The two guards had been standing idly outside the main door for nearing on three hours now. Their shift was almost ended here, and after, rhey would go their different ways. Liyu was set to go home to the wife and kids after this, and Janeo was to go and stand in the alchemy lab for the next four hours. Both were antsy to move. Their master had an ominous reputation, which was only added to by the amount of black-donned guards that crawled the outside and the inside of Sakana Dai's home. That being said, they very rarely had people walk right up to them and entreat entry. People who went into Sakana Dai's home were usually only invited by Sakana Dai himself.
"We should sit down, Liyu," whined Janeo to the other man. They weren't technically supposed to sit down. It wasn't allowed. But Janeo had stood here for almost three hours and had four hours left. It was alright for Liyu, he got to go home to his wife - who was widely known amongst the guards as one of the kindest women and best cooks in Lhavit (she often packed lunches for whoever was on guard duty with Liyu. Janeo had eaten his almost immediately, and had spent the entire shift wanting more.) "It's not like they'd KNOW!" Liyu fixed his stern glare upon the immature Janeo. The young ones these days... "Janeo, it is against the rules. Endure. Stand. That is what a good guard does - he sticks it through what is tough." Janeo sighed, completely sick of the man's motivational sayings. Just because Liyu was 38 and he was 28.
Janeo's boredom was assuaged as a man walked up to them, with a strange arm and a determined look on his face. He took a step forward, excitedly, opening his mouth to say something to the newcomer, but Liyu shot out his arm and halted him, with a swift glance. He slunk back behind Liyu, deference to the older, but watched interestingly to see what the only newcomer of the day had to say. It was so very rare that a new comer waltzed right up to the door without being escorted by someone through a preorganised visit. Janeo's excitement was unexpectedly shut down when the man spoke in Common. He didn't speak Common. Fortunately, Liyu did.
"Welcome, sir," Liyu murmured in Common, bowing respectfully. Janeo watched their lips carefully, then hastily followed in his example. "My fellow guard will escort you to Sakana Dai's audience chamber." He inclined his head respectfully, then turned to Janeo, and spoke quickly in Lhavitian. "Take him to the entrance chamber. Be quick and don't be foolish, Janeo." Janeo jumped forward with a smile, beckoned hurriedly to the Isur and pushed open the heavy door, bouncing forward the few steps. He paused, wondering through what Common he knew to see if he knew how to say "stay". He didn't - the only Common he knew was "Good morning!" He pondered for a moment, then gestured his hand, palm out, as if to say "Stay here!" He grinned and yelled out in Common "Good morning!" and scurried off into the entrance chamber.
Navir would wait a few minutes, tapping his foot impatiently, whilst Janeo told the guard within that someone was seeking audience with Sakana Dai. A flurry of activity occured, while Janeo ran back outside to his post (through the back door so that Navir did not see him). Sakana Dai was said to be reading in the library, and his closest guard ran off to summon him. Sakana took his sweet, sweet time in making his way downstairs.
A full ten minutes later, Navir heard "ENTER!" bellowed first in Lhavitian, and then in Common. Once he had pushed open the door, he would see Sakana Dai, sitting there in all his Ethaefal glory. His skin glittered for the realm of Syna, and he sat with a passive smile on his face, seeming detached from the rest of the world. He gestured for Navir to sit in the hard chair opposite, and waited for the Isur to sit before he began to speak. "Welcome, Isur. What is your name and what do you seek?" His voice was quiet, so Navir would have to strain to hear it. It was soft, melodic, and sweet. It was a beautiful divine voice, which perfectly matched his beautiful divine body and soul. |