[Wind Reach Festival] Courtyard Snow Battle! (open to all)

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach Festival] Courtyard Snow Battle! (open to all)

Postby Gossamer on February 21st, 2011, 4:47 pm

ImageTimestamp: During The Midwinter Fire Festival 44th of Winter, 510 AV
Location: Courtyard of the Sky
Purpose: Seize the Flag

The Wind Warrior sat proudly upon his throne. It was his right, of course, to oversee the Festival's happening and assign Snow Battle teams as people registered. The cost of registering was easy. Pretty ladies gave him a kiss and he gave them a colored tunic to go over their cold weather gear and a stash of corresponding 'ammunition'. Gentleman gave him a bow and yet another tunic was proffered. Two flags rippled on either side of the enormous courtyard while Eagles lined the walls.

The colors were red and blue.

The actual rules stated the Eagles themselves could not seize the flag, only a human could. But they could produce a body count for certain for their side, whichever side that was. Regardless, the Wind Warrior of last year reclined, piles of tunics on either side of him and waited. When someone approached and paid tribute, he'd give them the same speech.

"The Courtyard of the Sky is buried under fifteen feet of packed snow and we've transformed it with the help of a small army of Dek into a veritable proving grounds. Enough snow has been cleared from around one set of doors between the mountain and the Courtyard to allow contestants to gather before diving into the tunnel-warscape. Stairs carved in the snow lead downward into tunnels. No tunnel leads directly to a flag without surfacing multiple times in multiple places where contestants must cross open snow to get to another tunnel. The Wind Eagles are free to pluck contestants from the courtyard if they can catch them above ground, taking them out of the game."
He gestured, showing that on either end of the Courtyard a large expanse has been cleared as a base. From these bases, five tunnels snake toward the other team’s. However, neither side’s tunnels actually intersect with the other’s. To make it to the other base, the soldiers must use one of the available hatches to pop onto the surface of the snow and make a run for an opposing opening.

He smiled a bit sadistically. "More people are 'eaten' than manage to ever make it to the other side." Rumor had it that sometimes the eagles did eat people, though it wasn't a certain or frequent event.

"A team accumulates ‘kills’ by hitting a competitor with a thin glass sphere filled with dye. The dye is a dry powder that reacts with the moisture from the snow gathered on coats. Once splotched, a competitor is out and must evacuate the battle ground. These balls are stockpiled in the bases and secret caches throughout the tunnels. First come first serve. If a team runs out, their firepower and ability to decimate the other team has been compromised." He added.

"Please note. The Wind Eagles are contenders. They cannot be disqualified, and anyone attempting to strike at them will be punished. Surface and remain and you are 'dead' since they will remove you from the game." Through telepathy, they coordinate the attacks and keep track of everyone’s kills. Riders, that way, had an advantage because their wind eagles could defend them against other wind eagles if they surfaced to make a run for the flag.

"The Eagle with the most scoops at the end of the game will be awarded a complete remodeling of his nest, new wind chimes, games, or new tack/gear. The soldier with the most kills will be allowed to choose a prize. The soldier with the most flag captures will choose a prize. And the one with the most combined will also be deemed a winner."
The Wind Warrior said, smiling in delight. This was always his favorite part of hte festival.

"Are we ready?!"
He called in a singsong voice, and with that began receiving his honors and passing out tunics. He got to choose, not the participant, which team they'd be on.

Points :
Most kills and flags – 40
Most kills – 30
Most flags – 20
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[Wind Reach Festival] Courtyard Snow Battle!

Postby Vala on February 22nd, 2011, 4:37 am

Vala jogged through the tunnels of Wind Reach to the Courtyard of the Sky, giddy with excitement. As she tried to dodge a passing Yasi she tripped on the borrowed white Katinu she was wearing. Vala usually wore all black, but since the annual Courtyard Snow battle occurred in and on the snow, Vala decided to change her style. It was hard enough as a Chiet without an eagle, but to wear all black in the pure white snow would have been plain suicide.

Vala felt clumsy in the oversized coat with a fluffy white scarf wrapped loosely around her thin neck, but she was nimble enough to catch herself against a wall. After an entire day of searching the day before, Vala had luckily found someone, relatively her size, willing to lend her their white clothes in exchange for a few favors: 1. She would have to hand wash, to a pristine white, all the clothes she borrowed, and 2. She would have to write a nice birthday poem for the girl’s best friend’s birthday. Vala was happy to trade her talents of cleaning and creating writing, if it meant not having to buy a new set of clothes. She was even almost done thinking of the poem now…

So on this very special day
I would like to say to you
I hope you'll always find happiness
In whatever you may do.

