Location [Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Navir on January 25th, 2011, 8:53 pm

Navir nodded when the woman began talking about a failry cheap inn as a temporary residence. Though he was beginning to be intimidated by the prospect already, he never mingling with non-isur races.
Navir immediately perked up when he heard about another isur in this city, though he didn't recognize the name it would at least be an opportunity to talk and interact with somebody of his own species if he was open for it.
"That is good, Is there a way for me to find that shop? since you said that the streets where always moving I doubt it would be easy for me to find it."
Navir prodded for more information, not willing to get lost again.

OOC: so will we continue at the kitrian crafts?
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Malanos on January 29th, 2011, 10:20 pm

"Kitrean crafts sounds like a better option to me. I would choose a good Isur over an inferior race any day. If you would excuse my saying so"

He paused and shook his head as if he regretted being so bold. But it was true, an Isur was far better than a non-Isur. He would much rather get this out than spend a night with an inferior race.

"Well I'm not the best of smiths, but I can work on simple tasks."

OOCDo you want to continue at Kitrean Krafts?
Last edited by Malanos on January 30th, 2011, 12:44 am, edited 3 times in total.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Maliken on January 29th, 2011, 11:32 pm

Day 29 of Winter, AV 510

Maliken stepped through the doorway to the Sanity Center. The young Isur girl had to glance down at her feet to ensure that there were no more swirling stone or shifting walkways beneath her. Maliken, although it was suggested she visit this place first, thought it would be more appropriate for her to map out Alvadas herself, discover the illusionary city with her own eyes. She had dreamed of seeing this place ever since her mother mentioned it (though she didn't mention it in positive light). Maliken, now panting lightly and tapping the wooden floors to make sure they wouldn't randomly run away on her, stood in the only normal place she had experienced since arriving here some hours ago.

The young girl looked up, recovering from what would appear to be some exasperated or hysterical shock. Then, noticing another in the room, she walked up, instantly taking back her confident Isur stride. She spoke up, her language was quite obviously Isurian, as she knew not enough common to speak it well, nor had she ever bothered to try. "Well met. I was pointed to this place some chimes ago by some stranger on the streets. I didn't heed his advice at first, but then it took me until now to find you. I am new here and am trying to make sense of this place. Where can I go to rest, and more importantly, to work in a smithy?"

Maliken didn't bother to give her name, though she assumed that her right arm hanging loosely at her side would tell she was an Isur. Maliken just prayed prayers in her mind that this woman was a little more straight than the roads she had just been trying to conquer. Such a futile thing to do.
Last edited by Maliken on February 5th, 2011, 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Cadence on February 2nd, 2011, 4:31 am

“No, there is not an easy way to find it…” Serenity began, pausing for a second as she considered something. “Then again, the building isn’t prone to changing position more often than once a day. I’ve passed it on my way here today. It shouldn’t be very far. Walk west when you get out of here, and look for a rather large-building with the sign ‘Kitrean Krafts’ hanging above the door. You should find it fairly quickly.”

OOCYou can now post in the Kitreak Krafts thread to ask for a job. That in itself shouldn’t take long. Just have Navir come in and explain his qualifications to Vacielli. :)

Serenity pressed her lips in a tight line, amusement twinkling in her eyes. This was not the first time she has heard an Isur speak like this and she doubted that it would be the last.

“Very well then. I am sure Vacielli will hear you out and offer you a job. I believe he is of a similar regarding the superiority of Isurs,” she said, a smile tugging on her lips.

OOCGo ahead and post in the Kitrean Krafts thread. Have Malanos enter, ask for a job, and explain his qualifications, and we’ll be done in a few posts. :)

Serenity Berrel sat in her crammed, little office, a black quill mechanically moving across the paper in front of her. She was riding some letter or other, already losing track of who she was writing to and for what purpose. The woman’s head snapped up at the sound of footsteps on the office’s hardwood floors. Her lips tugged upward in a tired smile, and she promptly dropped the quill on the desk, obviously glad to be rid of it. Her brow furrowed slightly when her visitor proceeded to speak in the Isur tongue. She was a little rusty in the language, having had little practice with it until now. Still, she was able to understand what the girl before her was saying with relative ease.

“The stranger was right to point you here. It can be quite hard to navigate Alvadas on one’s first day here. I am Serenity Berrel,” she said, speaking rather slowly, enunciating every word. “You can find room and board at the Cubacious Inn. I would give you directions to it, but as you have doubtless realized, the streets change orientation way too often for that to be of any use. But the inn is a rather large building, made of yellow cubes. You should have no problem spotting in.”

Serenity sped up her speech, growing more accustomed to the Isur language. “The best smithy in Alvadas is known as Kitrean Krafts, owned by an Isur called Vacielli Haolven. He is a very generous man and one who is always looking for new hands. I am certain he would offer you a job if you are skilled at what you do.”
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Maliken on February 2nd, 2011, 4:49 am

Maliken nodded to Mrs./Ms. Serenity, and without another word turned to leave, then hesitated. Turned back around, she had, somehow, forgot to ask the question she originally came to Alvadas for in the first place. "I'm looking for my family. Have any other of my kind, Isur, come here this past season? I'm looking for Malanos. I don't know if you've met him or not, but perhaps, if you know, you can tell me where I might find him. I believe he's here, in Alvadas."
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Cadence on February 2nd, 2011, 5:15 am

Serenity’s eyebrows jumped up slightly at the mention of another Isur. She had suspected that so many Isur coming into Alvadas one after the other couldn’t have been a coincidence. Almost triumphantly, she said, "Yes. An Isur has passed by here, several of them actually. One of them was indeed called Malanos, if I remember correctly. He came by some forty days ago and I had recommended that he stay at the Cubacious Inn. He also inquired about a job, and I pointed him to Kitrean Krafts as well. You may find him in either of the two places if he had chosen to heed my advice.”

