by Serrif Von Chatlyn on February 24th, 2011, 3:46 pm
by Blythe on February 24th, 2011, 4:22 pm
Blythe had woken up early, the sun having shone through the her window. She had forgotten to close the blinds the night before, and the sun's rays had licked the tips of her chin, and tickled her eye lids. She had fought off their light, lingering heat for a few moments by tilting her head towards the wall to her right. It had gotten most of the sun to go away, and quit bothering her, but since she had already begun to stir, she found that she couldn't quite get back to sleep. That had always been a problem for her: getting back to sleep whenever someone or something had already begun to wake her up. Sighing heavily, Blythe lifted her hands tiredly to her eyes, and rubbed the sleep crystals away. She then lowered her hands, and slowly opened her eyes. At first, her vision was blurry, and her room appeared to be a large yellow blob. But after a few minutes, her vision re-adjusted, and she could see clearly. She wasn't happy to be awake, she could have used a few more hours of sleep. But now that she was up, she was up. She knew that there was no use lying in bed trying to sleep, and moaning about how she couldn't. That would simply be a waste of time, especially when there was so much to do, and it seemed like such a nice day out. Blythe swung her legs over the side of her bed, and lifted her hands to the ceiling so she could stretch. She then lowered them again, and pushed up and off against her knees, propelling herself off the side of the bed. "Good morning Mura," she whispered as she grabbed her comb from the night stand and ran it through her unruly hair a few times. She straightened it out, and yanked out all the knots within a few moments. When she had finished, she grabbed her bag, threw it over her shoulder and onto her back, and tip-toed out of the room, careful not to wake any of her sleeping family members. When she reached the front door to her cottage, she extended her right hand and slowly turned the knob clockwise. When it clicked, she pushed the door backwards, opening it. A steady stream of golden sunlight trickled in. Blythe stepped outside into the warm morning air, and as silently as she could, closed the door behind her. Blythe had decided to head down to the beach today. She had been meaning to pick up a few cockle shells for divination purposes, but hadn't yet gotten around to it, and today was as good a day as any. Blythe grabbed the right strap of her bag in her right hand, and began to run towards the beach. She wanted to warm her body up, and get there as quickly as possible, so that she would have more than enough time during the day to do the rest of the things she wanted to do. She had promised her grandmother she'd make dinner, and she had scheduled a reading with a client later in the afternoon. So although there was no real rush, Blythe was acting as though there was. With each of her steps, Blythe was kicking up tiny clods of grass and dirt. Her breath was coming in and out more and more rapidly, and her heart had begun beating faster and faster like a drum. Several beads of sweat had appeared on her brow, and her feet had started to hurt. With each forward step on her left foot, her left arm would swing forward, slicing through the air. Her arm was propelling her forward, closer and closer to her destination. She'd be there in a few minutes, Blythe thought, and then she could stop and take a drink from her waterskin. When she finally reached the edge of the sand, Blythe stopped dead in her tracks. She slid her back-pack off her shoulders, and lifted the lid. She rummaged through her pack for a minute, and pulled out her waterskin. She dropped her bag into the cool sand, and opened the top of the waterskin. She lifted it to her lips and took several long sips. The water was cool and refreshing. It dripped out of the sides of her mouth, and Blythe had to wipe it away with the back of her hand. When she had finished, she put the waterskin back in her bag, and returned her bag to her shoulders. As soon as she had, she began walking towards the shoreline. The water was a deep blueish-green color. It had always been that way, although today, since it was particularly sunny out, the water seemed to shimmer a deep golden-orange color. As Blythe walked along the shore, she found herself staring at her feet. She was looking for cockle shells, after all, and didn't want to accidently miss a pretty one. The waves were crashing into the shore, causing the sand she walked upon to grow dark, wet, and cold. The waves would splash around her feet, licking her toes, causing her gladiator sandals to become slippery, cold, and generally difficult to walk on. It felt as though each time the waves crashed into her, they were sucking the sand directly around her feet, and attempting to drag Blythe out to sea. The water was calling to her. But Blythe ignored the call of the sea, and how it felt on her skin. How the salt tickled her feet. How the bubbles in the foam popped from time to time, so quietly that it was nearly inaudible. She was too busy looking for shells, and finding it strange that she hadn't come across many this morning. It was as though the sea had claimed them all. As though it had dragged them into its deep depths, never to be seen again. Blythe sighed, this shouldn't be so difficult, she thought to herself, as she continued walking, and bumped into someone. The man she saw was fishing, and looked to be half her age. Well, in human years anyway. He was far taller than she, and had tan skin, and jet-black hair. Blythe looked up at him, and found that he had the most beautiful emerald-colored eyes she had ever seen. Blythe bit her bottom lip and said. "Sorry... didn't see you there. Was a bit distracted." She paused for a moment, wondering if the man would find her flaky, or at least, rather unobservant. When she felt like she had given a sufficient amount of time, she added, "anyway, the name's Blythe. What's yours? And what are you trying to catch?" Blythe finished, noticing that the fishing line wasn't all that far off shore. |
by Keyta on February 24th, 2011, 5:24 pm
