Solo Stepping onto Sandy Shores

Karigan arrives in Syka

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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

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Stepping onto Sandy Shores

Postby Karigan on August 13th, 2024, 10:30 am

1 Summer, 524

Karigan squinted ahead, the island ahead now looming large before the boat. She was leaning on a railing near the front of The Veronica, the ship that called the island, Syka, its home. Salt-laden spray misted into her face, keeping her cool and curling the tendrils of brunette hair that had come loose from her braid. She was glad to have left Riverfall behind for this unknown – to her – settlement. While the city was surely beautiful, it had felt stifling and the way its denizens structured their society made her uncomfortable. She did not know yet if Syka would be her final destination, but the idea of it called to her. The wildness, the open space and the possibilities were an intoxicating pull so alien to her life in Syliras.

As they drew closer to shore, Karigan’s eyes fell not upon the beach, but on the dense dark wall of green that sat behind it. The jungle… She had heard talk of the environment, but had struggled to imagine it for herself. Sure she had been in and around The Bronze Woods, but compared to this sight, that might as well have been a few spindly trees placed about an open garden. The jungle appeared impenetrable to her untrained eye, and she was amazed at how it seemed to stretch left and right along the shore into infinity.

In front of the jungle she could now better see the buildings. Structures of wood, most appearing to have open fronts and decks, were scattered across the beach in a loose grouping of a community area. Further along the shore she could just about make out further, more solitary buildings if she squinted hard enough. Karigan could also now see the people. A large group had gathered by the dock, seemingly awaiting the arrival of The Veronica.

Karigan bent and collected her single, large pack, slinging it over her shoulder just as the ship slowly came to settle at the dock. As soon as the walkway was down the people on the beach erupted into a flurry of activity. Someone, a fellow passenger who had seemingly been here before, smiled at her.
“The community all help with the unloading, just gently make your way past them, they won’t mind.”
She watched the person collect a crate and make their way off of the boat. Karigan shifted her pack over both shoulders before moving to collect a crate of her own. She carried the ideals of the Knights with her wherever she went, even if she technically was no longer one of them, and she was not about to let other people do work that she could help with. She hefted the heavy crate into a better grip before walking carefully down and off the boat.

Not knowing how the unloading of a ship worked, Karigan opted to follow the stranger who had spoken to her. She placed her crate near where they left theirs, nodding at a thanks from an islander who was presumably cataloguing everything that was arriving. She quickly moved out of the way of others and found herself standing somewhat awkwardly to one side observing the proceedings. The Sykans clearly had a well-honed and efficient routine and she was hesitant to disrupt it.

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Stepping onto Sandy Shores

Postby Karigan on August 13th, 2024, 10:32 am

“Welcome to Syka!”
Karigan turned to see a man approaching her. He appeared older than a lot of the others milling about, judging by the creases on his skin, but he still carried a youthful air. Perhaps it was thanks to the way of life on the island. She smiled and inclined her head to the man.

“Thank you.”
“My name is Mathias, one of the founders of the settlement. You’ve already met Captain James,” He nodded to indicate the man who had sailed The Veronica over from Riverfall, “and that over there is Randall, the last member of our triad.”
Karigan looked over to where the bulk of the crates were being gathered, eyes falling on a man with curly brunette hair.
“How long are you planning to stay with us?”

Karigan paused before answering Mathias’ question. Truthfully, she had no real answer.
“Well, I thought maybe a season…” She trailed off and he smiled.
“Syka is the sort of place where you can come and go as you fancy, though you’ll see that a lot have now made a permanent home here. You don’t need to know the answer now, but I will tell you that if you do stay it is somewhat of a rule that all residents contribute to the community in some way. As you can probably tell, we are a little isolated from the rest of Mizahar here and we all work together to help each other. I’d be curious to know if you have any useful skills?”

Karigan had been nodding as he spoke. It made sense to her, for as far as she could tell the ship was quite literally the only means of trade the settlement had.
“Well… I was training in the Knighthood of Syliras, so I suppose I have some skills from there. My real strength though is in healing.” She held up her left hand, the mark of Rak’Keli shining unsubtly on the back of it. “I was still learning many basics of medicine when I left Syliras, but this helps me fill some gaps while my knowledge is still building.”

