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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Crosby on February 8th, 2011, 3:29 am


I'm pretty new to RPing so constructive criticism would be great.

Name: Crosby
Race: Human
Age: 21
Gender: Male.

Personality -
Crosby is a very adventerous young man and wants to have traveled all of Mizahar before settleing down. He has a powerful atraction to women, ale and money; unless he feels strongly about somthing, VERY STRONGLY, he can be bought, that is for high a price. He is usauly a jokester and is rarley serious and doesn't mean to be taken seriously most of the time, but when he does, you cal tell. He can make even the least trusting peope become great freinds with him.

He is very impatient and when he is tested it doesn't take long for him to blow his temper. He speaks his mind when he really doesn't like somthing or has a bad feeling about somthing he will complain ALOT, and he will do anything to try and stop it, but he'd never abandon anyone.

Ethics - He wont dedicate his life to fighting crime and serving justice but he will stop a mugging or a beating if he sees one and he can also hold a mighty grudge and he wont let you hurt one of his freinds without a fight first.

Likes - Women, he can try for months trying to woo one women and then he'll move on to the next when he's done with her (or vise versa). Ale, whats life if theres no constant party, not a very fun life thats for sure. Buying stuff; who doesn't like to spend there "hard earned money" on things they don't particulary need? Adventure, seeing new places, discovering new things, sleeping with new women, IN NEW BEDS! Thats the life Crosby wants to live and he intends to live it.

Dislikes - He hates people that abandon others, which stems from his father leaving his mother when he was young. He doesn't HATE "the snake people" as he calls the Dhani, but he openly say's they freak him out. He HATES, HATES, HATES being alone, he's not sure why though.

Character History

Pre-Creation - On the day that Crosby was born his father just barley learned that he was going to be a father, he decided to stay and help support his family but peoples minds change quick and he left 2 years later. Growing up on the streets of Sunberth, Crosby had to become tough and smart, he learned you can walk freely but you have be wary.

He was carefull of who he made freinds with and who he made enemies with. He did okay in life, he did jobs all over the place in and around sunberth, some maybe less honorable than others but he and his mom did what they had to do to survive. His mom kept him out of the gangs the best she could, trying to get him to do honest work.

In his teens he and his freinds spent most of there time conning gamblers outa there money and spending it on ale, but thats when things turned bad his mother got sick and was dying with no way to save her she died when he was 16. His sorrow soon passed, with the help of liquor of course, he became a ringleader of a tight group of freinds that went around hustleing people and making money to live and party.

He did this for 3 years, and his best freind was beaten to death by people that didn't take kindly to his trade, that's when he had enough, there was nothing left for him in Sunberth, so he left and spent the next two years living off the land in an abandoned house near Sunberth and planned a trip all across Mizahar, he planned and planned and in a year, he was finally ready to go. So he traveled to Syliras to get ready for the trip.

Post Creation -
Friend Making: 25
Cooking: 10
Riding: 5
Short Sword: 15
Wilderness survival: 20

Earned Skill/Points

He carries on himself:
1 Set of Clothing or Studded leather armor
1 Waterskin
1 Gladius strapped on the left side of his belt
1 Backpack which contains:
2 Sets of Clothing
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel

A brown pack mule with a halter, a Pack saddle and saddle bags.
Saddle bags:
Beef jerky 1lbs
Bacon 1lbs
Tabaco 1/2lbs
Coffee 1/2lbs
Travellers stock x2

Pack Saddle:
Studded Leather
Axe woodman's
Soap 1lbs
Pot iron

1 Brown and white paint Horse with a halter, a riding saddle and saddle packs.
Saddle packs:
Beef jerky 1lbs
Rope hemp 50ft
Tabaco 1/2lbs

100gm (2/7/11)
500gm (2/7/11)
107gm (2/8/11)

Thread List (Optional)
Posts: 7
Words: 4180
Joined roleplay: February 6th, 2011, 7:43 pm
Race: Human
Character sheet

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