[Open; Outside the City] A moment of clarity

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

Re: [Open; Outside the City] A moment of clarity

Postby Sorian on January 9th, 2010, 8:28 am


The night was deep and quiet at the Sanctuary, with only the wind disturbing the twin's alert ears once Kavala's footsteps have faded into her room. A very tired, very sleepy eye momentarily peeked into the dimness of the kitchen, surveying the place to see if there is anything suspicious lurking around in the darkness. Finding nothing and once again being overwhelmed by the extend of his fatigue and spent emotions, he fell back into the hearse of his dreams, both peaceful and nightmarish.

It was already noon when he woke to the chirping of birds and a ray of sunlight that the window directed on his face, a groan touching his lips as he covered up with a blanket unconsciously, looking for a bit more of sleep. The cold floor was now somewhat warm, but it was more a product of his own mass rather than the heat of the morning. When he turned, he felt the discomfort of having wet blankets and an even more drenched body, sweat seeping out of the covers from every part of him.

Finally getting up from his makeshift futons, the hulking, sweaty mass of blue looked around his surroundings. Everything that had transpired the night before came back to his mind, yet some parts of his memories were being blocked by something. A stinging flash of pain creased his features, and he looked at the arm his other self had stabbed so recklessly. His eyes flew open in shock when he saw the bloodstains on the walls and some drops on the floor, and his mouth went agape, fearing the worst. It was apparent that this was Sorian, and not Navis.

Running out into the open grounds of Sanctuary in a frenetic state of confusion, the bright sun revealed to him that nothing of the worst sort had taken place last night. The horses were out in the pasture, and there was no sign of any trouble. Still his heart was not left complacent, and he rushed to Kavala's quarters upstairs, instinctively kicking the door open without any sort of courtesy or holding back. It crashed open into a dusty heap , the bottom part crushed in, splinters bristling from the bash it had sustained.

Inside he found Kavala's dirty, blood-soaked clothes and her medical kit lying on her bed, and his form sagged into the springy mattress with a look of confusion, anxiety and fear draping him. Had the thing inside him hurt her? Is she hurt? Is she even alive? He took the piece of fabric into his hands and sniffed at it, trying to remember how Kavala had smelled like. Lavender and soap filled his senses, but it was marred by the thickness of the blood on it.

The pain on his arm wracked him again, and he observed it carefully, trying not to let the stinging pain flush his consciousness away. To his logic's infinite relief, the wound was stitched-up neatly, meaning that Kavala was alive, and that the blood was his. A sigh of relief came to him, and he went downstairs with comfort in his heart, closing the banged-up door behind him, only for it to collapse into a heap on the floor--something which elicited a cringing wince from Sorian. He was going to get an earful for sure.

He went out into the pasture to greet Wind and the other horses good morning, the sun still hurting his eyes. He had been lounging too much in darkness, and his eyes were not used to the sun, especially when it was morning sunlight they were dealing with. He approached Wind carefully, his hands open to show that he meant no harm.

The great stallion wasn't too receptive at first, but once Sorian was already within the mighty kicking force of its legs, it braced itself, ready to fling its iron hooves into his body. Feeling the tension from Wind, Sorian nonetheless continued to approach, trying to tell it that it did not fear the unadulterated power springing from its lithe but supple legs. A touch to the mane gently developed into soothing, and eventually his rugged hands were tracing the neck of the creature. As a final gesture of friendliness, the wild Akalak let out an awkward but gentle hum, finally putting Wind at ease.

Kavala would arrive to find Sorian running with the horses in the pasture, his hair flying in the wind without restraint much like theirs were. His body wore the worked-up sweat like some cloak of manliness, highlighting the blue hues and providing it with a glint of moisture. His powerful legs, bare in the skimpy, torn, and long-abused trousers he wore, thrust into the ground like lightning bolts, and in his eyes were an unmistakable happiness. He was one with nature, and the freedom was intense, wild and unhindered, even if Sanctuary was the most civilized habitat he has had in a long time.
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Re: [Open; Outside the City] A moment of clarity

Postby Kavala on January 10th, 2010, 7:53 pm

She set the hammer down mid-morning, her curiosity finally getting the better of her. Long hair was twisted up in a braid and then secured at the nape of her neck though tendrils had fallen free from her efforts at the arena. It had another eight panels built, which meant if she kept it up she might have it a quarter of the way done by nightfall at the rate she was going now. But Kavala's thin arms were sore. She was still partially recovering from her ordeal, even months later, and hadn't quite put on the weight she'd lost from being starved in captivity so her body was relatively weak still. The hard work was helping, so too was the steady supply of food. But she just couldn't work as fast nor as hard as a stronger person could.

