
Pre-Creation History

Marik is the end product of night of hedonism, amusement, and passionate elegance after his mother Yatmina Sitai entwined herself in a hazy drug filled passionate orgy. It surprised Yatmina to learn that she was pregnant given that she was later in age. The true identity of Marik's father is never brought up, yet when it is, getting a proper answer from Yatmina without receiving an elegantly snarky remark remains a gargantuan task. Despite the promiscuous nature of his origins, Mairk was raised among Bloodflower, with the rest of kin of the Sitai Dynasty. He is the half-sibling to Dervain, Roland, Rosamay, and Marshal Sitai.

There was nothing special about Marik's childhood. He knows every nook and cranny of the Bloodflower plantation because it was his childhood playground. As slaves toiled in the tobacco fields, he trained with tutors in the art of perfumery and philtering to better understand how to alter the families tobacco crops.

The great djed storm of 512 happened when Marik was seventeen years old. It was a catastrophic event for all Mizahar, yet it was the first time that Marik ever questioned what was beyond the realm of Kenash or of energies beyond the physical world. His curiosity led him to a freeborn teacher of the arcane named Anria Truvl who taught him the nature of djed through the opening of flux pathways which led him into being initiated into projection by Olivia Knollis. His academic pursuits into magic diverted his attention from perfumery as he learned to utilize flux with his philters to create special tonics.
Last edited by Marik Sitai on September 5th, 2024, 4:05 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Marik Sitai
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Marik Sitai

Postby Marik Sitai on April 15th, 2024, 1:56 am


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Pavi.
Poor Language: Tukant.



Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Philtering 15 RB, 11 SP 26 Competent

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Cigar Making 5 SP 5 Novice
Flux 5 SP 5 Novice
Herbalism 5 SP 5 Novice
Medicine 5 SP 5 Novice
Perfumery 14 SP 14 Novice
Projection 5 SP 5 Novice
Last edited by Marik Sitai on September 5th, 2024, 3:56 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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Marik Sitai

Postby Marik Sitai on April 15th, 2024, 1:59 am


(SP) Kenash: Sitai Family History
(SP) Philtering: Infusing flux into a philter.
Last edited by Marik Sitai on April 23rd, 2024, 4:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Marik Sitai

Postby Marik Sitai on April 15th, 2024, 2:02 am

Possessions & Housing

**** Notes:

Location: Bloodflower plantation, Kenash.
Suite: A room with a good-quality fireplace, bed, trunk, chest of drawers, chair, and a desk in the plantation.


Heirloom: Identification Kit: Sometimes a philterer does not have the space to carry around an entire lab, but does need to identify potions. The identification kit was designed for just such a thing. It contains carefully measured ingredients, a few simple tools and a variety of vials.

Starting Good-Quality Toiletries:
  • comb
  • brush
  • razor
  • bar of soap.
  • One-time Sitai Dynasty Allowance of: 1000GM

Starting Set of Clothing
  • Simple Shirt
  • Simple Pants
  • Simple Undergarments
  • Simple Cloak or Coat
  • Simple Boots

Starting Items
    1 Waterskin
    1 Backpack which contains:
    -Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
    -1 eating knife
    -Flint & Steel

Bought Items

    Formal Good Quality Clothes:
  • Headwear, broad-brim hat.
  • Black satin shirt.
  • Silk Undergarments.
  • Belt.
  • Black Silk Trousers.
  • Boots, Riding.
  • Dagger.
  • Book, Blank.
  • Ink (1 Oz. Vial).
  • 4x Quill.
  • 4x Tobacco, 4lbs.
  • Philtering Lab: A large collection of philtering equipment including but not limited to, jars, mortar and pestle, books containing simple recipes and a handful of ingredients for producing simple potions quickly (L1-L2); enough ingredients for four L1 potions or two L2s. The lab equipment is sufficient for philtering up to L4; a room to hold the equipment is not included. (Can double as a poison-crafter's lab)

