Elkrider (Open)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Elkrider (Open)

Postby Cara on March 16th, 2011, 2:19 am

Cara lifted her hands to her hood, and dragged it up and over her face. She saw no reason to make the hunt any easier on the ice watch. But of course, her footprints always had to give her away. "Stupid snow," she muttered angrily as she walked along, hopefully in the direction of her hold. She wasn't really sure where she was going, with the dark keeping her from seeing as clearly as she did during the day, nonetheless, she knew that as soon as she found one hold, she'd know where each of them hid. Cara would have started a small djed flame to light her way, but she didn't want to over-exert herself, or further draw any attention to her. So the darkness would have to do.

Cara walked along in silence for a few minutes, the only sound that filled the air was the occasional grunt and howling of animals, as well as the crunching of her feet in the snow. She was actually going to get away with sneaking out, and starting fires. A small smile spread across Cara's face as her eyes glimmered. Too bad for Berus and Darren, surely the same can't be said of them. The two are probably begging for a more lenient punishment this very instant. Cara's smile widened as she quickened her step through the snow. The wind was picking up, causing Cara to shiver a bit. She should hurry up before she froze, or was caught...

As Cara walked, she was certain she heard footsteps coming from behind her. Not wanting to make any noise, she simply stopped in place, turned, and looked over her shoulder. She couldn't see anything. Perhaps it was just the wind. Or a figment of one's slightly over-active imagination. Cara turned back around, and continued walking. She took another few steps before she heard a heavy crunching sound coming from behind her; more footsteps. Whatever made them sounded like it was moving at a similar pace, and was much larger than she, or at least, far noisier, and not at all attempting to mask its movements. Cara turned to look over her shoulder again, and there, off in the distance, perhaps fifty feet away, was a polar bear. Cara's eyes grew wide. "Petch," she whispered into the cool wind. Why did they have to send out the bloody polar bears? Cara's brain cried. She couldn't exactly fight the polar bears with her magic, as she could the fools she had met in the pen. Well, technically she could, but it wouldn't be a very good idea.

Cara froze, her arms hovered at her side as she turned back around. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Perhaps if she doesn't move, it won't notice her, and will simply move on and leave her alone. Cara stood, doing her best not to sweat; to move, to give away her current location. The bear growled. Petch! Does that mean it saw her? Cara turned her head left and then right, there didn't seem to be anyone or anything coming from that direction. But she did hear something else. When Cara had turned to face forward again, she noticed yet another polar bear. Another one? As if one of those over-sized white bears wasn't enough? TWO BLOODY POLAR BEARS, come to kill Cara? Or erm... capture Cara and then turn her in? Perfect, just what she needed right now. Cara's breath caught in her throat. She had definitely spoken too soon. She looked all around her again, certainly there had to be a way out of this mess.
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Elkrider (Open)

Postby Darren on March 16th, 2011, 9:54 pm

Darren pumped his legs furiously as he tried to navigate quickly through the snow. Looking back he saw the rough outlines of the tracks behind him. The snow tracks caused him to pump faster a deep burn on his thighs and buttocks as he moved through the snow. He looked back to see the Icewatch rider burst through the fence sending bit and pieces of wood everywhere in the wake of it's power. Seeing this caused Darren's face to go pale as he turned to run at full steam to find Cara, with his little friend gaining. Eventually he made his way to a wooded forest in the area and decided his best to lose the bear through the trees.

With more of a focus on speed he just ran threw with no mind paid to stalling it as the trees did their jobs without guidance. He got a safe distance as he turned, he watched as the bear struggle to navigate between the trees and the dead broken branches on the ground. Grinning at his success he left the watcher to glare at him as he left him in the forest. He managed to make it up a small hill and slide down as the rider and causing the rider to lose sight of him. He moved to the side before he ran to cover. The rider made it to the top of the hill and surveyed the area around him, while Darren hid under a thin blanket of snow. Darren watched as the IceWatch member started off in the opposite direction and sneaked off.

