61st Day of Winter, 510 AV He had given her time. Kota knew what had transpired between Tomo and Pain just a short time ago. He had sat idly by, watching Pain sit motionless on the floor of the empty training even as Tomo passed him on his way out. She needed to be questioned, challenged, confronted... Tomo had accomplished all of this in one fell moment, conquering Pain's psyche when he demanded more of her. Be that as it may, it is not so simple for one to just say "I care" and make it so. Kota knew Pain was struggling with this notion as she sat, along and motionless. He had given her time. Now, she needed to face her doubt and move forward with the day. "Pain. It is time to move on." Kota called from the doorway, watching as her shoulders slumped for a moment. Pain pulled herself together, rising to her feet and turning quickly in a brisk walk towards him. She stopped a few feet short of him, pumping her shoulders up and standing erect. Kota could see it in her eyes that she was still upset; they were puffy and red, and her nose was near raw from her constant rubbing. He said nothing about what had transpired between her and Tomo. That was her moment in time, not his. "Unfortunately, I believe the next class will be the most difficult for you of the day... perhaps, the most difficult moment you will experience as a Shinya. I speak of Projection, one of the pillars of our order... such a simple name, it has. Yet, you will soon find that it's fickle name is but a label placed upon by those who view it from afar. You must go forward with this. I won't allow you to avoid this experience, no matter what you are feeling right now... be it doubt, fear, anger, or sadness." Kota said, clasping his hands behind his back as he spoke in a tone that seemed to both command and harbor compassion. However, he would not allow her to back out of this. Kota had a feeling after what she had just experienced that she would falter, perhaps wishing to end her trials for the day... "I'm ready, Dian." Pain said, sniffling and rubbing her nose with the top of her hand. When she looked up at Kota, he saw a stern resolve in her face. So, she hadn't faltered yet. Yet he couldn't help but ask himself... how would she feel after her next class? You could scarcely even call it a class. It was an experience. "Very well. You'll find your peers gathering in the same room you started in this morning with Shai. I have several things to attend to... but I'll check on you later, once your studies are finished for the day. Good luck, Acolyte." Kota said, bowing halfway and quickly turning on his feet. In truth, he had little to do at the moment. He simply wanted Pain to face the next few hours of her life on her own, and to struggle with only her own power at hand. As Kota turned and left, Pain made her way down the halls of the Shinyama Pavilion. She kept her head high, nodding slightly as she passed other Acolytes who traveled in small packs. She was alone. The new girl. The mysterious loner who looked like them, but wasn't. Rei and Hashin awaited her near the doorway. Surprisingly, Hashin was the one who spoke up first. He had said little to her other than his initial offering in the first class of the morning, citing that he had assumed her to be an ignorant farm girl who would join the Acolytes for a free meal and an escape from the labor of the rice patties. "Pain, we're glad you made it. Dama Lai's instruction will begin in only a few chimes... listen, you've managed to impress us all today. Just know that in here, things will be different. Okay? Don't be afraid, we will be there when it's over to help you. We've all been through this." Compassionate words from Hashin, and it was a bit surprising. It was odd, having people she would consider strangers looking out for her. She knew that this next course involved Projection, a type of magic. She had briefly examined a treatise on the use of the Flux, but could scarcely understand anything within save the devastating effects it could have on the user's body. Despite, she wasn't hesitant. But no matter what Hashin said, she couldn't help but wonder why everyone seemed so concerned for her. What exactly were they going to do to her inside this room? |