Mousetrap [Mizuriel]

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

Mousetrap [Mizuriel]

Postby Karl William on March 2nd, 2011, 10:55 pm

Timestamp: 2nd of Spring, 510 AV

The air was moist as the start of spring had arrived recently, Riverfall's beauty was made all the clearer by the glistening stones and gentle rainbow in the background. It was on such a day that Karl wandered through the city in seach of something to do. He carried a small pounch with 10 gold miza in it, in case he stumbled upon something worthy of buying.

As he walked around, windowshopping and occasionally stopping for a chitchat with some locals that he met in his time here last season. He yawned and stretched while walking, at a slower pace than normal, 'cause he didn't sleep well last night. He had experienced a bad dream about the demise of his family which he learned about arriving back home just too late. It woke him up, bathing in sweat.

He shrugged the memory of his dream off when an Akalak with a sour face and tattered clothes came walking towards him, with his eyes shifting back from the ground to Karl's waist. Karl didn't notice though, as he paid little attention to the Akalak before he bumped into Karl.

Turning around to apologize to the Akalak he saw him running. Staring dumbfounded at the back of the Akalak before realizing what might have happend, he grabbed his pouch that was attached to his belt. Or at least, he would have if the pouch was still there. Not losing another moment he ran after the Akalak but he was fast, too fast.

As they played a vicious game of cat and mouse for a while, Karl got tired of it and started to focus his Flux on his legs. Increasing his speed and slowly but surely starting to catch up with the Akalak. Suddenly the Akalak turned a 90 degree turn and quickly ran into a small alley.

Sliding to a halt at the corner Karl did the same but couldn't see the Akalak anywhere. Suddenly a door opened from behind him, near the entrance of the alley and 2 sturdy looking Akalak came out while in front of him the thief appeared again.

He now found himself shut in and trapped by 3 Akalak, this wasn't looking good. The thief snarled in Common tongue:

" Stupid human, you made grave error. " He spoke with a severe accent and with a limited vocabulary.

" Give it back. " Karl simply said, pretending to stand firm but inside he was getting worried. If these Akalak were anything like the ones he sparred with, he was in for a world of pain.

Seeing no intention of giving it back, rather, the man with the pouch just grinned his teeth bare, Karl took the initiative. He quickly ran towards the man with the pouch and tackled him to the ground, pounding his face relentlessly and ferociously before being dragged off of him by his comrades. Still trying to hit him he resorted to kicking and slammed his foot in his private area, making him cry out and curl up into a ball.

Karl was thrown on the floor and became a live soccerball as the kicks kept raining on him, he focused himself and tried to negate the pain as he morphed his skin into a scaled exterior to cushion the blows somewhat. They still hurt because he failed to morph properly under the pain and pressure.

After being kicked for a while, his entire body ached and his face was a bloody mess. Seeing double and blurry he crawled up and started to walk after the vanishing Akalak but he didn't get far before collapsing again and fainting in the cold and dark alley. His scaled exterior became his normal human skin again as he passed out.
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Mousetrap [Mizuriel]

Postby Mizuriel on March 3rd, 2011, 12:26 am

OOCBigger post than usual, because size matters indeed :P

Truly it was hard to expect so much work from a small estate such as Sanctuary, still Riverfall was a big city, so that had to be it. The evening was expected impatiently, and once it finally fell, Mizuriel saw it as an opportunity to go out for a bit, and see what the city looked like at night, maybe even see some of the sights under the moonlight. Samantha certainly seemed to like their time out as she was running around the town, glaring at people, amused by the lack of the natural light. It was not that hard to understand her, after all they did have a much more leisurely set schedule before his newfound employment. While she was not a spoiled brat most of the time, the recent change of pace effected her mood from time to time.

She was walking in front of him, until she suddenly ran straight towards him, stopping only an inch away. Then she pulled his leggings easily, while looking up at him, almost as if she was trying to get his full attention. As soon as Mizuriel looked down onto the girl, he realized she was up to something, he knew her that much. The very next second he could see the girl running away from him, stopping to look if he was still behind her every couple of steps. So she wanted him to chase her? Or was it hide-and-seek this time? Either way he was not in the mood to let her get away, especially with the darkness pressing around them. Quickly rushing towards her, just when he was sure he had a hold on her shoulder, she slipped away from his hand and disappeared behind what seemed to be a turn leading towards an alley.