It was corny but it was what the lady had asked for. Vala frowned a little when she thought about having to wash the dye off the white Katinu at the end of the event… maybe she could have a Dek help her.

When Vala finally reached the courtyard, she was overjoyed the event had yet to start; Vala had been worried she had woken up too late; she had even scrambled into the kitchens like a mad woman to rustle up breakfast before walking while eating to the Courtyard. Now she walked over to the wind warrior sitting upon his throne She looked eagerly at the glistening snow; it felt nice to finally get out a little after being buried under storms of snow for so long. She marched up to the wind warrior hesitantly; he looked so intimidating to one so small. She knew the price - one kiss. Vala stepped up, ready to pay.
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[Wind Reach Festival] Courtyard Snow Battle! (open to all)

Postby Kovac on February 22nd, 2011, 1:21 pm

Clad in his winter hunting garb, Kovac trudged up and out into the Courtyard of the Sky, or rather, fifteen feet above it. The Avora scanned the crowd. As with all the festival events, there was an mingling of caste not typical during more mundane daily life. Spotting some familiar faces, most he wished to avoid, the archer made his way towards the Wind Warrior's throne. He lowered his katinu's hood, the deep red streaks in his black hair appearing in the luminance reflected on the snow. The dark mane and olive-toned skin readily identified Kovac as a half-breed.

A crowd had gathered in a loose line, men and women, waiting to approach last year's victor. In front of him, Kovac recognized Vala, the teenager who earlier had watched Twik read his fortune in her little cards. A wry grin lit his face as he saw her shift uncomfortably in the katinu that was obviously too big for her. The archer did not draw the Chiet's attention, but watched as the girl approached the presiding Inarta. Once Vala had received her tunic, Kovac approached. He hesitated, flat faced as he looked down at the man sitting in the throne. Suddenly everything about him resisted, disdain to show obeisance to the haughty warrior. Play nice, be a team player, don't be an ass. Strangely, his internal monologue had Shayth's demanding voice. Then, with a sigh, he conceded, offered a curt bow, and waited to receive his tunic.
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[Wind Reach Festival] Courtyard Snow Battle! (open to all)

Postby Gossamer on February 22nd, 2011, 6:00 pm

The Wind Warrior was masked, as was appropriate, so his features were concealed. His identity wasn't though. He was obviously the winner from last year and everyone knew his name. Of course, it was forbidden to speak it during the winter Festival since once presiding over the festival, he became something else, something larger than life. His mask was a carved glass eagle's face and his cloak was lined with eagle feathers.

When Vala approached, he nodded approval at her attire and instantly handed her a slash of crimson to wear over her white finery. She was given a little mesh bag of glass orbs, twenty in all, that were filled with liquid to match. "Friendly fire does not count, my lady. Here's your Lord wishing that only crimson touches your lovely person today." For all that she was young, the girl was pretty. But he could tell she was untouchable for she was a chiet at the very least. He sighed, offered a smile, and gestured her to a mustering area for the red side.

Next he turned to Kovac. Nodding respectfully, for the two had hunted together numerous times, Kovac was similarly offered a Sapphire tunic and a ball of sapphire globes. "Good hunting, my brother. May only sapphire touch you today." And with that, he was beckoned over to the blue mustering area to await his teams assembly.

On either side, red and blue was already filling itself out. Kovac could see he had several Dek, at least one Endal, and an Avora he recognized from the smithery. The blues had two Endal already, and a handful of Chiet.

It was going to be an interesting battle.
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[Wind Reach Festival] Courtyard Snow Battle! (open to all)

Postby Aidara on February 23rd, 2011, 4:22 am

"Crap crap crappity crapcrap"

Too rushed to invent anything more imaginative, Addy banked the corner from the washroom into her common room, shouldering an open door closed in the process and just barely missing a collision with the sofa. "Where is my other boot!" Sure enough, she raced around with only the left of the white, furred, knee-high boots donned. It was her stockinged foot that kept losing traction as she went from stone to rug and back again.

Other than that, the healer was more than ready. Thick, white winter leggings were worn under a heavy pair of bryda, also white. A thick white fur coat topped the bryda, sleeves ending in white gloves. A white scarf was not only wrapped around her neck for the cold, but it doubled back around and up over her hair as a cover. I mean, come on. Red against white? She would be a tiny, moving target. All in all, when she wasn't running around like a chicken with her head cut off, Addy looked rather fetching today. As usual.

