OOCHey Isette, just something I didn't notice, but Tao didn't actually get Miruku until the 24th Spring. So if you could adjust the timestamp to fit that (about a week later would be nice), that would be great. 
“We're not getting anything to eat.”
“No, really, I'm shopping for... clothing. That's the word. I don't know why you wanted to come along.”
He knew that they were probably a strange sight; a young man with a black and white kitten draped over a shoulder, arguing fiercely in Lhavitian. He was never quite sure how much Miruku really understood, but it was nothing but practice for his language skills, and he had to admit that he secretly enjoyed her company.
They had been together for about a week, despite his fear that she would run off as soon as he got boring or didn't feed her. But every morning, she was sleeping on his chest, or more likely taking up more space on the bed than he was.
What he hadn't expected was the way that she would follow him, out on his walks, while he was shopping, to work, and then back home again. She never stuck around long when the Fleeting Comet came into view (Chef Yoren had dealt with the demanding fuzzball with a tub of dirty washing water, ensuring that she would avoid the restaurant for the rest of her life), but otherwise, she was nearly constantly by his side.
Well, except when he was being boring. Then she would take off and entertain herself until dinnertime, usually heralding a few angry people at his door, demanding the return of stolen trinkets.
He feared that tonight was probably going to result in another little 'incident', as no doubt once Miruku realised he really wasn't going to the magical meat store and instead just purchasing a new pair of shoes, she would likely be off, and no amount of barely competant Lhavitian would keep her whiskers out of shenanigans.
Sure enough to his prediction, she leapt off his shoulder after a few minutes with a soft yowl, tail pointed straight up in the air as she darted off after something apparently more interesting than her owner.
“Miruku!” He called after her, though it was more out of habit than actual concern. Tao had panicked the first time she had bolted, and spent hours searching for her, all sorts of dreadful thoughts running through his head. And when he had finally returned home, she had been sitting outside the door, waiting for him with what he swore was a smug smile on her face.
I hope she doesn't do anything too stupid. He thought, scrunching up his nose and biting his lip. There wasn't much else he could do until she decided to return, hopefully without an angry mob.
Meanwhile, the young, fluffy cat made her way through the crowds, approaching a nearby food stall, where the owners cooked little pastries out in the open as a novelty to attract more customers. The food smelled good to her twitching pink nose, and she was going to see about getting a hold of some of it. She had only been fed three times today, after all.