Speeding up further, he found himself almost stepping onto her, as she was crouching next to a shadow covered silhouette. He was not sure should she be angry at her for being so damn stubborn, or should he commend her for finding someone who obviously required some assistance? Letting it slide for now, he patted the girl’s shoulders gently, gesturing her to move away as soon as she had turned around. She was quick to listen to Mizuriel, as she got behind him, sending worried glances to the unconscious, dark covered stranger.

Quickly crouching next to the man, Mizuriel first checked if he was still breathing by laying his head down onto the man’s chest. He slowly stripped the man’s upper body, pulling him towards the part of the street that had some light shining onto it. What he saw was encouraging, as bruises seemed to cover the guy’s chest, and he could spot an occasional spot of sickly yellow color on his back as well. He could probably not mend him fully, but still he could try. Turning around to Sam for a moment, he was about to ask her if she could fetch some water from the waterskin in his backpack, when he finally realized he did not have his backpack with him.

Focusing his power for a brief moment, as he sent out silent prayers to the goddess, he bestowed his right hand unto the stranger. As the power surged away from Mizuriel and into the stranger, he could feel his condition was improving, still even after the healing process was done, it was far from perfect. The front of the man’s body seemed completely healed up, while the back still had two or three yellowish bruises in its lower region. Just in case he missed something, the healer moved his hands over the man’s ribs to make sure they are still intact. Even while he could not fix broken bones, Kavala probably could, and it was better to mend such things sooner rather than later. The man was lucky, which seemed to sound pretty ironic with the current situation, no ribs were broken, and if some were fractured, the fractures were so minor that he could not feel them by touch.

Turning over his shoulder to make sure Samantha was still there, he sighed in relief when he found her standing sill as a statue. After nodding her briefly with a small smile, he turned towards the man, slapping him firmly on the cheek: “Hey. Wake up! Wake up! Do you feel sharp pain in any part of your body? More importantly, can you walk or should I carry you?” a bit excited he could help, Mizuriel was not as shy and patient as usual as he shot a bunch of words into the ears of a man who probably could not even hear him, yet.
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Mousetrap [Mizuriel]

Postby Karl William on March 3rd, 2011, 3:42 pm

Experiencing a rude awakening from his blissful knocked out state, he felt getting slapped in the face but his eyes were swollen and painful and he failed to open them at first. Slightly opening them he saw an unknown man, and a child in the corner of his eye.

The man was shouting but Karl failed to understand a single word, he was dazed and woozy from the attack. Aswell as angry. He grabbed the man by the throat and placed 2 fingers deep on the sides of the man's neck, gripping him tightly.

With blood in his mouth and a sore face he mumbled:

" Who are you? "

Before letting go of the man as his arm fell back to the ground under the painful pressure of his shoulder. Most of his body didn't feel as painful as he thought it'd be though. No idea what happend to him when he was out cold, he figured it must have been the scales from when he tried to morph. He hadn't imagined it to be this effective but he didn't realize the man was a doctor and had healed him.

He spat out the blood in his mouth after turning his face to the side and asked again, now in a somewhat clearer voice:

" Who are you? "
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Mousetrap [Mizuriel]

Postby Mizuriel on March 4th, 2011, 7:04 pm

When the man jumped up quickly, pressing onto the sides of his neck, Mizuriel’s first instinct was to look over his shoulder to check on Samantha. Once he did, he wanted to push the panicking stranger’s hand away, but the man had done it for him. The first time that he was asked who he was, Mizuriel did not answer, more out of curiosity than apprehension, but once he was asked the same question again, he answered quickly: “It’s alright you are safe now. Everything is alright. You seem to be mobile enough to try and strangle me, so I guess you will not need help with walking.” a smirk combined with a smile appeared on his face as he spoke.

Nudging his head to the side, he gestured Samantha to come closer. After all, it should be safe after all the stranger had gone through. Waiting for the girl to take his hand, he tried to get a better look on the man’s face which he had completely disregarded while treating him.

“My name is Mizuriel. She is Samantha.” he spoke in short sentences, the words hard on his tongue.

“Care to share your name with us? I would also like to hear how did you get your body so messed up, if you are willing to talk about it?” he sighed relaxed as he sat down onto the ground, his legs crossed. Samantha was about to sit down as well, when she changed her mind and pushed her head over Mizuriel’s shoulder looking at the man with inquisitive eyes. She might have been afraid a bit, but she wouldn’t let it show that early, not in front of Mizuriel anyway.

“You should not try to move around too much, I mended what I could, but not even I can tell you if you have suffered any severe fractures I am not aware of.” he added in a moderate tone, hoping that the man was as good in listening as he was in shouting.
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