by Serrif Von Chatlyn on February 24th, 2011, 5:58 pm
by Blythe on February 24th, 2011, 9:25 pm
"Nice to meet you Serrif," Blythe said with a shy smile. Her eyes seemed to be shining along with the sun, turning an even lighter shade of purple. "I was just out for a walk, looking for some divination shells actually. Perhaps you have a few cockle shells in your pile. But I'd have to look to be sure," she added, as a muffled thud sounded behind her. It sounded like something had fallen. Shortly thereafter, Blythe heard a strange sound that reminded her of hiccups. Blythe's brow furrowed. "Now what could that be?" Blythe whispered, as Serrif set his fishing supplies aside. Something about having seen something... Something Blythe assumed to be slightly out of the ordinary. Considering how she hadn't seen whatever Serrif was referring to. After all, whatever it was happened while her back was turned. Blythe giggled, "I don't have eyes on the back of my head you know," she commented as Serrif ran off to investigate. Shrugging, Blythe reluctantly followed him a few moments later. Crying in the sand was a nude Keyta, her leg splayed out awkwardly. It looked broken. "Oh now, what did you do to it?" Blythe said as she knelt down beside Serrif. Blythe ran her tongue from the roof of her mouth over her teeth, producing a low clicking noise. "Always getting yourself into trouble little one," Blythe commented as she looked up from Keyta's leg to Serrif. "We're not going to be able to carry her, not with her leg like that," Blythe commented as she tried to direct Ser's gaze with her lavender colored eyes. "We'd do far more damage to her by attempting to move her, than if we simply attempted to bind her leg her. Or at least, I'm pretty sure we would," Blythe added, as she tenderly ran the tips of her fingers over Keyta's leg, wondering if it would be enough to cause the young Kelvic to cry out in pain. "Do you have anything we could use to bind her leg? Or maybe some herbs she can munch on to ease the pain?" Blythe inquired. "I know she likes fruit a lot... and we should probably give her a blanket or something." Blythe looked up at Serrif as she ran her fingers over Keyta's skin. It was rather smooth, and strangely soft. But that may have been because of her bruises. Her skin was warm, as though she had been in the sun for more than just a few minutes. It reminded her of Fawn. Everything seemed to remind her of Fawn. Even stupid, simple things. Not wanting to cry, however, Blythe forced the thought out of her mind. She couldn't help but wonder if Serrif felt uncomfortable around the nude girl. Nari had seemed that way, all that time ago, at their little picnic. She imagined Serrif may feel the same way. "Just to make sure her skin isn't exposed, and to keep her warm and what not," Blythe added, eyeing the human somewhat nervously. "But, maybe we should leave that for after we've dealt with her leg," Blythe finished, as Keyta emitted another pained cry. OOCKeyta, I love how you injure your leg in a thread with the only Konti in creation without any herbalism or medicine experience. Thank goodness Serrif makes up for my lack of skills. >.< |
by Keyta on February 25th, 2011, 4:40 am
by Serrif Von Chatlyn on February 25th, 2011, 7:46 pm
by Blythe on February 25th, 2011, 8:28 pm
Blythe jerked her hand away from Keyta's leg as soon as she heard her crying out in pain. Her face scrunched up unhappily, and her eyes seemed to become glassy, as though she were fighting off tears. But in reality, she was only worried, but her expression of that emotion was more than likely muddied in her lavender irises. "Sorry, never meant to harm you," Blythe whispered to Keyta, as the girl blacked out and Serrif tended to her injuries. Blythe imagined he could make a halfway decent doctor some day he was working so intently. But even so, her eyes always remained on Keyta. She was worried about her, and found that she couldn't help but wonder how much pain she was in. It must be awful, she thought, as she absentmindedly said, "I think she'd appreciate it if you got everything right the first time too." Blythe was rather silent during the rest of the time it took Serrif to bind Keyta's leg. It took her a few moments to even notice that he had finished working. "Sorry," Blythe stammered, when she had finally noticed, "got a little distracted, I suppose." Blythe took a deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth to help ground herself. She couldn't help but feel as though she were slowly losing her grip on reality, being so upset at seeing the young girl hurt. "Anyway... now that you've dealt with her leg, at least for a short period of time, we'll be able to carry her right?" Blythe inquired. "We could take her to the Opal Temple. They have the best doctors and healers around. And it's not all that far from here." Blythe paused for a moment so that she could catch her breath, and Serrif could catch up with her words. She seemed to be speaking rather swiftly now that there seemed to be a glimmer of hope. "The Opal Temple is located in the heart of Mura. If you walk swiftly, perhaps we can get there in half an hour or less." She paused again before adding, "I'm not too strong, so you'd probably have to carry her. But I could carry the rest of your things and mine, and of course, lead the way." "But I've only been inside a handful of times," Blythe added, as she shifted her weight nervously in the sand. "So hopefully there will be someone inside who can show us where we should take her." As soon as she had finished, Blythe slowly got to her feet, and stepped around Serrif's body. She bent down at the waist, and plucked his bag from the ground. She swung it over her right arm, and said, "hope you don't mind my carrying your things... just trying to help. But I could always let you carry it if it would make you feel better." Blythe paused for a moment, before adding, "but you probably have too much on your hands already, since you're carrying her." |
by Keyta on February 25th, 2011, 9:04 pm
by Serrif Von Chatlyn on February 25th, 2011, 10:53 pm
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