What did you just say? (Darren)

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What did you just say? (Darren)

Postby E'isi on March 10th, 2011, 8:42 pm


As he placed his hands on her she became worried. But he seemed to be trying to calm her down. So she didnt press it. Then he repeated "Darren Sexy Parfart!" she blinked several times as she tried to understand what he was trying to say..Parfart? is that an insult she hasnt herd of yet? She went over her knowlege of common in her head. Maybe he is trying to say he farted.... He distracted her as he smiled widly and repeated the word tree, and some random info on it. This made her giggle.

"Chree" she repeated his last word in Vani. So thats what they called a tree. Sounded short and sing song. She gently removed his hands from her shoulders, And started to walk again. Her mind went back to Parfart....par..fart...hum troubling..then it hit her, he was saying pervert. She stopped and looked at him, "No no no, Pervert not good, bad word, means..." she didnt know how else to tell so she scratched her head as she thought of a way to act it out. "Pervert," she waited for him to watch her.

She acted like she was being attacked and she pushed away the imaginary figure..Turning head, looking at him she could tell that he did not understand..."Fine!" she walked up to him and grabbed his hand, "Pervert bad, this is a no no" She grabbed the side of his face with her hand and lean in to kiss him, it was just a peck and nothing else. "That is a pervert." she leaned back and waited for his reaction.

"There is bed? We sleep together now yes?"

She stopped in her tracks as her heart pounded, almost bursting out of her chest...What did he just say? Oh no he was a pervert, he understood it all along!! She turned to face him with large eyes, trying to debate her chances of getting away. If she ran, how fast could she go, and how fast was he? And what if he does get her alone in that building....She glanced around and decided to go for it. Dropping his coat she took off, running towards the building, hoping that once she was inside she would be able to lock the door. She wasnt an athlete at all, she tend to trip over her own two feet, sinking into the deep snow, she probably looked like a retard, falling over snowdrifts and what not. There was no way that she would get away, yet she tried with all her might.

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What did you just say? (Darren)

Postby Darren on March 10th, 2011, 9:34 pm

Darren nodded in approval as she repeated the Vani word for tree. "IS GOOD" he said so that she understood she got it right. While they continued walking towards the she started talking again. He turned to try to understand what she is saying Parfart is good? But bad? He turned to see the Konti say Parfart again as she played out a scene. His eyes popped up in confusion as he watched her look like she was a victim to a random force, That parfart? he thought wildly looking at her warily. He was almost shaking as she suddenly walked towards him and took his hand. Oh no! I am parfart? he thought as he recalled the scene that showed what a parfart was. A mysterious look in her eye as she grabbed his face "Parfart bad, is no no." His face was shaking from fear as he watched her bring her face close to his, he was surprised as she suddenly kissed him a look of amazement on his face as he touched the area where she just kissed him. A bit shocked, he smiled shyly at her as he said that the fort was nearby and they could finally sleep and rest now.

Suddenly she turned to him with what he could only describe as evil, hungry eyes as she dropped his coat and ran towards the hold. What was that? he thought as he caught his coat and watched her run to the hold...very slowly. Parfart is bad...maybe that kiss was actually her tasting him?!?! His mind suddenly panicking again as his head rushed a mile a minute. OH NO! She said I was parfart. I was the one getting attacked by the random force (her), I am the one she tasted, maybe she spared him since he helped her out. But when the hold came she suddenly made a rush to the hold. SHE'S GONNA MAKE THE PEOPLE IN THE HOLD PARFARTS!!!

Ahhhh!!!! NOOOO!!!!!
he screamed dropping all of her stuff and running towards her. He called out to the people who were hanging outside the hold who watched curiously. RUNNN!!!!! GET AWAY!!! THAT GIRL IS GOING TO EAT YOU AND MAKE YOU PARFARTS!!! RUN!!! SHE HAS ALREADY TASTED HUMAN FLESH AND WILL EAT YOU ALIVE!!!!

