Interpretation (Blythe)

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Home of the Konti people, this ivory city is built of native konti stone half in and half out of the sea. Its borders touch the Silverwood, and stretch upwards towards Silver Lake, home of the infamous konti vision water. [Lore]

Interpretation (Blythe)

Postby Keyta on March 1st, 2011, 2:36 am

92nd Day of Winter, 510 AV

A couple of days have passed since the small kelvic first got injured and then had her secret revealed to Blythe and Serrif. She had slept clear though two nights in a row and stays awake during most of the day when Blythe helps in trying to aid her. Scattered all over the bed she was staying in were several drawings, each different from the other and each with more time added to it than the last. The sun slowly begins to rise as the kelvic slowly begins to awaken with it. It still felt odd to her to be awake when the sun was high, but she figured she would eventually get use to it.

Keyta opened her eyes and began feeling restless. She had been stuck in this bed for at least two days straight. Keyta wanted to at the very least stand up and travel the house. Keyta wanted to venture around the home Blythe lived in and meet all of her family and if she was allowed, breathe some fresh air from outside. But most likely, she was going to be stuck there again, and no one but Blythe would come and visit.

Keyta heard the sound of small children laughing and playing somewhere elsewhere in the house and the injured girl felt completely left out. Keyta did not move, she did not want to get in trouble again, but instead just sat there and patiently waited for Blythe to visit again for the day. Keyta reach over with her left hand and tried to grip the glass that Blythe had left for just in case. Her hand was so small she could barely grip it. She slid the glass closer to her and squeezed it in her hand as hard as she could and moved it to her lap. Her hand couldn’t even reach half way around the cup, but she tried her best to grip the grooves in the glass that was made decoratively but was certainly helpful now.
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Interpretation (Blythe)

Postby Blythe on March 1st, 2011, 3:07 am

Blythe was standing outside. Her sister, May, had started a fire, and Blythe had placed a kettle of water over it. The water had begun to boil, and a misty gray steam swirled upwards and out of the kettle. It danced with the smoke, twisting in circles as they both wafted up and into the sky. Blythe was ripping apart several tiny mint leaves in her hands. She had planned on making herself a cup of tea, and perhaps one for Keyta too. Should she want it. After all, the girl was technically a fruit bat. Did fruit bats drink things such as tea? Or did they prefer fruit juice and water?

Blythe's hands were starting to smell distinctly of peppermint, and the water was bubbling ominously. Deciding that it was good a time as any, Blythe leaned forward, and tossed the broken peppermint leaves into the pot. When she was done, she rubbed her hands together to get the lingering green off, and then returned to her house. She could hear some of her nieces playing as she walked into the kitchen and decided to raid the cupboard. She was looking for some sort of container to put the tea in. Soon enough, she had found a large pitcher and a few glasses. She pulled the glasses out, and placed them on the counter. She took the pitcher back outside to the fire.

The water had begun to turn a deep brown shade.The tea had been seeping long enough, Blythe thought. Blythe put the pitcher down, just before she slowly reached for the kettle's handle, and pulled the pot off the fire. She slowly lowered the pot, and then tipped it so that the steaming brown liquid fell into the pitcher. When she was done, she put the fire out with a bucket that her sister had left at its side, and then lifted the pitcher of tea from the ground. She brought it back into the kitchen, and poured it into the two glasses she had left on the counter. One for her, the other for Keyta. When she was done, she left the pitcher on the counter, and carried the two glasses back to her room. When she got there, she set one of them down on the bed-side table for Keyta.

"Hope you're not too bored in here, can't be fun working on your recovery," Blythe commented. "But I just made some peppermint tea. I brought you a bit, although I don't know if you like that sort of thing." Blythe lifted the cup she still held in her hands to her lips. She took a small sip, and instantly, the taste of peppermint swam around her mouth. It was hot though, and burned her tongue. She lowered her glass and said, "just be careful though Keyta, it is very hot."

OOCSince we're in Mura, and the area is filled with plants, I figured I could use the peppermint after having found it earlier in my travels.
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Interpretation (Blythe)

Postby Keyta on March 1st, 2011, 1:30 pm

The little girl made a face at Blythe when she made a comment about being bored. In all honesty, she was extremely bored, but didn't figure she had much of an option. Keyta looked at the new cup and gave it an odd glare. She remembered drinking tea once before, but she didn't remember liking the taste of it. However, Blythe did saw this was peppermint tea, perhaps this one would taste better. The interested girl picked up the glass as carefully as she could and took a very small sip of the odd drink. Her mouth burned for a second but the taste of an odd plant filled her mouth, she liked it, but couldn't describe it. Keyta blew on the drink to cool it off and took another drink, taking far more of it than before, finding the taste more and more enjoyable.

