Spring 1, AV 511
I purchased you at my brother’s suggestion for the dual purpose of improving my Common and recording my thoughts so that I will have a record of my journey and to keep myself motivated on my new chosen path. I'm not sure if thats a good way to start of a journal... I have decided to embark on a new journey; casting aside my dreams of becoming a bard to instead pursue adventuring. I just spoke of adventuring as if it was a job. How funny. I hate jobs! I’m sure it will involve work but I do hope it is far more fun than cleaning out animal stalls or reorganizing a book collection. Or three.
Today was rather eventful. The morning passed by without too much of a fuss aside from an argument between I and my parents. They still insist on me getting a job despite the fact that I’ve always managed to scrounge up the money in various ways. How annoying. I know they worry about me yet I can not stand working. It’s just too darn boring. Oh well. In the afternoon my cousin Kain and I decided to hit Red Diamond Tavern with our flute and lyre duo after we heard no one else was performing that night. It was very fun but I managed to obtain a couple of bruises from a foolish fall and he even ran face-first into a wall! I have to admit that was rather priceless.
Running into that wall apparently knocked something into him. He seemed to go berserk as he confronted me about my dream to go out into the world and go adventuring. It seems that he has taken a bit of a liking to the notion and has given me a rather large push down that path. We have decided that we shall set out together at the end of the season after we have suitably prepared ourselves. I suppose I’ll owe it all to Kain when I write the book of tales of my adventures.
If I don’t get eaten or slain of course!
I will need:
- Enough money to pay off my debts.
- Good skill in a weapon and the ability to defend myself unarmed.
- A weapon that will fit my size.
- Supplies to survive in the wilderness.
- A horse that doesn’t leave piles of manure every five steps.
- A stylish hat with a magnificent feather.
- A direction.
The adrenaline from my earlier performance with Kain is starting to wear off and everyone else has tumbled off to bed so I am getting rather tired. I will write more when something else that’s interesting wanders along.
Good night, Log.
- BS