Last edited by Marik Sitai on September 14th, 2024, 7:43 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Marik Sitai
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Marik Sitai

Postby Marik Sitai on April 15th, 2024, 2:04 am


Purchase Cost Total
Starting Loan Money +1000 GM 1000 GM
Headwear, broad-brim hat 4 gm 996gm
Leather Jacket 1 gm 2 sm 994gm 8sm
Satin shirt 2gm 992 gm 8sm
Silk Undergarments 2gm 5sm 990 gm 3sm
Belt 2 sm 990 gm 1sm
Silk Trousers 20 gm 970 gm 1sm
Boots, Riding 1 gm 969 gm 1sm
Dagger 2 gm 967 gm 1sm
Bed, Good 20 gm 947 gm 1sm
Book, Blank 3 gm 944 gm 1sm
Ink (1 Oz. Vial) 1gm 943 gm 1sm
4x Quill 2sm 942 gm 9sm
4x Tobacco, 4lbs. (Trade good)2 gm 940 gm 9sm
Philtering Lab 400 gm 540 gm 9sm
Last edited by Marik Sitai on September 14th, 2024, 7:42 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Marik Sitai
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Marik Sitai

Postby Marik Sitai on April 15th, 2024, 2:09 am

Thread List

Link your current & past threads here!
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Marik Sitai
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Marik Sitai

Postby Marik Sitai on April 15th, 2024, 2:12 am

NPC's, Relationships, & Companions

Dead NPCs
NPC type: Dead.
Name: Anria Truvl
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 7th of Summer, 485 AV
Date of Death: 82nd of Autumn, 514.
PoB: Syliras
Relations: Marik's arcane instructor.
Skills: Flux: 47; Unarmed Combat: 50; Voiding: 30.
Additional Info: Anria Truvl was born the the daughter of a merchant in Syliras. She never really cared about living a life of commerce, so she attempted to become a knight in Syliras; specifically a mage knight. She trained until she learned that her mother had passed away which made her question her life choices and left her squirehood to be with her family who needed her. She found her happiness as she worked as a guard for her father who worked as a merchant. When she was traveling to Kenash with her family the Djed storm of 512 erupted. Her family were all killed during the event but she survived and made her way to Kenash where she sought work as a guard, she ultimately found work for the Sitai family and introduced Marik to the concepts of magic. She died defending Marik from a group of slaves during a revolt. (Event inspired by date taken from this past calendar.)
Last edited by Marik Sitai on June 1st, 2024, 10:42 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Marik Sitai
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Marik Sitai

Postby Marik Sitai on April 15th, 2024, 2:14 am

The Amber Accord


Name of Business: The Amber Accord.
Type of Business: Goods and services.
Location: Westbank, Kenash (Empty Westbank Lot #3?)
concept :
Beyond the obvious requirements of dynasty members being required to have a business. The Amber Accord at it's heart is a philter shop which draws in a customer base from those who fancy smoking or need perfumes. As of the moment of writing, there is no smoking lounge or perfume location on the West Bank which sees the most foot traffic from caravans and travelers. The shop can benefit the city through being a business source which sells off the Sitai families tobacco. Marik will run the shop by himself until he he skilled enough to hire or maintain a slave of freeborn clerk once the loans are repaid. There is room for growth in that the lounge could become a small tavern with the addition of a kitchen & dining hall in the future. Another business in the area deals with growing plants called Blossoming Blooms which is why Marik doesn't necessarily focus on growing plants for floral aromas himself for perfumes, so will buy the ingredients when necessary. Just like with the kitchen, he may grow into gardening them himself when he is more skilled.


The Amber Accord is a lounge and shop located in the Westbank of Kenash which caters to olfactory and gustatory delights. The shops name comes from the odour of amber which is earthy, rich, and warm. In perfumery, an accord is equilibrium between two odours. In life, an accord is an agreement where two sides find harmony. From the robust richness of tobacco farmed by the Sitai Dynasty to the ethereal sweetness of perfumes, every scent promises a journey of sensation.