It was one of the reasons she needed to hire some help soon.

And speaking of help... the slumbering blue form had disappeared from his makeshift bed on the back porch of the clinic near the hearth and table. Part of her hoped he'd decided to move on, though the truth was she had enjoyed his company. It was always awkward, getting to know someone new, especially someone like Sorian and Navis. One didn't know how to greet them, what to call them, or how to truly act around them. Kavala was still slightly embarrassed about the previous night, and confused about it. She'd told Sorian things she hadn't told anyone else - not that she needed too. Everyone in Riverfall knew her story and it caused her to often make her trips to town quick, speaking to very few people and keeping within the confines of a deeply hooded cloak. Everyone was kind to her, but they were too kind. They tried too hard. No one really said 'Sorry, but get on with life.' Truthfully she couldn't stand everyone being so nice. It wore on her. Which was probably why she enjoyed Sorian and Navis' uncertain behavior. Just once, if someone raised their head and snarled at her for some unusual request at the hardware shop, she'd feel amazingly better. Normal. Instead, they greeted her by name even though she never knew theirs, and treated her with kid gloves.

It was almost as if they thought she were made of glass and would break any moment.

So, after hammering out her frustrations for an hour or so, she decided it was time to see if she could find Sorian. She wasn't sure what she was going to say to him, but she wanted to see him ... just talk to him... perhaps have a more normal conversation with someone that didn't act the way the others did.

Leaving her tools at the place she left off, Kavala washed her hands and face and began her search. She found herself dreading not finding him. It was like that, when new animals came to Sanctuary and needed a home desperately. She would fix them up, and if they were wild, she'd hoped they would stay, but she never kept them confined. Often within a day or two they'd be almost permanent residents. That was how the pair of foxes had decided to take up a den under the back porch. That was how the one-eyed owl had moved in. And that was how the Ivaski had decided to stay. Kavala treated them like family, giving them room and respect, but providing them with the things they might need regardless of their wild state. The owl had a perch on several lofty spots around the compound, while the Ivaski ran free though it had a thick bed to curl up on outside Wind's stall.

Kavala peeked through the window to Sorian's quarters. She found the bed untouched and the room empty. Disappointment infused her. She made a quick trip through the clinic, checked her own quarters and balked at the door (which she hadn't noticed before) being damaged, and stood there for a few minutes trying to decide why he'd busted through it. She shook a little, wondering if it was Navis' work, before she decided there was no real way to know other than ask him. Her quarters were untouched though and nothing seemed rifled through... so she continued on her way.

The stalls were empty, so was the downstairs clinic and its basement.

The other quest quarters were devoid of activity as well. Finally, with disappointment coursing through her, she stepped through Wind's stall and looked out the other door which lead to the pasture. She saw Sorian then, running with the horses, playing with them, which was something of a shock to her. She slipped through the outer doorway and into the tall grass to get a closer look. Azure eyes widened with surprise as she tracked his movements through the long grass and watched his joy which was all but a tangible thing trail in his wake. He was... playing with Windsong and the stallions' mares. Wind rarely tolerated strangers, so this was a shock to her as she watched the sleek strider frolic like a yearling.

And she couldn't help herself, studying Sorian when he wasn't looking. She watched the way his muscles moved and the power in his large form. He was equally in his league with the stallion, with barely contained power lurking just beneath his skin. She brought her hand throat where she could feel her own pulse race. Kavala hadn't ever really given that much thought to the Akalak. But in that instant, she decided there was no other more beautiful creature in the world. The sensation was strange to her; feeling the admiration and appreciation for a male that welled up inside her. And she was glad, even though she was still angry about her door, that he was still here.

Sorian would find her unashamedly watching him play, as silent as a statue in the tall grass, a smile playing across her face. Of course, Wind was the one who gave her away, whickering a greeting and changing course to intercept her position, hopeful she had an apple for him. She did. Sorian would find one for him too, tucked in her other pocket, as the horses began to gather around, seeking treats of their own as well.

