Learning the Bruised Way (Solo)

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Learning the Bruised Way (Solo)

Postby Serrif Von Chatlyn on March 10th, 2011, 6:46 pm

8th Spring, 511 AV

OOCJust to be clear interactions are between Serrif and a random pupil at this time. I don’t think I need approval for this

Serrif watched the women spar for some time. He hadn’t picked up on the pattern but they moved down the line…the line he was standing in. He hadn’t noticed this yet. He just noticed the women sparred one ‘won’ and then another contestant walked up. He was too busy watching to notice that he was eventually going to be next in line. They would likely suppose he knew what he was doing standing perfectly in line with the others. And that this meant that he did indeed want to spar. Which he did eventually.

He observed there seemed to be a kind of point system. The usual three strikes and you were out type of thing. If your opponent delivered a strike on you the two of you reset and then started again. The first to reach three landed hits won. The three strikes system. Serrif was just getting used to how this all would work when the time came.

The woman on the mat looked directly at Serrif after he opponent left. He was clueless at first but then the woman who had just finished nudged him. “Go ahead. It’s your go.” She said looking up to him.

Serrif looked first at the woman to his side somewhat confused but then he decided now was as good a time as ever. He removed his boots quickly; the woman on the mat rolled her eyes. Was this really her next opponent. He looked intimidating enough; but he was an outsider. So as far as what to expect she was a little hesitant.

He set his boots aside and then stepped onto the mat. “A weapon?” The woman on the mat said as she looked to her newest sparring partner. She questioned only because he looked so confused. She held in her hands what would be the equivalent of a sparring katana. Serrif however held nothing in his hands. He quickly looked around and saw a few sparring weapons laying around. All of them resembling weapons he didn’t even know how to use. Perfect…but he did have one set of weapons he did know how to use. Well use better than these other weapons.

“I have a weapon.” He said as the bowed to her then took a fighting stance. The woman looked confused at first then a smile crossed her face. As if to say ‘if you wish’. She then pressed the attack.

Serrif found this a little intimidating. She was fast and light on her feet where he was larger and well not as fast as she was. He found himself barely escaping her advances. Eventually he felt a hard blow land on his left hip. The loud smack of the training weapon still stung. But he had experienced far worse. She drew away from him and let him soak in the pain for a few seconds before they started the next round.

She now knew this man was somewhat unskilled and planned to exploit that. She advanced and then whirled around to deliver yet another powerful hit to his hip. But Serrif had learned one lesson and as she turned around he took a step forward. Using his right arm he swept and intercepted her right arm holding the weapon tight. Then using his left arm he settled her neck in the crook of his arm. He then lifted her off the ground her body falling against his flat. IF he applied pressure to her neck with his arm he would be cutting off the blood circulation to her brain. Making her pass out the world going black. He applied a short burst of strength to her neck to let her know she had been had. And then let her go.

She turned around and looked at Serrif. So he wasn’t as unskilled as she had originally anticipated. She had been somewhat careless and well. The two nodded and then the advance was made and before he knew it he felt a wooden practice weapon plant a hard hit against the side of his neck. She moved so fast he hadn’t even seen it coming. The blow was a little harder than he had anticipated and his vision dulled.

He felt a little light headed and he found his body swaying somewhat as he recovered from the hit. He blinked some as if that would clear his vision and then pushed through. The next round was started.

She moved again this time to strike at his large long legs. He moved back just out of range and instead used his right leg to deliver what could only be described as a forceful sweep to her legs. He felt his leg impact and start to sweep her legs forcefully from under her. The center of gravity the woman had before now gone she fell earthward. Serrif took this opportunity to meet her on the ground and placed his left hand on her upper arm and his right hand on the wrist of that same arm. He had her pinned.

