Oh, Here I Am (Umke, Open)

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

Oh, Here I Am (Umke, Open)

Postby Dahlia on February 25th, 2011, 6:17 pm

85th Day of Winter, 510 AV

As the snow began to melt and drip from the tall trees, Dahlia rode along, pondering on about her trip.
It certainly has been a long trip, mostly because of the new climate she had to deal with. It was certainly foolish of her to start off at the beginning of winter, especially when one adds the fact that she's more familiar with a desert climate. She can easily remember the snow, the chilling winds, which felt even worse for her because of the sensory glands on her fingertips, the nearly unbearable storms, and having to huddle extremely close to Lily, her horse, for some warmth, despite how it still didn't help with her involuntary twitching. She would have had to deal with it sooner or later, and is thankful that she had gotten this predicament out of the way, for now at least.
She had gotten used to the current temperature, since it's much warmer than what she had to deal with. Now it just feels like... Nothing. She continued on inside the wilderness, stomach rumbling, and wondered about the new life she will have here.
Last edited by Dahlia on March 1st, 2011, 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Oh, Here I Am (Umke, Open)

Postby Umke on February 26th, 2011, 11:27 am

Stomach growling, feet and legs hurting, mind broken and empty, she kept walking through the Wildlands. Eventhough she had no idea where she was, she knew she needed to get out of this dense forest, she cursed under her breath. Why did this happen to her? What happend that make her forget everything? She couldn't even be angry because she had nobody to be angry to, not herself nor anyone else.

She felt like she was the only one in the world as she ducked under a branch,the croaking noises from her footsteps in the dense snow were her only company as she roamed the forest in search of salvation. Coming across a leafy bush that had tempting berries hanging oh so casually from its branches, she smiled faintly.

She knew she shouldn't eat unknown fruit from an unknown forest, but she didn't think she'd be able to go on much more longer without food so she picked a berry from the bush and placed it in her mouth, grinding it with her teeth and savoring its entire flavor with her tongue. She held off eating more of the berries until after she waited a long enough time to have provoked food poisoning or, if lucky, come to the conclusion that the berries were harmless.

She circled the bush, never stopping, she had to keep moving to battle the cold air around her. Her mind started to wander as she kept walking in circles.
Did she have a family? Did she have a husband? Kids even? She started to well up wondering this.

About an hour passed before she found it sufficient and started plucking the bush for berries and eating them, it didn't fill much but it was certainly better than nothing and she was grateful for that. Her hand was in a motion to meet her mouth once more, as she suddenly heard a faint noise coming from behind her. The noise was the same everytime and at steady intervals, she was scared that it might be a ferocious animal sneaking up on her but she had to face it one way or another so she slowly turned her head.

What she saw made her eyes grow wide and her lips smile broad as her eyes followed a horse walking slowly over the snow. It even carried a person on its back, she was saved! The thought of the person being evil or dangerous didn't cross her mind, she was much too happy to have finally encountered someone in this forest.

Running towards the horse with arms waving and shouting, she stumbled and fell flat on her face in the snow. Shaking the snow off herself she stood back up and continued to run towards the mysterious person with a huge smile on her face.
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Oh, Here I Am (Umke, Open)

Postby Sable on February 26th, 2011, 6:05 pm

Sable wandered the snow covered wilderness with glee. "Freedom," he thought, "at last." The cold air stung his face and numbed his hands. His black hair speckled white with snow. His cloak, pulled tight around his large body, conserving little warmth.

As mild hunger began to set in he found a tree and rested against it. From his bag he retrieved the last of his food and prepared to enjoy it. A look of anxiety came over his face. "After this meal I'll have to hunt for my food," his mind racing, "can I? I've never done such a-"

Sable's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a muffled thump in the distance. Cautiously he put away his remaining food and glanced around the tree. In the distance he could make out a horse. Slowly his curiosity crept in.
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Oh, Here I Am (Umke, Open)

Postby Dahlia on February 26th, 2011, 6:32 pm

Lily stirred as she saw the person running forward, covered with snow. Dahlia followed her eyes, and saw the girl, as well. Dahlia slid down, patted Lily on her flank as she ordered her to stay nearby in her language, grabbed her weapon, and approached the girl. As she walked over, she identified a plant that could come in handy, should the person be a threat, and carefully picked some of its leaves. In the meantime, Lily went off to sniff some berry bushes, and decided on a bush a little off the trail.

When Dahlia was at hearing distance to the individual, she asked,"A-Are you ok-kay?"While Dahlia was waiting for an answer, Lily snorted and looked up. She suspected that they weren't the only ones in the Wildlands, but continued grazing anyway.
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Oh, Here I Am (Umke, Open)

Postby Umke on February 26th, 2011, 6:53 pm

Umke stumbled forward 'till she reached the person, who turned out to be a woman. Suddenly the realization of her foolish behaviour of approaching an unknown person in the middle of nowhere hit her, but she had little to no choice if she wanted to get out of here. Upon closer inspection the woman turned out to be a tall girl. Eventhough she seemed young she was a pretty young lady and pretty intimidating with her weapon in her hands.