Seeing the sign of a normally sane Vantha like Darren scream out a bloody tale of horror and seeing Eisi,the white girl with scales on around her body and a seemingly demonic look she had on her face the people in the hold started to panic. The kids that were playing in the front cried out in horror as they ran away to their parent for safety. Women looking to get away grabbing what they can and headed to the hold. Men grabbing their sons and daughters and giving them to the mothers for safekeeping turned and made a small group as they formed up and started charging in unison with a riot-like mentality as they started running towards Eisi.
Last edited by Darren on March 14th, 2011, 11:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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What did you just say? (Darren)

Postby E'isi on March 13th, 2011, 5:46 pm


Eisi was running for her life, she looked frantic and very scared. Why am I so crazy right now, she glanced behind her hearing Him yell something in Vani, this scared her, he was frantic and panicky.. maybe it was because she was getting away...I'm getting AWAY!! she was more impressed with herself then scared. She turned to face the building noticing a small group form..If i can just get there I'll be safe.

She ran through the snow, fighting her way over to safety, "HELP ME!!!" she screamed in panic, only to remember these people probably didn't know Kontinese. "HALD ME!!!" she screamed again this time in very poor Vani, she reached the crowed finally, out of breath and frantic eyed.

"MAN BAD," She pointed to the Darren as she was surrounded by the group. Only then did she notice that it was more like a mob. "NO!" she backed herself into a corner. Scared and frantic she didn't know what to do, people yelled at her, and she didn't understand. She rolled her self into what only could be described as a frighten animal. That is when her vision became blurred, She was crying. Eisi never cried in her life, only knowing happiness and peace. She covered her mouth, and gasped. This was it she was going to die, so young almost like a baby in the Konti world. Why did it come to this, she set out on this adventure to find her remaining family. And now they will never know that she was alive at one point. She sobbed uncontrollably, What would her mother think, she made a promise that she would always smile, and now she wasn't.

"some one, help....."
she said softly as she turned her head away and cringed for what might happen.

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What did you just say? (Darren)

Postby Darren on March 13th, 2011, 8:31 pm

Darren was overjoyed when he saw the townspeople form up and surround Eisi. He happily jogged the last few feet as he met with the crowd a look of approval and a wave of happy greetings. He strutted himself to the middle of the group with Eisi saying some words in Vani "You have been found out evil temptress huntress thing" he said dramatically as the people behind cheered him on, "What will you do now? Now that we have caught onto your scheme?" he asked looking at her intently. However instead of revealing her true form like how he and the other hold members thought she would have she started crying. "Eh?" Darren said as Eisi started crying in the middle. "Um...IMELSE, IS GOOD?" He said trying to cheer her up, he looked at her straight into her eyes right before she said something in Konti...

Just then Darren was filled with a sudden fighting spirit. He turned to his former Hold allies, a crazed look in his eyes, "Get away from her!" He growled as he then sent out a palm strike on the hold member closest to him. The sudden attack shocked the members as Darren suddenly started hitting them all away, using his flux energies it seemed as if he was possessed sending out a power pushing hit with a thrust of his hand. He moving so fast it looked as if he was teleporting around the circle sending out a flurry of blow, knocking those too close away. At this the townspeople started to panic at the seemingly demonic Darren and started to scatter. You know I should be feeling bad about this, Darren thought as he looked at the Konti, but I don't.... I am fighting with such conviction, maybe this is a type of magic? Regardless he went to the weeping Eisi and sweeped her off her feet, drying her tears, trying ti cheer her up and looking straight into her eyes.

