![]() Basic Information Race: Human, Benshira Birthday & Age :45th summer 494 AV (17 years old) Gender: Female Physical Description ![]() ![]() ![]() Fraha is 1.75 meters tall, she's thin and has tight shoulders. She is considered pretty because she also has grace in movement, she walks composed and straight, takes things carefully and controls her every movement. She's very technical too. Her eyes normally express happiness and curiousity and her hair very black. She has long, thin fingers and a small hand Character Concept Fraha is like a soda. A superactive, curious bomb ready to explode in every moment. She loves to discover and to learn and searches any opportunity to do so. She is easly amazed and puts passion in everything she likes to do. Kindness and politeness were rules to her untill she discouvered that tricking and playing with people is more convenient and fun too. She likes to discouver how people think and lately she's been a lot into body language. It's her belief that everyone has his own personality that is not to change or to fight, and she is convinced that she can be friends with anyone. She always tries her best in everything she does, from cooking to running to talking. It's hard to make her angry but when it happens she really changes, in fact, she becomes very wicked in her actions and speech. And the more it goes on the more she shouts and becomes wicked untill she simply begins to ignore the subject. Anger occurs in her when she fails in something too much. In that case, when it's her fault she tries harder and keeps going untill she sucseeds. At night she loves staring at the moon, which gives her strenght. She is a hard worker at night, and she loves to sleep till late. She has high self-esteem and is not shy, she is open minded. Character History Fraha was born in Yahebah, she was the first of three sons, the sister of two tween brothers which were born 2 years later. Life was pretty easy for her, the father was a Yahalmen and the mother worked as a dressmaker for hobby and mainly looked after their house. The Jahalomar family lived in the south are of Yahebah near the damaged ruins part, and since six years old Fraha used to play a lot in the ruins with her to brothers, Mahal and Rohal. She really loved his brothers, and they loved her. She often took care of them, trying to emulate her mother Kasila. She olso spended a lot of time with her father Sahal which spended his free time mainly with his children. Sahal wanted his sons and daughter to be strong so when the two sons reached age nine he started to train them in unarmed combat, and so he did with the 11 years old Fraha. At first she was skeptic but after a few years she was able to fight with the brothers at the same level. Meanwhile the Jahalomar prodigy gathered a band with friends from other families. they used to play a lot togheder at the ruins, playing catch or hide and seek. With time the catch game went more and more competitive so the level raised up. At the age of 13 Fraha was considered old enough to help in the family, so she started to help her mother with cooking, cleaning, and doing commisions. It is there when she developed her running abilty, when she got punished for arriving late during a commision for her mother to a client due to the crowded streets and small, labyrinthal streets. She wasn't the type to get down or be upset, she went mad and asked father a more intence physical training. She learned with time, sweat and blood,the difficult art of landing, jumping and controlling ballance. She wouldn't made it without Mahal and Rohal, her beloved brothers, which always aided her and protected her. Soon enough when Fraha was 16, she actually raced with her brother on who will get home first, she always lost...but that never brought her down. She also grew up very open minded, many times she was punished by the parents for socializing with strangers, or bringing friends at home for meals without invitation or without asking. She knew that it's not how it works but her heart was telling otherwise. As she reached 17 she couldn't resist and, no matter how much she loved her life and family she felt she needed to see the world around her and so did Rohal. But Rohal hadn't the courage to tell his parents. Fraha was not the type to hold something inside so she told hem the day she turned 17. The parents didn't aggree obviously but she had already made her decision. She took what she needed, she wrote a note and in the shyining moon light, in the middle of the night she left. The journey was hard but still incredible, she made a lot of new friends, knew a lot of thing and saw a lot of places, untill she finally came to Syliras, the palce she wanted to visit since a child. Training & Skill Points ![]() First tab
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Equipment/Possessions Simple cloth dress, black cloak, headband, cloath shoes (Starting Package) two wakisashi Mission Letter of drunks: "pack to Keiv Sanders" Ledger 600 Mizras - two wakisashi = 400 GM 400 - wakizashi back casements -200 = 200GM Finally here -1 GM = 199 GM Spring= -135 gm/s (1.5 gm/day) = 64GM Astraea thread: -2 GM - 4SM =61GM+6SM - Summer => 45 gm/s (.5 gm/day) 16GM+65SM.. Thread List