With a honeyflavored skintone and special haircolor that goes from black at the roots to silver at the tips she was quite a sight to behold. But Umke was losing her focus, she looked at the girl's darkblue eyes and panted while trying to talk.

" I-I'm ok, I've been wandering this forest for days. I don't know where I am, could you help me? "

She purposely neglected to inform her she suffered of amnesia and didn't even had an idea who she was, thinking it would scare her of or make her think she was a loon.

For a split second she thought she saw a figure creeping out from behind a tree in the distance, sticking out like a sore thumb in the otherwise white background but she wasn't sure and wasn't sure if she wanted to alarm the girl for nothing. Thinking it was better to be safe than sorry, she added in a whisper:

" Don't be alarmed, but I think there's someone watching us from behind a tree in the distance. "
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Oh, Here I Am (Umke, Open)

Postby Sable on February 27th, 2011, 3:43 am

From behind the tree Sable watched as a strikingly beautiful woman dismounted from the horse. Her long hair, shifting from a deep black to a luscious silver, shone against the snowy background. He watched as she cautiously came to a stop and a second woman rose from the snow.

Her blonde hair, like golden threads, swayed as she stood. Her clothes seemed tattered and worn. "Curious," Sable whispered to himself.

Slowly Sable crept from behind the tree and began his way towards the two. From tree to tree he edged himself forward.
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Oh, Here I Am (Umke, Open)

Postby Dahlia on February 27th, 2011, 7:39 pm

Lily snorted again and trotted towards Dahlia, gently nudging her back. Dahlia reacted by petting her nose. They already had sensed the other person, and neither didn't bother to look away as he was slowly approaching.

"Who are you?" she asked both strangers, her gaze still fixed on the woman. She could tell she was terrified, confused, even. "W-Where do you.. need to, go?" she asked the girl quietly. As Dahlia wiggled her webbed toes into the snow, Lily bowed her head to nibble on the grass.
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Oh, Here I Am (Umke, Open)

Postby Umke on February 28th, 2011, 12:09 pm

Umke's eyes unvoluntarily kept shifting back to the unknown man who was now relatively close-by. Realizing she had just been asked a question, she tried coming up with a satisfying answer but considering she had no idea where she was or where she needed to go, it took a while. After keeping silent for what seemed like an hour she finally mumbled while staring down at the snow.

" Euhm...I'd like to get out of the forest, to the nearest town or city.. "

Realizing it sounded weird that she didn't even knew where she wanted to go, she scratched her elbow and looked around and behind her. As if she was really uncomfortable, which she was considering her predicament.

Remembering the mysterious man she suddenly jerked her back towards him and looked in his eyes, fright was easily visible in her eyes yet she didn't look away. She wanted to know if he was hostile or not. She couldn't bear the tension anymore.
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Oh, Here I Am (Umke, Open)

Postby Sable on February 28th, 2011, 12:54 pm

As Sable grew closer he could tell the strangers were aware of his presence. But whether his new found freedom was at risk or not he could not say.

"Who are you?"

The question was obviously placed forth for all here, but it still struck Sable with a sense of worry. His heart was racing, but there was no turning back. And then she looked at him. Their eyes met and all Sable could see was her fear. Fear of him. It struck Sable like a maul. Was he something they would fear, what was he to these people without a shackles and chains, without a Master. He wanted to run, but knew he could not.

Sable raised himself and stood tall. Slowly he came from behind the tree and made his presence clear, more to himself then to these strangers. Pausing he took a long breath and began the short walk forward. It seemed like miles as his mind created scenario after scenario of tension and horror. But as he came closer he could see how wrong he was.

These two young women seemed more out of place than he. One obviously not of this land, and the other half starved. Still nervous he stated as clearly as he could, "Greetings, I am Sable, and I-" For a moment his voice failed him, but with a second breath he forced the sentence. "And I mean you no harm."
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Oh, Here I Am (Umke, Open)

Postby Dahlia on March 1st, 2011, 1:06 am

" Euhm...I'd like to get out of the forest, to the nearest town or city..

This answer made Dahlia groan slightly, since she had no idea where she was or where she was going anyway. She'd tell them that she can't be of service, if only she knew how...

Then she saw her quickly turn her head in fright to the mysterious male. She felt him close enough, and had now made his presence known.

"Greetings, I am Sable, and I-"
She shifted her eyes in his direction.

"And I mean you no harm."

Well, clearly he didn't mean any harm. He seemed uneasy in his answer. she responded with a nod, then Lily nudged her back again.
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