Location [Syliras Location] Housing Authority

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Iasc on February 5th, 2011, 6:39 pm

Iasc took a seat, just as he was asked to do. He would have to slow down, relax. The more he wanted to leave the longer it would take. Suddenly, an enthusiastic young boy jumped up beside the man, took the deed and key and ran off out the door. The squire’s energy brought a small smile to Iasc’s face.
“I’ve lived there all my life”, he said in a monotone voice, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “It was my parents but I inherited it when my mother... left. That was at the start of fall.”
He felt very uneasy talking about his family, especially his mother, when all he wanted to do was give back the room.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Amarhyl on February 10th, 2011, 9:12 pm

Season of Winter, Day 49, 510 AV

Amarhyl stepped quietly through the door of the Housing Authority. She had only been inside the city for about 20 Chimes, and she was already overwhelmed by it all. After having a mild panic attack resulting in her tucking herself into a small space near the walls, she decided that she should find a place to stay.

It hadn’t taken her long to find the building, as it turned out Sam was very good at giving her directions. She took a few steps inside the door, and simply stood in the room, so unlearned was she in the ways of social interaction. Eyes flickered everywhere and she clutched her rucksack before her, fiddling with the strap.

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on February 22nd, 2011, 10:49 pm


"Well, that's often the way of it," Tenner said as he pulled out a rather thick leather-bound book and spread it open to begin thumbing through the pages for the pertinent information. "Being passed on through families, I mean. Ah, here we are," he said, tapping a finger against the page a moment. "Well, assuming that everything is in order, I can offer you three hundred gold-rimmed mizas for your room. I wish I could offer more, but since it's been in your family's possession for so long it'll likely need a bit of renovation. Will that be acceptable?"


A teenaged boy sat at the desk of the main foyer, and he stared at Amaryhl with raised eyebrows for a moment before grinning quietly to himself. Then he stood and made his way over to her.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" he asked in his most non-threatening voice - oh, she wasn't the first wide-eyed girl to stumble into the Housing Authority. "I'm Jinson, Ser Tenner's squire. You're new here, aren't you? What can we do to help?"
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Iasc on February 22nd, 2011, 11:03 pm

The man began to look through a big book as he was talking. "300 gold mizas", Iasc thought to himself. He had never had that much money before. He wasn't sure if he even trusted himself with such a sum.
He offered the man a courteous nod, feeling bad about his earlier disrespectful attitude while the man had been so pleasant.
"Yes", Iasc answered. "That will be very much acceptable." He gave as warm a smile as he could muster up in the given circumstances. He gratefully took the money offered and placed it all carefully in his backpack. "Thank you very much for all your help", he said.
He slowly made his way from the building, feeling much better going out than he had coming in.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Amarhyl on March 5th, 2011, 2:46 pm

Amarhyl turned quickly at the sound of a voice, and she came face-to-face with a boy.
"Can I help you..."
She nodded. "I'm Amarhyl." She gave the room another glance. She figured that the boy would go to this Ser Tenner with her request.
"I uh, just arrived today and I need somewhere to live. For..." She paused. "Probably at least a year." That should give her plenty of time to earn a nice bit of money. By then she would be old enough to go to Zeltiva too. If it worked out that was.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on March 13th, 2011, 11:29 pm


The boy grinned, probably for no other reason than to have a pretty girl near his own age talking to him. "Well, if you're only going to be here a year, this might not be your best bet," he said, voice lowering as if he were imparting a secret. "I mean, we'd be happy to set you up with a room in the castle, but that's usually a more permanent sort of arrangement. As in, people who are planning on settling here for the rest of their lives. The rooms are expensive, is what I mean. But if you're only going to be here temporarily, and you're willing to trust my advice," he added with an impish smile, "might I suggest you try out Traveler's Row? I dunno, I mean it's up to you," he added, growing thoughtful. He held up a hand, and began ticking imaginary numbers off his fingers. "If you take a room from us, it'll likely end up costing you around 500 gold pieces. Now, say you stay for a year, you can probably get about 350 back for that since you won't have been there very long. If you stay at Matilde's, that'll run you, say, 350, maybe 360 for the whole year? So yeah, if you'll be here a full year, we're your best bet," he laughed, proud of himself for putting the numbers together. "But if you think you might end up leaving sooner, you're better off with temporary housing. What do you think?"
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Flick on April 19th, 2011, 11:22 am


80th day of Spring, morning.

Flick didn't know how to petition for housing. She didn't even really understand the rules. She did know however, that she had 500 mizas and a need to stay somewhere that wasnt an alleyway. It wouldn't be warm enough to sleep there for much longer. And so, mustering her courage and putting on her best smile, the kelvic brushed her hair, dressed herself and walked to the offices of housing.

It was big inside. And formal. And big, had she thought of big? The fox felt like a bug inside a huge stone cup. approaching the main desk, she called out.

"Hello? I..I'd like to uh..petiton..um purchase lodgings." Her voice echoed in the great room.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on May 2nd, 2011, 3:05 pm


The big antechamber was surprisingly empty, though there were several padded benches set up for those who might be waiting for a word with the knights.

When she finally called out, there was a scrap of a chair from the room beyond and then the door slid open. A black-haired knight peeked out, wiping at his mouth with a napkin as if he'd had a meal interrupted. He was not handsome, not in any obvious way - his face was too worn, craggy with a lifetime of servitude - but his blue eyes were kind and the smile he offered her was sheepish. He wore no armor, though his clothing was of good quality and had the emblem of the knighthood stitched into the vest with the two tiny golden swords of his rank pinned to his collar.

"So sorry," he said, offering that strange, awkward smile again as he ducked his head. "I sent my page off with a few of the knights to inspect some of the rooms, so it's just me. Slow day, too, so I figured I'd have dinner early. Please, come in," he said, waving her to follow him into the main office, where a massive wooden desk took up most of the space. Indeed, there was a half-eaten sandwich and a mug of ale in the center of the desk, which he quickly made to put away. "Please, have a seat. I'm Ser Tenner Nigriso, and pleased to meet you. Are you planning to become a permanent citizen of Syliras then?"
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Flick on May 6th, 2011, 10:31 pm


Flick grinned broadly at the man, coming closer and tucking her hair behind her ears. There was something nice about honesty, and this man seemed like he wore honesty like a badge. A knight. This is what Dimitri would become...well maybe not this...but something of the like.

Following Sir Nigriso into the office, the kelvic seated herself when asked, looking around with wide, curious eyes. Everything was so...big. Turning her attention back to the knight, the blonde beamed.

"Yes, yes I am." Flick said without hesitation, her face positivly glowing. There was no way she could think of leaving the city now. Not since Dimitri had bonded with her. Even if he hated her, she wouldnt leave. It would take a direct order from the boy himself to make her leave.

"I don't have any plans to leave, and I'd like to petition for a house. A home."

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on May 17th, 2011, 11:48 pm


Tenner smiled warmly at her enthusiasm, finding it refreshing at the end of a long and boring day. "Well, I'm sure we'll be lucky to have you. And if no one else has made to do so, I offer you welcome to the city of Syliras," he chuckled, collapsing into his chair with a happy sigh. "It seems big, I know, most people say that when they get here. But you'll get the hang of it I'm sure. Now! What sort of housing were you looking for?" he asked, green eyes taking a moment to inspect her - her youth, the cut of her clothing, the expense of it. "Standard issue, or are you here to bid for something else? We have all sorts of rooms available of course, just depends on what you're in the market for."
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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