Day 61 of Winter, 510 AV
Rashidi took a large bite from his apple, as he inspected the people's market. It was a busy day, which was not unusual. He saw people negotiating about the prices, others were merely looking around, and just a couple were actually scouting for either stuff or people. As he looked around, one thing was certain; non-humans were treated less friendly than the human customers. "Racism," he growled, dropping the finished apple. As he searched for an opportunity, he noticed a hooded girl, looking at merchandise. His gut told him this was the best opportunity for the day. He walked towards the girl, carefully inspecting her stance and behavior. As she looked around, he noticed the look in her eyes. She's looking for an opportunity as well. Maybe even something to steal. he thought. He quickend his pace, catching up with the girl and tapping her on the shoulder. "Hello there," he said with a big smile, as his mind worked overhours thinking of a plan.
OOCChanged the entire post. Hopefully, the post is okay now