"Umm...Darren what are you doing?" a voice said, he turned to look and saw it was the leader of Winterflame Hold's wife Paxta and what looked to be a very studious person. "I am a parfart now Paxta. I tied down to this Konti's will" he said protectively holding Eisi. At this the very rigid woman started to yell at him, "Idiot! Your not under her spell! Your just infatuated with her! Put her down now you blockhead!" After, she motioned the one next to her, she turned out to be a translator. She went and addressed Eisi.
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What did you just say? (Darren)

Postby E'isi on March 15th, 2011, 2:59 am


That horrible man named Darren entered the crowed, they all cheered him on as he boasted. So when he turned and saw her, it surprised her that he would take such actions. He started to yell at the others, fighting them off one by one. He looked mad and uncontrollable. He turned to her and picked her up, speaking softly as he dried the tears off her face. Eisi looked at him wide eyed, what did this man want, why did he chase her then yell at the towns people only to save her in the end??

His words where soft, his hands held protectively around her. She stared at his face trying to figure him out. Then she herd a strong woman's voice, she turned her head to see two females standing in front of her. One of the females spoke to Darren, when he replied, the woman yelled at him. Darren looking confused set Eisi down on the ground.

Eisi watched with confusion on what was going on. The woman waved the second one to her, she came up to Eisi and greeted her in Kontinese. Eisi smiled and hugged the woman, thankful that she was here, and that she would be able have someone understand what she was saying. She held her out at arms length and smiled.

"Thank you! Thank you!"
she couldn't be happier.

The woman spoke asking her who she was and how was she related to the mob of people.

Eisi's eyes cut to Darren, "Im EIsi of Konti Isle, and he caused the mob, crazy man is a pervert and wants to sleep with me with out my permission." she said pointing at Darren.

The woman's eyes went wide and turned her head to Darren, then told the first woman what Eisi said.

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What did you just say? (Darren)

Postby Darren on March 15th, 2011, 4:56 am

Darren was a bit irked when he got yelled at and was still wary of Eisi as she "aggressively" grabbed the translator's arms and smiled that...special smile. The woman turned to him as she finished talking to him. "She said her name is Elsi, she said you incited this riot, she called you a pervert and you tried to have your way with her..."

To the first two he nodded proudly after much...half enthused cheers from the crowd he just recently attacked. But after the those he fervently denied such accusations after an initial look of confusion and a bit of anger at the poke to his character, the crowd stopped their angry looks and accusing glares.

Darren tried to put out his case. "I was just trying to be friendly and get her to the hold. However she suddenly attacked me and threatened to make me, her personal tent. She smacked my hand and said something like "YOU" and pointed at the tent, she threatened me there! And then she suddenly speaks all this Kontinese and kissed-I-mean tasted me! She then started running to the hold with these hungry eyes and I panicked! I didn't want you guys to get hurt." He pointed his arm at her. "This woman is a very, very dangerous girl. She has stolen all my will, in a short walk she has made me her slave and made me do her bidding," he said accusingly.
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What did you just say? (Darren)

Postby E'isi on March 15th, 2011, 5:17 am


She watched as the woman told Darren what she just said. Then the crowed agreed, and Darren got defensive. He pointed at her harshly and was talking in a very worried tone, Eisi just watched him and shook her head. The woman turned back to Eisi sighed and repeated it in Kontinese.

Eisi's eyebrows drew together and she looked like she was utterly confused. She turned to Darren and shook her head sighing herself. This man was crazy. "You can tell him that a Konti woman is not dangerouse, I come from a land that is ruled absolutly by peace and respect." she shivered a bit as she looked back at the woman. "Can we go ahead and go inside please, its freezing out here." she smiled as she spoke with the woman.

The woman nodded and ushered her in, it was nice a warm inside, the translator took her to a table and stopped a young girl, talking with her quickly. "Go on" the translator said as she turned back to Eisi. Eisi watched as Darren came in and sat across from her.

"When he approached me I thought that he was a slave trader, it turned out he wasn't, the only reason I asked him to carry the tent was because he picked up my undergarments." she shook her head and blushed a bit. "So he grabbed it and lead me this way, then he didnt understand the word pervert so I kissed him. It was just a peck to show him what a pervert was. Apparently he thinks im some kind of slut." She crossed her arms and sighed. "I think someone should explain to him what I am and how my race is."