Under the sofa, behind the chairs, in the storage room. Nothing. Addy was in the process of flinging all of Sai's clothes from the dresser when she remembered... Dashing from her twins room into her own, the woman flung herself gracelessly onto the floor, small arm groping under her circular bed. "HA! HAHAHA!" Laughing in triumph and delight, Addy rolled over onto her back, pulling the matching boot to the one she wore from under the bed. Shoving it onto her foot and tying the laces tight, the woman was back on her feet as if she hadn't ever stopped.

The door to the aerie slammed against the stone wall as Addy burst free, tearing off down the corridors, once again banking every turn. Dek and Chet alike stepped aside for the determined Avora, more than used to Addy's off-the-wall personality. It hardly phased them anymore- unless she ran into one of them, that is. Left, right, right, left, detour through a small passage way, left, left and-

"I'm HERE! Good goddess, I'm here! I missed the opening! Kovac! HI! PUH-LEASE can I still play?" In her race, the white scarf had been disrupted, and dark red, curling tresses streamed behind Addy as she ran into the courtyard. Her entrance was anything but elegant, for the second her boots hit the snow she slid and had to bend halfway over backwards to catch herself from falling. Righting herself, she raced towards where the Wind Warrior stood handing out the team colors, shouting the whole way. "Please pleasepleasepleasepleaaaaaaaaaaaaase" She begged as she skidded to a halt in front of him, falling to her knees with her hands clasped in front of her in her best attempt at a grovling posture. "Don't make me revert to clinging and bootlicking...'Cause I will. Oh-ho I will." Green eyes were big, wide and begging as she stared up at the "mysterious" warrior (who she had already slept with, actually), panting and gasping as she attempted to catch her breath.
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[Wind Reach Festival] Courtyard Snow Battle! (open to all)

Postby Sira on February 25th, 2011, 1:45 pm

Sira was already awake and dressed for the event, having risen early that day so as not to miss a thing. She'd already attended the opening ceremonies and watched Kovac's future spelled out on the cards, and was more than ready now to get on with the excitement. The Winter Warrior challenge was something Sira always looked forward to, although she was often disqualified from the event. One year, after a run of bad luck, Sira had ended up shifting and carrying the person who "killed" her halfway around the mountain before dropping him in a large pile of snow from ten feet in the air. And last year she was too drunk to remember anything at all. But this year she was going to win!

Sira entered the courtyard and immediately spotted the Wind Warrior, sitting proud on his throne with his cool Eagle mask. Sira wanted that mask, and wanted to be the one sitting on that throne next year. Maybe if she impressed the man enough with her "registration" he would give her some bonus points. Sira approached at about the same time that Aidara ran up begging to be accepted into the challenge. She must not have realized signups were still in process, but it gave Sira a chance to sneak up on her from behind. Sira sneaked up behind the kneeling woman, getting as close as she could before grabbing her from behind and pulling her up. "Gotcha!"

Sira gave Aidara a happy squeeze and a kiss on the cheek before letting go and spinning her around. "Don't worry, you're not too late. I haven't signed up yet either, and you know I wouldn't miss this." Sira grinned and gave Aidara a loving kiss, then stepped back, a mischevious look on her face. "Now, let me show you the proper way to sign up." Turning to the Wind Warrior, Sira approached and gave him a smile that was to die for. She leaned in lifting his mask just enough to get to his lips then grabbed his head from behind pulling him forward giving him a long, tantalizing kiss. Grin on her face she stepped back, giving him a look that said something like, "There's more where that came from if I win," and awaited her assignment. Hopefully she'd be on the same team as Addy, but if they were pitted against each other.. well, that could be fun too.
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[Wind Reach Festival] Courtyard Snow Battle! (open to all)

Postby Gossamer on February 25th, 2011, 5:01 pm

The Wind Warrior grinned like a fiend, reached forward, and pulled Sira even closer. He laughed in delight as they finished the kiss, and gave the kelvic a long bow. "For that my lady, you may pick your tunic color. But you only." He said with a grin, adjusting his mask back down. He held up two of them along with a mesh bag of ammunition. In his right hand blazed crimson, in his left hand blazed sapphire. Whichever one Sira took, he'd automatically give Aidara the other. Oh yes, he deliberately wanted them on opposite teams.

