Athum Latora

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Athum Latora

Postby Athum Latora on December 25th, 2009, 12:17 pm



Basic Information

Race: Human (Ravokian)
Birthday & Age : 484 AV (26 Years Old)
Gender: Male

Physical Description

Athum is not an overly large man; standing at a height of 5'10" and weighing 180lbs with a medium build. His skin is pale though not unnaturally so and he wears his dark hair short in most instances. Dark, intense eyes and an almost serpent-like smile dominate his face; a face otherwise baring sharpened features that hint at something more in ancestry. In his mid-twenties, Athum looks his age despite having experiences that have aged him considerably inside.

Character Concept

Athum is a devoutly religious man; dedicated solely to the god, Rhysol. He is usually soft-spoken; preferring to handle situations with diplomacy, seduction and deceit over strong-armed combat. Athum is quite fond of jasmine that when dried and burned, gives off a disarming, somewhat erotic scent. Jasmine, along with its many other uses and symbolism, is often used by followers of Rhysol to remind them of their lord. The appearance of Rhysol is often followed by the scent or sight of jasmine. Though stopping short of fanatically religious, Athum is not one to vocally recruit followers to Rhysol. He is well aware of what trouble that could bring thus he prefers to spread the word of his lord in much more subtle ways. Weaving webs of lies upon lies, Athum considers himself more than proficient at deception; going so far as to immerse himself fully in a role in order to achieve a goal that isn't necessarily easy to conquer.

Character History

Athum was born and raised in the city of Ravok, home of The Black Sun and Ebonstryfe; two religious orders devoted to Rhysol, God of Chaos. He was born to a merchant family of modest renown and knew little of Rhysol beyond the basics taught to every child of Ravok. Growing up, Athum displayed little enthusiasm for the family trade. Instead, he immersed himself in religious texts on Rhysol and developed what he considered a close relationship with the god. Whether or not Rhysol actually spoke to the boy is between Athum and the Defiler but one thing was certain, Athum was willing to give his entire being to Rhysol. When he was old enough, his father sponsored his apprenticeship to the Temple of the Black Sun.

A teenager when he was taken in by the Temple, Athum began his service as a simple attendant. His initial duties involved little more than cleaning the Temple's central worship chamber after daily services. When he wasn't cleaning, he was busy with religious studies. His studies included the history of Ravok, Rhysol and The Black Sun. As a child, Athum had been taught that Rhysol and The Voice built Ravok as a refuge from the chaos of the outside world. His studies at the Temple delved deeper into the concepts he learned as a child. Each and every day, Athum attended the services held by The Voice. Her teachings along with his own studies, led Athum to do anything and everything he could to please Her and Rhysol.

For the next couple of years, Athum worked to gain the attention of The Voice. He quickly discovered a unique talent at reading people and used that talent to learn as much as he could about The Voice. He observed how people acted around her and how she responded to others. As a result, he began to model the behavior of those who seemed to get the most favor from The Voice. He changed his posture, the tone of his voice and the things that he said within earshot of her in order to look as appealing as possible. Eventually, after an exhaustive effort, Athum was noticed.

The Voice, impressed with Athum's attempts at gaining her attention, offered him the opportunity to show his true worth. She presented him with a special task. If successful in proving his worth to Rhysol, he would gain the gods favor while also ensuring his status as a Chaon. His task was to corrupt find an otherwise innocent, pure individual and bring ruin to their lives. This led him to lands outside of Ravok since almost every soul in that city already belongs to the dark god. Athum found his opportunity in a small village not far from the great city of Syliras. The village was made up of little more than a hundred people. One of these people, a widow whose husband had been killed a few seasons earlier, proved to be a choice target. Athum took the guise of an injured traveler who had been separated from his caravan. He went so far as to thrusting a broken tree-limb into his gut and breaking several ribs with a large stone. His story was that he had been thrown from his horse and fell down a steep ravine where the rest of his caravan were unable to find him. He pulled himself along the forest floor for over a mile before collapsing on the outskirts of town. He was found by a few villagers who brought him to the widow for healing as she was the only one with any knowledge of such things. Though limited in ability, she was able to nurse Athum back to health which he outwardly vowed to repay her for.

Athum spent nearly three years in the village after that while getting to know the widow who saved him as well as the rest of the village. During that time, he gradually planted words and thoughts in her mind about how and why her husband had died. Though he had no no real knowledge of the event, Athum was adept at reading people. The talent came at a young age and he nursed it to greater proportions as he grew older. In reality, the widow's husband died from disease during a harsh winter but the way Athum spun it, it was the gods of nature who wreaked havoc on humans who were seen as a plague upon the land. The past couple of harvests had been meager which only added more meaning to Athum's words. His poisonous words gradually wore through the woman's defenses and degraded her mind. In time, Athum was able to connect, in the widow's mind, all of the hardships the village had suffered, to the gods of peace and nature. He convinced her that the now dead god, Sylir, had betrayed the people and was struck down for his traitorous ways. Through Athum's words, the woman concluded that the chaos that surrounded them, the chaos that destroyed her life, was a result of the Gods of Light abandoning the humans. She soon believed that the only way to save herself and her village was to turn to Rhysol, the only god who truly understood chaos and who could lead her to peace.

