Lets Play House (Keyta)

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Home of the Konti people, this ivory city is built of native konti stone half in and half out of the sea. Its borders touch the Silverwood, and stretch upwards towards Silver Lake, home of the infamous konti vision water. [Lore]

Lets Play House (Keyta)

Postby Blythe on February 27th, 2011, 5:06 am

Blythe followed the tip of Keyta's fingers to where they were pointing. Her night-stand, it was empty. Blythe hadn't bothered to get another glass of water for Keyta. Blythe had known Keyta wouldn't need it for the time she spent sleeping. But perhaps she was thirsty now that she was awake. She hadn't had much of the water before, if any, so it seemed reasonable enough. "Does that mean you're thirsty now?" Blythe asked.

Knowing that Keyta was probably not strong enough to hold a glass herself, Blythe decided not to get a new one. Instead, she walked to the foot of the bed. Her pack was leaning up against it. Blythe bent at the waist and opened her bag. She rummaged around in it for a few moments before she pulled out her waterskin. She then straightened her body out and held the waterskin out for Keyta. "This one," Blythe began, "shall not shatter on the floor if you drop it. So don't worry, you may drink your water in peace."

Blythe waited for Keyta to take the waterskin from her. She was strangely patient towards the child. Motherly, she couldn't help it. She feared that Keyta was the closest she would ever get to having her own child. Especially given the rate she was going. She couldn't even remember the last time she had been on a date. Blythe sighed, what a foolish thing to be thinking about when she was supposed to be looking after someone. How selfish she had become!

Blythe shook her head lightly, several strands of blonde hair splayed into her face. She would think of those things some other time. Right now, she needed to make sure that she did her best to look after Keyta. "Just don't drink it too fast, wouldn't want to give yourself a stomach ache," Blythe commented, before adding, "or the hiccups."
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Lets Play House (Keyta)

Postby Keyta on February 27th, 2011, 9:11 pm

Hiccups, Keyta remembered having hiccups once before, it was kind of a funny feeling to her and even made her laugh once before, but with her current condition, she would have to agree with Blythe. The little girl reached up with her small left hand and grabbed the front of the waterskin and put her lips to the tip of it. As carefully as she could, she began drinking some of the water and let it slid down her throat. The soothing and cool water refreshed Keyta, so much that after she moved the waterskin away, she closed her eyes shut and gave a huge, teeth baring smile to Blythe. Her large and sharp teeth showed through and most likely were more apparent than they ever had been for Blythe before. Only at this moment, Keyta began to examine Blythe, measuring every detail, trying to figure out what made Blythe, Blythe. Keyta even placed her left hand on Blythe’s arm and scaled her way up feeling the skin and measuring how long her arm was. Once she figured she had Blythe’s arm figured out, Keyta began to work on measuring her body, working over her shoulder and feeling the bone structure under her skin and dress.
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Lets Play House (Keyta)

Postby Blythe on February 27th, 2011, 11:17 pm

"Wha... what are you doing Keyta?" Blythe asked as the girl began to run her hands over her arms. Her waist. If she didn't know any better, she would think the girl were exploring her body for reasons other than to try and get to know her better. Or to get her attention for something, one of them. Blythe wasn't really sure. She still had trouble understanding the girl and her intentions most of the time, although she was getting better at it.

Blythe gently took Keyta's arms and pulled her hands away from her. That was enough getting to know her for one day, Blythe thought, as she took a few steps away, so that Keyta could no longer reach her. She picked her journal up off the night-stand, and returned to her grandmother's old rocker. She crossed her legs, the right over the left as she sat. She flipped the journal open to the first page, and peered down upon it. It contained the first poem she had ever written. Something she wasn't particularly proud of, considering it wasn't one of her best works, despite its holding a special place in her heart. Simply because it was her first.

