by Ageru on March 10th, 2011, 1:53 am
The cat could only smile inwardly as the man called out into the darkness. That really wasn’t a smart thing to do, but he seemed prepared, with an axe. Like violence would solve everything, but it usually did when it came to conflicts. It could be seen, and there was a lot of examples supporting it, though was it really smart to get off the horse? Probably not. Then again, it was his life not Agerus. He could spend it how he saw fit. His tail flicked again as he yawned but quickly titled his head backwards as he felt the presence of another.
Then his eyes were glued to the man behind him and not the foolish one who had gotten off his horse. This one seemed to come from nowhere, and he hadn’t even noticed that he was being followed. Was he that slow? Although the strange man came from nowhere he wasn’t scared of him and briefly watched him before turning back to the other with the horse. He could only guess what the other was doing, but he trusted the man by him not to do anything rash, and although the cat wasn’t always the best judge of character he was going to let him slide. That is, just as long as he isn’t touched.
“Shh I got this one”
With those words the cats attention was again dragged to the man by him, his ears twitching at the almost harsh whisper that broke the silence. Harsh in the terms of the sound compared to silence. Amused the cat watched the other man approach the man with the horse. This was going to be interesting. He sat there, the only thing moving was his tail, almost a statue he continued to survey the area that lie before him with a sense of glee and anticipation. That, he could tell, was building. Though feeling a little exposed because the man just crept the riders way from Agerus direction the cat decided it would be best to move deeper into the shadows. Perhaps just a couple more paces back. True it was going to be harder to see them, but it was worth remaining… unknown. Well, unknown only to that of the rider.
He purred softly to himself as it seemed that the rider was only expecting one thing to come from the shadows and not two, and so, for now, he was in the clear. The man seemed satisfied with the person who stepped into the light and was expecting nothing more, but the smart would think where there is one there is also many. This man seemed so new to these kinds of things. Ageru only knew from experience, though there was plenty of things out there that he didn’t know about; a lot of things that he didn’t understand. Not that he really cared. All the lessons worth knowing to a person is that which life gives them.
There was something strange, childish about his words… About the riders words. They seemed passionate but foolish and got him to thinking if he ever thought before he spoke. The obvious answer would be no, but there is always that slight chance. Nothing is ever as it seems. Ageru just isn’t a cat, but also a human. Some might call him a Kelvic, but he prefers to look at himself not as an animal that can turn into a human, but as both a human and an animal. There is a difference and that is in the mindset that the cat was in.