The Harbor [Post here first]

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Miya on December 29th, 2010, 9:44 pm

Miya whimpered quietly, at the voice greeting her. There was something so inhuman, something far away from pure in that voice.
Her eyes went straight down to the ground before she took a deep breath, shivering and lightly letting her gaze move up again. Her blonde hair was getting in the way as she tried to speak.
"Um... Hello.... I'm Miya... and I'm here to discover some truths about the world.."

The first thing that got on Miya's mind.. and guess what? it sounded stupid... Her fingers gently pulled her hair back, removing it from her lips as they moved again, slowly, making the same, sweet voice escape them
"Can you help me find a guide or something?"
Was this a stupid question as well? Probably, but she had to try, if she wanted to make it alive, off the harbor.

This though, made her think of what she was through before. Her hands gripped onto her hair tighter as she bit her lip and tried to push the memories of his hands on her. Bruises on her perfectly pale skin, screams of her brothers and sisters as they were beaten up in the room next to hers.
He always seemed to like her more then others though, or was this an illusion?
Could have been and would seem like one to most people, but Miya knew it wasn't, because he wanted her, in every way he could have her.
Her eyes got a bit darker as she took another deep breath, letting the flashbacks move through her memory. Remembering all those extra meals she got, not being able to share them with her brothers and sisters, even though she knew they were starving. Remembering all the scars he has left on her body, all the nights she cried herself to sleep, after dancing and singing for him and his friends....
Was this new challenge anything even close to what she has survived? No, it wasn't, so all she had to do is roll her shoulders back, put a smile on her face and live each moment as it was her last. After all, it's not like she hasn't seen hell already.
When will I be unleashed?
It's not the way it should be.
Yearning again only to be myself
When I'm free...

Unleash my consciousness, please...
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Panna Cotta on January 6th, 2011, 10:00 pm

Unfortunately, here in Sahova, there was no guide to speak of. Well, at least there was "something". Something came in the form of an old wagon, built to run the path between the shore and the Citadel on its own. Repairs have been made upon it, and it looks half as sturdy as it was supposed to be centuries ago. Still, it was all that Miya had.

She was perfectly welcome in Sahova. The thing is, the kind of hell that she had suffered so far was different, very different, from the one that they have in the undead island. Miya was a survivor, at least give her that, and if she play her cards right, maybe she'll be perfectly at home in Sahova, too.

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Stritheon Aera on February 14th, 2011, 3:24 am

Stritheon looked intently at the harbor filled with a sense of confidence."this is quite strange isn't it captain?".The captain sighed "what would someone like you want in this place? you're from a rich family isn't that enough?."
Stritheon laughed the captain was confused but ignored it
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Rayage on February 21st, 2011, 5:34 pm

50th Winter, 510 AV

It seemed that nothing ever changed in Sahova. Well, from first glance nothing ever did, but that observation would be foolish. The place was constantly changing, though from outward appearances it would seem not. The change was hardly physical more of one born from knowledge and the advancement of the magical research going on within. Knowledge and weapons seemed to be one of the few things that wasn’t lacking. For the living, in these conditions, it would be hard for most pulsers as he knew. Luckily, he wasn’t among the living. He was a Nuit and with that label added to the many ones he has already collected he intends to come back to his research after a long ‘break’ of sorts.

He continued to watch the pier as the ship slowly docked and it wasn’t long at all before he was greeted by the golem. He gave a cold glance to the captain, a thanks for taking him back before addressing the golem, “I’m Rayage,” His voice sounding as dull as the golem that questioned him, “and I wish to continue my research here, on Sahova.” He nodded never directly looking at the golem but elsewhere up the shore.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Medris on February 22nd, 2011, 7:00 am

The lone archer, Medris, overlooked the coastline of the soundless dock, Port Silence. A small sigh escaped her petite lips as she thanked the captain of the ship and jumped off, onto the beach. The sand had lost its shine, bearing a dull colour. It had seemed like it would rain soon.

The Inarta's crimson red hair was blown forcefully by the unwavering wind of the harbour. Medris pinned a few locks of hair behind her hand, next to her ear. The whole entire place felt like death, probably many had died there, the hunter wouldn't dare assume.