Keyta began to draw a picture that reminded her of the taste of the drink. Using her left hand to draw was odd for her but she was slowly getting better at it. Keyta drew several leaves, each mached each other, but they were also covered in water droplets. Excited and finishing the drawing in only a few moments she quickly showed it to Blythe to see if she found the taste the same way. The kelvic surely found the taste of this drink odd but loved it, she finished off the rest of her cup and smiled at Blythe to show she enjoyed the new flavor she was given.
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Interpretation (Blythe)

Postby Blythe on March 1st, 2011, 3:26 pm

So as not to drop it while she looked, Blythe placed her cup of tea down on the night-stand. She then tilted her head so that she could look at Keyta's picture. It was a bunch of leaves. "You know, Keyta, that I used mint leaves to flavor this tea?" Blythe didn't really question the girl. It was more like she was stating a fact. "It looks something like what you drew, although the leaves have that sort of pointy edge to them." Blythe paused for a moment as she thought about it. She knew there was a word for what she had just described, although she couldn't recall what it was. Realizing that no matter how hard she tried, she simply could not put her finger on it, Blythe added, a little defeated, "oh, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."

When she was done, she picked up her cup of tea and took another couple of sips. The tea filled her body with an inner heat, as though she were covering her innards in a wool blanket. It felt nice, in a strange sort of way. Blythe stood over a Keyta for a moment, before asking her, "so do you like it?" She knew that sometimes people merely ate or drank things for others, so as not to hurt their feelings. But the girl had drank a good portion of the tea, even for one who may be faking it.

Blythe cast her eyes on the bed. There were no new stains on the sheets, or at least, if there were, Blythe didn't notice. Then, perhaps, she should stop worrying she thought. Maybe the girl really did like it, and drink it all.
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Interpretation (Blythe)

Postby Keyta on March 2nd, 2011, 1:30 pm

Keyta nodded her head in excitement while trying to finish off the last of the peppermint tea she was given. The creative girl looked at the drawing she had just done and she began to wonder how good it actually looked to someone like Blythe. Either way, Keyta picked up the last piece of paper she had and began to scribble on it, wondering what to actually try and draw and figured she would think of something while she randomly created lines across the paper.

More sounds of children playing down the hall and Keyta stopped her drawing and listened in jealousy. Keyta looked at Blythe with the biggest eyes she could make a large pouty face to plead to go play.
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Interpretation (Blythe)

Postby Blythe on March 2nd, 2011, 3:48 pm

Blythe took another few sips of her tea, and soon finished her cup. "That was refreshing," Blythe commented as she tipped the glass up, so she could look inside. A small patch of darkened, and generally soaked peppermint leaves littered the bottom of the glass. The leaves gave Blythe an idea.

Blythe held the glass in her right hand, while the pointer finger of her left absently swirled around the rim of the tea cup, as though she were collecting the lingering moisture or at least, the heat of her drink. "You know Keyta, when I was a little girl, my grandmother tried to teach me how to read tea leaves. Just like the ones that linger in your empty cup of tea. I never much took to it, much preferring the tarot, and their more in-depth look on things, but, now seems as good a time as any to return to the things she once found worth teaching."

Blythe cleared her throat as she looked down at the tea leaves that lined the bottom of her glass. She had never really been good at discerning their shape, so perhaps she could ask Keyta for her opinion as well. On her patch of leaves anyway.

"You see Keyta," Blythe began, "the leaves are said to be able to tell fortunes, based off the shape they make in the bottom of the cup." Blythe paused for a moment as she lowered the cup enough so Keyta could see inside. "You see, Keyta, this one looks a bit like an egg. Of course, it's not perfect. Fortune telling isn't a perfect science... but, nonetheless, it is good for helping to pass the time. To read into things... past, present, and future. Sometimes it even helps make decisions."

"But I am rambling now," Blythe continued as she stared down at the splotchy egg shape the leaves made. She hoped Keyta could see them too, and she wasn't making too much of a fool of herself trying to teach an aspect of fortune telling she was the least familiar with to a young girl. "The egg, although by no means a perfect oval... well, if I remember correctly, it's a good omen. Although, it is hard to say what it refers to. It could mean that someone in the family is going to have a baby, or learn a new skill, or make a new friend... it could mean a lot of things, that's the annoying thing about tea leaves, always too general, not at all like the tarot," Blythe explained as she put her cup down on the night stand.

"Would you like to try with your own tea leaves Keyta?" Blythe asked. "It'll give you something to do, and it's always nice to learn something new."
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Interpretation (Blythe)

Postby Keyta on March 2nd, 2011, 4:48 pm

Keyta looked at her cup and spun it around a couple of times and emptied the rest of the tea into her mouth and looked at the leaves. She saw a little shape that looked as though it had wings, she couldn't, however, tell if it was a bat or a bird. Keyta only assumed it was indeed a bat because she herself was a bat, so it couldn't be bad right? She took another look at Blythe's and had to agree that it definitely looked like an egg and wondered if their cups in any way meant something together.
OOCSorry the post is so short, but i did take the time to look up fortune telling through tea leaves and found the shapes, thats why i picked the two of them, they are opposite from each other.
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Interpretation (Blythe)

Postby Blythe on March 2nd, 2011, 6:17 pm

Blythe peered into Keyta's teacup. It looked like the tea leaves that lingered on the bottom formed some small creature with wings. A bird or a bat. Leaning a little closer, Blythe realized that the leaves appeared to have tiny ears. How strange, Blythe thought, "it's a bat very much like yourself Keyta, but... if I remember correctly, bats aren't a good thing to get." Blythe paused for a moment as she wracked her brain. What precisely did bats mean? Was it that someone would die? Lose their job? Misplace something of importance? The person would grow ill or lose a large sum of money?

