Text Code Bold {b} and {/b} Usage: This {b}bolds{/b} your text. ---> This bolds your text. Italics {i} and {/} Usage: This {i}italicizes{i} your text. ---> This italicizes your text. Underline {u} and {/u} Usage: This {u}underlines{/u} your text. ---> This underlines your text. Left Aligned Text {left} and {/left} Usage: {left}This text is left-aligned{/left} --> This text is left-aligned Right Aligned Text {right} and {/right} {right}This text is right-aligned{/right}--> This text is right-aligned Center Aligned Text {center} and {/center} Usage: {center}Lets you center text or an image in the exact middle of your post. {/center} ---> Lets you center text or an image in the exact middle of your post. Shadowed Text {shadow} and {/shadow} --->Usage
This is shadowed text! But you can get more control with "shadow2". It's a bit more tricky as it gets four parameters. Color, as before, then three numbers: offsetX and offsetY, which tell the code to place the shadow so many pixels to the right and bottom of the text, and blur radius. The higher blur is, the more blurry your shadow is. 0 is the minimum and renders a shadow that's just as sharp as the text.
Center the shadow on the text and you can achieve glow effects! Font {font=fontype} and {/font} Usage: This lets you change {font=Palatino}font types{/font} in text. ---> This lets you change the font types in text. All the standard font types work. Style Code Hints: {style=font-size:400%} to get larger sizes than the {size=200 } tag gives in BBC code. Remember to replace the vulture wing brackets with straight ones. Google font {googlefont=fontype} and {/googlefont} Google maintains a growing list of embeddable fonts that can be viewed here. Once you use googlefont everyone with a modern browser will see the font even if they don't have it installed on their computer. Simply pick your font and use its name in the command. Webfont {webfont=fontype} and {/webfont} Usage: This lets you display a font that Mizahar has loaded onto its site in your posts so you don't have to use 'websafe' fonts that the font option lets you use. If you use 'font' and the viewer does not have that specific font loaded into their computer, they will see a standard game font rather than your fancy work. That's where webfonts comes in. Note that these are .ttf fonts and won't work in Internet Explorer 8 and older. Requests for free-use non-licensed fonts to be added can be made via the help desk. Complete List of Webfonts Available Indent {indent} and {/indent} Usage: {indent}Though impossible to tell with such a short paragraph, this function will indent a paragraph on both sides.{/indent} ---> Though impossible to tell with such a short paragraph, this function will neatly indent text on both sides. Color {color} and {/color} Usage: Her lips were blood {color=red}red{/color]. ---> Her lips were blood red. Strikeout {del} and {/del} Usage: Lets you {del}strikeout{/del} or {del}delete{/del} text with a line through it. ---> Lets you Spoilers {spoiler}text{/spoiler} and {spoiler=text}text{/spoiler} Usage: {spoiler}This is a secret. ---> Secret :
NPC Info :
Flash {flash} and {/flash} Usage: {flash}http://www.mizahar.com{/flash} ---> Quotes {quote} and {/quote} Usage: {quote}Hi! How are you!{/quote} --->
Scrollover {ooc=OOC} and {/ooc} Usage: {ooc=OOC INFO}Here's the OOC info you need.{/ooc} Example ScrolloverMizahar's scrollover allows you to even import images into this scrollover or entirely new pages. Coumns {columns=X} and {/columns} Usage: {columns=X}Text in X columns {/columns} It is especially useful for displaying long lists, for example in a CS. X of course equals the number of columns.
Frames {frame=Color} and {/frame} Usage: {frame=Black} text of this post {/frame} See the entire text of this post for an example. You can change color either using the proper color title like 'black' or by using the format #000000. No ' markings are needed. Frames Within Frames {frame2} and {/frame2} Usage: {frame2=#FFBF80}Frame Inside a Frame{/frame2}
Pictures As Frames {framepic} and {/framepic} Usage: {framepic=URL of Image}Text Within Frame{/framepic}
Transparent Frames {frametrans=color,number} and {/frametrans} Usege: This allows you to place a frame within a frame that has a level of transparency to it. This is idea for layering with framepic. COLOR is a color, like black or #000000, and NUMBER is a number 1-9, with 1 being 10% opacity and 9 being 90%. Imagine how nice these will look over pictures verses just the flat boring black. Boxes {box=width in pixiles, background color, border color and text color} and {/box} Usage: Lets you create a fixed box with specified width, background color, border color and text color. Example Produces: {box=400,black,green,#2244CC}Normally these things are a whole lot bigger in terms of boxes. You can put whole posts, add images in, etc.{/box} Normally these things are a whole lot bigger in terms of boxes. You can put whole posts, add images in, etc. Wiki {wiki} and {/wiki} Usage: Lets you link something like NPC {wiki}Kova{/wiki} directly to the wiki page devoted to her. ---> Lets you link something like the NPC Kova directly to the wiki page devoted to her. Tables Adding Simple Tables {table} and {/table} Usage: {table}{u}Tables{/u} are | implemented and | we are probably the first phpBB | site to have tables | with simple syntax as this stuff | was nowhere on the net. | I'm afraid it will have | to be centered on | the page, though.{/table} -->
Adding Colored Tables Usage: {table2=backgroundcolor,bordercolor} and {/table2} So, {table2=#336699,#223322} aaa | bbb | ccc ddd | eee | fff{/table2} --->
Tabs {tabset} {tab} and {/tabset} {/tab} Usage: {tabset=200}{tab=First tab,#000044,white}Contents of first tab{/tab} {tab=Second tab,#003377,white}Contents of second tab{/tab}{/tabset} ---> ![]() First tab
Contents of first tab Second tab
Contents of second tab Images Adding Images {img} and {/img} Usage: {img}http://i464.photobucket.com/albums/rr8/Centaurheart/becky.jpg{/img}---> ![]() This allows you to add an image anywhere in a post. Feel free to cage the image with other BBC code like center. Floating Images {img2=left} and {/img} or {img2=right} and {/img2} ![]() Usage: {img2=left}]http://i464.photobucket.com/albums/rr8/Centaurheart/becky.jpg{/img} ---> This floats an image at one side of a page or another and allows you to place text beside the image. If you use the word left it floats the image left. If you use the word right, it floats the image on the right. Links Inserting Links {url} and {/url} or {url=Option} and {/url} Usage: {url}http://www.mizahar.com{/url} --->http://www.mizahar.com or {url=http://www.mizahar.com}Mizahar{/url}--->Mizahar Inserting Music/MP3s {mp3}Link to music hosting site like fileden.com or filefreak.com{/mp3} Video {youtube}video code here{/youtube} ----> In this case, the link is to Rascal Flatt's song Stand. The URL is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N0yB24M7VM, but you only add the -N0yB24M7VM between the tags (whatever's after the v='s). Lists {list} and {/list} or {list=1} and {/list} Usage:{list} {*}Item 1 {*}Item 2 {/list} -->
{list=1} {*}Item 1 {*}Item 2 {/list} -->
Code {code} and {/code} Usage: {code} <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- alert("This too shall pass!"); //--> </script> {/code} --->
The best and most applicable form of 'code' in Mizahar is to copy an 'example' page into 'code' and display it for the ease of cutting and pasting that sample page "ie a char sheet' or say a location template into a new post. See the stickies in Character Toolbox/Character Sheets for more details. |