Blythe whispered the words she had written many moons ago:

"On broken wing
the black
through the sky,
slicing the air
in a wide arc
while instead of singing a song
it seems to humm
silently to itself
for it fears anyone
actually listening
to its secrets,
the things it buries
within its steadily
heart, but never lets out."

But then again, now that she had re-read it, it seemed stronger. As though it had more meaning that she had originally thought. She wondered if Keyta had heard her whispered words. Kelvics were supposed to have heightened senses after all. Blythe couldn't help but wonder, if the girl had heard, did she feel the same way Blythe had about them?
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Lets Play House (Keyta)

Postby Keyta on February 28th, 2011, 8:34 pm

Keyta listened carefully as Blythe whispered some words, she didn’t quite understand the purpose of the sentence, but she had a feeling it might have something to do with her. The kelvic child tilted her head at Blythe as she tried to make sense of it all. Broken wing seemed to make it sound like it was certainly about Keyta’s arm, which was also her wing, and soaring through the sky… Did Blythe write this recently for Keyta and maybe she was too shy to tell her? Keyta un-tilted her head and stretched her arms to the sky but only to realize then that she couldn’t feel her body and fell over. Keyta fell straight to the floor and hit her head with a thud, she may be mostly numb but she certainly felt that. The little girl rolled over on her back and used her left hand to rub the back of her head where she hit. She then looked up at Blythe to see how concerned she actually was, she seemed to care a lot about what she did.
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Lets Play House (Keyta)

Postby Blythe on February 28th, 2011, 8:57 pm

Blythe stood up and placed her journal on the rocker. She crossed the room, and knelt beside Keyta. "You really need to learn how to be more careful," Blythe commented, "because if you continue at the rate, you're going, you're never going to heal." She paused for a moment as she gently placed her hands on Keyta's right arm. "What are you doing on the floor anyway? Want to tell me why you fell out of bed?" Blythe asked, as she raised her right brow, and slowly, began to pull upwards on Keyta's arm.

Blythe stood up, she was still hunched over, but her body began to straighten itself out as she hoisted Keyta's body up and off the floor. She helped the girl back into the bed. "Now you stay there while I go and get you something to do. Wouldn't want you falling again. You could hurt yourself like that." With that, Blythe left, she returned a few moments later with a tiny notebook and a sharpened pencil. She handed them to Keyta. "Here is something you could do to pass the time. Until you fall asleep again, or your leg is all better." Blythe smiled. She hoped the girl would take them, and not do anything else that could be interpreted as stupid for the rest of the day. At least.
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Lets Play House (Keyta)

Postby Keyta on February 28th, 2011, 11:51 pm

As excited as ever, Keyta snatched the paper and pencil from Blythe and laid them on her legs and began drawing random pictures that came to mind. Instead of continuing to draw stick figures, Keyta began to attempt to draw more realistic people. One of her people was short, had short hair, and very skinny. This person had a hole in the middle of it however, one that she put in the very center of the person. Within this whole, she drew yet another person, someone that looked tall but was small because it was inside the first character. This new person had longer hair and wore a dress, which was supposed to match the woman Keyta had in her dream. She knew the first person was herself, but she still could not figure out who the second person was.

Figuring that her drawings where still too childish and unreadable, Keyta figured to try a more natural scene. She picked her inner world to try and draw it out and possibly show Blythe if it turned out good enough. The little girl first started with three trees that where in the front, no leaves, no trunks, but they had several branches breaking off of them. Leaf-less trees seemed easy enough to draw she figured, so she continued, adding trees behind trees behind trees till she had a fairly thick forest of spooky looking trees. She left the trees white and colored the background all black except for on area where she made her moon behind all of the trees. She made sure that the circle was as close as she could get to being perfect. Once the background was all black, she figured the trees needed a little color too and shaded them all a light gray color.