"If it wasn't for my training then I would probably be at home with the other Archers hunting, instead of exploring such a depressing isle." Medris shivered and rubbed her arms, annoyed at the windy weather. "Better get going, but really, is there like no guide?" She pondered and looked around the area. "Where are the Golems that my friends had told me of?"
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Panna Cotta on February 22nd, 2011, 7:33 am


Ah, another Nuit interested in research! Master Qiao would be most pleased. Without any further inquiry, Rayage was ushered to an unmanned wagon. It was a golem, he would recognize, one that would take him to his final destination. Sahova would offer him more, so much more, for within the resilient walls were more than just magical corpses. Deep within the folds of the earth lies the knowledge that Rayage sought, the extension of a frontier, arcane knowledge that many considered lost because of the Valterrian.

He was silently welcomed to Sahova, and the Citadel wasn't too far away.

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Sanguine Black on March 23rd, 2011, 4:20 am

Spring 511 AV

Sanguine liked the quiet. Silence soothed him, for all the screaming that went on in his own mind. As summoner commands a vast collective of creatures, and in his case those creatures remained with him. Each snarling beast, every glowing eye and drop of acidic drool from their growling snouts and beaks. There was chaos in his soul at all times, and he was not resentful of it. It fueled him, push him forward. A fire can destroy more than water.

So as his tiny boat made it to the edge of the harbor, Sanguine was more than apt to relish in the haunting quiet. Unsettling to some, hopeful to him. Powerful magics were taught here, assets Sanguine was desperately to see. He had little real faith in greater powers, but he at least had to believe this to be the most sacred to him. It was an abundance here, for something Sanguine was very hungry for: power.

A smile, a rare occurrence with him, crawled across his face as he got closer to the shore. This was better than a vacation.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Irriari on May 11th, 2011, 10:58 pm

35th Day of Spring, Year 511

Irriari was beyond happy that the ship, the Kova III, had finally docked at the harbor of Sahova. How many times had she heard of this mysterious and dangerous place in the book her slave had read to her? It was supposed to be full of Nuit, and judging by the skittish crew, the book had not lied. The landscape was just as breathtaking as the book had promised and she had spent the last hour watching the island come into view. Irriari had no idea whether or not she would be accepted here or killed, but she would have to try regardless. Books could not tell her everything she wished to learn about poisons, nor could trial and error. She supposed that no one here could teach her everything either, but Sahova was filled with the brilliant and deadly, and someone here had to have some knowledge of poisons.

Irriari stretched out her wings and checked the tension in her bow string and found that all was well, though her wings were a bit stiff from the trip. She flew upward slightly, just enough to exit the ship without walking but not far enough to be seen as a threat, or so she hoped. A few people were gathered around something and speaking to it. Whatever this odd thing was, Irriari assumed she had to speak to it, though she felt silly doing so. Could it speak back? She resisted the urge to stride to the front of the group of people. It was unlike her to wait or be patient but it would be beyond stupid to anger the merchants now, as there was no way for her to fly off the deserted island, so she waited her turn.

Finally, she approached the nameless thing and began to speak.

“I want to learn about poisons. I don't know the cost, or what it will take, but I am willing to prove myself. I know a little, and I'm sure I could be of some use to someone here.”

It was difficult to swallow her pride, to not push her way into the towering citadel for the information she sought. But these people were not weak humans that an arrow would so easily destroy. Here she would have to choose her words and hope that the price they asked for, if they did accept her, was one that she could stomach.

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Vetala on May 11th, 2011, 11:32 pm

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Mabel on May 13th, 2011, 8:49 pm

Springtime, Day 74, 511 AV.

Mabel had finally arrived at Sahova, the place where mortals dare not tread; the place where the dead roam free; the place full of mysterious magics. Mabel found herself excited when the ship docked at the pier, feeling her heart jump and butterflies appear in her stomach. This was the perfect place for her to practice her magic. This was where she felt she would learn the most, and learn to perfect her arts. She wondered what kind of plants were scattered about the island, and what kind of people the Nuits where. Mabel had never met a Nuit, but was anxious to do so. She was interesting in studying how they acted and how they would treat her.

But she was most anxious to see the Great Library of Sahova. It is said that the library contains some of the most elaborate books on almost every subject you could think of. And this is what was exciting to Mabel. She was ready to dive into the books, and dive into her studies.

Mabel heard the golem speak, and told the group of sailors and herself that if they wished to be escorted in, that they must approach it and apply. And that is exactly what Mabel did. She walked over to the wooden creature, amazed by how it worked, and spoke.

"My name is Mabel, and I wish to be taken to the Citadel to live and study. I'm an herbalist, and I practice the magic of shielding. I'm sure that I can be of some use here, as I would like to perfect my arts. I would be honored if you would accept me." Mabel felt that maybe the introduction was a little too formal, but she wanted to make a good impression on the undead that roamed the island.
Last edited by Mabel on May 15th, 2011, 11:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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