As he approached, she said softly... "Do you ride? Wind is too slight for you, but on Savik you would be very comfortable." She hadn't yet introduced him to the big Seme stallion that belonged in the far pasture on the opposite side of the building. "I could teach you if you don't know how. The beach below is a very good place for it." She said quietly, and then added abruptly almost involuntarily. "Why did you break my door down? Upstairs I mean? It looked like you shattered the bottom part of it with something out of rage.?" She said quietly, her expression guarded now. He knew what it looked like though, if he would remember even breaking through the fragile barrier. Forced entry into her private chambers... was not exactly the best course of action to take around someone recovering from violence.
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Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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Re: [Open; Outside the City] A moment of clarity

Postby Sorian on January 10th, 2010, 8:36 pm


Sorian's run with the horses rejuvenated his soul somewhat, and the flexing muscles on his body released so much tension and stress from him. As his feet touched the grassy plains and felt the wind on his hair, now cropped into a messy, boyish hairdo, so many questions flooded his mind. He has been out of touch with civilization for so long, but why hasn't he encountered this sort of freedom before? Why has he been forced into hiding away his face, revealing it only at the precise moment when the dark one within him was to take away the life of some innocent creature? Why has fate denied him this peace for so long? Truly life was a mystery, and it was far beyond his interpretation.

His peripheral vision caught a white form in the distance, and he slowly started to stall and stop in his ferocious tracks. There, in the far corner, was Kavala, who was obviously watching him. How long has she been there? He asked in his mind, a mix of embarrassment and pride flushing him, and he averted his gaze from her. A moment of distraction came over him when his sweat touched his fresh wound, making him notice that Wind had gone off to the far edge of the plain leading back to Sanctuary, where Kavala entertained him with a delectable looking piece of fruit. The other horses joined in on the hounding for treats, but Sorian stayed his place for a moment, his eyes glinting with a hint of affection at the sight. It reminded him yet again of his lost love from so long ago, but instead of carving him up inside it gave him something different.

Comfort. It was both the first and last thing he had expected out of the center of his most painful memories.

Taking a deep breath, he started padding the soft grass, leaving footprints behind him as he approached Kavala. He had a smile on, albeit one with a hint of guilt. He was sure that she had seen his panicked handiwork at her quarters.

"Ride?" he asked confusedly, his voice laced with some measure of relief. Was she not going to scold him? He kept his eyes on her flowing form, her work clothes and her thin, wispy, yet slender form hidden away behind her seemingly uncomfortable work clothes. A look directed itself towards Wind, chewing on the apple gregariously. "I... don't know how to."

He was about to thank her for her offer, when his heart gave him a thump. It somberly reminded him that he was to pay his dues with the door.
"I'm... Sorry. I thought, perhaps, that..." he told her in a low voice, his gaze lowering down as well to his feet. "I feared...that 'it' had hurt you. I saw... Blood on the wall." His gaze wandered to his wounded arm, the stitches still tight despite the running he had done.

"Milady, what happened?"

He knew that the creature inside him was listening in on their conversation at the very moment, probably laughing and mocking him for his concern for the luminescent Konti girl who plucked them both from the fringes of the wilderness. He grit his teeth with a dent of anger; between the two of them, it was the one with more experience, more knowledge, despite the fact that he was a hundred years older in consciousness. It frustrated him to no end that he was always left with nothing but evidence of the beasts' handiwork and a lot of blank frames in his mind. It was obviously more powerful mentally, and he dreaded this.

He said nothing further, waiting to see how Kavala would respond to his apology and his question. His breath hinted at some of his frenzied anticipation; apparently having been committing so many crimes over so many years has made him too reactive over his smallest faults.
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Re: [Open; Outside the City] A moment of clarity

Postby Kavala on January 11th, 2010, 10:52 am

Kavala studied Sorian for a few moments, remaining silent and thoughtful. Sorian was so gentle. He felt everything so acutely. His eyes gave him away, regardless of how he tried to portray himself to the world. Pain embodied. Wrecked and ruined. Why would he know how to ride? He wasn't of the Grasslands. None of the Akalak were. They were here at the leniency of the Horseclans because their own home was at the bottom of the Suvan Sea somewhere.

She would fix that too. He'd learn to ride if he was going to stay here any length of time. Without horses, the world might as well be a world away.

The Konti debated for a moment whether to tell him the truth or not. But the decision seemed to make itself for her and she involuntarily opened her mouth and spoke, somewhat angry. "His name is Navis and hes hardly an 'it'." Kavala said sharply, not meaning to snap at Sorian, though her words did come out sounding harsh. "And you could have just asked him." The Konti said, her voice softer now. Azure eyes met azure eyes as she sighed.

"I gave him a knife. He was pressing my space and being aggressive. I thought to shock him out of his dominance display for he does seem to like to terrify those smaller and weaker than he is. I pulled a knife on him and then gave it to him. I figured if he was going to terrorize me, he might as well get it over with. They like to use knives where I've been, so I figured it wouldn't hurt much. They teach us to like them, you see, until pleasure and pain have no meaning. A sharp bite... a gentle kiss... its all the same. If you aren't intimately involved, its somewhat fascinating what they can teach a mind to accept." Kavala said, her voice hard now, laced with rage.

