(Anyone can join in this thread)
Season of Spring, Day 20, 511 AV
Astrea, walking out of the orphanage, ran out into the streets with a smile on her face. She was finally free to rome where ever she pleased. Her care takers in the orphanage finally decided she was old enough to live on her own, they just gave her simple instructions to go to the Employment Office and apply for a job, but Astrea wanted to enjoy herself before she had to go get a job. For all her life she had been trapped in the orphanage forced to do house work and watch after all the other children, but now she is her own person. She was only 17 years old, but she felt she was ready to become a woman and to travel all over the world. Problem was she needed a horse and a lot of supplies to travel, but to get that you needed money which required a job. As she walked down the streets she realized she knew no one there other then the children of the orphanage. Maybe now would be a good time to socialize with other people her age. Her shoes cliped against the cobble stone roads as she walked deeper into the city taking in all the excitement she had been kept away from.