Whatever happened to that village is not known. In fact, few even know of it ever having existed and those who do, choose not to speak of it.

Athum returned to Ravok claiming success and declaring that Rhysol knew of his deeds and that the god would decide how best to judge him. In a ceremony performed by The Voice, herself, Rhysol, God of Chaos, appeared before Athum and blessed him with a drop of divine blood. The Defiler appeared in the form of a winged, humanoid creature composed solely of mist. The misty form embraced Athum, wrapping its smokey wings around him. Placing its wispy lips upon his flesh, the burning, defiling kiss of Rhysol seared Athum's flesh and burned him deeper than any flame. It left a crimson scar over his heart looking much like the kind left by a blade piercing the flesh. From that point forward, Athum has been a Chaon, servant of Rhysol and child of Chaos and deceit.
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Athum Latora
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Re: Athum Latora

Postby Athum Latora on December 26th, 2009, 3:22 am




Disguise (Starting Package + Human Bonus) - 30 pts

Impersonation (Starting Package + Human Bonus) - 30 pts
    Impersonation Illusory Skill (Fortune Telling) - 4 pts
    Impersonation Illusory Skill (Rhetoric) - 3 pts
    Impersonation Illusory Skill (Investigation) - 3 pts


Malediction (Starting Package) - 5 pts


Lore: Religious History and Dogma of Rhysol (Starting Package)
Lore: Cultural and Social Make-up of the Syliran Region (Starting Package)
Last edited by Athum Latora on January 23rd, 2011, 6:08 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Athum Latora
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Re: Athum Latora

Postby Athum Latora on January 2nd, 2010, 3:38 am



Gnosis Marks

Rhysol - 1 Mark (Starting Package)

The Source of Faith

Athum is a devoted, almost fanatical follower of Rhysol, God of Evil and Chaos. Even as a boy, Athum was interested in the God that founded the great city in which he was born. He was taught that it was Rhysol who held the city in his grace and protected all citizens from the forces of nature that wreaked so much havoc on the outside world. Everyday he went to the Temple for his devotions and saw how revered the Acolytes were by the people. He heard The Voice speak and spread the word of Rhysol to all who would hear. He found the message of order amidst chaos compelling and was fascinated by the idea of the weak-willed being controlled by the strong.

Athum grew tired of his lot in life as the son of a merchant. While merchants were still well thought of in Ravok, Athum wanted more for himself. His discontent led him to the Temple of the Black Sun. The petition to induct him into the Order of the Black Sun was heard by the Druvin, Typhoi. Typhoi saw in the young Athum a seed that needed but a little nurturing to grow. Thus, Athum was sent on a mission to seek out an innocent person and corrupt them to the ways of Rhysol. After a few years, Athum returned, successful and was inducted into the Black Sun as a full Agent.

Athum met The Voice in person and even gazed upon the visage of his Lord as he was transformed. The blood of Rhysol fell upon his chest and he felt a burning sensation around where the god's blood touched them. The sensation was akin to touching white-hot metal. The burning did not stop with the flesh however as it quickly spread into the blood so that Athum's entire body felt as though the skin would split open at any moment. The pain eventually extended to his mind where his head felt as though the skull would fracture at any point and bring about death. For Athum, death did not come. The pain was replaced by an exciting, almost erotic feeling that washed away thoughts of pain and death. When it was over, Athum bore a scar upon his chest where it looked as though he had been stabbed through the heart with a sword.

Now a Chaon, a mortal touched by the blood of Rhysol, Athum was more in-tune with the God than ever before. He discovered a new realm of possibilities through the ability to tap into the darkest heart of chaos. His voice became a sword; his touch, a knife. With a simple touch, Athum could cause another person to lose their hair, go blind, or become lost to paranoia. A few words passing his lips could plant the seeds of corruption bringing about things as minor as horrific body odor to something as devastating as causing one to give birth to a twisted, grotesque monster. He could pass this darkness through objects such that a simple copper ring could cause one to fall to the grip of arthritis or cause their own touch to bring madness to the mind of their lover.