"Only he didn't use it on me. I half hoped he would. It's been a while... you see. Maybe too long. I forgot how the cold of steel used to make me feel."
She said quietly. It was no wonder she didn't speak much and almost never to strangers. "He used it alright, only not on me. He used it on himself, Sorian. That was your blood on the wall... his blood. I sewed him up. He refused my offer to take him to my bed or his... and passed out on the Veranda by the hearth in one of the chairs. I covered you both with a few horse blankets and left you to sleep. You looked like you hadn't had any for a week." She said, her voice having run the gauntlet from soft to rage-filled to dangerously cold.

"He passed my test by the way. I don't think he'll strangle me in my sleep while your elsewhere, so your more than welcome to stay." She said, her voice almost returning to normal. "I'm taking a break from work and thought I'd go for a ride on the beach. I was coming to see if you wanted to go with me."
The Konti said as if they were old friends and the words she just gave him weren't shocking.

Kavala stood motionless, almost as if giving the grass itself time to grow up around them, as she waited for his answer.
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  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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Re: [Open; Outside the City] A moment of clarity

Postby Sorian on January 11th, 2010, 3:37 pm


The way Kavala addressed the other half within him with a pronoun was shocking enough for him. But when she called him Navis, his mind was in the midst of a complete mental earthquake. His eyes boggled, and his breath held, but his hands quietly hardened into fists of doubt and terrible confusion. It was so difficult for him to comprehend that that 'thing' has a name, much less any restraint. He was infinitely pleased that Kavala was now here and talking to him alive, indeed he was. But the way she called 'it' with a name originally called for 'him', and the harshness with which she seemed to reprimand him for thinking otherwise started to dissatisfy him somewhat.

He listened to her words with a mixture of astonishment and disbelief. Wasn't the creature within him, this Navis, supposed to be a feral being of epic proportions? One who has stopped at nothing to get his way, something he has borne witness to for the last hundred years? It boggled his mind completely that it--he--had not only refused to bed this beautiful woman or kill her, he even turned on them to avert such an event from happening.

Where was this kindness when it was Karnelia who was lying on the same bed with him? Where was this leniency when he could only weep in horror once he found her neck broken in his very hands at the cry of morning? Where was all this humanity, this sentience, this morality, when it was all still so beautiful? So many questions rushed through his mind that his heart, which had raced with the wind and the horses in that pasture, now was banging wildly at the walls of his chest, and he could feel the emptiness trying to eat away at him once more.

His eyes were darkening, and he could feel his consciousness ebbing away. As much as he struggled, he could not, and soon he found himself falling over, the world spinning around Kavala's image until there was nothing left to see, nothing left to focus his eyes on. However, it was not so filled with sorrow this time, it was not so bad. And instead of passing out once the darkness was complete, he found himself in a lucid dream, faced with an image all too familiar.

It was his image. It was him.

The look on the 'other him's' face was one laced not with malice or anger, but was one of admonishment and sarcastic arrogance. It scoffed at him, then smirked, shaking his head as he began to move closer to him. Sorian's feet backed off, a wide-eyed look etched upon his face. He could feel the blood draining from his body; now that this creature was before him, shouldn't he be feeling the rage chilling his body? Shouldn't he be on the attack? Shouldn't he be screaming out the name of his lost love and rushing forth to tear him apart? Nay, there was nothing to draw such savage actions from, for once the creature was before him, that arrogant face staring him right in the eye like a broken, defective mirror, he found himself trying to get a hold of his tumultuous emotions. There was nothing holding him back now, yet at that moment it felt as if there was nothing to hold back at all.

Navis spoke first, that smirk on his face refusing to go away.
"Heh. We meet at last, eh? It's a hundred years overdue, you stupid goat. You should have done this earlier. Much earlier."

Another entangled emotion flushed down Sorian's throat, as he mustered the right words to say. It wasn't a dream, for he closed his eyes for a moment, yet he could still hear Navis' distinct, haggard breathing lacing the empty air around them. "Meet... You?" this time, Sorian was the one to scoff, and it was a vehement one. "You killed my bride, I should tear that throat of yours off, you... Thing!"

The insult drew a snarl from Navis, and his eyes grew fiercer, as if he was calculating how long it would be before he has Sorian torn in a bloody heap all over the mystic darkness around them. Still he digressed, and instead he huffed a great breath and evicted the brewing fury inside him calmly.
"That woman told you that I have a name now. My name is Navis. You better get used to calling me by that, and I slipped you back here to tell you that, you punk." Navis' reflective hand then extended, as if wanting to touch Sorian's shoulder.

