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Postby Aestineos on February 15th, 2011, 1:09 pm



Basic Information

Race: Ethaefal
Gender: Male
Apparent Age: Mid 20's
Actual Age: Unknown

Physical Description

Aestineos is just over six feet tall and weighs around 180 lbs. His appearance depends on the time of day as well as the season due to him being an Ethaefal. During the daylight hours when the rays of the sun touch his skin, Aestineos' skin gleams with a golden sheen. A pair of curved horns extend from his forehead through short, golden brown hair. His eyes glimmer a light forest green. During the day, Aestineos carries himself with confidence and strength; his aura of shining exuberance almost tangible to those around him.

At night, in the absence of the sun's light however, Aestineos' beauty and grandeur is muted. His appearance is that of a human in his mid-twenties with skin a light tan and hair a dull brown. His eyes while still green, lack the glimmer they bare in the day. Though still moderately handsome by human standards, at night his visage pales in comparison to the vibrancy it holds by day.


Confident, flamboyant, charming beyond words during the day, Aestineos is a somewhat different man when the sun sets. Along with the obvious physical transformation, Aestineos takes on a slightly less profound personality as soon as Lady Syna relinquishes dominance in the sky to her lover, Leth. While the sun shines in the sky, Aestineos is considered by some to be a natural leader; a being of beauty, influence and charm. At night, elements of his most recent past life come to the forefront in the form of frequent excursions to the closest tavern where he seeks drinks and women in an effort to mute the loss of his lost immortality and proximity to the divine. Overall a good person, Aestineos seeks to recreate in the mortal realm, the divine life he lost upon falling through the divine rift to Mizahar. One thing in particular that Aestineos recalls from his previous mortal existence is the importance of monetary wealth, trade, commerce and mercantilism. Where such things were surely unimportant during his divine experiences, they were key in the mortal realm in times long since shattered. Now, after the Valterrian, Aestineos realizes that the need for such things remains. If he is to thrive in the this new life, he will need to excel in the acquisition of wealth and influence and in doing so, improve not only his life but the lives of those around him. Only then, he feels, can he return to the divine being that he once was.
Last edited by Aestineos on November 1st, 2014, 8:28 am, edited 3 times in total.
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The Light of Your Life
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Postby Aestineos on February 18th, 2011, 12:34 pm


Aestineos' origins are a mystery even to him. From time to time however, he experiences brief flashbacks; echoed images from the past. From what little he has been able to piece together, Aestineos knows he was once human or at least he was in his last mortal incarnation. He was a mostly fit man, not all that unattractive with a taste for beverages of the alcoholic type and overall love of life. From what few fragments of memory that remain, Aestineos believes he was also a man of charm whom won the hearts of many in his time. What his name was, where he lived, what he did and exactly who he was, are all things that escape him at the present with only a handful of hazy mental images to remind him of who he once was. He does possess however a love of currency and a desire to lead which he attributes to perhaps being a merchant of some sort; from that memory, he has garnered knowledge of business operations and related aspects of commerce. With his fall to Mizahar, Aestineos is left having to live another mortal life while picking up the pieces of his former one.


Aestineos was able to discover more about his past life based on the talents and skills he possessed upon landing in the mortal realm. He found that taking a few moments to rest and relax his mind allowed him a somewhat easier way of accessing his past through meditation. While his memories are still little more than fleeting images, it is more than he would be able to gain otherwise. A natural leader, Aestineos has a natural ability to attract others to him. People listen to him, want to be near him and want to be led by him. While far from being a skilled fighter, he knows how to hold a sword and swing it without killing himself. Also, by tapping into his own personal djed reservoir, he has found that he can affect the subconscious mind of others, further reinforcing his natural leadership capabilities. Finally, Aestineos has discovered that when he looks to the sky, be it day or night, he gets a sense of familiarity and can rely on the stars to guide him when he is most in need. Always searching his fragmented mind for more forgotten knowledge as well as gaining insight from the present, Aestineos hopes to expand his natural talents and skills in hopes of someday returning to the grandeur of the divine that he knows is there but cannot remember.

Meditation 8 (starting package)
Leadership 26 (starting package)
Weapon: Longsword 6 (starting package)
Magic: Hypnotism 10 (starting package)
Astronomy 10 (racial bonus)

Lore: Good Business Practices (Customer Service)
Lore: Networking: Merchant (Identifying/Building/Maintaining Merchant Relations)

Language (Primary): Common Tongue
Language (Secondary): Lhavitian
Language (Tertiary): Isur
Last edited by Aestineos on January 21st, 2013, 1:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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The Light of Your Life
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Postby Aestineos on February 28th, 2011, 10:44 am


First Mark of Inavalti, Syna's Gnosis

Aestineos had been standing though he wasn't sure exactly where. All he could see was blur of color and light; swirls of both undulating all about, leaving him in a state of euphoria followed shortly by confusion. Something was not right and his mind was struggling to grasp what it was. The confusion grew and he found the reality that was his existence, quickly vanish. He already lost where he was and now could recall who he was or even, what he was. It was as if his sense of self-awareness had separated from whatever it was that anchored it to reality and then scattered in all directions to a distance unknown. He felt no physical pain though his mind struggled in chaos.

