The Coiled Viper
Basic Information
Race: Viper Dhani
Age: 30 years of age
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 160 Ibs
Lunarus is a pale skinned Dhani viper assasin, he stands at 5'9 feet and weighs approximately 160 Ibs. Lunarus dresses in dark clothing perfectly suited for camouflage in the night while on the offensive. He wields a slick sword, so thin and made beautifully to attack most foes find themselves dead before they even realise his flash of a sword has even been drawn. He also has a poisoned tiger claw equipped upon his left hand, especially usefull for quick poisonous slashes that can paralyze his enemies with a speciall made poison that affects his enemies within seconds. He has long black hair that falls past his shoulders, it's black texture is almost as if his hair was dipped in poisonous ink and dyed that colour. Lunarus also wears a pair of large silver goggles over his eyes to protect his eyes from being dirtied while he fights, for he is an assassin and knows that eyes are susceptible to most dangers.
Character Concept
Lunarus has a type of personality that distrusts anyone and everyone, he is not to be taken lightly. He holds no people dear to him, perhaps the only person he see's worthy of his trust is solely himself. Inside of Lunarus' steel like exterior though he holds a dearness for his goddess' the great Caiyha and Siku. He shows no compassion or sympathy for any living creature even his own people he will never fight for. He only fights for one thing, survival, Lunarus lives off of killing the lives of others for money and does not care who they are. Lunarus is by nature a mercenary for hire that will kill anyone depending on the price. He will never let anyone become attached to him, although he does hold the ability to appear as if he is allowing other people into his life. Only an illusion though that he has mastered through his lifetime of killing.
Character History
Lunarus wasn't always a cold hearted killer, he was originally just a small childling Dhani living with his mother and father. That is until one day a group of bandit's comprised of many different races attacked Lunarus' nest one faithfull night. All that was to be said is that they swept throughout his nest in one fell swoop and slaughtered the majority of his nest. He would have been slaughtered as well had not one of the bandits named Sonoriss, a viper Dhani much like those that he slaughtered spare little Lunarus' life and took him in as his own youngling. Sonoriss then brought up young Lunarus as his own amongst the bandits, they taught him how to kill and steal with stealth. They taught him how to administer slow acting poisons to rich people to gain all of their belongings in exchange for their lives, which rarely involved an antidote. They taught him the ways of the bandit, unbeknownst to Lunarus, Lunarus did not know that the bandits had murdered his entire nest including his mother and father. One day he was walking through the camp to get some food when he came to a tent. He overheard Sonoriss talking to another of the bandit chieftains about something. It was Lunarus they spoke of, as Lunarus listened intently that night he discovered his true heritage and reasons for being fostered in a bandit camp. With that he grew into an inexplicable rage, they had taken his family and people away from him! That night Lunarus was on cooking duty and slipped some Hemlock into the stew, watching as he poisoned every single one of his so called comrades. After he had killed the majority of the group he ran to Sonoriss' master ten, fell by his side feigning that the men had been killed and he was the only survivor within the camp presently. Sonoriss' was in utter shock and conforted the boy as best he could, little did he know Lunarus' eager hands were slowly moving towards his leaders unwatched sword. With one fell swoop Lunarus grabbed his master's sword and slashed his head off, bathing in Sonoruss' blood. While in tears from what he had just done, killing the man he loved so dear and hated just the same for tearing apart his life he looked at a figure upon the tent wall. It was a painting of two snake goddess' intertwining bodies, obviously Sonoriss', they were the goddess' Caiyha and Siku. They were his only friends and his only family from that point onward, as Lunarus looked at the painting he grabbed his new bloody sword with one hand and Sonoriss' head with the other. And with that he left the encampment never to return ready to feed Sonoriss' head to the wolves so he would never be known ever to have lived.