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What did you just say? (Darren)

Postby Darren on March 15th, 2011, 4:36 pm

As the Darren listened to the translator of the event he was abashed to say the least. He looked to Eisi looking at her with a very serious and apologetic face. "I'm sorry IME- Eisi" he said touching her hand soflty before he continued "I did not mean to intimidate or scare you in anyway. And no I do not think of you as a loose woman, your too beautiful for that. Your special" he said obviously too into the conversation to be in embarrassed. He turned to the translator as he spoke his piece. He looked to him to say when to continue.

"Also, to make up for it...I'll be your personal helper.If you want..."
he said he gripped her hands while looking at her enchanting eyes. "I'll teach you a bit about the Vantha and you the Konti" he said softly blushing a little at his offer. He took awhile to recover as he looked at the translator in the daze sorta nervous waiting for her answer. He couldn't hold still for an answer "Tell her that if she wants, I'll put oil on her and massage her all over! I'll do it everyday if she wants!" He said with a somewhat crazed look in his eyes. Oh wait...he thought why is she here again? He turned to the translator "hey can you ask her why she's here?" he said, but it was already too late he was already talking to Eisi and giving Darren's offer to her. "Uh oh..."
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What did you just say? (Darren)

Postby E'isi on March 15th, 2011, 5:22 pm


The translator turned to Eisi with a bit of a smug smile on her face, She repeated every word Darren said. At first Eisi just sat there wide eyed. Then she turned bright red. She covered her face and looked over to Darren who had a face on like "oh crap". She regained her dignity and laughed. Ok so this was just a big misunderstanding. Both of them where at fault here. But she still believed that he was a bit of a perv, just not a rapist slave trader.

"Its ok Darren," She said as she pulled her hands away from his touch. It wasn't that she was scared of him, or even dislike him, just he was a man, and she a woman. Things of touching was a taboo for her, due to the fact the only other man she ever interacted with was far away, at a beach, probably fishing. She smiled politely as saying sorry, "As for the massage, no thank you." Once again she smiled. "Im a Konti woman, traveling to find something that was taking from my family." that's all she was going to say on that matter, at least till she learned more about him. "I ended up here, and well im very far from home."

She looked a bit home sick, her eyes malted with different hues of purples and blues, even a bit of golds in them. Her hair was a mess, it was tattered around her face in need of brushing and fixing, She stood and took off her coat, laying it behind her on the back of the chair. Underneath her shirt was a button down, white in color, and not button up all the way, the last button just above her undergarments. It was dimpled with wet spots, making those areas see through, in those spots you would be able to see her scales reflecting light, they seemed to be in a spiraling design up her sides and to her back.Going as far as spiraling all the way up to her neck and forehead. Eisi sat back down as she tried to comb through her wild long hair. Her mothers necklace hung out around her neck, it was long and made of opal shells, At the bottom one large bright blue shell, it glimmered in the light as it softly tapped the table.

In this light she looked up back at Darren. "As you can see Im different then just human." she smiled, "And thank you." The translator turned to Darren and stared to speak to him.

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What did you just say? (Darren)

Postby Cheshire on March 22nd, 2011, 11:36 pm


Character: Eisi
Experience: Observation +1, Acting +1, Intimidation +1
Lore: Feeling Like an Outsider, Strong Sympathy, Lowering Your Guard, Lost in Translation

Character: Darren
Experience: Observation +1, Seduction +1, Intimidation +1, Unarmed Combat +1, Flux +1
Lore: Broken Conversation, Easily Exciteable, Lost in Translation, Making a Scene

Additional Note: Darren and Eisi now know Common a little better. Eisi now knows a bit more of Vani.

Very interesting thread you too. PM me with any concerns.
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