Unknown to Aestineos, the Valterrian was underway. He had died sometime before and was taken by Syna to exist in her divine presence. With the chaos and destruction reigning down upon Mizahar, even the Gods weren't safe nor were their closest followers. Everything, the mortal realm, the divine, even time itself was affected.

For Aestineos, his own chaos was all there was. He was lost, scattered with only slivers of consciousness remaining. When the chaos of the Valterrian passed, he found himself a fractured soul; broken into countless pieces with the largest ones lodged in a rift between the worlds of mortal and divine. Over five hundred years passed though time; also broken, passed by Aestineos in ways he could no longer comprehend. Memories, faded, blurry and broken, slowly returned to him though only a few at a time. After five hundred years, all he could remember were tiny pieces of a life long gone. It was a mortal life, filled with mortal experiences. Though he had experienced the divine light enveloping him at all times and in all ways, it was now lost to him.

Still splintered after five centuries, Aestineos suddenly found himself falling. The fall seemed eternal, much longer than the time spent broken and immobile. The fall however was at least something different, something new. Even that however began to fade away like a the dimming light of the sun giving way to the darkness of night. He held on to what memories had returned to him from his mortal past, yet he lost everything else, including his time spent in the rift between worlds. The only other thing he felt was the fall. Looking up, he could see the sun for the first time in longer than he could remember and it felt good. The sun however was growing more distant with every passing second. It was then that time began to flow once more for him and with it came the feeling of the free-fall. Still, all he could see was the sun and it was that which he focused on.

Moments later, there was a great impact though still no pain. Physical feelings flooded his senses as he found himself surrounded by water. He couldn't breath and it was cold and wet. Another sensation, one that sent shivers through his body and an inescapable desire to breath, forced him to flail about in an attempt to rise. Just before his lungs felt as though they would explode, he breached the surface. His eyes, for the first time in too long, were able to see. Blurry at first but becoming clearer, Aestineos could see that he was in the middle of a lake, surrounded by forest and overshadowed by mountains.

Fumbling a bit in the water, he realized that it wasn't all that deep; a small mountain lake. With some effort, he made his way to land. Crawling in the small, eroded rocks, he pulled himself away from the water and into the grass. Unconsciously, he looked up and there was the sun; its light filling him with warmth despite him being somewhere in the cold mountains of Mizahar. With the soothing light of the sun blanketing his naked form, Aestineos felt comfort.

As he slowly became accustomed to his body, he found that he appeared different than what his splintered memories could recall. He had horns, two of them extending outward from his forehead. His skin was golden and his eyes a brilliant green. Though it was Winter, the sun shown through broken clouds and the otherwise dry cold had little effect on his bare flesh. Something caught his attention out of the corner of his sight. Turning to investigate, he saw a pile of cloth and other small trinkets sitting on a nearby rock. He then remembered clothing and the need for it. He moved to retrieve the items while also wondering where they came from. A tickle in his mind caused him to look back to the sun, its otherwise blinding light when looking directly upon it dimmed enough in his eyes that he could see only beauty. He absently reached up to his left eye and caressed it; a stylized circle surrounded it and a single long ray extended down. As he touched the mark and looked upon the sun, understanding of sorts set in.

He had lived long ago and died. Taken by Syna, Goddess of the Sun, he existed as one of her own. Something happened, a terrible event that shattered reality and created a rift in the worlds which he slipped through. Lost in time and broken reality, he eventually fell through and landed back on Mizahar; the land he once inhabited as a mortal. Leaving divinity behind, a new life awaited him. It was a chance to continue life and create new experiences and new wonders to carry with him when he would one day return to Syna; the Goddess who marked him with her grace.

With something of a purpose in mind, Aestineos reached out to sun and was rewarded with a name; his name, Aestineos. What it meant was still beyond him but it felt right, it felt like a part of him. Now, with clothing and a name, he set out in search of a place to start his new life.
Last edited by Aestineos on January 21st, 2013, 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Light of Your Life
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Postby Aestineos on March 22nd, 2011, 8:10 am


* 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
o 1 white linen shirt
o 1 pair of brown cotton pants
o 1 leather belt
o 1 green cotton cloak
o 1 pair of high black boots

* 1 Waterskin

* 1 Backpack which contains:
o 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
o Food for a week
o 1 eating knife
o Flint & Steel

Family Heirloom: A pair of well-worn six-sided dice. While Aestineos doesn't know anything about them, he feels as though he should remember something personally significant about them.

600 gold mizas
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The Light of Your Life
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