Noya, of the Crimson Storm

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Noya, of the Crimson Storm

Postby Noya on February 26th, 2011, 1:08 pm

Of The Crimson Storm

Credit goes to the artist.

Basic Information

Race: Mixed Blood
Birthday & Age : 24, 52th day of Fall 486 AV
Gender: Female

Physical Description

Long, crimson hair adornes her head while a bloodred horizontal line over the bridge of her nose and face decorates her face. Her dark eyes are piercing and judging while equally red tribal tattoos draw your eyes to her muscular arms.
Noya is in great shape and has a voluptuous body. She is fairly tall for a woman, standing at 5'8'' and is in great shape. Her leather chestarmor is belted around her back, providing defence and support for her chest. Her loose leather skirt covers up most of her upperlegs while giving enough flexibility to move and fight comfortably in it.

Her boots and bracelets are made of leather aswell, her bracelets being decorated and long while her boots are simple and sturdy. Her wide black leatherbelt is holding up her skirt.

Character Concept

Coming from a Myrian mother and Inarta father, she was born a mix of the 2 races. Having the passionate nature of her father and the brutal efficiency and power of her mother. His father had stranded on Myrian soil and was brought to Taloba to become a sacrifice for malediction practicioners but Noya's mother fell in love with the man's appearance and pleaded for his safekeeping.

He was allowed to live but Noya's mother was banned from Taloba as a result, they spend exactly one night together before Noya's father disappeared without a trace and Noya's mother was left alone, deserted by both her race and her lover. It became evident that she was pregnant and she went to travel to civilization to find a medicine man who would help her deliver her child.

She found such a person and as she gave birth to Noya she never felt happier, she had a child. She was no longer alone. Noya grew up in a fierce and beautiful woman, been trained in the style of the Crimson Storm she became a true warrior.

She hates the Inarta with a passion that rivals her mother's. For hurting her mother so. If she ever came across an Inarta outside a civilized area, she was relatively confident that she would slay him or her in the blink of an eye.

Character History

Growing up in Lhavit one would assume she would learn and appreciate the benefits of magic, but that's far from true. She stuck through with her Myrian blood and trained herself to move like a storm with her axes and turn everything red. Fierce and passionate, she embraced her Myrian heritage and despised her Inarta blood.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)

Axe: 32 ( 30 SP )
Dual Wield: 21 ( 20 SP )
Acrobatics: 11 ( 10 SP )
Unarmed Combat: 1

Passionate personalities clash
Practising the moves
Riling up your mother
Lore of Hatred for Inarta
Lore of Crimson Storm Combat Arts

Equipment and Possessions

A large one-handed battleaxe with a red-dyed handle and a decorated, large blade. ( Heirloom )

A battleaxe

Starting Package ( Small house in Lhavit and standard belongings )


- 10 GM ( Battleaxe )

Remaining: 90 GM

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Posts: 11
Words: 7208
Joined roleplay: February 26th, 2011, 12:28 pm
Race: Mixed blood
Character sheet

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