This left him running blindly in the snow as he ventured around the woods of Avanthal. Eventually he was able to come to a clearing seeing Cara finally. Finally...so that's where she went he thought as he started heading towards her. Watching her suddenly react caused him to freeze for a bit as she flailed violently back...but she didn't see him. He watched as she looked back again with a somewhat scared demeanor, not wanting to let this opportunity get passed up he started towards to her from the woods and attempted to wrestle her to the ground.
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Elkrider (Open)

Postby Cara on March 17th, 2011, 4:18 am

Cara's eyes were growing wider and wider. Her irises had turned a bright red color, displaying her current level of fear. The girl looked all around her. There just had to be a way out. Maybe she could climb a tree or something? There are no trees. Why aren't there trees on her side of the polar bears? "Even if there were, I'd actually have to climb them." Plan B: Run! But where, the darn polar bears are everywhere. Plan C: Admit defeat and beg for mercy from the over-sized white bears and the Icewatch. No, not yet, that could be Plan Z, you have to go through the whole alphabet first and exhaust all your options. Plan C promptly became plan Z. Plan C (Revised): Light the bears on fire and then run for your life. No, no, that would be too dangerous. The watch would kill you if the bears or your massive over-giving didn't. Can you say severe internal bleeding? Cara's heart continued to pound in her chest.

Think Cara, think. There has to be something. Plan D: Hide yourself and maybe the big mean bears won't notice you. But where to hide? All there is is snow, snow, and more snow! And you're wearing black. Ohhh why'd you have to wear black? At least if your bloody cloak was white you could blend into the snow and actually stand a chance! Cara rolled her eyes. The invisible clock was ticking, and she was rapidly running out of time. Plan E: Light yourself on fire using your magic. That will get you out of trouble. Cara rolled her eyes. Never-mind, that would kill you. "No kidding," Cara mumbled under her breath as she continued to stand awkwardly between the advancing polar bears. Plan F: Tame the dire polar bear Kelvics, turn your enemies into your friends, and then ride them triumphantly back to the Frostfawn hold. Cara snorted. Not even in her dreams. Plan G: Dig a very large hole in the ground, and don't come out until morning. "Ground's too hard, and we don't have enough time for that," Cara whispered. "Next." Plan H: Hide behind a tree. "We already established there were none we could get to," Cara replied calmly. Oh... right. Plan J. "You skipped I!" Cara whispered, alarmed at her own sad excuse for a mind. It looked like the polar bears were going to get her after all. You could...

Cara's thoughts were rudely interrupted when someone or something came hurling into her. Cara went flying backwards, and landed on her back with a muffled thud. Several feet of glistening white snow cushioned her fall, and sunk around her body, as well as that of the person who had tackled her. Instantly, Cara's head began to ache, and she groaned. Her eyes closed for a moment, as she tried to block out the pain. It didn't work. Cara opened her eyes again, and noticed that Darren was on top of her. "Darren, what in Morwen's name is your problem? Are you trying to get us both into even more trouble?" Cara hissed, her eyes were flashing. "Didn't you notice the damn polar bears on your way in? Or were you too busy trying to get your revenge?" Cara asked. She waited only a second for an answer. "Well, you got your revenge. We're both screwed now thanks to you," she said as she pushed him off her and sat up. Several snow flurries clung to her clothing, and Cara quickly brushed them off. "You really should try to lose some weight," Cara commented, "you're getting kind of heavy you know."

As soon as she had gotten all the snow flurries she could off her clothing, Cara looked up and around the clearing again. A confused expression soon crossed her face when all she saw was snow, a smattering of trees, and of course Darren, who more then likely had a stupid grin upon his face right now. Cara raised her hands to her eyes, and rubbed them. She had to be imagining things, she saw two whole polar bears only minutes ago. Surely they hadn't just left the troublemakers alone in the snow? Cara lowered her hands again after a few seconds, and rested them in her lap. It took a moment for her vision to re-adjust to the night, and when they had, Cara looked around again. The polar bears still weren't there. "Hey Darren, what happened to the polar bears?" Cara inquired, genuinely perplexed by their disappearance.
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Elkrider (Open)

Postby Darren on March 17th, 2011, 10:11 pm

Darren actually was grinning proudly that his little ambush was successful as he got pushed off of Cara. "Hey now... that's not fat you know." He said obviously offended, "I've been working out for almost all my life, if you haven't noticed. We can't be all long and slender as you" he joked as she brushed herself off. He got up himself as he turned to look around in response to Cara's question. He looked to the around and saw there wasn't anything that might have resembled a bear. He looked at her suspiciously as he adjusted his gloves. "I lost my guy through the woods. The Kelvic ended up having to shift back and waste some time giving me a chance to hide out a bit." He paused remembering the scene while picking up a bit of snow shaping it into a ball, "You know I think the only reason he didn't find me was because someone was making a ridiculous amount of noise not too far away from us. Probably Berus, he's actually somewhat reliable you know?"