This elicited a furious snarl from the lighter side in turn; they truly did reflect each other, albeit in different manners, thoughts and alignments.
"Don't you dare touch me wretch! You killed Karnelia!" he growled as he tensed into a crouching position, getting ready to pounce. His right arm coiled up, showing the intense muscles and veins lining them, and his left one raised in front of his face. A ferocious snarl exposed his sharp, white teeth, to which Navis merely shrugged and scoffed again.

"Hah! Stupid as always!" it blurted out, almost in a laugh. He turned his back around at Sorian, a lax, disinterested hand waving off the aggressive stance from his original side as he started to walk away, the darkness eating his image slowly. "We shall meet again Sorian. Try to find a better mind to work with until then, you dumb animal! That woman is waiting for you, so take care of her!" His disappearing hand's index finger pointed upwards as he vanished.

Sorian's tensed form softened as his raging heart was left in a dead rut by Navis. His head already white hot with fury, he lunged forward at the spot where the dark one disappeared, only to hit his head on something hard. Something started to pull him away again, and he closed his eyes as the darkness was sucked into a spinning vortex of primordial effects.

He opened his eyes into the clear blue sky and the ceiling of Kavala's intense azure eyes, and he blinked his own in vague remembrance of what had happened. Feeling the tiny sprouts of the ground tickling his laid-out back, he got up from the ground, his powerful thick arms pushing his weight up, so that he was left in a sitting position. His heartbeat was now smoother, but his emotions remained the same. It was an intense, if brief meeting, and it wasn't quite what he had expected it to be.

"Milady..." he began, finding his voice still hoarse from the intensity of his moment with Navis. "I... shall go with you. Let us go and... ride."

He wasn't sure how he was going to tell her what just happened, but his eyes betrayed his dilemmas. He stood up from the ground and placed his eyes into the horizon, in abject wonder whether he was ever to find peace with that creature, that Navis, who killed his beloved all those years ago.
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Re: [Open; Outside the City] A moment of clarity

Postby Kavala on January 13th, 2010, 6:47 pm

When the big man collapsed, Kavala knelt beside him, worried. It was becoming more and more clear to her that the Akalak were far more burdened than anyone outside their race really understood. She brushed his long hair out of his eyes, and reached down to grasp one of his wrists that was bent awkwardly beneath his body. The slight konti tugged until his arm was free of his torso and he could lay there without injuring himself in case he started to seize. She was still kneeling over him, trying to decide what to do, when his eyes opened and the softness of Sorian's voice whispered Milady.

"Kavala, please.... I am no one's lady."
She corrected him as he rose to his feet, his eyes strangely on the horizon. The Konti wasn't sure what had just happened, but there was a strange silence in Sorian that indicated to Kavala he was thinking about things; deep things.

They walked shoulder to shoulder, Wind trailing along behind them, as she crossed the pasture. With each step, the need to say something grew within her. The problem was, the situation wasn't her business, not at all. But the Konti themselves had a unique place in the world. Sometimes, they felt compelled where other's would not. "He's rough, isn't he? But for all that, I do not think hes as much of a monster as he would have you think. He is dark and primal, but there is far more intelligence there than you give him credit for. I think, in many ways, he fears your rejection of him so its far easier for him to let you hate him. Then he knows what to expect." Her voice was soft, carrying gently between them. "She was human, your lady, wasn't she?" Kavala asked softly but didn't give Sorian a real chance to answer, if he even would. "He told me he did it to protect you. I think he thought loving someone who lived such a brief life in comparison to both your own would destroy you more than loosing someone abruptly. I do not think he wanted you to watch her age, grow old, and die. It was not a good decision, but it was not the thinking of a monster. It was only the thinking of someone who knows he has to act, but has no idea how to proceed and does the simplest easiest thing he can think of." Kavala said, knowing full well that it was a purely objective statement to her but it might fall horribly painful on Sorian's shoulders. "I don't think it was jealousy either. I think Navis would share your life with someone gladly if it was someone he approved of as well. Next time you give your heart Sorian - for there will be a next time because you are a very beautiful soul whom a lot of people would gravitate towards - I suggest you include him in the decision. Perhaps if he'd have known her like you did, he would have protected her like you would have as well." She knew they were hard words to hear, and she didn't mean to hurt him. But she knew what she said needed to be said. Kavala's gift ran towards helping, though it normally embraced animals rather than people. She wondered, again for the longest time, if Sorian and Navis hadn't been living as such these long years since the tragedy.

Kavala didn't know how Sorian would respond, but she kept the three moving and busy in order to give him time to think and to let her words sink in.

