[Lhavit OOC] It's Full of Stars

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Lhavit OOC] It's Full of Stars

Postby Raiyari on February 11th, 2011, 9:42 am

*sneeks into the OOC thread* (This is Nidassasyae by the way ;) )

Hi guys! :D
Just made this character, and am hoping to finish up all the flashbacking I have to do before I can start RPing with you all.

@ Pain, sadly the battlemount has not arrived... I guess I'll have to do for now. But! I promise that you'll and Nida will be able to go on a bloody rampage... someday.
@ Kelpie and Nicky, just gotta say that I <3 you guys.
@ Kayven, no camel talk plz ;)

I cant say I've been able to meet the rest of you (though I may be mistake, as I can never remember whose PC is whose), but I'm super excited to have the chance to RP with you soon, if you'll have me.

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[Lhavit OOC] It's Full of Stars

Postby Ophelia on February 11th, 2011, 11:06 am

So psyched to have you Nida dear, you know I love you and I can't wait to see all of your adventures with Rai!

*Does an excited dance!*
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[Lhavit OOC] It's Full of Stars

Postby Kelpie on February 11th, 2011, 9:27 pm

Hey Nida, awesomely excited to have you in here. And make a Shinya that will actually BE a shinya. I'm so excited I'm jumping in my bed. Hahaha!

Love the CS btw!
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[Lhavit OOC] It's Full of Stars

Postby Raiyari on February 13th, 2011, 12:22 pm

*worships the awesome mods* Can't say how excited I am to be here! I fell in love with Lhavit a while ago, and only recently gathered up my courage to make a PC here. :)

*huggles* Thanks Nicky and Kelpie, for the awesome welcome!
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[Lhavit OOC] It's Full of Stars

Postby Ataraxia on February 16th, 2011, 10:27 am

I climb your windows
and snatch your people up
so you can run and tell that
to Kelpie
Kel Kel Kelpie

But really, hello hello. I am Ataraxia, your new supplementary Assistant Storyteller ordinance. Please handle with care, as I contain a titanium shell with a core of anti-matter particles suspended in a plasma state. What does that mean?

I'm bout to blow yo' ass up, Lhavit.

(But really really, i'm joining the team as an AS here. Hi!)
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[Lhavit OOC] It's Full of Stars

Postby Tao on February 16th, 2011, 11:56 am

Hi Ataraxia! Nice to have you here! :)
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[Lhavit OOC] It's Full of Stars

Postby Ophelia on February 17th, 2011, 1:02 am

Hi Ataraxia! Welcome and have fun.

But not too much fun, we don't want the population dead...

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[Lhavit OOC] It's Full of Stars

Postby Kelpie on February 17th, 2011, 5:19 am

Welcome Ataraxia. :) We're going to have a bomb army soon!

To all who I owe moderation posts to, it will come this weekend, and if not, it will come by monday or tuesday when I can think!

Also, to those employed, nudge me when you've gotten up a thread that shows you working and I will set up your SS thread for your wages.

Loves and bat rays,
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[Lhavit OOC] It's Full of Stars

Postby Ophelia on February 17th, 2011, 10:47 am

Hello my Lhaviticakes! For that is what I have named you inside my own strange head.

Just a reminder that you do indeed have me (and now Ataraxia) for modded threads, not just dear Kelpie. Obviously, if it's a God thread, it has to go to our lovely DS, but we're here for anything else you may need! Just don't want you forgetting that.


Love and dugongs (because they are better than bat rays -- sorry Kelpie),

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[Lhavit OOC] It's Full of Stars

Postby Raiyari on February 17th, 2011, 10:52 am

Hi Ataraxia! :D It's absolutely wonderful to have you here in Lhavit! *huggles*
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