Demanding Attention (Open)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Demanding Attention (Open)

Postby Yuralria on January 23rd, 2011, 3:28 am

Yura watched the events unfold from her table in the corner. It was amusing at first, but now it was starting to get pathetic. She was expecting some sort of decent combat, but it was turning out to be just a little tiff. No more then a cat-fight. Yura huffed. Nothing exciting ever really happened around her, unless she was the cause. This was probably the most excitement she would see in a while. She was trying to be on good behavior, salvage what was left of her reputation, so she didn't get laughed out the door by Icewatch when the time came around. Short jokes were flying everywhere, which was kind of annoying. She would love to put that cocky, arrogant pair down. Hey, there's an idea She snickered to herself. That might get her in a bit of trouble. She struggled internally with the idea for a moment, then the small voice inside of her won the battle. She strode over just as the shorter of the pair landed a decent punch on the taller girl. They both appeared to be older than herself, the taller one having a heavier build, and the short one being of similar build to herself. This could get interesting. "Are you girls stupid?" She asked in mock-disdain. "And here I thought I couldn't hold my booze" She smirked as she continued, bracing herself for any hits she was sure might follow. "You girls are quite the pathetic pair, both to cocky and drunk for your own good." She finished, resting a hand on her hip. That should rile them up nicely She thought.
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Demanding Attention (Open)

Postby Naya on January 24th, 2011, 3:55 am

Naya was moving away from the scene, proud, if she may admit it, at her satisfying slap. Her stance was proud, back straight and strutting as she moved away from the short girl (now with a red hand mark adorning her face - a mark which Naya thought quite suited her. Naya would be happy to provide her with another whenever she needed it).

So it came as some surprise when Naya's shoulder was pulled back, twisting her around and a small clenched fist slammed into her nose. Blood gushed out of it, and Naya was certain she had heard a crack. She shrieked in pain - pain which only instensified as she fell to the floor, the shorter girl straddling her. Two more times did that fist connect with Naya's nose. If it were not broken before, it would most certainly would be now. Her nose was smarting in pain, a physical pain which she had not felt before in her life. It was not something she would be repeating.

The girl once again demanded an apology, and Naya once again refused her the luxury of such an honour. Naya would most certainly not apologise to this girl, no matter how many times she broke her nose for it. Glaring at the girl as she moved away, she struggled into a sitting position, moaning as blood continued to gush out of her nostrils. Clamping a hand under her nose, protecting her mouth from swallowing any of the blood, she continued to glare, refusing to honour the girl with any sort of a reply. Naya began to struggle upwards, grasping a nearby table, helping to push her into a standing position. She swayed, head pounding, but managed to stay upright, glaring at the rude girl.

Before she could continue to shout at the short woman (and possibly lay a punch or two right in that smug face), another woman waltzed up to the angry pair. She, too, was quite short, merely a couple of inches taller than the freaking midget, and hard dark black hair with strands of red and violet in it. Her skin was quite pale, compared to a lot of the Vantha. Her appearance was striking, and Naya paused for a moment to observe the newcomer.

Deciding her appearance was unworthy of attention, Naya turned back to the shorter midget, readying her hand into a fist, eyes zooming in on ehr target - the pudgy nose in the middle of her face. Beginning to swing back her fist, she halted as a soft voice addressed the pair - the voice of the newcomer who had unnecessarily involved herself. How dare she accuse them of being drunk? She had only had two ales, that was hardly a drunkard! This girl was impetuous and just as rude as the other short midget. Halting her fist before it plunged into the FIRST short woman's face, she addressed the second.

"How DARE you? I am not cocky - you are, waltzing up into a private matter! Nor am I drunk! How dare you assume such things? You are both pathetic, not I, not Naya the Storyteller!" Drawing herself up, dropping her forgotten first, she muttered to herself. "What is it, Midget Day?"


Demanding Attention (Open)

Postby Aamu on January 25th, 2011, 9:54 am

As Naya got up slowly, Aamu did not pay much attention to her, and that was probably the only reason she did not smack her back to the floor. She was eyeing the newcomer who was yet to pick a side, and even if she would not, she was still involved. Maybe Aamu should hit her as well, before she has a chance to gain a formidable advantage. After thinking on it for a bit, the girl decided that she will ignore this somewhat lesser in height, woman. She did not call her a midget after all, she had no beef with her.