The two were tied now and well it was just beginning to get interesting. They reset and the woman looked somewhat flustered. Who was he? It was frustrating but at the same time interesting.
A man either lives life as it happens to him,
meets it head-on and licks it,
or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.
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Serrif Von Chatlyn
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Learning the Bruised Way (Solo)

Postby Serrif Von Chatlyn on March 13th, 2011, 8:36 pm

OOCI have gotten permission from Alice to use Archery Mistress Ildin in this interaction
Colorless emotional eyes had been watching the pupils from across the room; she had no students of her own right now. Not like she would take any of these either. But who was this? A curious stranger entered and took a place in the sparring line. She wasn’t sure if this was a mistake or on purpose but she would find out very soon. The woman who was championing the floor right now was one of Mistress Kariha’s finer pupils. She frequented the pavilion and sparred with pupils when they decided to show up; or decided to challenge her. Nevertheless the woman was tearing through the other students; seems they had a thing or two left to learn. Now what of this man who entered the pavilion? It same to be his turn and he looked a little lost. So he likely didn’t take that place on purpose. Or at the least he took it without knowing he was indeed in a sparring line. What was even more curious was that he didn’t back out. Something that pricked her interest. But even more he chose no weapon; he would fist against katana. Now this would be very interesting; this man was either very skilled, or overly confident. Only one of these features she admired.

The match moved on and it seemed the two were evenly matched. The man had decent enough form, but was lacking some of the finer skills that one of seasoned skills would have. He knew enough to get out of the other pupils way, and enough to choke her out. But his movements were rough and jagged; far from fluid. Yet he persevered even after the pupil landed rough hits on his body; she could tell the pupil was almost purposely letting him have the full force of the training weapon. Although what really brought her attention to this man was how he reacted to the stern hit on the neck. She along with everyone else expected him to hit the ground hard; but he staggered some and gained his footing again. She liked how he pushed himself; trying to find his limits. Many would duck out of the fight now. But this man didn’t. No he stayed. He was going to finish what he started here. She would watch the conclusion, seemed the two were tied; now who would get the final point? She followed this match as if she was uninterested; but the opposite was true.

Serrif readied himself; pushing the pain his limbs felt away. His hip was killing him but he ignored it. His neck was beginning to swell; he could feel the blood rushing about. But again he pushed it all away. Instead he focused on the woman and her weapon. There was nothing else in his mind right now. With a nod the final round started and the two circled. Seemed she wanted to observe him before rushing at him again. And he knew better than to press the attack here. She had a farther reach and a tap with that sword would grant her the victory she needed. A victory he wanted. They watched each other like predator and prey and then she made a fast movement toward him. The purpose was to ‘run him through’ with the wooden weapon. She aimed for his waist. Her movement was a little longer than she would’ve liked enabling him to see exactly what she was doing.

In response Serrif twisted at the hip and stepped backward with his left foot. Then with his right hand he reached forward and grabbed the wrist of her sword arm. He then pulled her into her lunge and around his body some throwing off her center of balance some. As she went to fall she instead used that momentum to break his hold and roll forward. She was back on her feet facing him in the blink of an eye. She made a hard swipe at him and he was tasting blood in a matter of seconds. She swung the wooden practice sword in a upward slash. Serrif moved into catch her wrist much like before but missed and the wooden weapon impacted the side of his face hard. Serrif staggered back and gathered himself. He bowed to his opponent then walked off the mat. His hand on the side of his face where the practice sword had impacted.

Ildin nodded. He had indeed fought well; but he should’ve known from the beginning that it was a losing battle. He had to have known that. He wasn’t ignorant and he had seen the other sparring partners who had weapons fail as well. She noticed that he didn’t seem to have a good mastery on the unarmed arts. Perhaps he would have a little more use for a bow. She watched him bow and then walk to the water’s edge. She would have to see about this man. He could prove a very interesting challenge. And a good pupil as well.

Serrif walked out of the first floor toward the stairs that lead to the water. He bent down and cupped water in his hand. He gently sipped on it to clear the copper taste in his mouth. He breathed deep and sipped the cool refreshing water as he gathered himself. The hits started to sting and his neck started to swell some from the hit. He was glad the woman hadn’t hit him so hard that he completely blacked out. His vision had gone a little hazy for a few moments but in the span of things it could’ve been much worse. As he sipped he could feel his hands start to tremble again. He didn’t feel sick; no he didn’t care about winning that match.