With such power came a fanatical devotion to Rhysol and all that the God stood for. However, Athum doesn't see Rhysol as a means to greater power. The stain of Rhysol upon his body and soul has shown Athum that only through chaos can order be found; only through chaos can the worthy stand out. Athum perceives himself as a vessel of Rhysol's will to do with as the God pleases. He feels little to no remorse for actions he takes in his god's name. He acts without expectation of any reward other than to see the downfall of those who cling so tightly to their own pathetic concept of peace and order.
Last edited by Athum Latora on January 3rd, 2010, 10:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Athum Latora
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Re: Athum Latora

Postby Athum Latora on January 2nd, 2010, 11:33 am




1 waterskin (Starting Package)
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) (Starting Package)
1 7-day supply of rations (Starting Package)
1 eating knife (Starting Package)
1 Family Heirloom: Great-uncle's gold ring; a gift to to his great-uncle from The Voice for his service as a Paladin in the Ebonstryfe. (Starting Package)


1 Black leather belt (Starting Package)
1 Plain copper buckle (Starting Package)
1 Pair of high black boots (Starting Package)
1 Pair of black leather pants (Starting Package)
1 Black cotton cloak (Starting Package)
1 White cotton vest (Starting Package)
1 Pair of black leather gloves (Starting Package)
1 Black cotton shirt (Starting Package)

Impersonated Identity Gear

1 Brown leather belt - 2 sm (Starting Funds)
1 Plain copper buckle - 2 sm (Starting Funds)
1 Brown cotton tunic - 5 sm (Starting Funds)
1 Pair of brown leather pants - 8 sm (Starting Funds)
1 Pair of low brown boots - 3 sm (Starting Funds)
1 Brown cotton cloak - 3 sm (Starting Funds)
1 Crafter's Toolkit - 25 gm (Starting Funds)
1 Brown leather apron - 3 sm (Starting Funds)
1 Dagger - 2 gm (Starting Funds)
1 Average arm chair - 4 gm (Starting Funds)
1 Average table - 1 gm (Starting Funds)
1 Set of Bones - 1 sm (Starting Funds)

10 Copper Bracelets - 1 gm (Starting Funds)
10 Pairs of Copper Earrings - 2 gm (Starting Funds)
8 Copper Lockets - 2 gm (Starting Funds)
10 Copper Pendents - 4.5 gm (Starting Funds)
10 Copper Necklaces - 5 gm (Starting Funds)
20 Copper Rings - 6 sm (Starting Funds)
20 lbs of Fur, Leather, Feathers - 4 gm (Starting Funds)
1 pound of various unusual paints and dyes - 5 gm (Starting Funds)


- 59 gm (rounded to the nearest gm): Starting Gear
Last edited by Athum Latora on January 3rd, 2010, 10:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Athum Latora
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Re: Athum Latora

Postby Athum Latora on January 2nd, 2010, 12:42 pm



Being competent in the arts of disguise and impersonation, Athum has created an alternate persona that he uses in place of his primary one. In this or any role that he plays, Athum truly becomes that person. His mannerisms, voice, and of course his physical appearance change; drastically in some ways as to better fill the role he is trying to portray.

ImageMiles Traven

Basic Information
Race: Human (Syliran)
Birthday & Age: 459 AV (51 Years Old)
Gender: Male

Physical Description
Miles is older man in his 50's, bald with a long white mustache that curls at the ends. He is of medium build, around 180lbs with a weathered face and old scars from encounters long since passed.

Character Concept and History
As a child, Miles was always good for telling a story. He was an imaginative lad who was known for his creativity and love of people. Growing up in a small village on the outskirts of Syliras, Miles spent a lot of time in the nearby crossroads inn making a few mizas here and there entertaining patrons with
his stories. It was after being around people so often that he realized he had a way of reading them. His father was a laborer and his mother a maid which left him with little else in the way of skill so he decided to push what talent he had further. As the years passed, Miles became more adept at reading people so much that he could often predict various happenings in one's life. This knack of fortune telling earned him enough to help improve his parents' lives as well as his own.

When his parents both finally passed into the beyond, Miles let up a bit on his fortune-telling and took to making small crafts, costume jewelry, ornaments, and various little odds-and-ends to help supplement what bit of storytelling
and fortunetelling he continued to do.

Now at the age of 50, Miles is slowing down a bit while hoping to spend what remaining seasons he has left doing what he enjoys most; telling fortunes, stories and peddling his modest wares to those who may enjoy them. Catching rides with various caravans, Miles travels from place to place, peddling his wares. Primarily, Miles peddles his goods and services around Syliras, as far north as Ravok and occasionally as far south as the Cyphrus region.
Last edited by Athum Latora on January 23rd, 2011, 6:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Athum Latora
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Re: Athum Latora

Postby Athum Latora on January 2nd, 2010, 1:10 pm



Athum in the guise of Miles, claims no permanent home. He lives day to day from a carriage drawn by a Zavian bred horse named, Vilas. The carriage is relatively simple though it is filled with all manner of odd goods. It is a small place with a just enough room to house Athum. It is where Athum/Miles keeps his simple bed, a chest, small chair and a very small table. Miles often sets-up a small table outside his carriage from which to peddle his crafts, tell stories and read fortunes to those who may pass by. (Starting Package (home conversion) + small extras (Starting Package Funds))
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Athum Latora
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