Turning away from the girl, she could pick out something about she calling Aamu and Naya stupid, but it did not concern her all that much. She didn't care, for all she knew she could be dumber than Naya, as long as she wasn't short, dammit. A midget? Again? Naya had some nerve... Not nudging in even a slightest manner to the girl, she made her way to Naya who was now barely standing. She grinned ear to ear, as she quickly picked up a chair and pretended to swing it at Naya, stopping only a couple of inches away from her, and putting it down on the ground. The tall freak seemed scared, and so Aamu was content with just pushing her back to the ground, speaking slowly, mocking her: „I guess that was all you could do, oh so great Naya...the... ah, yes, the Storyteller. I told you that you can't stand up, did i not? Now, call me a midget, one more time, please....“ her tone was somewhat casual, but her eyes were still pink, and that witnessed the fact she was still angry. Stepping onto Naya's abdomen with one foot, she looked down onto her.

Why did people ever start fights they could not win? Aamu knew her place well, maybe it was time for this freak to learn her's. Her eyes slowly diverted back to green, she could not even be angry anymore, Naya was just too pathetic in her eyes. There was one exception though, one more „MIDGET“ out of her, and Aamu might consider busting her teeth clean off.
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Demanding Attention (Open)

Postby Yuralria on January 27th, 2011, 1:57 am

Yura's eyes shifted to a cold blue and she smirked as The shorter girl pushed Naya over. "Midget day, eh? The great 'Naya the Storyteller' must be out of words, if she can't think of anything better than a short joke or two.She smiled briefly and let her word hit the mark. "It's kind of sad the one who we call a storyteller can't trade a little witty repartee with a dancer, you really should consider lessons. I'm sure there are plenty of good storytellers in Avanthal" Yuralria let the words fall like daggers into Naya's pride, putting a subtle sarcastic emphasis on the word 'good' Yura's eyes shifted to a mischievous sea green, and she planted her foot against Aamu's and pushed it off "Usually when I come here. I do so to relax, and get away from petty nonsense. If you two want to be drunken idiots, why don't you do it elsewhere? She asked simply, moving her right hand from her hip back to the pommel of her dao with a dangerous glint in her eyes. Pride is a very dangerous thing, especially in a tavern.
Last edited by Yuralria on October 7th, 2011, 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Demanding Attention (Open)

Postby Naya on January 27th, 2011, 7:16 am

As Naya stood before the two, indignant, blood still gushing from her nostrils, her anger merely continued to grow. They were standing there, smaller in both stature and morality, and yet assuming lordship over Naya. How dare they? Naya was still incredulous that they had survived to this day, if they acted like this to every superior authority in the world. The two were rude and short - two major failings in life, and they would never get anywhere in the world if they continued to be so.

Naya planned to open her mouth, yell something witty and cutting and then plow her fist right into the middle of the first rude girl's nose, for surely she deserved to be in as much pain as Naya was right this moment. Her planning to one up herself over the two lesser Vantha in front of her was suddenly blocked by a chair that came swinging towards her face. Sometime during Naya's pissed off planning, the shortest girl had picked up a chair - and having to tilt it upwards to reach Naya's face, due to her shorter arms - and begun to swing it at Naya's face. Only realising this too late, Naya had no time to duck. Bracing herself for a blow that never came with eyes screwed shut, she cracked open one eye to see a chair standing still in front of her. Naya's knees went weak with relief, as surely that would be quite an intense wound. The shortest girl took advantage of her weak muscles, and pushed her to the floor yet again.

And now they were insulting her storytelling ability. They were insulting her use of words. They had crossed the line. By insulting her story telling ability, they were insulting the blessed memory of Hayere. And that is something Naya would not, would never tolerate. Watching the newer girl's hand stray to her dao, her anger reach boiling point. So, insulting Hayere and using a weapon - chair, dao or otherwise - against an unarmed girl. They would see just how Naya Snowsong could manipulate words. She would make them angry.

She hacked inside her throat, and spat at the first girl, aiming for her face. The gob of spit landed on her cheek. Naya's face was graced by a mean smirk, and one word was uttered, full of spite and hate and anger, as if daring the two before her to knock her unconcious.



Demanding Attention (Open)

Postby Aamu on February 2nd, 2011, 7:37 am

Aamu started to shiver, slightly at first, but more and more as time moved forward. She could hardly refrain herself from crying. Yes, she was sad. It could not even be called anger anymore, it was just pointless, painful, pathetic. She was just about to turn around and leave when she got spat on. The tall freak just dared to spit on her? Seriously? Did she have like a death wish in mind?