Mathias appeared pleased by her words. “Healers, especially marked ones, are always useful. Especially in a place like Syka. It looks like paradise, but danger lies just footsteps away.” His gaze drifted to the jungle. “We have Jansen, Kalum and Kami at the Panacea already, but the settlement has grown rather a lot so we would never say no to more help there if you do stick with us.”
The man studied Karigan for a moment before speaking again. “I think you might like to take a look at the Protea Inn for your lodging while you are with us.” He nodded to himself. “I have a feeling it will suit you well.”

Karigan wasn’t sure quite what meaning lay behind Mathia’s words, but she nodded anyway. A bead of sweat trailed its way down the side of Karigan’s face and she swiped it away before tugging at the collar of her shirt.
“Ah yes, you’ll need to get used to the heat here…” Mathias gave her a sympathetic smile before waving someone over. “Dawn, would you be able to take…” He looked expectantly at Karigan, who realised she had never said her name.
“Oh, Karigan!”
“…take Karigan to your store for some better clothes? We have enough help with The Veronica for now. She’ll be heading over to the Protea after.”

Last edited by Karigan on August 13th, 2024, 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Stepping onto Sandy Shores

Postby Karigan on August 13th, 2024, 10:36 am

Before she knew it, Karigan was being marched across the beach arm in arm with a blonde woman sporting a lovely smile. She chattered to Karigan about the beach, the sea and the birds, not really expecting any answers. It didn’t take long for them to arrive at a store whose sign proclaimed itself to be ‘Tropical Fever Fashions’. Dawn ushered her inside and Karigan found herself surrounded by the most colour she had ever seen in her life.

“Right!” Dawn clapped her hands together, spinning to face Karigan. “What you have on now is actually great for the jungle. Well, the boots and pants anyway. Leather, yes?” Karigan nodded. “Good, they’ll protect you from bites and thorns and all sorts.”
Karigan looked down at her clothing, the brown leather boots up to her knees over fitted leather trousers of a slightly darker hue.
“We can make you some Isuas shirts and more pants for when you need them.”

Karigan cleared her throat. “I uh, I wasn’t planning to go in there. The jungle that is. I don’t think I am staying that long.”
Dawn blinked once and then smiled. “Alright then! Beach-wear it is. What colours do you like?”
“Uh… brown?” Karigan said it like a question and Dawn chuckled.
“I think we can do better than brown.”

The woman bustled around her store, pulling items of clothing seemingly at random. Karigan noted with dismay that there was only one piece of brown among the growing bundle. As a former Squire, she was unused to individuality. Bright colours, patterns… anything that made one stand out had never been a part of her wardrobe. Brown, black, and a white shirt had been her uniform since she was a child.

With instructions on what to try on with what, Karigan found herself ensconced in the changing room. The flowing cotton trousers were her favourite items, one white pair and one brown pair. She ignored the tiny, midriff-baring tops and bikinis in favour of trying the short-sleeved shirts and halter-neck tops that at least went most of the way to the waistband of the trousers. It was not that she was prudish, far from it, but she was unused to having her skin so exposed after living for so long in a uniform that covered her from shoulders to toes.

In the end Karigan decided to purchase both the trousers, two lightweight short-sleeved shirts in moss green and burnt orange and one halterneck in mustard yellow. Some colour, but not too bright. She declined the skirts and dresses along with the tiny tops, but did add in a pair of brown leather sandals and a small bag since her pack was currently full. She kept on the brown trousers, green top and sandals, stuffing her old clothing and new purchases into the bag.

As Dawn tallied up Karigan’s items, she told her how to find the Protea Inn.
“It’s easy to find, you head back out and past the docks, then keep on the path. You’ll pass Mathias’ place first and then the Protea is the next one. It’s a fairly big structure, you won’t miss it!”

The seamstress accompanied Karigan back out of her store. “You should join us in the Commons when you are settled, we always have a lot of food ready once the Veronica is unloaded. Get Tazrae to come and join us too alright?”
With a smile and a wave, Dawn headed off on her way. Karigan took a deep breath, slightly overwhelmed but not in a bad way. Syka would take some getting used to. It felt like the total opposite of Syliras with its orderly streets and countless rules. Another breath in and out, and Karigan trotted lightly down the step and started to head up the beach in search of the Inn.

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