Blythe walked along in silence, her arms were folded over her chest, trying to lock in as much heat as possible. Syliras was nothing like her home in Mura, the winters in Syliras were far colder, and Blythe found herself struggling to adjust. For even at this time of year, Mura was warm. No matter if the sun had gone down, and the wind was raging, everything was peaceful there. Blythe was learning rather rapidly that Syliras was not like that. The wind always whistled, and seemed to seep through one's flesh and into their bones. One's hair was always whipping wildly around them, occasionally flying into one's eyes and mouth until it was spat back out, only to repeat the process.
Blythe was rubbing her hands over her arms, as her teeth chattered, and her skin grew cool. Her bag bumped along on her back with each of her steps, as she trekked through the fields, and the mud, which would occasionally seep into the spaces between her toes. Should have bought a pair of boots. Blythe silently scolded herself. These gladiator sandals just don't cut it in other portions of the world. Blythe sighed. She had reached the entrance of the mines. People seemed to have paid her little mind, and simply continued on with their work. Blythe could see the occasional mule pulling a cart along. They would stomp the mud, squishing it around their hooves, snort, and swat away imaginary flies with the steady swishing of their tails. Workers shouted back and forth amongst themselves, and the clicking and clacking of picks on iron ore could be heard reverberating through the mine, and echoing out into the open.
Tired from her journey, Blythe looked around. No one seemed friendly enough to approach, or willing to stop working in order to show her around the mine. Blythe sighed heavily, she supposed she would just have to take a quick break, and then explore the mines on her own. She looked around, and eventually spotted a rather large grey rock. Blythe walked over to it, and then sat down upon the flattest portion. The stone was cold, and did little to help her warm up, since it hadn't been kissed by the sun's morning rays. But, at least it got Blythe off her feet, and gave her a chance to rest.
Blythe lifted her bag off her shoulders, and gingerly placed it on her lap. There wasn't much inside- just some money, a little bit of food, toiletries, waterskin, journal, flint and steel, letter from Nualla to her sister, and her eating knife. Just the things she would absolutely need to get by; nothing more, nothing less. Blythe opened the bag, she dug around inside until she felt worn paper beneath her fingertips. She wrapped her hand around it, and then pulled Nualla's envelope out of her bag. Blythe simply stared at it. The envelope was crumpled, the paper frayed a bit at the edges. It was although Nualla had sealed whatever was inside many, many moons ago, and hadn't yet had the chance to deliver it. Now that was Blythe's job. If only she knew who Nualla's sister was, the task would be far easier. She never did get a name.
Blythe turned the envelope over and over in her hands. She couldn't help but wonder what was inside, and who it was for. Was Nualla's sister another Konti, or was she a woman of another race? Perhaps only a half sister with dark red hair or something. Did the envelope only contain a letter, or something more? The envelope didn't feel too heavy to Blythe, yet, it wasn't too light either. Perhaps it is a very lengthy letter. Blythe turned the envelope over a few more times. She wanted to know what was inside. Curiosity always killed her. She hated surprises, and always wanted to be in the know. Blythe was tempted to simply open it. But that wouldn't be the right thing to do. Nualla had trusted her with the envelope, and Blythe knew that if she had trusted Nualla with an envelope for one of her sisters, she sure as heck wouldn't want the other Konti to open it. But then again Nualla wasn't here, now was she?
Blythe smiled playfully. She'd never even know. Nualla isn't even here to see you open it. Besides, if you're that worried, you could always stick whatever it is in a brand new envelope. Get rid of the evidence, make it look as though nothing at all has happened. You could even crinkle the envelope a bit, give it a rather well-traveled appearance. Blythe flipped the envelope over as her bag sank into her lap. The top of the flap was facing towards her. Blythe stuck her finger into the side of the envelope, lifting the paper flap slightly. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She was feeling such a strange rush. She could feel blood rushing behind her temples. Just open it. You can do it. Blythe made the tiniest of tears in the paper. You know you want to.
Suddenly, Blythe pulled her eyes away from her task, and looked up. She was certain she had heard someone calling her. She felt like she had been caught red-handed, a kid trying to sneak cookies from the cookie jar before dinner time. Petch! Blythe pulled her fingers away from the seal of the envelope, and quickly shoved the envelope back inside her bag. Blythe closed her bag, and tossed it back over her shoulders, as she looked around for the source of the sound. "Hello! You were saying?" Blythe called out to whomever was speaking.
OOCI read the lore and what not, but haven't really rped in Syliras, so if something is wrong, please pm me and I can fix it. Thanks.
Stuff in bold is Blythe thinking. |