She let all three of them into Wind's stall then out of it to a small area used to saddle horses. She threw a yvas over Wind's back and buckled it at his girth and shoulders where the breast strap crossed his chest. There was no saddle and no bridle. The only thing the little stallion wore was what looked like a girth or surcingle with two handles on either side of his shoulders.

When Wind was ready she slipped away for a moment and came back leading a stallion that was roughly twice the size of the buckskin strider. His massive hooves struck the ground and sparked slightly as he moved fluidly forward. His coat rippled in a color that could only be described as so dark chocolate it was almost black. White mane and tail completed the look, both braided to keep the silken strands from trailing off the ground. The Seme didn't look like a pleasure horse. His whole visage spoke of power ill contained and the need for war. He arched his neck and readily accepted another yvas that was carefully fastened around his girth and across his chest. "These are called Yvas. It is all the tack us Drykas use on our horses. We like our bonds with them strong and our hands free for weapons or to cast." When it was tight, Kavala went and opened the main gate and was back in a moment.

"The best way to get on him is learn to leap from the ground. You are not a light man, Sorian, though I suspect you can move when you need too. He can easily carry your weight. Simply jump up, grabbing the yvas' handle, and swing your leg over and then settle into place. Scoot up so you aren't over his middle but are sitting neatly behind his shoulders. You won't get in the way of his movement then."
She instructed, then lightly swung up onto Windsongs back demonstrating. "If its too high, there's a mounting block. Simply call him to you from on top of it, and he'll stand for you to use it." She said... then waited for him to mount.

Both of the stallions needed to get out and run. She knew Sorian wouldn't be ready for a full out run yet, but she'd wait and see if he could sit a horse halfway decently and then once down on the beach they could try a gentle canter to blow of some of the stallions' energy.
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  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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Re: [Open; Outside the City] A moment of clarity

Postby Sorian on January 13th, 2010, 8:30 pm


As he recovered from the encounter, his body tensed with the chill of the winter air around them. The grass still felt soft under his feet, and the sun was still warm on his back. But somehow the disillusionment of the frenzied events that surrounded his life sapped some of the enthusiasm he had had before. He followed Kavala as she led him from the pasture, the balls of his feet making crunching noises on the ground.

Sorian's mind was again thunderstruck by the Konti's powerful words, and for a moment he stopped in his tracks and trembled from head to foot, not out of anger, not out of pain, but out of denial. His eyes lowered, and his breath grew as haggard and heavy as the Navis' had been. The reminders of the painful past became overbearing for a moment, but he was successful in keeping them out from spilling, the struggle manifested only by his clenched fists and jaws.
"Yes... She was a human." he answered her question after she had finished speaking. The gravity of the words she had said to him scathed his throat for words, his heart awash with conflicting emotions.

"I... I'm afraid I cannot take your words right now, mila--Kavala. Not while the wounds are still so fresh... While the pain is still here. It is still so... Hard to accept. Tell i--him, that, when you see him. Please. What happened... Cannot be changed. And... it can never be justified. Not for me." the words rushed from his lips, cracked and bleached with his suppressed notions and thoughts.

He looked sadly at Kavala, his eyes starting to wet, hot with tears.
"Next... time?" he asked incredulously. He felt the need to grunt and scoff at what seemed to be such an impossible thing for him. "...maybe. But..."

His words trailed off as he left the thoughts hanging in the air, hoisted by an invisible hand stretching from his heart. Soon the landscape again was moving, with the pair and the buckskin stallion following closely behind.

They arrived at the stalls in no time, and soon Sorian found himself gazing curiously at the powerful Seme stallion that Kavala wished for him to ride. The color of the stallion somewhat hid the powerful muscles that lined its limbs and neck, but its sturdy and trunk-like legs gave its might away. Sorian nodded, a feeling of appreciation welling up within him for the creature. He listened closely to Kavala's instructions, but rushed in doing them.

Leaping onto the horse's back with a huge jump, the it buckled under his weight, then proceeded to start galloping furiously, trying to shake him off. It started to kick around the premises, with Sorian only managing to hold on by clinging to the Yvas around its body. The struggle for dominance between the two--one wild and one desperate--reflected onto Sorian somewhat, his mind able to think despite the wild movements which wracked his sights.

He got so complacent in his thoughts that he reverted to a better sitting riding position, which somewhat allowed the horse to become more comfortable. It neighed and grunted tremendously, but it started to calm down more.

