Before the 1st of Spring, 512 Dominating the city of Ravok, the Temple of the Black Sun is a structure of exquisite beauty. Carvings of all manner of creature from humanoid to monstrous adorn nearly every inch of the temple's exterior while massive domes and dozens of carved spires top the holy structure. Serving as the central government building, main center of worship and even military headquarters, the temple is an earthly sign of Rhysol's power and influence upon Mizahar. The base level may be accessed via the main canal that runs through the heart of the city. Vast arches allow Ravosala's to pass beneath them and onto the inner confines of the temple. A series of small docks await visitors and from there, a large set of wide stone stairs lead up to a pair of black, iron doors adorned with huge white pearls arranged in a sunburst pattern. Standing in front and to the side of each door is a member of the Ebonstryfe. These dark paladins watch over all who would seek entry through the doors and into the temple's central worship chamber. So long as visitors to the temple are not already restricted from entry or otherwise do not cause trouble, most are allowed to pass without harassment. The central worship chamber is enormous. The chamber itself is circular with a polished, black marble floor. Numerous alcoves branch off in all directions while balconies stretch out overhead. The great central dome of the temple looms above and is covered in a dark mural depicting the grand figure of Rhysol gathering the frightened and lost people of Mizahar; protecting them from the ravages leftover from the Valterrian. In the center of the chamber floor is a tall black shard of unknown material jutting upward about 20 feet. At the base of the shard, facing the main entrance, is an altar apparently carved from the shard itself. There are pews arranged around the shard and extending outward toward the outer wall; aisles allowing ease of entry and exit amidst the numerous pews. Two sets of stairs climb the outer wall and lead to the upper levels where government offices and private quarters are located. A simple set of black wood doors lead to the Vitrax; the headquarters of the Ebonstryfe. Services are held daily in the central chamber and are normally conducted by one of The Voice's personal acolytes and druvin with The Voice conducting special sermons usually once a month. After the 1st of Spring, 512 During the Djed Storm of 512 the Temple was almost completely destroyed. The front half of the temple sunk into the water, and the temple was shattered. Over the spring and summer the Ravokians have been working day and night to rebuild the temple, though it has remained closed to worship during that time. Worship is done in the courtyard outside, but nobody other than the workers and members of the Ebonstryfe or Black Sun are allowed into the temple itself. After the 41st of Fall, 512 AV All in one day the temple was reopened, and closed again. Ravokian workers labored tirelessly all through the spring and summer to get their temple up and running again, but on the day it was set to reopen, the Rising Dawn attacked, setting fire to the temple from within. Though much of the structure still remains, it has been closed once more until the repairs can be completed. Once again, worship is held in the Courtyard rather than in the temple itself. After the 1st of Spring, 512 AV After working hard all winter long, the Temple of the Black Sun was finally reopened again to the public, and this time with no incidents. A small but heavily guarded celebration was held, and citizens were once again able to worship their god in peace. |