by Darren on March 10th, 2011, 9:34 pm
Darren nodded in approval as she repeated the Vani word for tree. "IS GOOD" he said so that she understood she got it right. While they continued walking towards the she started talking again. He turned to try to understand what she is saying Parfart is good? But bad? He turned to see the Konti say Parfart again as she played out a scene. His eyes popped up in confusion as he watched her look like she was a victim to a random force, That parfart? he thought wildly looking at her warily. He was almost shaking as she suddenly walked towards him and took his hand. Oh no! I am parfart? he thought as he recalled the scene that showed what a parfart was. A mysterious look in her eye as she grabbed his face "Parfart bad, is no no." His face was shaking from fear as he watched her bring her face close to his, he was surprised as she suddenly kissed him a look of amazement on his face as he touched the area where she just kissed him. A bit shocked, he smiled shyly at her as he said that the fort was nearby and they could finally sleep and rest now.
Suddenly she turned to him with what he could only describe as evil, hungry eyes as she dropped his coat and ran towards the hold. What was that? he thought as he caught his coat and watched her run to the hold...very slowly. Parfart is bad...maybe that kiss was actually her tasting him?!?! His mind suddenly panicking again as his head rushed a mile a minute. OH NO! She said I was parfart. I was the one getting attacked by the random force (her), I am the one she tasted, maybe she spared him since he helped her out. But when the hold came she suddenly made a rush to the hold. SHE'S GONNA MAKE THE PEOPLE IN THE HOLD PARFARTS!!!
Ahhhh!!!! NOOOO!!!!! he screamed dropping all of her stuff and running towards her. He called out to the people who were hanging outside the hold who watched curiously. RUNNN!!!!! GET AWAY!!! THAT GIRL IS GOING TO EAT YOU AND MAKE YOU PARFARTS!!! RUN!!! SHE HAS ALREADY TASTED HUMAN FLESH AND WILL EAT YOU ALIVE!!!!
Seeing the sign of a normally sane Vantha like Darren scream out a bloody tale of horror and seeing Eisi,the white girl with scales on around her body and a seemingly demonic look she had on her face the people in the hold started to panic. The kids that were playing in the front cried out in horror as they ran away to their parent for safety. Women looking to get away grabbing what they can and headed to the hold. Men grabbing their sons and daughters and giving them to the mothers for safekeeping turned and made a small group as they formed up and started charging in unison with a riot-like mentality as they started running towards Eisi. |
Last edited by
Darren on March 14th, 2011, 11:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
The original PC of Miria and Bolivar