He stretched his body out and tried to release some of the stress on his hip. “You should’ve been a little more patient. She would’ve made a mistake you could’ve manipulated.” He hadn’t heard this voice before it was even and had little emotion in it. He looked over and saw a woman; not standing above 5 foot 8 wearing good fitting clothing; her long white hair was in a tight bun behind her head.

“I agree with that.” He said she was obviously a Master here at the pavilion.

“Why did you come here? To the Isle.”
She said as she watched the man drink from the waters. She was curious because he didn’t seem to belong; but at the same time he seemed like he was meant to be here.

That seemed like a rather personal question; but she was a Master here at the pavilion so he believed she needed an answer. And if she was able to read his past she could take a good guess to figure it all out. And he didn’t want her doing that, especially after he saw what happened to Blythe. He wasn’t sure how this woman would react to this. “I am here at the Isle to find peace; I stumbled upon this pavilion because I was curious.”

She watched the man as he spoke. Her smiled inwardly, he was here to find peace; and at the same time he was curious…that translated to her as willing to learn. “I can help you find that peace. If you are willing to learn.” Her words were exact and had somewhat of a sting to them.

“I am willing to learn.” He said. With that said the woman motioned and had Serrif follow her.

“Come.” They walked to the outside of the pavilion and she picked up a longbow and a quiver of arrows.

She stopped on the porch and then looked out toward a close bank near the pavilion. She centered herself; slowed her breathing and closed her eyes. She paid attention to everything around her letting the wind and sun calm her. She opened her eyes and pulled an arrow out of the quiver and knocked it on the string. She leveled the bow vertical with her body and then focused again. Serrif couldn’t see the target she was aiming for. But he thought he saw an archery target on the bank; but he could just barely see the outmost red ring of the target.

Serrif watched as she pulled back on the string as far as she could with the bowstring touching her cheek. She seemed to be focusing herself as she then took aim and let the arrow go. The arrow sailed and took what seemed like forever for the arrow to meet its target. But he knew she hit when the archery target fell flat. The targets red outline fell away from sight. She then looked to Serrif turning her head slightly.

“That is what you can do when you are at peace. I don’t expect you to come anywhere near that target now; however.” She handed him the bow and an arrow. “I would like to see what you can do.”

Serrif took the bow and mimicked the motions he saw her use. He closed his eyes and centered himself. He tried to sense the area around him. Paid attention to the wind around the pavilion area as well as across the lake. He knocked an arrow by feel alone and then slowly opened his eyes when he felt like he was centered and at peace. He pulled up the bow and slowly drew back the string. He could feel the string struggle against him as he got farther back. He pulled back until the string met his cheek as well. He struggled to keep it somewhat steady as he hadn’t really grown any strength in his arms yet. He gauged distance and then discounted the wind. Then slowly he released the string. He immediately felt a sting on his inner arm and the arrow jolted off into the distance. He cringed some as he then saw the arrow miss the target entirely and bury itself in a tree about 30 feet off target.

“Your form is clumsy. You didn’t even hold the arrow straight against the string. You have much more work to do.” She said as she then took hold of the arm holding the bow and rolled his arm toward her exposing the skin that the bowstring had scraped across. His skin was puffed up and looked like it was going to bruise. “That is why the string struck your arm.”

“Look out to your target.” She said as Serrif then did as he was told. “Stand like this.” She tapped his legs with an arrow lining them up with the target on the bank one foot behind the other. “Now plant your weight evenly on your pads. Not too far back or forward. THIS is the correct stance do you feel the difference?”

“Yes.” Serrif replied as he then received a stern look from her and she barked another command.

“Yes Mistress. That is my title.”

“Yes Mistress.” He said as she then took hold of his bow arm.

“Now hold the bow like this.” She got him into the correct positioning for holding the bow and then pulled an arrow from the quiver. “You should keep the arrow level when you pull the arrow back you should be able to tell if you have the shaft lined up correctly.”

