Isette: +1 Tracking, +1 Acrobatics, +1 Running, +2 Teaching
Soren Thundersong: +1 Medicine, +2 Teaching, +1 Seduction
Isette: Being chased, Limited understanding of Common, Common (Basic), Being kissed, Demanding payment for your body, Foreigners are weird, Avoiding being touched, Soren Thundersong
Soren Thundersong: Offering food to a stray, Being attracted to naked Kelvics, Lhavitian (Poor), Abstract concepts in Common, Kissing, Nonreciprocal feelings, Buying a pretty girl pretty things, Isette
Nice thread guys, very cute. Just a note, it's poor form to copy and paste the other person's dialogue into your post. Soren, please subtract 25gm/kina from your ledger. I look forward to seeing further interactions from you. Questions/queries/concerns, PM me. <3