Sorian snapped out of his thoughts and smiled awkwardly but innocently at Kavala, who looked absolutely wonderful riding Wind against the wintry backdrop.
"Uhm. How... DId I do?"
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Re: [Open; Outside the City] A moment of clarity

Postby Kavala on January 14th, 2010, 10:00 pm

Kavala nodded at his soft admission, and then inclined her head again when Sorian said he could not talk about her... in talking about not being able to talk about her, he was making progress in leaps and bounds. Kavala never expected him to let go of the pain, nor of his anger for what had happened with Navis. That would be completely unreasonable. But she knew that a wounded person healed a little each time they could bring themselves to think about their pain, examine it, even voice it. That he was telling her how much it hurt, how raw it was, meant that he was so much closer to facing what had happened in his life and regaining some sort of balance over it - for both Navis and Sorian's sake.

She nodded, reached out, and touched his shoulder. A brief smile played across her lips and she answered his question. "Many cultures believe that souls never die. They just transform and return. It is called Reincarnation. Life as we know it is just a small part of truly living. The world is so much larger than we know or can understand. And I do believe spirits never die, but come around into our lives again and again and again. The Drykas believe that of our horses. We also think that when we die, sometimes we come back to serve our friends and family and to pay our debts in the spirits of horses. That is why we treat them so well. I believe it to be true. Looking into their eyes you know something is there... and if ever something should happen to Wind, I'd be honored to care for him again in the form of a child. It is as things should be." Kavala said gently, her soft voice sincere.

"You might see her again. You never know. Even if it is not in this life, it could be in the next. Nothing is permanent, Sorian, not even death. But we must live for the living while we are alive. It is the way of things. And since you are still here, you must live as well. Wholeheartedly. Even if it is life trapped within sadness, though I doubt your lady would have wanted it so." Kavala said gently, then turned to finish getting things ready.

When he mounted, Sivak took off like a beast possessed, but Kavala could see his eyes. They were not wide with fright or panic, but rather bold with mischief and determination. She threw her head back and laughed, the sound surprising her and even Wind who danced uncomfortably for a moment at his mistress' mirth. As Sorian was resettled into a better position, she calmed her laughter but the grin was still very much evident on her face. It gave her a younger look, lightening her eyes and the shadows in them. "I think you did well. He was protesting your rump on his kidneys, which they all decidedly dislike." She said, chuckling again as the big Seme stallion tossed his head and finally settled.

"Now, basic instructions are simple. Lift yourself slightly up from where your sitting as if your going to jump forward and he will move out. Sit more deeply in your seat if you want him to slow... he'll naturally back out of his speed. And if you want to to steer him, thats easy enough as well. He's sensitive to leg pressure so keep your legs hanging loosely at his sides or gripping him lightly. If you want to turn to the right, loosen your right leg and close your left like your pushing his whole body over with your left leg and making room with your right to do so. He'll naturally move over for you, letting you shift him under you. As you get better riding, he'll know what you want before you know you want it. If you want to turn left... open up your left leg (so he has room to move that way) and close your right up... pushing him left... he'll move. Trust him... hes got better balance on his four feet than we do on our two."
She said, and with that, lifted slightly on her perch on Wind's back, and the compact little strider set out for the gate.

She'd lead them out onto the road, down the slow decline to the beach below. Once on the sand, she'd kiss at Wind slightly and ask him to pick up the pace to a trot. Sivak would follow, she was certain, though whether Sorian would manage too or not had yet to be determined. If Sorian wanted to talk, they were riding side by side enough to hold a conversation easily enough.

Even in the coldness of winter, the stark beach was beautiful. Gulls circled idly overhead, wheeling in concentric circles that spiraled up and down unseen columns of air in the mid-morning lull where the wind had yet to decide to flow offshore or onshore from the sea. Kavala was smiling, and Sorian could tell she was happy... very happy... to be out riding like this.

"Tell me, Sorian..." She said after a while. "Is there anything you've missed doing or perhaps eating while you've been... away?" She planned a trip to town later in the afternoon, and if there was something he enjoyed, she'd be sure to pick it up. "I didn't know if you played any games, or perhaps painted... maybe carved or cut gemstones. The Akalak seem to be to have an endless amount of things they do to occupy their time." Kavala said, trying to make small talk. Sivak seemed to be enjoying himself, challenged by both the size and inexperience of his rider. He'd jump sideways abruptly, toss his head, or dance randomly as if to make sure Sorian was paying attention or to see if he could frighten him. Occasionally Kavala would reach out and thump the great stallions' neck from Wind's back, chastising him slightly with a 'stop that' or 'enough' when he threatened to scare Sorian since sometimes the road dipped dangerously close to the cliffside on its way down tot he beach.
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  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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Re: [Open; Outside the City] A moment of clarity

Postby Sorian on January 15th, 2010, 2:45 am


The descent to the beach was quite long and awkward for Sorian, for at the slightest application of pressure to Sivak's legs the wily and regal-mannered stallion would twist and turn around in circles, making him dangle awkwardly to the sides. Sometimes he would come close to falling, but he gripped his legs more tightly around the Seme, which--much to his amusement and the horse's annoyance-- were more than capable of reaching to the bottom of its belly. Still he followed just as Kavala instructed, and Sivak took kindly to him in no time.