Blythe scratched her head. "It um... refers to a bad thing... erm.... it's just a bad omen, I suppose, the opposite of the egg. There is no other explanation for it. It's just as general as the egg, if not more so." Blythe paused. "Since there are so many more bad things in this world than good, it could refer to so much more," Blythe said, the thought of her time in Sunberth coming to mind instantly. She shuddered, knowing she could have easily become a slave. "Anyway Keyta, as I said before, these things are far more general than the cards."

Blythe pushed the thoughts out of her mind. "Was that what you saw as well Keyta? A bat? Or do you see something else in the leaves? Something that perhaps signifies something slightly more cheerful... and not quite so ominous and foreboding?" Blythe inquired, as she shifted her weight from her left foot to her right. She really wanted to know what the leaves meant, and if her leaves should be interpreted together along with Keyta's, as though she were doing one large reading, as opposed to two separate ones.

OOCI am going to assume it's a bat, since birds are a good thing. Um... I can't find bats anywhere but I will go with your research.
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Interpretation (Blythe)

Postby Keyta on March 3rd, 2011, 2:31 am

Keyta looked back down with a concerned look, it was certainly a bat, even Blythe saw it, but according to her, it was bad to have a bat. She looked back over to Blythe and was still oddly happy that at least she had something good. Keyta couldn't bare to see Blythe upset, though she couldn't figure out why. The little girl looked back at her cup and figured that since they were done, she should get rid of the bad bat in her cup and licked the little leaves out. That same odd flavor flooded her mouth and Keyta closed her eyes and enjoyed the flavor while it lasted. Now that they had both finished their tea, Keyta found herself wanting a cold drink. She truly enjoyed the flavor, but she still liked the feel of a good cold drink over the hot tea.
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Interpretation (Blythe)

Postby Blythe on March 3rd, 2011, 3:45 am

Blythe took her own glass, as well as Keyta's empty one into the kitchen, and placed them on the counter. She would have to remember to clean them later, she thought, as she returned to her room. "That is enough fortune telling for one day, don't you think?" Blythe asked Keyta as she sat down at the foot of her bed. Keyta wasn't quite tall enough to use up the entire thing, even with her leg brace, and her limbs being propped up on pillows.

Blythe absently ran her fingers through her hair. It had gotten long since she hadn't yet had time to cut it. It must have been a few months since she last did. The curly blonde lockes falling to the floor, she could see them splaying across the hardwood. "Anyway, is there something you wished to do to pass the time Keyta? You seem to have used up all the paper, and I must say, your drawings are looking better than ever!" Blythe said with a smile as she lifted one of them off the bed and peered at it.

The drawing was upside-down, Blythe flipped it over. She looked at it silently for a long time; squinted. For a long time she didn't see anything. But after a while, she saw a bat. The bat had ben sketched in grey. Shaded darkly in the wings. Black beady eyes. The bat was flying towards the upper left hand corned of the paper. Its eyes set intently on its destination.

Blythe stared at it. She'd been seeing too many bats lately she thought, as the bat's head seemed to turn towards her.

What the? Blythe thought, as she dropped the paper and it fluttered to the floor. Blythe's eyes were wide as she was pulled away from herself and into another time. The past. Well, at least in her mind she was, she couldn't actually go back in time.

Blythe was flying through the sky. The sun was high, and shining brightly down upon the beach that rested on the ground far below her. Blythe's wings flapped steadily as she soared through the vast blue sky. The movement was graceful, natural, until she got too close. Her eyes were burning and simply would not stop. It felt as though it were blinding her. Stinging. So much stinging. The stupid sun. It hurt!

Blythe closed her eyes. Shut them tightly. Tighter. Her wings were flapping, but her heart was not in it anymore. Her body felt heavy, like it were being dragged downwards towards the ground. She opened one eye. She really was falling, and rapidly, she closed both eyes. She didn't want to... THUD! Blythe crashed into the sand, displacing several tan grains. She slowly opened her eyes. Where were her wings? Blythe wondered.

Laughter in the background, the sounds of young children playing.

Blythe was pulled back into reality. She closed her eyes and shuddered, several beads of sweat had appeared on her brow. The picture had fallen below the bed. That was frightening, she thought, as she placed her right hand over her chest. It was beating like a drum. She opened her eyes even though they felt heavy and all she wanted to do was leave them shut. But it does explain a lot, doesn't it? That was... Keyta?

Blythe swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. Is the past supposed to be this frightening? Blythe wondered. She was running her hands through her hair rather absently, ripping out all the knots in an effort to get herself to calm down. "Anyway..." Blythe began, her voice trailing off as she lost her train of thought.

OOCI really hope I am not rping my own gnosis wrong! (I figured the fact that she was concentrating so much on your picture may allow her to delve into your past. Since you're in the room and I have something of yours, the process is made easier). Also, the language is choppy to reflect the confusion she feels and the fleeting nature of visions.
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