[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on March 3rd, 2011, 11:11 am


Youchi was surprised to see yet another Isur walk into the Cosmos Center, all in the same day. She was even more surprised by the fact that he was speaking Common - surprised, but, definitely grateful.

So, his cousin had referred him to the Cosmos Center. If however he had been wandering around Lhavit, one of the locals would have directed him there eventually. "Hello, I am Youchi," she began, as ever getting out everything needed for notes. "I can indeed provide you with a job. Alchemy in Lhavit is very much so through the apprenticeship to Sakana Dai, master alchemist here - however, he is very picky about who he takes on." Her voice was apologetic, as if it were all her fault. "However, I can give you a job in a black smithy. You'd be apprenticed to the worker there, a Ms Aska Terras. Would that suit?"


The man's understanding was disappointing. She had hoped that if the man had insisted in coming to Lhavit, he may at least have learnt some basic Lhavitian. He didn't even know "hello". His basic Common and non existant Lhavitian would be a problem. She held a sympathy for him, and hoped that his stay in Lhavit would be okay. The youth in Lhavit could sometimes be snobbish - pleases the Gods, she hoped he wouldn't be subject to the torment that they often bestowed on eachother.

"I can give you a home, and a job. How much money can you use to pay for a house? Lots or little?" It was like she was talking to a child. It was almost painful. "What work can you do?"
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Navir on March 3rd, 2011, 9:53 pm

Navir nodded at her explanation though he had to surpress a sneer at the offhand mention that the alchemist only took on the best of the best. He was an isur, chosen by the god of industry and craft himself, if that wasn't good enough what would be? He smiled at the woman.
"I think I am going to take my chances with the aprenticeship under the master alchemist. i appreciate the other information though. So just tell me where I can find both, if the alchemist is stupid enough to turn away an isur as an aprentice I can always go and earn my miza at the smithy."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Aselia Timandre on March 4th, 2011, 6:50 pm


Aselia listened carefully, noting every detail the Lhavitian said about the possibility. A house located right at Surya Plaza which seemed to function as the gathering place of the city, a stable nearby and plenty of space to build a mews. Of course, she would live in the city and not at the countryside like in Mura. But she had already gotten used to that in Syliras, or so she thought. Of course, she’d be a bit lonely, all alone in a big house, but she couldn’t help it. Renting an apartment was not really an option for her.

So, it was no real decision. Nevertheless, she nodded and gave a smile, the kind that expressed gratitude and relief, but also a bit of exhaustion. Settling down was important. She would make herself at home, probably redecorate the house according to her tastes and get to know the city and its inhabitants. It sounded good, almost perfect, in fact. “I’ll take it. And I’d be grateful if you could change the rest of my mizas into kina.”

After the transaction had been made and the house purchased, Aselia moved on to employment. “I believe there are two options: I could either work as keeper of birds, especially raptors – you know, care for them, train them, hunt with them – or I could serve as advisor or investigator. Being a Konti, I know whether people speak the truth and can find out details about their past.” Waiting patiently, but hoping that the second part of her request wouldn’t take long, she shifted and raised a hand to play with strands of snow white hair.

Thinking about it, though, Aselia didn’t know which position appealed to her more. Oh Avalis, she didn’t even know whether she should be worried about that fact. Fate would decide, she guessed and sighed.

"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on March 6th, 2011, 12:02 am


Youchi was worried at the man's sneer. Clearly, he was an arrogant one - tourists in Lhavit often were. A lot of them seemed to think that if they could make it all the way up to the dazzling city with kina to spare they were entitled to everything Lhavit had to offer. Despite the man's irritating attitude, she did not want to see him be rejected by Sakana - as he surely would be.

"Sir," she began, worriedly. "I really would not go to Sakana Dai. He will not accept you. He will only think you get in the way. No offence meant, of course, sir." She bowed deeply, to show her intent was not to offend but to warn. "However, Aska at the Touch of Fire blacksmithy is more than happy to take on multiple apprentices. You should speak with her - just off the Surya Plaza, in the back alleys." Youchi hoped the man would take the offer and not make a scene.


Youchi was very glad that the woman decided to take the house. It had been too long since those houses were occupied, and they were some of the finest in the city, besides the Family Towers. She was exceptionally glad, too, that she had decided to take the house and not the Solar Winds Apartments. It was common for visitors to stay a while in Lhavit, but though the Solar Wind Apartments were "permanent", too often did the tourists leave. She was glad someone new was making her beloved their home. "I am so happy you want to take it!" Her enthusiasm was clear on her expressive face. "I need to take down your name, and if you could have over your money, I'd be happy to transfer them now."

