History: Ennis's parents were travelers, they stopped to live in Sunberth as soon as Ennis was born. When she was 7 her dad taught her basic fighting moves so she could fend for herself if she ever needed to. A year later she remembers being dragged down a street away from her unaware parents by a Dhani. She remembers screaming till her throat ached as she was draged to the Slave Market. There were so many people there, they seemed all scared and hurt in some way. She wasn't sure what exactly was going on but it wasn't good.
She remembers the exact sound of the Dhani's hiss as she bit his leg, and the loud boom of the auctioniers voice. Luckly there was a women there that day, she was consedered a witch, and bidded on Ennis as soon as she saw her.
Leter that day as Ennis was sitting down at her new owners house, she knew she had been sold, but not much of what would happen to her. The women explained the situation quickly, as she was a ashamed of taking part in the slave market. After introducing herself as Laura she simply told Ennis, "I'm going to make you stronger."
Laura was indead stronger then most men, and was skilled in hand to hand combat, as well as weaponairy, and magic. Before the two seriously got to know each other they left Sunberth, and begin to travel. Laura wasn't that bad, although Ennis hated her. Laura said she was gonna make her stronger the day they me, and she did just that.
Ennis's teens was filled with nights and days of training, and soon Laura even passed along her skills of magic to her. Ennis had a hard time dealing with it at first, she barely graped the concept of a celestial body. Although she did learn the gist of it, she never got the intire thing of what Laura did to her. She slowly removed her celestial body, and when it was finaly over, Laura sat down with her, and actualy told her what was going on.
Ennis was finaly 17 by the time this happened, she never thought to ask Laura what was going on for some reason, maybe it was because she had grown to like the rude, but strong women. Either way she remembers the exact way it happened. Laura explained she was the daughter of a great wizard, and he expected her to cary on the family line. Although she never found a man she liked, let alone wanted to marry. So that's why she bought Ennis, and why she made her so strong.
Soon Laura worn herself out while teaching Ennis magic. Ennis never was presented to Laura's father, and she felt bad about it. Can not finding love really screw up your life this badly? Was it her fault Laura died? Everything seemed so horrible, Enni decided she wouldn't be like Laura, she would find love, and have a normal life.
Since then Ennis has been practicing more lady like skills, although the only thing she has learned so far is singing, and since she's been traveling so much she's had no time to practice lady like skills. Not to mention all the times she's been attacked by bandits, it's been so hard to get away from her fighting ways. Maybe the next city she goes to will be better. |