Backtracking to a New Land [Nehsmay, Seliarus, Nadala]

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

Backtracking to a New Land [Nehsmay, Seliarus, Nadala]

Postby Seliarus on February 23rd, 2011, 4:16 pm


The Dhani felt his sleeping place moving, more than the usual riding thing. As they stopped moving, he would slowly wake up, kind of understanding the two needed some rest. Of course they would need some. They did all the work, as he simply lazily slept in a bag. If he wouldn't be a sadistic snake, however, he might feel bad about it. He knew that he was light in his snake form, and didn't give away extra weight for Nida, and so he wouldn't be slowing the travel down. If anything would attack them, however, he'd make himself useful. Hopefully.

Sel tipped his head out of the bag, just to scope the area they stopped in. His Bondmate's furred body managed to heat the bag up, so he didn't feel cold at all. He'd release a faint hiss of appreciations, nudging his head onto the blue fur, before he'd get in the bag again. he heard the Vantha talking, so, he understood, if they would need him, they'd call him out.
"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

The CS moding, framing, editing, and making it look awesome = Copyrights; Nidassasyae Iskedarst
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Backtracking to a New Land [Nehsmay, Seliarus, Nadala]

Postby Nidassasyae on March 7th, 2011, 11:43 am

Posting is resuming until Nadala comes back. Until then, I have noooo idea what they should be doing, other than taking a quick break.

If someone says Direwolves, I will not be amused ;)


Nida purred affectionately as she watched her Vantha friend flop down into the snow. She knew the feeling all too well. Their bodies needed something else, something temporarily relieve the ache of travel and strong winds that blew against one's skin. The virgin snow crunched under her weight, making for a soft bed. Well, not really a bed, she tried convincing herself. No, this wasn't extremely comfortable. No, this wasn't preferable to running about on familiar and unfamiliar roads.

But it was. It was just too comfortable for her own good. The same thing had happened before, and it would happen again. Snow Leopards were built for sprinting short distances, and this hurried method of travel was exhausting her. It had done so before, and she'd been to tired to properly fight against the wolves. Nida's strained mind darted every which way, that bush, that clump of trees, everything posed a threat. This frame of mind was slowly becoming a more prominent way of thinking for the Kelvic. Ever since those Dire Wolves had attacked, and that Sailor had tried to... No, don't think about that. Concentrate on now, Nida interrupted her train of thought, yet the paranoia did not decrease in the slightest. In fact, it only increased as she felt the familiar silken slide of scales across her fur, reminding her of her duty to protect. No, not duty, need. Though his appreciation warmed her slightly, it also made her even more nervous about the surroundings. What if something happened? What if she couldn't protect Sel and Nehsmay?

Nehsmay's talking pulled Nida out of her worry, bringing her back to the sense of camraderie that pervaded the long days and nights of travel. Her world was still tinged dark with the invading paranoia, but she managed to keep a normal appearance for now, restricting her darting glances to a minimum.

In response, Nida attempted some leopard-human sign language. Whether or not Nehsmay understood it was up to question, but Nida would look quite silly regardless. It was quite obvious you wouldn't want a feline trying to play charades, or any game of that nature.

She nodded, inclining her head towards Nehsmay, and then trying to move her mouth in a talking motion. Obviously, trying to tell a human to talk, while in cat-form, simply looked stupid. But it would be pretty obvious nonetheless. Since this body was not made for that, it looked a bit like she was trying to eat the air, something that would quickly be countered by the fact that her ears twitched, as if to signal that she would listen.
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Backtracking to a New Land [Nehsmay, Seliarus, Nadala]

Postby Nehsmay on March 15th, 2011, 8:00 pm


OOCSorry guys, had a bit of a writer's block here. It's not totally over, but still. And what direwolves again? It is getting rather old... how about polar bears :))

Nehsmay smiled at the weird way in which her friend tried to talk. Really a dire leopard 'talking' was the funniest thing ever. What to talk about, Nehsmay wondered. She missed telling stories and a lot of time had passed since she had had the time to tell one. She was probably getting rusty.

Next to her Shade nudged her with his head, trying to make her shake the silence that surrounded them away. Sometimes the horse was too bright for his own good. That reminded her of the time when the other Shade had tried to ride on Myra and utterly failed.

"You know," she told Nida "I'm wondering, is it a trait of Kelvics to be weary of horses. Once, about two years before Shade left I managed to convince him, giving my best puppy eyes, to ride on Myra, my mother's horse. I don't know who got scared of whom, but the fact is that as soon as he was in the saddle Myra reared and threw him face first in the snow. I've never seen him so annoyed."

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