Youchi was a tad disappointed that a newcomer asked for such high and mighty jobs - high and mighty jobs that she could not give. The position of advisor belonged to the Seiza and the Shinya, and it was unlikely that Lhavit would accept some random newcomer in this job. The only job that Youchi could give the woman was that related remotely to birds was at the petshop. Youchi was almost embarrassed to suggest it to the dignified Konti, but it was all she had. "I could give you work at Piramba's Pet Shop, with the birds - raptors - there. I'm sorry I could not give you anything more suited to your standing."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Aselia Timandre on March 6th, 2011, 7:25 pm


The woman’s enthusiasm lightened a smile on Aselia’s face. Happiness filled her heart, for she had obviously just made someone else happy. To think that a simple action such as purchasing a house could summon a little warmth into others’ lives! It certainly was a good omen. Ready to fulfill the requirements, she stated her full name once more and handed over the mizas. Then she also gave Youchi the rest of her money, 809 gold mizas and 86 coppers, and received the same amount in kina. The currency looked foreign and even had a different weight, but Aselia hoped to get used to it soon. After all, it still was of the same material value.

Being faced with only one possibility, the Konti couldn’t help but agree. When she thought about it, even she had to admit that the positions she had requested were a bit too much to give to a foreigner. She would have to stay for a while and establish a name in the city, work her way up, so to speak, to get such reputable jobs. Still young by the standards of her people, Aselia had never thought about what kind of career she wanted to pursue. That was another thing she hoped Lhavit would teach her. The city shimmering with starlight ... and the city of endless possibilities; that was Lhavit for her!

So she simply nodded and tried not to show the mild disappointment she felt. Thinking back to Youchi’s words, she nervously waved her webbed hands. “No, no, it’s really not about my standing! I’m content with working at a pet shop too, really. After all, the important thing is to be near to animals, no matter how many money I’ll make. I’ll take the job at ... Pa... Piramba’s.” Struggling a bit with the name, she eventually got it right and waited for more instructions or signing processes from the Lhavitian.

In the end, she was glad that the necessary questions had been cleared. Now that she had a place to stay at and a job with regular working hours, she could relax and take it easy – getting to know the city, that sort of stuff. “One more thing”, she said, a thoughtful look on her face. “Is there anything else I need to know in order to live in Lhavit? I don’t want to cause misunderstandings because I’m ignorant of local customs and rules. Please tell me if there’s anything I really should know.”

"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Navir on March 7th, 2011, 11:41 pm

Navir was getting a bit irritated at the woman's protests. Didn't he just say that if he was turned down he would go and get a job at the smithy?
"If you never try because you have a chance of failing you don't get anywhere in life, besides didn't I already tell you that I would go and get the job at the smithy if I didn't get accepted as his aprentice?" He let out a sigh and waited for the woman to give out both of the locations so that he could go and apply.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on March 10th, 2011, 3:57 am


WagesAfter you've gone to Piramba's Pet Shop (which I'll mod for you), I'll get Kelpie to make you up a SS threads with your wages. Have fun with your job, and don't forget to do one to two threads a season with your new job.

Youchi could not help but grin as she jotted down the name and took the money, changing into the stunning skyglass kina. Another dear tourist who had decided to make the lovely city their own! She handed over the big bag of jingling kina with a giant grin embellishing her face. Such happenings well and truly made her day. "Thank you so much for making Lhavit your home! I hope you love it just as much as I do."

She was equally glad that the regal Konti was happy with working at the pet shop. Any lesser person would have complained, it being too ... manual for them, but not this Konti - for which Youchi was extremely grateful. "I am glad it is satisfactory. You can go to Piramba's Pet Shop in the Surya Plaza. Inquire there, I'm sure she'll give it to you."

Jotting down where she had inquired for work and the location of her new home, she was about the wrap up the conversation when she was asked finally what was customary in Lhavit. "Lhavit is a very honour filled city, so don't insult anyone's relatives or something like that. Also, it's considered bad manners not to bow to someone upon meeting them." Youchi mused, then was sprung with another thought. "One more thing! This isn't to do with manners, but Lhavit is a nocturnal city - we're awake most often during the night. The city is a vibrant humming center of life the time most other people on this world are asleep, and it's an amazing experience. Being housed on Surya Plaza, you won't be able to miss it."

Youchi began to tuck the file away with the files of the other newcomers. "Oh, and Aselia?" She waited until the woman was looking at her, paying full attention. "Welcome to Lhavit."


