Fraha From the tends of Jahalomar, sons of Aysaw

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Fraha From the tends of Jahalomar, sons of Aysaw

Postby Fraha on February 3rd, 2011, 1:23 pm


Basic Information

Race: Human, Benshira
Birthday & Age :45th summer 494 AV (17 years old)
Gender: Female

Physical Description

Fraha is 1.75 meters tall, she's thin and has tight shoulders. She is considered pretty because she also has grace in movement, she walks composed and straight, takes things carefully and controls her every movement. She's very technical too. Her eyes normally express happiness and curiousity and her hair very black. She has long, thin fingers and a small hand

Character Concept

Fraha is like a soda. A superactive, curious bomb ready to explode in every moment. She loves to discover and to learn and searches any opportunity to do so. She is easly amazed and puts passion in everything she likes to do.

Kindness and politeness were rules to her untill she discouvered that tricking and playing with people is more convenient and fun too. She likes to discouver how people think and lately she's been a lot into body language. It's her belief that everyone has his own personality that is not to change or to fight, and she is convinced that she can be friends with anyone. She always tries her best in everything she does, from cooking to running to talking.

It's hard to make her angry but when it happens she really changes, in fact, she becomes very wicked in her actions and speech. And the more it goes on the more she shouts and becomes wicked untill she simply begins to ignore the subject. Anger occurs in her when she fails in something too much. In that case, when it's her fault she tries harder and keeps going untill she sucseeds. At night she loves staring at the moon, which gives her strenght. She is a hard worker at night, and she loves to sleep till late. She has high self-esteem and is not shy, she is open minded.

Character History

Fraha was born in Yahebah, she was the first of three sons, the sister of two tween brothers which were born 2 years later. Life was pretty easy for her, the father was a Yahalmen and the mother worked as a dressmaker for hobby and mainly looked after their house. The Jahalomar family lived in the south are of Yahebah near the damaged ruins part, and since six years old Fraha used to play a lot in the ruins with her to brothers, Mahal and Rohal. She really loved his brothers, and they loved her. She often took care of them, trying to emulate her mother Kasila.

She olso spended a lot of time with her father Sahal which spended his free time mainly with his children. Sahal wanted his sons and daughter to be strong so when the two sons reached age nine he started to train them in unarmed combat, and so he did with the 11 years old Fraha. At first she was skeptic but after a few years she was able to fight with the brothers at the same level.

Meanwhile the Jahalomar prodigy gathered a band with friends from other families. they used to play a lot togheder at the ruins, playing catch or hide and seek.

With time the catch game went more and more competitive so the level raised up. At the age of 13 Fraha was considered old enough to help in the family, so she started to help her mother with cooking, cleaning, and doing commisions.

It is there when she developed her running abilty, when she got punished for arriving late during a commision for her mother to a client due to the crowded streets and small, labyrinthal streets. She wasn't the type to get down or be upset, she went mad and asked father a more intence physical training. She learned with time, sweat and blood,the difficult art of landing, jumping and controlling ballance. She wouldn't made it without Mahal and Rohal, her beloved brothers, which always aided her and protected her.

Soon enough when Fraha was 16, she actually raced with her brother on who will get home first, she always lost...but that never brought her down. She also grew up very open minded, many times she was punished by the parents for socializing with strangers, or bringing friends at home for meals without invitation or without asking. She knew that it's not how it works but her heart was telling otherwise.

As she reached 17 she couldn't resist and, no matter how much she loved her life and family she felt she needed to see the world around her and so did Rohal. But Rohal hadn't the courage to tell his parents. Fraha was not the type to hold something inside so she told hem the day she turned 17.

The parents didn't aggree obviously but she had already made her decision. She took what she needed, she wrote a note and in the shyining moon light, in the middle of the night she left. The journey was hard but still incredible, she made a lot of new friends, knew a lot of thing and saw a lot of places, untill she finally came to Syliras, the palce she wanted to visit since a child.