He looked around, snow. Snow.... and even more snow... Sigh* Even if we were to move I doubt we'd get anywhere soon...he thought. "Heh, since there's nothing else to do..." he said as he hurled a snowball playfully at Cara. He then attempted to pin her back to the ground as the snowball flew "Let's have a private little sparring session!" he said starting to sound completely insane with a wide smile on his face. "Besides..." he said as he moved back readjusting his gloves, a full flow of djed focusing on his upper body. He looked up at her with flirting eyes. "...If we get caught we can just say we were out alone on a date." he said as he punched a nearby snowbank at Cara.
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Elkrider (Open)

Postby Cara on March 18th, 2011, 12:32 am

"Well it certainly doesn't show," Cara said icily as she listened to Darren brag about his great escape. "He is good at getting himself into trouble," Cara replied. "But that doesn't mean that he made your apparent 'escape,' any easier. Not to mention, if the watch actually DID see you up there, they would have killed you." Cara paused, "which means you're just lying in a sad attempt to impress someone." She paused again. "Just so you know, I'm not impressed," Cara hissed as she crossed her arms over her chest. His attempts at trying to win her over were simply growing more and more pathetic by the minute.

Just then, a snowball hit Cara in the face. Slowly melting snow, and slightly-flattened ice flurries dripped down the front of her face, and dropped down into her lap. Instantly, Cara's face began to turn white with the cold, and her expression turned to one of anger as she raised her right hand and slid it down her face, starting with her forehead. She wiped all the snow away and stared at Darren angrily. Her eyes were blazing, her irises a ruby red. "Real mature Darren," Cara said sarcastically. It felt as though whatever moisture remained was slowly freezing to her face. Cara shuddered. "Real fucking mature you over-sized toddler," she said as he fell into her, more than likely trying to pin her to the ground.

Cara's tiny arms trembled beneath the man's weight as she tried to fight him off. "You are so lucky I don't have use of my hands right now," Cara growled as he pushed her arms over her head, and she fell back into the snow. Her head was cushioned by a cold white expanse, and her hands were pinned over her head by Darren's own. He seemed to hesitate only for a moment, as though her threats had actually meant something. But perhaps he changed his mind, or simply stopped caring. She was going to kill him anyway, no matter what he did, so he might as well enjoy himself beforehand.

Darren seemed to smile playfully as he let go of Cara's arms for a moment, and adjusted his gloves. Cara smiled. "Thank you for letting go," she said, as she tried to squirm out from beneath Darren's body. She could barely breath now that he had been sitting on her chest for so long. "You can let me up now," Cara growled, when she only managed to wiggle an inch. For an instant, Darren made no move, but when he did, all Cara saw was a flurry of white before she closed her eyes.

Cara growled again. "Darren you asshole! I am going to kill you when I get up!" she said as she began to squirm again, and managed to finally wiggle herself out from beneath him. Cara quickly wiped the snow on her face away before glaring at him. "And this isn't exactly what you'd call a date!" Cara shouted as she lunged for him, pressing her hands into his shoulders when they made contact, and doing her best to push him into the snow. The two wrestled for a few minutes; apparently, Darren didn't appreciate girls on top. But eventually, Cara managed to pin him. Of course, now she was nearly breathless and her heart was pounding in her tiny rib cage. So perhaps it wasn't worth it.

Cara closed her eyes, as she pressed her legs into Darren's sides. She was sitting atop his chest and concentrating. She imagined her djed flowing into a small sphere that hovered above her right hand. She could feel her fingertips tingling, sense the magic in the air, almost smell the fire she was about to make. She smiled wickedly as she opened her eyes, and saw the thing she had merely sensed before; a translucent orb of light blue res hovering just over the palm of her right hand. Cara lifted her hand past Darren's head, and then turned it over so that her palm faced the snow. Cara then ignited the center of the orb, as it dropped into the snow. Although the orb wasn't fully ignited, it gave off a warm orange glow, and the heat of an average fire. Cara would have ignited the outside of the res orb as well, but she didn't want the snow to put it out right away. Perhaps, Cara thought, her magical creation would be enough to make Darren nervous. Of course, if it wasn't, she could always light him on fire.

Cara smiled evily as her eyes became bloodshot once more, and her heart rate began to quicken. She simply found the use of her magic so strangely intoxicating. The fact that she may very well scare the man foolish enough to hit on her, was simply an added bonus; merely accentuating Cara's growing level of satisfaction in her own actions.