He complied and then knocked the arrow and pulled back looking down the arrow. It was lined up correctly and straight. “Now feel the wind gauge it.”

He took a guess at how much the wind would affect his arrow. He took a guess because he didn’t have that much experience in this yet. “Now gently let the arrow go.” He complied and watched as the arrow flew toward it’s target. It landed off target about 5 feet to the left.

“You see what difference a little discipline can do?” She said as she nodded some.

“Don’t leave this spot until you hit that target.” She said as she watched him.

“Yes Mistress.”
Serrif responded as he then drew another arrow. He centered himself and pulled the bow up. The arrow was knocked in the string and he pulled it back to his cheek. He checked to see if the arrow was straight and it appeared so. He had paid attention to how the wind had affected his last couple shots and he adjusted accordingly. He then let the arrow go and watched as it got closer to the target. This time it seemed to land about a foot to the right of the target.

“The wind does shift.” She criticized as she watched.

He knocked another arrow and pulled the string back again to his cheek. He knew now where he was to aim and he let the arrow go. It sailed and hit the target knocking it flat. “Good you can hit a target in four arrows. I was expecting less than three. You need to work on that.”
A man either lives life as it happens to him,
meets it head-on and licks it,
or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.
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Serrif Von Chatlyn
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Learning the Bruised Way (Solo)

Postby Serrif Von Chatlyn on March 20th, 2011, 4:49 am

With the way she spoke it left him wondering if she would actually help him at all. He knew that he needed to work on his skills with the bow and arrow. He had actually never handled one before now. So the fact that he didn’t know how to handle one correctly was to be expected. Although with the way she criticized him he thought she expected more than what he had to offer. Like he had any idea how to use the bow in the first place. She did give him helpful pointers and well he figured she got this position as a Mistress by being skilled somewhat in the use of the bow and arrow. And that she knew how to hand these skills down as well. But he had no idea what he was actually in store for.

She watched and then spoke again breaking his train of thought. “Looks like we need to have you find your center. Your arrows are off and your stance is wrong. Wait here for me to return.” She said as she then disappeared back into the training pavilion.

Once inside she grabbed several items and put them into a backpack. She knew what she needed to do and well it was likely that she would have to explain herself again. But her training methods were HER training methods. They worked; but worked differently than the other Mistresses. She taught what she knew and did what she thought was best. She was going to challenge this man. He had potential; and she needed a pupil as her personal champion. He had little to no skills with the bow as of now; and if he showed improvement and mastery it would be to his drive and her teaching. This would reflect well on her.

Serrif waited and looked out over the lake. And heard the Mistress come behind him. She pressed the backpack she was carrying in her hands into his chest. “Take these and follow me.”

She then began walking away from the pavilion and toward the shore. She reached the beach and Serrif followed only a few steps behind her the entire time. He wondered what she had in this backpack. It seemed pretty heavy; weighing in a good 30 pounds or so in his mind. But the straps of the backpack dug some into his shoulders and caused him a little discomfort. But he figured this had something to do with her wanting to train him. But he didn’t know what she had planned for him. Again this would ruin the surprise.

When the two got to the beach she spoke to him again. Her voice commanding and exact. “Empty the pack now. Here.” She pointed to the ground in front of his feet.

He did as she asked and saw four weights fall out of the bag as well as a long weighted belt. He suddenly thought he understood what she had in store for him. “These weights represent your ignorance; they represent your inability. You need to push past all this and more to excel. You must harden your body to master the art of bow. Or the art of anything for that reason. Wear them now. Every night you will see me at the Pavilion and I will give you the appropriate weight for the day. If you fail to show up a day the weight of the previous day is added, if you show up late ten extra pounds is added. If I believe you are not running the course I show you today I will no longer teach you. I do not tolerate slackers or those that don’t wish to better themselves. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress I understand.”
He said as he donned on the weight. They were heavy but at the same time they weren’t overbearing….yet.