The steep road down the mountain incline soon leveled off to flatness, and the gravel was replaced by the soft white of fine sand. Sivak seemed to proclaim this when his long tail brushed sideways, throwing some sand into Sorian's face. The big Akalak shook his head and winced, spitting out some of it that entered his mouth when he was absent-mindedly gawking at the sights. He did not retaliate in any form, merely patting the horse gently and letting out a small laugh.

The beach smelled fresh and cold to him, cleaning out his lungs with a flush. It has been a long time since he had seen the sea, and the wide stretches of ocean, with its back and forth movement dancing by the shores, comforted him. What Kavala had said about reincarnation seemed so true in the guise of it. Each wave was one and the same, but they kept on coming back to land, to bring some sort of decoration to the sand. Seashells, stones, even items of various kinds. These are all presents from the deep, azure void, he thought, and perhaps fate was like it.

Someday, she might be back.

Sivak and Sorian trotted around slowly behind Kavala and Windsong, the heavy hooves covering the sand with deep marks that the sea soon covered back up with its repetitive dance. A big, gentle hand smoothly traced the Seme stallion's great neck as Sorian remained thoughtful about her words, his dreary concentration only broken by her question.
"Uhm.. Well, I used to go out and gather jewels and stones." he replied to her, a bit of hesitation in his voice. It was as if he had almost forgotten what he did for a hobby before his 'departure.' "It was... More of a passion than anything else. I've... Always been fascinated by stones. I don't know why."

Sivak seemed quite jealous of Kavala's attention for some reason, Sorian could read it in the Seme's movements. Dancing, trotting, galloping in spurts, he could tell that it was enjoying the moment very much, even more so because he was new to the practice of riding. Once his mount was more behaved and started to slow in its pace to be patted again by the Konti, Sorian smiled at her.

"This is... Quite relaxing. Thank... You, for taking me here."
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Re: [Open; Outside the City] A moment of clarity

Postby Kavala on January 15th, 2010, 9:29 am

Kavala offered him a smile, and nodded, her mind already thinking on something to do for Sorian in terms of his passion for gemstones. "Riding is good for the soul... souls?" She smiled then, almost shyly, and glanced sideways at him. "I'm glad you can relax. You deserve to, Sorian. I... I'm glad you agreed to come with me. I... haven't really felt like riding very far since... well since the accident Wind and I had. It helps, you coming with us... I'm not looking for trip wires and trying not to shake. Wind hasn't gotten out much since we got here. We've been doing a lot of work in the arena and such... but very few rides out, especially on the grass." She said softly, then tangled her fingers in her stallion's brindled mane. What she said was true, though she hadn't really thought about it until she realized her hands weren't shaking and her stallion wasn't dancing - picking up on her nervousness. It was good to have an escort. It was as if with Sorian along, she was reassured nothing would happen, and she could breathe again.

But gemstones...

It was the first thing he'd really showed interest in so far and she thought it sounded intriguing as well. And the next time the stallions bumped sides together, she reached over and patted Sivak's neck and then Sorian's knee. "You're doing well. He's not an easy horse to handle. Most people would be intimidated by his size and spirit. And though he's big, he's not quite done growing. You realize he's only two right? If you feed him up and treat him right, he should top out at 19 hands or even taller. That will make even you look small on his back." Kavala said with a smile, proud of both the males beside her. Wind was feeling a little small, though Kavala never judged him for it. As delicate as she was, the compact little strider was the perfect mount for her.

"I have some coin saved up. I wonder if we can get some gemcutting equipment in the city for you? Riverfall should have some, I would think. You could make a fine living off cutting stones you find, Sorian. Maybe even a shop for you someday. There's room in the quarters you have now, and maybe if we... stacked stones off the back door, we could make a forge of sorts? It could be challenging going out to gather them as well. I'd enjoy learning how to look for them, though you wouldn't have to drag me along unless you wanted too. You could take Sivak. I'm sure he'd enjoy the exercise."
Kavala offered, knowing the breeding season wasn't until spring, so she truly wouldn't need the young stallion until then. He was important to her breeding program, for it would give her finer lighter mares some offspring of good size while retaining some of their dam's traits. "Does... Navis enjoy gems? Maybe he would enjoy etching or metalwork... something that would go along with gemcutting." She asked cautiously, her statement more of a question than anything else and uncertain if Sorian would care or even know.
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  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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