OOCI figured it would be ok to roll around a bit... since your pc wanted to anyway. If this is in no way ok with you, PLEASE pm me and I can edit it for you.

P.S. Feel free to tumble around and be your usual silly self. Just don't burn Cara's hair off or anything.
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Elkrider (Open)

Postby Darren on March 19th, 2011, 3:51 am

Cara squirming under his grasp Darren had a grin on his face as he tried to wrest her to the ground, showing his dominance over her. "Heh, Cara you here looking, all powerless is really a sight to see..." he said trying to press his advantage leaning in to make things even more uncomfortable for her. Unfortunately this actually helped her escape lunging at him mostly surprised he didn't have time to react to her attempts to overpower him. Eventually he lost his footing since he got into a position where Cara was pinning him down. He had a somewhat annoyed face at this apparent shift of power, but he soon found a reason to smile. "Hmm... this position isn't too bad either" he said smiling a mischievous smile. He was pretty happy for once, the ice queen Cara herself was having fun with him in the snow with their little "spar", he even got to see her smile a few times.

Hmm, yep nothing can ruin thi
-his thoughts were stopped short as Cara body began to pulsate on him, the pulsing back and forth motions surprising him. Wait! Is she going to straddle and ride me? he thought as he looked up at her with surprised eyes. "Hey...Cara?' As he finished saying that her eyes snapped open with a evil smile on her face. OH NOES!!! She is gonna take me right here! Right now! I'm not ready!!!! he thought as his face scrunched up and looking as if he wanted to withdraw into the snow. Trying to move his body away from her as her hand moved towards him. He watched as the djed formed up in her hand right next to him. The center of the flame igniting and leaving a soothing wave of heat hit his face.

By then Darren wasn't playing anymore. He started freaking out moving every which way kicking his feel out as he tried to shove Cara off of him. "Noooo!!! Not like this! Cara! Noooo!!!" he said as he made small attempts to push her off from under him. Eventually, his hands turned into palms as they started to turn into full range blows attacking Cara from the laid back position.

The two went at it pitting reimacy against flux destroying the general area around them. Darren smacking snow and debris around while Cara threw fire move after another causing a heavy mist and small fires around the area. Finally Darren got close and tackled her to the ground. Straddling on top of her, a smile started forming on his face "Your mine."

The sound of by the two sparring was enough to alert the riders from quite a distance. They swiveled as they then headed towards the sound of the two. When they the Icewatch polar riders caught up they saw Darren and Cara in the middle of a circle of destruction.

"...Um what are you doing?"

Darren and Cara turned to see three IceWatch riders with their weapons pointed at them a condescending look in their eyes. Darren seeing this was a bit discouraged as he tried to sell them his premeditated lie. "Erm...we were out on a date,and ehehe" He started but soon hesitated as he saw that they didn't seem to buy it. He glared at them, angry that Cara and him got caught. "What? We like it rough..." he managed to mumble helping Cara up and hugging her from behind with a fierce face.
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Elkrider (Open)

Postby Cheshire on May 23rd, 2011, 7:40 pm


Character: Berus
Experience: Camoflauge +1, Observation +1, Stealth +1, Interrogation +1, Riding (Elk) +1, Larceny +1
Lore: Planning a Crime, Trying to Remember a Face, How to Approach Animals Correctly (Basic), Accepting a Bet, Losing a Bet

Character: Cara
Experience: Reimancy +3, Interogation +1, Intimidation +1, Animal Husbandry +2, Running +1
Lore: Protecting the Animals, How to Approach Animals Correctly, Proposing a Bet, Winning a Bet

Character: Darren
Experience: Camoflauge +1, Stealth +2, Flux +2, Riding (Elk) +2, Running +1, Weapon (Snowball)+1, Seduction +2
Lore: Not Subtle at All, How to Aproach Animals Correctly (Basic), Accepting a Bet, Losing a Bet

Additional Note: Berus and Darren have to work for Daluna for two weeks since they stole her livestock. Cara has to work for her for three days since she did not do much except rile them up a bit. Each of you need to do at least one thread depicting your work for her. Darren, remember to stick to your skills. You do not have any skills in riding or animal husbandry so you cannot ride well or have animals be that comfortable around you that fast. Berus, good job on sucking at riding an Elk. PM me with concerns.
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen
When I was just a kitten,
They said I'd be a gem.
But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat,
It's odd how odd I am...
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