Solo On the Whims of Smoke and Roses

Marik bides his time while waiting for the day to begin.

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

Moderator: Gossamer

On the Whims of Smoke and Roses

Postby Marik Sitai on September 14th, 2024, 11:21 pm


Fall 1st, 524 AV
Location: Bloodflower.

Unhurried. Delightfully languorous. Restfully leisured.

ImageThere were no better words to describe the atmosphere within Marik Sitai's bedroom as he lounged within the Bloodflower plantation. The room smelt of rose oil mixed with tobacco as the servants of the house always kept fresh roses misted with perfume in the vase that rested on the drawer next to his bed. The source of the tobacco smell stemmed from a burning cigar which laid on an ashtray on the mantel of the fireplace which Marik used as a makeshift incense.

The walls of the room were adorned with textured warm peach colored wallpaper that matched with the main colors of the plantations design. The fireplace that dominated the furthest wall of the room opposite of the doorway burned with a low crackling of logs which cast flickering shadows across the walls of his room as Syna was still a long way from rising. Today was the official grand opening of his business after spending last season obtaining a loan from his family and setting all of his affairs into order.

Marik sat at his desk which stood proud at the center of the wall opposite of the foot of his bed as he looked over the instruments of his philtering lab. He could not find peace enough to sleep due to an anxious feeling in the pit of his stomach, but the tobacco in the air took the edge off of that feeling which left him in a contently sleepless state of not knowing what do do with himself.

An idea flashed across the Philter's mind when his eyes passed over a stack of books that were apart of his philtering lab. He opened one of the books to find introductory information a beginner would reference to start making basic recipes. His languorous contentment shifted into studious leisure the nighttime beyond his windows marked the time as Leth transitioned to the second bell of the day.

Marik left the book open on the desk in front of an alembic as he rose to his feet which were covered in leather riding boots. The ends of his black silk trousers were tucked into his boots which matched the way his black long sleeved satin shirt was tucked into his pants. The sleeves of his shirt had been long since rolled up to his elbows earlier during the night, but he adjusted them further while walking out of his room into the hallway. It was not hard to find a slave in close proximity that his family owned.


The word was stated effortlessly.

There was no noise loud enough in the hallway that could deter the slave or cause any misinterpretation as to who the word was pointed at. The slave was a young fair skinned human woman dressed in a simple linen dress uniform. She looked to be sweeping the hall before standing to give Marik her full attention.

"Where is Theo?"

He asked the slave to point out the location of Bloodflower's head slave trainer who also happened to be a slave. "He is giving intimacy lessons in the slave wing, Master Marik." The young woman responded with a low bow of her head as Marik nodded at her answer.

"Find him and tell him to send me a slave who's ready to learn."

He dismissed her with a wave of his hand once he finished speaking. "Yes, Master Marik." The woman said while watching Marik head back into his room as she quickly gathered her broom to go do as she was told.

Marik moved over to the fireplace when a voice called to him from the doorway which caused him to glance over his shoulder.

Image "I thought you would have spent the night at your new business since you had a bed delivered there." Varya of the Red Moon, the Captain of the Guard at Bloodflower stated while dressed for combat in a set of plate armor over which she wore a surcoat bearing the heraldry of the Sitai rose.

"It's true, I am a creature of habit." Marik said with a smirk as he reached up to the mantle of the fireplace to retrieve his lit cigar. He took a long puff of smoke from it to fill his mouth with the tangy flavor of tobacco before he blew a puff of smoke down towards the ground. He allowed himself only one puff before returning the cigar back onto the ashtray.

Marik gestured towards the room that he grew up in as a means of welcoming her further into his personal space. "Your company is always welcomed, but is there anything in specific that you wanted to say to me Varya? You do not seem to be dressed for idle conversation." His tone of voice carried something that it lacked when speaking with a slave; that being sympathy. Varya worked herself hard like a slave in many aspects of her life; even going so far as to not accept payment by the family for her services, and yet she had the status of being a freeborn which Marik respected.

"There are no problems. I have been on patrol throughout the house and all of the guards on patrol outside have had nothing substantial to report. I did question a slave that just rushed down the hallway about why she was in a hurry. She told me you had given her a task, so I am just checking for her sake to see if that is true."

Marik answered her statement with a nod. "Your due diligence towards keeping the family safe makes my heart flutter." He said with a smirk as he turned to face her. "Speaking of safety, since I will be breaking my habit of staying here. Are you open to teaching me how to properly defend myself sometime?"

Varya eyebrow raised at the question which she responded with a nod of her own.

"So long as it does not interfere with my duties to your family, my time is yours Master Marik."

WC: 1002

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Marik Sitai
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Joined roleplay: April 14th, 2024, 11:56 pm
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