Keyta was impressed with her own drawing and figured she could never do it again but it was indeed good enough to show off to Blythe. Keyta waved her left arm in the air to get Blythe's attention and held the drawing in front of her and show her the drawing that reminded Keyta of her inner world.
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Lets Play House (Keyta)

Postby Blythe on March 1st, 2011, 12:18 am

The girl began to furiously scribble something and then held up her picture for Blythe to see. Blythe smiled sweetly as she craned her neck and turned her head, so that she may get a better look. Blythe glanced at the picture, and then simply stared. But even so, she couldn't even begin to imagine what it was supposed to be of. Of course, Blythe was too polite to say such a thing to the girl, so instead, she simply smiled and said, "why it's lovely Keyta!"

Blythe paused in her speech for a moment before adding, "now, since it seems like you're enjoying yourself, why don't you use up the rest of the paper?" Blythe tilted her head to the side and straightened her body up. "I'm just going to go back to the rocker and rest my feet, maybe write some poetry for a bit to pass the time."

With that, Blythe turned on her heels and headed towards her grandmother's rocker. When she reached it, she picked up her journal and then sat down. "I will be right over here if you need anything," she called to Keyta, as she opened her journal to a fresh page and lifted her quill pen. She held it in her right hand. It was poised and ready to write.

Blythe thought about what to write for a moment, before muttering the words:

"On silver-stained petals
the water will fall,
leaving an oily streak
of cold, purple rain
that drips down
to the blood-stained soil
only to seep
deeper and deeper
into the downtrodden earth
beneath the victor's feet,
and the body of the defeated."

The poem sent several chills up and down Blythe's spine. She hadn't realized that she had said anything out loud, however. For if she had, she may have stopped herself, for fear of frightening the child.
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Lets Play House (Keyta)

Postby Keyta on March 1st, 2011, 12:44 am

Keyta listened carefully as Blythe whispered another poem, did she do this every time she wrote a poem? Either way, Keyta grabbed hold of her paper and pencil again, she began vigorously working on her next drawing. She started with a huge lily, only because it reminded her of the first line. She drew the flower large and wonderful, making it a fine shade of silver and small spots of water lined the petals. Under the lily Keyta drew two men, One was standing holding a sword on his back, and he had one foot propped up and on top of the other man. The second man was laying down, sword and shield in the ground beneath them, and blood that was only shaded gray. Keyta looked it over and thought it looked interesting, but it needed something more, so she added a border of thorny vines that wrapped all around the drawing itself. It wasn't her best work, but it was decent since she didn't have to make any faces on her people.

Keyta wasn't certain if Blythe would actually like this drawing so she simply put it aside at her feet. If Blythe wanted to see, she could come and see or not if she wasn't really interested. On the next sheet, Keyta stared at it, wondering what to do, but with no ideas, she simply began to work on making several different flowers all over the page.
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Lets Play House (Keyta)

Postby Blythe on March 1st, 2011, 1:09 am

Blythe wrote in silence for a few more moments, although she came up with very little. Merely the words:

They drape
over the cloth
that clings to the
thin window frame,
vines crawling down
the sides of a building
in the middle of May.

But Blythe's words were not any good. Nothing she found worth writing down, and thus, she didn't do so. Instead, she merely began to slowly drift off into sleep. The girl had simply tired her out, and her lack of decent poetry today was waring. Her body rocked lightly back and forth in the chair, but it didn't matter. No such thing could rouse her from her peaceful dream world. Not even one of Keyta's crazy stunts. Thus, Blythe slept peacefully, for what felt like a very, very long time.
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Lets Play House (Keyta)

Postby Alice on March 19th, 2011, 1:05 pm



Experience: 1 Cooking, 3 Poetry, 1 Interrogation
Lores: Making Fruit Salad, Scolding a Child, Behaving like a Mother, Poems Increasing their Meaning


Experience: 1 Acrobatics, 2 Interrogation, 2 Observation, 3 Drawing
Lores: Making a Mistake, Crying a lot, Reflecting through Drawings


Nice little thread. I like the atmosphere of comfort. Their relationship is also developing which is interesting to read about. And Keyta does silly things quite often!
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