by Ageru on March 2nd, 2011, 10:46 pm
Another fine day just outside Syliras, it hasn’t been long since arriving but he has already grown weary of the place and the inhabitants. Not to say they weren’t good, but one good thing about the place he supposed was the constant stream of people coming and going. Made things lively and made it so there was always someone interesting inside the place, not just the knights.
Ageru wasn’t the most imposing looking figure in the world. In fact, he looked rather weak, and kind of harmless. His features much like a cat, anyone who has even heard of kelivcs could easily pick him out as one. He has he emerald green cat like eyes, his orange hair with various splotches of black and white, and if one can get him to smile it would reveal his elongated canine teeth. A smile out him though wasn’t a hard accomplishment. His ‘tan’ was slightly lighter than usual because of winter. He wore just a pair of loose fitting, ragged leather trousers, and his fur cloak that he kept around him. The pants obviously needing replacing, it seemed the cat didn’t have the funds to do so. He was a wanderer, and didn’t mind his look. If it was up to him he would go around sky clad, but he had to conform to the humans laws. Being a kelvic was no excuse in his mind.
The knights, the guardians of the place seemed to have a good handle of things inside, and he found the order a little constricting, but he had to live with it. More than once he had considered traveling again, once more in search for some company and maybe a bond mate. The mark that he had oh, so long ago acquired pained him to make physical contact with anyone for once it is made the wants of others, the ones who touches him, becomes his own and he finds that he has to do it or suffer horrible symptoms much like withdraw.
He has had it for such time that serving the needs became almost second nature and if resisted it came with consequences. He was addicted to the pleasure, the happiness, the high the mark gave him when he met the needs of others. It was fantastic, great, and only drove him on more and more making the urges harder and harder to resist. Not that he would want to. Why would he deny himself something that brought him such pleasure? Why deny the other person if it would bring them joy?
It also seemed to be in his kelvic nature to serve and be happy for serving. His yearning for the one to serve was driving him up the wall, and the simple company of others was enough to make his day all day every day; well into the night… until they would leave. Being left again after enjoying someone so thoroughly made him sink back down into a more dark, depressed, lost state of being.
Walking aimlessly, maybe on purpose to bump into someone interesting, he didn’t know. Now he was just walking to walk. There had to something or someone traveling these roads. Besides he wasn’t too far from the main city and if he met someone alone this little walk he was taking he could, if they let him, walk with them all the way back to the city.
Spring was coming, if not already here, he had no idea of the season. It seemed to him to be the weird transition season in-between winter and spring where its not one but not the other; a time of slush and mud, but also of reawakening. He smiled to himself as he went about his early morning. Walks were nice to take. Just to get away from the city. That was nice. Though people were great and all, there had to be some alone time.
After a while, having enough alone time, he kept walking his eyes constantly searching for someone to converse with and someone to keep him company. Not soon after wishing for company he found it in the form of a rather lost looking traveler. Though he didn’t know much about this place he had been walking near the city for days now and thought that he had a pretty good grasp of the area. Well, at least enough to get back to Syliras.
Though the traveler was spotted he kept walking, he would wait for the man to make the first move, and if it so happened to be some highwayman he had nothing of value on him. No, he kept all his coin in a hiding spot just outside Syliras.