When too much satisfaction leads to the cough from smoke filled lungs, when lips becomes chapped from prolonged smoking, or the skin of a newly acquired slave needs to be prepped before wearing a masters favored scent. The Amber Accord offers philters to keep its clientele comfortable in the smoking lounge to continue enjoying their pleasures.


building layout :

As one approaches the ornate wooden door to the building, it's clear what family has ties to the Accord due to the Bloodflower symbol painted on the door. Upon opening it a symphony of lavishly sweet scents greets all visitors. The front door opens right into an elaborate room with polished wood floors. The wall to the left of the entrance is lined with comfortable benches for patrons to enjoy a cigar or their favorite pipeweed. The benches see the most use from passing visitors to Kenash, but there are two impeccably fine couches which house regulars to the lounge who can often be found with a bottle of wine.

Amber curtains similar to golden autumn leaves line the walls which causes sunlight to cast a warm hue through the buildings windows during the day. Marik welcomes anyone to utilize the smoking lounge for meetings, dates, or general get-togethers.

Three arm chairs face the benches that often seat people who are contemplating what perfumes to buy. There are two arm-chairs sequestered into a nook area in the back corner of the lounge semi-hidden behind the staircase for more secretive meetings.

The staircase to the right of the entrance leads up to the Amber Accord's shop where Marik can generally be found sitting behind the counter ready to aid anyone in finding their favorite scent or smoke. Marik spared no expense on the lounge, however the shop itself is far more simplistic as the only decadence comes from the goods on display. Perfumes line all the shelves in the shop ready to be worn and tobaccos are kept on the countertop.

Marik keeps medical and magical philters on sale in the backroom of the shop which he retrieves for people upon being asked.

Marik himself can be found sitting behind the shops counter rolling philtered tobacco leaves as a means to pass his time. He places those special flavored cigars into a bowl next to him on the counter for customers to buy.

There are no set business hours.

The Accord is simply open whenever the entrance is unlocked. At night, Marik usually relegates himself to his philtering lab behind the shop to work on things to further his business endeavors. He keeps a bed in his lab to use when needed.

Goods Offered:
Tobacco :
Item Cost
Flavored Tobacco CigarThe Sitai Dynastay is known for altering the flavors of their tobacco, and Marik Sitai upholds this tradition. He marinates tobaccos in philters which create two or more layers of flavor. Often enough, the flavor is the same as a sweet fruit and burns with the smell of a sweet perfume. Specific flavors are made special upon request. 1 gm
Cyphrian Tobacco1 sm/oz.
Calisye 2 sm/oz
Dark Ba'tae 2 sm/oz
Sallowbell Tobacco 8 cm/oz
Kline 5 cm/oz
Syliran Tobacco 3 sm/oz
Swamp Weed 1 gm/oz
Sywart 5 cm/oz
Blue Vision 2 sm/oz
Vayt's Ruse 5 cm/oz
Tevino 5 cm/oz

Tobacco Accessories.
Item Cost
Metal Mouthpiece 1 gm
Wood Pipe 14 gm

Medicinal Philters :
Philtering (Medicines)
Note: Medical Philters currently within Marik's skill to create. L1 Herb, L1 med, L1 philter required.

Item Cost
Amber TonicA single dose of a flux infused philter. Once ingested, it bolsters the endurance of the drinker for a chime. It can be an aphrodisiac for very important moments or when coffee just won't do. 1 gm
Tulja Poultice 10 gm
Hangover Tonic 2 gm
Sweetblossom Tincture 3 sm
Narnvayt Oil 2 sm
Chamayo Tonic 2 gm
Arsyna Cream 6 sm
Sweetblossom Syrup 1 sm
Lillian Root Tea 8 sm
Marim Bitters 1 gm
Filan Essence 5 gm
Mandrake Tonic 2 sm
Rosemary Ointment 5 sm
Miaso Cream 1 sm

Perfumes :
Item Cost
Perfume, common 1 sm–1 gm/oz.
Perfume, unusual 2–10 gm/oz.
Perfume, rare 11–25 gm/oz.
Perfume, exotic 26–50+ gm/oz.

