Season of Spring, Day 5, 511 AV
Even though it was spring Vhanet still clutched her fur lined cloak close about her as she wandered the streets of Alvadas. Even with the weather warming it was much colder her than the home she had grown in. Despite the chill though she had been enjoying her time in the city of illusions so far. Ever changing and chaotic she delighted in every surprise that she came across, and hunting here had also proved more enjoyable than she had had in a long time.
She was not hunting today, at least not for food. She had eaten a fair amount lately, and so while it digested she roamed the city. She did not care where she ended up, or what she found, she just wanted to see where things would lead her if she followed the paths that appeared before her. So she walked the streets of Alvadas, turning where she wanted, her dark eyes searching for something or someone of interest to play with.