She was racing against time. Kavala felt that acutely - moreso than she'd ever felt a sense of the passage of time since she'd been born. Soon, she wouldn't be able to be out here gathering. Soon the snow would fly and there'd be no ability to pick up last minute herbs. They'd either be lost beneath the snow or lost to the weather and those that needed them to survive the winter.
The Konti was not alone either. There was a dog with her that frolicked through the grass, protectively. He was a silkena, sleek and fast, one of the Cyphrus hunter types that brought down small game and helped, in groups, hunt larger things like deer. A stallion grazed nearby as well. He was a small one, buskskin, with an air of age about him that meant he was more than watchful of the Konti as she worked.
On Kavala's part, most of the work involved digging with her folding shovel, using a trowel or a set of clippers to harvest leaves and stems. She didn't' have her eye on the sky, only on the horizon around her and the plants she was kneeling beside. The wind was cold too, so she was wrapped thoroughly up in the warmth of her cloak, trying to stave off the coming winter.
She saw the shadow of the eagle swooping, and automatically turned to look at it. It was a lovely thing, but alien because as she extended her senses to greet it, there was no sense of feeling from it. There was no otherworldly predator that held no hint of humanness. Kavala could feel animals, their emotions, and even sometimes read their thoughts. But from this creature there was nothing - no hint of anything remotely eagle about it. She stood up then, full height, slightly alarmed. She had her blow gun, her daggers, and a few other weapons - namely a crossbow strapped to her back. But she wasn't quite sure she'd need it yet.
Something else was going on... something that confused her.
So when the bird hovered, she paused, tilted her head and looked thoughtful. It wasn't an aggressive move. No, it was more like a gesture of one sentient creature to another. Kelvic? No... certainly not. She'd feel them too... just as easily. When it landed, bowed, and looked hopefully at her Kavala nodded back.
"Hello. You are no eagle though you look like one. Why have you come?" She asked thoughtfully, cautiously. She was ready to run or fight, depending on the circumstance. But this could be something else too. This could be an occasion for listening.