12 Winter, 510 AV Aello had returned to the building in which she had met her first ghost upon arriving in Ravok. The same ghost that had asked her to do a favor for him. The ghost whose letter she dropped through an open window, whose knife she left under the sill. The same knife that never left her side for long. It always returned to her. Aello had managed to slip inside the old abandoned building rather easily, due to the fact that the front door hung off its hinges. When she had walked upstairs and looked around the room where it had all began, Aello realized that the building was the same as when she had left it- boarded up windows that only let in a soft trickle of light. Cobwebs clinging to the corners, keeping company with the shadows, a sheet of dust sweeping over each of the remaining pieces of worn, wooden furniture that adorned the room like a woolen grey blanket. The air still stank of mold. Aello was sitting with her back against the wall. Her bow and her bag were resting up against the wall to her right. She had pulled two glass jars out of her bag a few moments before. They were resting on the floor by her side. One of the jars was empty, the other, filled halfway with an off-white gel; the soulmist she had made the day before. Aello pulled the jar containing the mist onto her lap. She opened the lid, wincing as the cuts on her hand stung with the touch. "Well that's what you get for being a total and complete spazz," she scolded herself, the memory of her having hurt her hand while practicing the use of her dagger remained an unpleasant one for her. All she wanted to do now was test the quality of her soulmist. She had heard it said that one could infuse armor and weapons with soulmist, and thus either safeguard themselves against spirits, or provide themselves with something that could injure a spirit. Aello couldn't help but wonder if her soulmist was strong enough yet. Aello put the open jar down on the floor for a minute before she leaned forward slightly so that her back was off the wall, reached her right hand behind her back and gingerly lifted a peacock feather tipped arrow from her quiver. Aello brought her hand forward slowly, carefully maneuvering the arrow around the side of her face, so that she wouldn't poke her eye out. When she had brought the arrow to the front of her body, she lightly placed it into her lap. Aello then lifted the jar off the ground, and held it tightly in her left hand as she lowered her right hand into the glass jar. The air in the jar was unnaturally cool, and Aello found it nearly impossible to tolerate. It was simply too cold, and the tips of her fingers were growing blue. Aello sighed, "why does this always happen?" she whispered as she dipped the tips of her fingers into the mist. Her fingers felt like ice as she scooped some of the gel up, and then brought her hand out of the jar. Aello put the jar down on the ground to her left, and then picked the arrow up with her left hand. Aello's fingers were trembling both with anticipation and the cold as she slathered the mist onto the tip of the arrow. The mist seemed to stick, and cause the arrow to glow and off-white color before fading a bit. Did it work? Aello's brain whispered as she held the tip of the arrow before her eyes. Or was it a failed attempt? Was her magic good enough yet? Aello wondered as she slowly got to her feet. She couldn't wait to test the arrow out, and see if the soulmist held to it when she fired the arrow from her bow. OOCThis is going to be like the caveman version of spiritism. *Giggles* |