Services Offered :
The Amber Accord is not a tavern. However, it does offer the chance for customers who have purchased an item already to buy a single bottle of fine wine while utilizing the lounge space.

  • Wine, Fine (bottle), 10 gm.

Shot glasses are available for rent.

The only caveat is that who ever brakes them buys the glass & there is an upcharge due to Marik needing to take time out of his day to wash them.
  • 2-Ounce Shot Glass rental, 4 sm.

For the non-pipe weed tobacco enthusiast, Marik can hand roll normal/non-philtered Sitai tobacco leaves kept in stock into a cigar for a price.
  • Cigar rolling, 2 sm.


Building & initial stock :
Purchase Cost Total
Philtering Lab (Simple)Contains a basic set of vials, flasks, beakers, barrels, crates and a number of different types of storage devices to contain a variety founts and filters (acquired separately). It also includes a couple of stone slabs with adjacent shelves for storage as well as large barrel of water for cleaning and preparation purposes. There is a fireplace and the floor is made of rough wood or stone. 700gm 700gm
Common Area (Elaborate)This is a room featuring polished stone or wood floors and comfortable benches. Murals and fancy curtains may adorn the walls and this structural component may be purchased for more elaborate balconies, meeting rooms or all-purpose rooms. 1,500 2200GM
Shop (Simple)This is the most basic of stores found in most towns and cities. Includes a small wooden sign on a pole out front, rough shelves and a counter inside with a small back room. Requires at least one clerk to operate if not self-operated by owner. 600GM 2800 GM
multiple components construction discount -25%2100 GM

Initial Stock
Purchase Cost Total
10x Perfume, common 1gm 1gm
10x Perfume, unusual 20gms 21 gm
10x Perfume, rare 110 gm 131 gm
10x Perfume, exotic 260 gm 391 gm
10x Cyphrian Tobacco 1gm 1gm
10x Calisye 3gm 4 gm
10x Dark Ba'tae 5gm 9
13x Sallowbell Tobacco 1sm 4cm 9gm 1sm 4cm
20x Kline 1 gm 10gm 1sm 4cm
10x Syliran Tobacco 3gm 13gm 1sm 4cm
10x Swamp Weed 10 gm 23gm 1sm 4cm
20x Sywart 1 gm 24 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Blue Vision 2 gm 26 gm 1sm 4cm
20x Vayt's Ruse 1 gm 27 gm 1sm 4cm
20x Tevino 1gm 28 gm 1sm 4cm
x10 Metal Mouthpiece 10 gm 38 gm 1sm 4cm
x10 Wood Pipe 140 gm 178 gm 1sm 4cm
2100gm + 391 gm+ 178 gm 1sm 4cm 2669 gm 1sm 4cm
Crafting components:
20x Tobacco (Trade good)10 gm 2679 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Apples 10gm2689 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Cherries 5gm 2694 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Honey 1gm 2695 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Olive oil 50gm2745 1sm 4cm
10x Sugar 10 gm 2755 1sm 4cm
10x Barley 20 gm2775 1sm 4cm
10x Scented Vinegar 11 gm2786 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Tulja Poultice 100 gm 2886 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Hangover Tonic 20 gm2906 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Sweetblossom Tincture 3 gm2909 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Narnvayt Oil 2 gm 2911 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Chamayo Tonic 20 gm2931 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Arsyna Cream 6 gm 2937 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Sweetblossom Syrup 1 gm 2938 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Lillian Root Tea 8 gm 2946 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Marim Bitters 10 gm 2956 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Filan Essence 50 gm3006 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Mandrake Tonic 2 gm3008 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Rosemary Ointment 5 gm3013 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Miaso Cream 1gm 3014 gm 1sm 4cm
10x Wine, Fine (bottle) 100 gm 3114 gm 1sm 4cm
20x Shot Glass, 2-Ounce 2 gm 3116 gm 1sm 4cm
2x Couch, Fine 40 gm 3156 gm 1sm 4cm
5 x Arm Chair, Good 40 gm 3196 gm 1sm 4cm
30x Perfume, common 3 gm 3199 gm 1sm 4cm
*Rounded up total for sanity sake 3200 gm
Last edited by Marik Sitai on September 12th, 2024, 4:10 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Marik Sitai
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Marik Sitai

