I've been browsing through the site and wiki all afternoon, and finally decided to join up.
I have a pretty solid idea for a character already, as I started writing a story a while back (never finished though), and I want to use my main character from there.
However, I got a little confused when I was trying to fit her into the lore.
In my original character design for my story, she was a magic-user, in the sense that she could summon and control fire for very short periods of time. Upon reading the lore I understand that she probably wouldn't be able to do this without dying. Also, she is very young, only 16-17 years old, and if I understand correctly, she wouldn't have anywhere near the skills needed for this.
My main question is, would she know the magic naturally from birth, or would she have to learn it?
Also, if this works out and she can be a magic user, I know I will need to rethink the magic she uses. From what I understand, she will have a branch of 'Personal Magic' and it would be Reimancy, taking the form of fire.
So my other question would be, if she can use magic in this way, would she need to be taught it, or could she 'accidentally discover' it?
I apologise for the long-winded post, I just wanted clarity, as I managed to confuse myself pretty well.