Once he had put the weights on she began a brisk run down the beach. Serrif followed. For the first seven minutes or so the weight was hardly noticeable to him. He knew it was all there but it fit well to his body. However after those first minutes the weights slowly started to weigh on his body heavily. His muscles burned and he had to dig deep after about twenty minutes to find the strength or drive to continue. But even after this she kept pressing. She kept going and going he wanted to call out to have her stop but he didn’t have the strength for that. He felt his vision tunnel but he had to keep up. He pressed for five more minutes until his body gave out and he fell into the sand.

The mistress turned around when she no longer heard him panting behind her. He had lasted a little longer than she had expected. She smiled and nodded. He would do just fine. He had reached farther than most would dare go. And he trusted her; above all this showed her that he respected her. He had drive; now she just had to channel that drive. But first who was this man? She need not ask, she could find out in other ways. She wanted to know a little of his past. What he had been through that would cause him to accept driving himself so hard. She laid a gentle hand on his temple and then using the gift of Avalis she dove gently into his past. And once there she understood. She had a runaway slave. A tortured runaway slave who had happened to come here. He was hardened through years of nearly endless toil and torture; and now he was here with the Konti people. It was then she knew she could help him find peace; that was what he was really looking for here.

He woke and the Mistress was there. Standing beside him. He felt a water skin hit his side. “Drink, you show promise. You are willing to push yourself farther than most.”

Serrif drank the water; it was cool and refreshing in his parched throat. He could breathe a little easier but his body still burned. His legs screamed and his knees belt like buckling. He gently rose to his feet and she spoke again.

“This,” She said as she stuck an oar blade into the sand; “is where you reached. This is the extent of your physical ability today. This will change with time. You are to push yourself to this point with the weight I give you every day. This is what I expect of you.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“You may retire now. Give me the weight.” She held out the backpack and Serrif graciously handed over the weights she had had him put on his body.

“Thank you for your time Mistress.”
He said, she merely nodded her head and walked back. Serrif figured she knew what she was doing. However he was unsure what he was to do about all of this. He wasn’t going to miss a single day. No he wanted whatever she was going to offer him. He was hooked and wanted to know what she had in store for him.

He noticed his body seemed lighter. He would easily be able to make it back to his tent and maybe eat a fish or two. He was tired, and he would sleep well tonight. Everything seemed better without the weights on him. Maybe that was the purpose of it all. This hardening process was going to be a real tire on his body both physically and mentally. He knew that she was likely looking to break him. But she wasn’t going to get this from him. No; she wouldn’t break him. Little did she know he was far different than any of the pupils she had taught in the past. Maybe she knew this and maybe she did not. But the truth was he was sure that she would find out somehow from some source. He knew the women here were marked with the Genosis marks for healing or being able to dive into people’s minds. The second one scared him more than the first. Because healing never really went wrong; there really wasn’t anything misleading or evil you could do when you healed someone. But when you could dive into someone’s past there were all kinds of things you could use as ammunition for your own machines. He didn’t know which she was. And he couldn’t put a good guess on it just yet. He did notice that he saw no gnosis mark as of yet. But that was just the time being. He knew sooner or later her powers would likely be revealed to him. If she could see his past that may happen a little sooner than he anticipated. Perhaps it had already happened.
A man either lives life as it happens to him,
meets it head-on and licks it,
or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.
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Serrif Von Chatlyn
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Learning the Bruised Way (Solo)

Postby Alice on April 7th, 2011, 3:39 pm


Serrif Von Chatlyn

Experience: 2 Unarmed Combat, 2 Longbow, 2 Body Building
Lores: Ignoring Pain from Strikes, The Correct Shooting Stance, How to Mind the Changing Wind, Pushing One’s Limits, Motivation


I really enjoyed reading this thread! It’s interesting how Ildin and Serrif work together and how they complement each other in terms of personality. You played Ildin very well; this is exactly how I envisioned her. I’m looking forward to more threads. Oh, and for the next threads, please break up the story in more short posts rather than 3 long posts, it’s hard to award xp if posts are so long.
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