Postby Marik Sitai on April 15th, 2024, 2:14 am

Character Development Questions

General Information :
1. What is your Name?
2. Do you go by a nickname or pet name?
3. How old are you?
4. What is your height?
5. What is your weight?

Aesthetics :
1. Describe yourself as you see yourself.
2. Describe yourself as others typically see you.
3. What is your favorite body feature?
4. How physically fit are you?
5. How do you typically dress and what is your style?

Family :
1. Who are your parents and what are they like?
2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
3. What is your extended family like?
4. Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family?
5. Do you treat animals like family?

Location :
1. Where were you born?
2. Where do you live now?
3. If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be?
4. Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time?
5. Where do you fear to be?

Traits :
1. Do you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs?)
2. Are you right handed or left handed?
3. What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent?
4. Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
5. Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them) ?

Occupations :
1. What is your occupation?
2. Do you like/dislike your work? Why?
3. If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be?
4. What occupation do you admire the most? Why?
5. What occupation do you lest like? Why?

Childhood :
1. What sort of child were you?
2. What is your favorite memory from childhood?
3. What is your worst memory from childhood?
4. What sort of relationship did you have with your parents?
5. Who was your most influential rolemodel?

Education :
1. What sort of education do you have?
2. Do you like/dislike learning?
3. Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities?
4. How do you learn best?
5. What are your educational goals for the future?

Relationships :
1. Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not?
2. Do you trust people easily? If not, why not?
3. Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else?
4. Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time.
5. Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time.

Drugs and Alcohol :
1. Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time.
2. Do you like to drink on a regular basis?
3. What sort of alcohol do you prefer?
4. Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them?
5. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific.

Likes and Dislikes :
1. What are your hobbies?
2. Do you like to read?
3. What annoys you more than anything else?
4. What do you find the most relaxing activity to do?
5. What kinds of things embarrass you? Why?

Favorites :
1. What is your favorite color or colors?
2. What is your favorite time of day?
3. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
4. What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat?
5. What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you?

Outlook :
1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
2. What are your religious views?
3. Would you be able to kill?
4. What are your views on sex?
5. What, in your opinion, makes a successful life?

Actions :
1. What is the worst and best thing you’ve ever done?
2. What is your greatest regret?
3. What is your best/worst memory?
4. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?
5. What are you the most proud of doing in your life?

Emotions :
1. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?
2. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
3. What makes you happy?
4. Who or what, if anything, would you die for?
5. What makes you angry?

Relationships :
1. In general, how do you treat others?
2. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
3. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
4. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover.
5. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why

Group Situations :
1. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
2. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
3. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
4. Do you care what others think of you?
5. What do you think of others, in general?

Self Image :
1. What is your greatest strength as a person?
2. What is your greatest weakness?
3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
4. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
5. Are you generally organized or messy?

Beliefs :
1. What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any?
2. Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any?
3. Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them?
4. What lengths would you go to to please your deity?
5. Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much?

Life & Death :
1. What do you absolutely live for?
2. What is the best part of life?
3. What is the best part of death?
4. If you could choose, how would you want to die?
5. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
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Marik Sitai
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