The crowd on either side, decked out in their sapphire tunics and crimson finery was growing. Each team members had endals, avora, and cheit abound. There were even a few dek in place, milling around nervously. All waited to see what color Sira would choose and thus condemn Aidara to wear the other.
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[Wind Reach Festival] Courtyard Snow Battle! (open to all)

Postby Sira on February 25th, 2011, 7:44 pm

Sira hadn't really expected to be put on the same team as Aidara, but she certainly hadn't expected to be given the choice of teams either. Sira was put on the spot as everybody nearby awaited her decision. Would she be endal number three for the blue team, and join Kovac among the others. Or would she go to the red team along with Vala. There were certainly things to be considered, she knew Kovac somewhat and could probably work with him well. They were both experienced hunters. And the blue team also had more endal at the moment, which meant more eagles on their side. But that would likely even out before the competition started. The red team had fewer riders, but that would only mean they would try all the harder.

For Sira it was a simple matter, however, to be sure. Red looked so much better on her than blue, and she wanted to look her best when she was named champion. Sira reached for the red tunic, then turned around and held it up for everybody to see. She gave Aidara a lopsided grin then put the tunic on. "Sorry Addy, hope you weren't wanting to be on the red team. But blue just isn't my color." Smile on her face, Sira moved over to join the other reds, shouting at Aidara as she did so. "See you on the snow!"
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[Wind Reach Festival] Courtyard Snow Battle! (open to all)

Postby Kovac on February 25th, 2011, 8:23 pm


Kovac joined the blues at their gathering spot, sizing up his teammates. I reality, all seemed fit and capable. One could not live in Mount Skyinarta and not be. He nodded to the Avora he knew, avoiding the Endal, and assessing the Chiet and Deks.

Then Kovac heard the familiar, frantic voice of the Healer. He head spun to see Aidara stumbling across the snow. His waved as she blew by, laughing at her antics. Lowering his hood, the archer turned to watch what team the Warrior would assign to his friend. He felt a twinge of excitement at the thought of them being teammates. Then Sira showed up. The bold kelvic kissed Addy right there before the Wind Warrior's throne. Kovac shuffled his feet and crossed his arms. But Sira did not stop there, she leaned in and gave the presiding Inarta a provocative kiss. He could not hear the words that they exchanged, but there was little doubt by her posture that they were suggestive.

Careful not to jar his bag of paint spheres, Kovac donned his blue tunic as he watched to see what side Sira would choose. He studied her golden eyes, the eyes of a raptor, which he found hard not to stare at. She was unique, even more so than he, and there was something almost animal about her that came out even more when they hunted. Kovac was attracted to her, but never advanced on her, she was, after all, a Wind Eagle. He grinned wryly. No, he would not complain if Sira chose to be on the blue team.

In the end, the woman chose red. His smile faded only a moment, being restored as he saw the Wind Warrior extend a blue tunic to Aidara.
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[Wind Reach Festival] Courtyard Snow Battle! (open to all)

Postby Fois on February 25th, 2011, 8:53 pm

Fois was approaching the courtyard. At first, he hadn’t planned to take any part in that year’s winter festival as he didn’t think he was in a cheerful enough mood. However, as he lay alone in his aerie (Seleer may be an arrogant eagle, but he loved games. Especially if those games involved hunting the Dek and the Chiet, and of course, occasional Avora and Endal or two), Fois grew increasingly bored, and with that, increasingly gloomy. Gloomy wasn’t how he wanted to feel, so he weighted the options he had: visit the falconers; go for some target practice… None of the options really appealed to him (and the falconers were probably at the festival, anyway), so the idea of going to the festival, perhaps the Courtyard Snow Battle, seemed not such a bad one after all.

Fois entered the courtyard and looked around. Quite a few Inarta had already gotten their tunics of different colours that divided them into two opposing teams. ”Oh, just look who decided to honour us all with his presence!" a voice invaded Fois’s mind. ”That Chiet you have a soft spot for, is also here.” Selleer sounded to be in a good mood. ”I do not have a soft spot for a Chiet,” Fois responded quite calmly, yet a hint of annoyance let the eagle know that his tease was successful. As the Endal was making his way towards the Wind Warriors throne, he quickly scanned the people gathered once more. He noticed the girl that Seleer was talking about wearing a red tunic, but did not stop his eyes on her even for a moment. Vila, Vala, Vela? Fois couldn’t exactly remember. Did it really matter?

Fois reached the Wind Warrior just after the Kelvic was awarded with the choice of tunic for her interesting performance. The fact that she could become a Wind Eagle at will fascinated Fois, yet at the same time he was jealous of her ability. Riding an eagle was already mesmerizing, but flying by yourself, being a bird… That… That must have been on completely different level.

Now it was his turn, so Fois stepped closer to the Wind Warrior and gave him a bow, paying his respects.
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