Training & Skill Points

First tab
Abilities Startpack Threads RacialTotal
Unarmed 0505
Wilderness survival0101
Second tab
Lore of knowing how to fall without urting, this allows Fraha to fall properly if something goes wrong during a climb a run or an acrobatic evolution
Lore of aerial feats allows Fraha not only to be gracefull in her movements but allows her to perform beautiful air tricks
Losing Control
Falsifying a Crime Scene
Ethan (Basic)
– Kelvics –
Farewell Kisses
Beware eagles in trees
Dealing with a naked man
Not all strangeness is in dreams
Syliras layout (Basic)
Knights Mean Business
Friends, Thick as Thieves
Babbling To Save A Life
Jaelyn Baroth: Un-Knight
Dancing In The Dark
Post-battle Flirting
The Oldest Tricks In The Book: What’s That Over There?!
Preparing To Fight
Being Shy
Getting Drafted
Be Careful Who You Ask For Help
Easy to Get Lost in the Sea of Grass
The Smell of Roasting Glassbeak
Zakal Shadowrunner: Drykas
Cauterizing a Wound


Simple cloth dress, black cloak, headband, cloath shoes (Starting Package)
two wakisashi
Mission Letter of drunks: "pack to Keiv Sanders"


600 Mizras - two wakisashi = 400 GM
400 - wakizashi back casements -200 = 200GM

Finally here -1 GM = 199 GM
Spring= -135 gm/s (1.5 gm/day)
= 64GM
Astraea thread: -2 GM - 4SM
- Summer => 45 gm/s (.5 gm/day)

Thread List

Thread name/link state Date/timeline
Not so uninvincible Ended/MRXP67th summer 507AV
A lucky meeting Ended/ 19th summer 510AV
Finally here Ended80th winter 511AV
First meetingEnded85th winter 511AV
Climbing with synaEnded5th spring 511AV
Am I Going Crazy?Ended 28th spring 511AV
I must be crazyEnded28th spring 511AV
Grapes and midnight conversationsEnded/MRXP28th spring 511AV
Knight training Ended/31st spring 511AV
Most precious thingEnded34th spring 511AV
Good views on bad placesEnded/MRXP35th spring 511AV
Another day in SylirasOngoing16th summer 511AV.
Wild Run Ended 2nd Autumn 511 AV
Last edited by Fraha on December 16th, 2013, 10:30 am, edited 6 times in total.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Rising Detective?
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Fraha From the tends of Jahalomar, sons of Aysaw

Postby Fraha on September 28th, 2011, 11:19 am

But what had Fraha done so far?


Fraha arrived to Syliras, all new, houses, language, people, temperature...brrrr the temperature. Fraha lived at an inn paying little money to rent a room, she wasn't a big eater so some apples bread and a piece of meat would feed her for a day. She met some people, some she kept contact with other she lost in time. She learned new things, many new things. No changes to her mentality happened, winter was indeed a calm period of her life.


She met Astraea and ended up knowing that not all the knights are good as she thought. This made her think more about life. Suddenly not everything is so sweet and peacefull like she saw it. In Spring she also almost got molested by two drunk guys which she managed to beat up. There she discovered things. She understood that people are often evil too and to be much more carefull in life. A sense of justice also got into her almost convincing her to join the knights or to start something to make justice on her own. But she was slowed down by a sudden, perhaps love with Ethan, a kelvic she met in the forest and almost had love with.


Her "beloved" left, leaving her in a state of general depression and lonelyness. Fraha matured the idea of doing something in her life, working perhaps. Fraha passed the summer ending most of her money, and meditating on what should she do in her life.


Fraha moves to Wind Reach where she meets new people including Ishgrammer, a friendly and funny kelvic with whom she'll spend most of her time during winter.

From winter till this winter Fraha was inactive. None can tell what she was up to, but if someone could, he would say fraha didn't do anything.

Ready now for a new start in the region of....
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Rising Detective?
Posts: 211
Words: 127178
Joined roleplay: February 3rd, 2011, 10:40 am
Race: Human, Benshira
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