Her speech concluded, Serenity picked up the hated quill once again, idly running the feathered tip across her cheek.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Istril on February 9th, 2011, 2:05 am

25th of Winter, 510 After Valterrian

"Lost, gem arm?" one of the passer-bys dared to ask. Istril ignored him. He was nothing to her. The fingers on her right arm drumming against her palm in rapid succession, from her pinky to her index, as she thought about how the human must simply be jealous of her superiorly-sculpted body. She turned to him, not even offering a tilt of her head, her cold eyes simply staring at him as he looked upon her with a sneer. "You should probably go to the Sanity Center, then. You travelers always have that look on your first day. Go on, then! It's the little, red, mossy house, right by the maw! It doesn't move, unlike everything else in Alvadas... but can you remember what streets you went down to get here?" The sneer only grew, and before she knew it, he had turned sharply on one foot and was walking off, laughing to himself at how he had supposedly tormented the newcomer. All he had done was help her, however, giving her a reference for this... this insanity, this illogicality. All she could hope was that this Sanity Center truly existed, and it was not simply a prank played on outsiders for some sort of entertainment she would never understand.

An hour later, two hours later, she didn't know how long it was, she just knew that she found her way to the red, moss covered building next to the maw eventually. She ran her hand along the outside, tilting her head, breathing slowly as she approached the door, pushing it open. Once entering, her short, stocky form made its way to the desk, which was suspiciously empty. Aha, a bell upon the table. Obviously, she was supposed to ring it to summon whoever normally manned it. Logical. Odd, for this city. She pressed her gem hand upon it a few times, causing it to ring out through the room, at which point she began to look around for the mysterious desk-manager. Whenever said person emerged, they were instantly barraged with questions, ones that Istril found quite important.

"Malanos Ironfist, Maliken Ironfist, and Navir Firmhand, all with arms of Black Rock," she immediately began, showing her own hand. "I look for them." She was speaking in Common, a language she was rusty with, at best, and it showed, in both her accent and her word choice. It was almost as if she was silently begging to use Isur, but was uncertain if this woman could speak it or not. "Said they come here. I must find them."
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Cadence on February 13th, 2011, 11:17 pm

Serenity hurried into the office, smoothing down her bright red curls into a remotely presentable position. Her eyes looked bleary and her movements were a little wobbly and sluggish, all signs pointing to the fact that she had just woken from a nap. Before she had time to collect her bearings, questions were already flying her way.

She rubbed at her eyes tiredly and plopped down behind her desk. She almost laughed when she realized that the visitor was an Isur. There had been so many of them arriving in ALvadas recently that she was growing more and more suspicious that it was no coincidence.

“I’ve heard those names,” Serenity affirmed. “All three of them have come through here separately this season.” She paused, wondering if the woman was understanding her. Serenity wasn’t as well-versed in Isur as she was in Common, but with all the practice she’s been getting lately, it would be easier to speak with her guest in her own language. She switched to speaking in Isur. Even though she had to halt before every other word and spoke with a distinct accent, her sentences were grammatically correct and quite easy to understand. “I directed all three of them to the Cubacious Inn for their lodgings and to the Kitrean Krafts for a place of work. If they followed my advice, that is where they should be. The inn is a large building made of yellow cubes, and Kirtrean Krafts is a smithy ran by an Isur."

“I hope that is of help to you,” she said with a slight bow of her head. “Will there be anything else?”
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Vizyous Aconitum on February 20th, 2011, 11:06 pm

Winter 36th, 510 AV

Vizyous entered the Sanity Center in a rush of excitement, a curious smile stretched wide across his lips and his strides long, hurried. The door was shut quickly, nevermind the noise, and the Symenestra approached Serenity Berrel's desk, rung the bell, and sat in the seat in what only one fluid motion. His eyes were wide with something alike awe, claws thumping against his lightly bouncing right leg as he waited for the woman, the owner of what he considered the Help Desk of Alvadas, to greet him. He peered in the direction she'd come before, impatience gnawing at him.

"Miss Serenity," He called out, "Miss Berrel, I have something thrilling to ask you!" His voice sounded breathless from the cold of the Winter night, amethyst eyes looking more handsome and dazzling than ever before, the careful hold on what he portrayed gone now that he'd found something so fascinating. Vizyous needed to know what it was was that he'd found, he needed to know everything about it.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Istril on February 24th, 2011, 2:35 am

A flicker of glee. Perfectly in line, not to be staunched. She now had the names and the descriptions of the locations within which she was most likely to find her sibling and her cousins. All she had to do now, it seemed, was find those buildings. In this city, that was a task that seemed like a quest worthy of song in and of itself. She had to admit, the fact that the woman was this well versed in Isur was pleasant. It prevented her from having to communicate in a language that she was less versed in than she should be.

"I would ask for directions," Istril began, returning to her full height, "but my limited experience in this city has already proven that fruitless. Thank you, Miss. Treasure Reason and Rationality in your Actions," she said, nodding her head ever so slightly as she turned sharply on one foot, dismissing herself from the premises.
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