Sakana DaiHi there. If you insist on attempting to become Sakana's apprentice, read up on his location and personality thoroughly. Come up with a very good case and a clever one, and he may just consider you. Go above and beyond, here - it's a test of wits against Sakana. Good luck!

Youchi flinched at the man's reprimand. It was not in her nature to get angry at those who were impatient, she saw too many of them in her day to day life for her to be truly affected anymore. As much as she did not want to see the man fail, she was worried of what the consequences would be if she did not provide the Isur before her with the information he desired. "Sir, Sakana Dai's alchemy lab is situated on the Sharai, near the base of the Twuele. If you insist on demanding an audience with him, sir... Good luck." She waited patiently, though unwillingly, to see if this self righteous man would need anything more.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Utsu on March 10th, 2011, 8:16 am

1st of Spring, 511

James sauntered into the navigated the streets near the building quietly, a soft footed man that tried to stay out of focus and out of sight. Looking inside he saw the building wasn't too elaborate as he only saw desks in one area and the occasional plotted plant. Like all the other buildings he saw while he was in town this one didn't look like any of the rest. He sighed as he abandoned all hopes of subtly as he sauntered over to the crystal ball. He has seen other people tap the thing and a woman addressed them for a job. He tapped it once. Nothing happened... he then tried it again. Nothing... He then went on a tapping spree on the thing but quickly regained composure as the one named Youchi popped into his view.

The sudden apparation surprised him as his arms flailed around for a second before he rested his elbow on the desk with his head resting on his hands. "Hey there beautiful," he said keeping good eye contact with her. "I was told there was a beautiful lady to talk to when it came to finding some work around the city. Are you her? He asked showing her some of his hunting equipment, "I'm actually wanting utilize some of my hunting skills if you don't mind." He looked around, him being in the well off part city bothered him a bit. He let her take all of that information in before he continued.

"Now normally I wouldn't be near this part of the city too much, but recently a giant overbearing dark force has been asking for me to fork over some money to live, so I really need a job. But now...looking at you. I can see why people like staying in this area of the city all day."
He smiled as he playfully tapped at the crystal ball. "Come here often?" He asked with a big grin waiting to see if she would get his joke or not.
Last edited by Utsu on March 18th, 2011, 4:35 am, edited 5 times in total.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Aselia Timandre on March 12th, 2011, 1:46 pm


Aselia nodded. She was pleased to hear that the shop was somewhere in close proximity to her new home. Surya Plaza couldn’t be so big, right? In Syliras, she remembered, she had taken a walk through the streets of the castle to get from the Welcome Home to the bath house. Inhaling the fresh morning air had done wonders to get her spirits up, but she hoped that the sight of so many people, Lhavitians and strangers alike, at Surya Plaza helped to get her awake just as well.

When Youchi started explaining a bit of the local customs, Aselia listened carefully. She didn’t want to miss a single thing. So, politeness and bowing as a greeting was very important. The idea of asking had been a good one. How would she have known that bowing was considered a greeting? Aselia who had grown up in a small community where most people knew each other wasn’t quite used to treating others with politeness. It seemed somewhat stiff to her. But she would try to adjust. Hopefully she’d get used to it soon. Bowing was just a gesture, after all. The meaning behind it still stayed the same.

And Lhavit was nocturnal? Aselia smiled, remembering the many times she had strolled through Mura and Syliras at night. “I like that. Leth and Akajia provide a different kind of beauty, not comparable with Syna.” So she had come just at the right time of day. The sun was setting outside. Lhavit’s day would begin and she had more than enough time to examine her new house and then inquire about work at Piramba’s. “I take it shops are open at night as well”, she mused, just to make sure she had understood.

When the Konti was about to exit the building, she was called back. Turning around, her violet eyes were fixed on Youchi once again. Her features were foreign, but her expression made them just a bit familiar. Aselia would get used to it. She smiled as a response. “Thank you very much, for this and for your help. I hope to see you around.” And, remembering what she had been told, bowed a little clumsily and left.

Outside she would make sure that the boy had taken good care of Whitewind and ask her way through the city to find Surya Plaza.

"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Navir on March 12th, 2011, 10:21 pm

Navir smiled reassuringly when he saw the woman flinch before giving him the address.
"Thank you for your cooperation miss. I think that covered most of my questions, I also apologize if I was a bit to rash, I hope you still have a good day."
He turned around and walked outside of the center hoping to gain an audition with Sakana Dai
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