Glaring knives at Naya, slowly wiped the slimy thing of her face. Was she really that desperate? Couldn’t she just use her “grandiose” words again? Aamu was sick of violence, she had no way of countering the swords that the idiotic newcomer brought, and her fists hurt… hurt like hell. Aamu would play her game, it was not even as hard as it seemed at first. She parted her lips slightly, only to sigh before speaking slowly: “You are too pathetic, worthless and your talent is lacking in order for you to open your mouth in presence, you incompetent idiot. Now I am sorry you obviously weren’t breastfed when you were little, so I will spell it out for you; Y-O-U….. S-U-C-K…. A-T….. T-E-L-L-I-N-G….. S-T-O-R-I-E-S” her tone was a whisper at first, it grew to a shout, only to subside at the end. Her face then turned towards the newcomer as she added: “No one asked you and your self righteous personality to be involved, so why don’t you step down for now?” she glared at the girl for a bit longer, irritated that she has to raise her head up a bit in order to do so.

She turned on her foot slowly, heading for the door. She had no business here, no peace could be found… The night was a faliure, but it was not like she did not get used to such things over time. After a few steps, she came to a stop, wondering should she be the one to stand down and walk away, or should she continue beating the crap out of Naya? Her thoughts lingered around her for a bit before she just shrugged and moved forward. The decission she made seemed good enough to her, she would just run away… it was what she normally did, anyway.
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Demanding Attention (Open)

Postby Yuralria on February 16th, 2011, 2:16 am

Yura smirked. It was like a scene from a badly-written play was unfolding in front of her face. The drama of it all was astounding. The short girl started walking away after insulting Naya's storytelling yet again. 'Running away, little girl?' She asked icily. 'Scared?' She layered as much sarcasm as she could into those five words. She turned to Naya, who had blood dripping down her face. 'You might want to step own from your high horse and get that cleaned up' She said flatly 'And while you may be a proficient storyteller, you do not hold that title while inebriated, in fact, I find your lack of vocabulary appalling.' She stated in an even tone, also layered with sarcasm, her hand never straying from the pommel of her ornate blade.
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Demanding Attention (Open)

Postby Naya on February 16th, 2011, 10:25 am

Naya was shocked and, to be honest, exhausted. The woman who had at first been so passionate in beating her up, who had been so convicted in her belief that Naya was wrong was now crying in front of her and seemed to have given up. Naya could not summon the energy to be angry at what the girl was saying. Perhaps Naya did suck at stories, perhaps she didn't - her nose was throbbing too much to really care. She moaned in pain, unable to keep silent, as the girl walked away.

The other newcomer who just randomly joined the conversation was getting on her nerves as well. She had no right to come into this conversation and situation, it had nothing to do with her and she had only made everything worse. Whilst Naya did not have it in her to be angry at the first girl, irritation was certainly present for this woman in front of her. "I have just been punched in the nose multiple times. I have indeed had multiple ales. Excuse me for not being in my top form. Now, bugger off."

Struggling to a sitting position, aiming her head up towards the ceiling to try and stem the flow of blood from her nostrils (it didn't really help), Naya grabbed the chair leg that the girl had set down nearby. She gradually, taking her precious time, unsteadily rose to her feet, and stood swaying for a few moments. Walking through the tavern slowly, she was aware of the tavern's silence. As she reached the doors, she turned around and surveyed the room. "What the hell are you all looking at?" She opened the doors and left, wandering out into the cold, broken, sore and defeated.


Demanding Attention (Open)

Postby Moonshine on February 16th, 2011, 5:00 pm


Acting: 1
Brawling: 3

The definition of an insult
Calming another person down with shouts, growls and various other guttural sounds does not work
Keeping your balance after multiple hits to the head


Intimidating: 1
Brawl: 3

Starting a fight
The advantages of attacking a woman who doesn't want to fight
Resisting the urge to wield chairs
Recognizing victory and retreating


Negotiation: 1

Throwing intimidating-but not too effective- insults at people

Additional Notes:

You were pretty violent today. Tsk tsk... Well, it's all good as long as you don't seriously wound any furniture or alarm the guards! Judging from the events I've read through I find it natural that you all-except from Yuralria, who kept her blade- have some bruises. They should be gone by next week (the 45th of winter), except from Naya's nose. I suggest Naya find a healer to help her with the nose before it heals, lest she be the proud wielder of a crooked nose.
Yuralria didn't really do much, but I gifted her a point in negotiation because she might very well have been the one thing that stopped the fight.
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