Hello to all,
As a player in this fantastic world I have ideas, some good some bad, and I often find by reading that others have had them too. However, I have had this idea in my head for a magic skill, and was wondering if people would be interested before i went super deep into it.
The basic concept of warding is that a mage/skilled person would be able to take their Djed and set a "ward" or defensive area around say material or possesions they want kept especially safe. In lower levels the skill is simple, the user concentrates and creates an area that if disturbed destroys the sensitive material and kills/maims/injures/paralyzis the intruder.
I prefer Djed over res because i think infusing res to make the trap more elequent would come with later levels. Also, since a part of the person is left behind they will know when the trap is sprung, and also that the trap won't spring on them when they return. The skill of course has battle implications for ambushes, choke points, and other means, and high level users could potentially use it offensivley after a fashion.
The initial use would be a vacuum like effect for the small area it is used on, beginners can only use a small area. With training areas are expanded, mutiples can be placed, other magics integrated, and friendlies and enemies can be more specifically identified instead of creator others.
Like I said i have some more material available but this post is to see if there is interest. Please respond with thoughts and comments.